Remember when you would go shoe shopping and someone would wait on you?

Take a walk in these conceptual shoes

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Remember when you would go shoe shopping and someone would wait on you?

They’d figure out your size, and the type of shoe you were looking for, and then they’d disappear into the back room and come out with boxes of shoes.

Sometimes, they’d have so many boxes, it was hard for them to see where they were going!

As more of us become content producers—from tweets and blogs to whitepapers, downloads and Power Points—we must be mindful of how many concepts we “bring out from our back room” to present.

Think about each topic, or concept, as a shoebox.

How many shoeboxes can you carry at one time, comfortably?

Can you think of a time you may have tried to carry more “shoeboxes” than you could see over?

What we, as content producers, must do is to select only the most appropriate concepts to present at one time.

Comfort and fit are important if we are going to put some miles on these conceptual shoes!