Summary of primary research

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Question 1

The first question shows that out of all 3 options, trailers are the most commonly seen form of advertisement, this means we should focus on our trailer more and then posters was the second most voted for advertisement so this should be our second priority in the production stage. From our results we have understood that packaging is the least popular advertisement however we will still create a packaging pack.

Question 2

The second question confirmed that people do think that advertisement is important to the success of a product, this shows that our ad campaign is a good choice. This information is reliable because 100% of the recipients answered yes.

Question 3

The third question shows what catches peoples eyes when they look at a poster and you can see that detail and colour had the same response and text had very little response so you can see from our research that people notice detail and colour more than the text printed onto the posters.

Question 4

The fourth question shows that most people voted the same except one which was billboards this shows me that more people pay attention to other things rather than a big billboard and it shows me that people think it is pointless to see advertisement on billboards.

Question 5

This question was asked by us so that we would have an understanding on if people would purchase a product after it was advertised. 50%voted Slightly likely, 42.86% voted moderately likely; and 7.14% voted not at all. The other options were avoided. However the results were reliable and now we knew what type of job needed to be done.

Question 6

This question was asked so we would know what the majority of people liked different type of trailer e.g. horror, action. Action got the most votes at 57.14%. Suspense got the lowest vote at 7.14%. Now we have a clear understanding on what genres people like in a trailer.

Question 7

This question shows that people mostly watch trailers on YouTube and TV where as no recipient chose websites. This shows that our Trailer would either be advertised on YouTube on TV as this would advertise to the most people.

Question 8

This question shows if people will buy a product after seeing the advertisement. The highest vote was moderately likely at a rating of 42.86%. For the lowest 2 questions had a draw at 7.14% showing that people are influenced into buying a product after seeing this advertisment.

Question 9

Question 9 shows that people look for detail the most in a game cover as well as cover. This means that when creating our game covers we will focus on detail rather then anything else. Secondly we will use colours that make the cover stand out.

Question 10

The results show you that people are moderately more likely to purchase the products this was the most voted one and you so can see that very likely, slightly likely, not at all likely have the same results you can also see that extremely likely had very little votes so these were our results.