Web Outsourcing Business Applications Technology Consultanting Rich Internet Applications Mobile Development SP CULUS software

Spaculus Software Services profile

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Rich InternetApplications


SP CULUSs o f t w a r e

Page 2: Spaculus Software Services profile

Spaculus Software Outsourcing, a leading provider of high-end software outsourcing development services

for SMEs, specializes in custom application development, website development, system integration and

software testing and quality assurance.

Having spent long years acquiring industry-specific software expertise in Technology, Financial, Healthcare

media sectors, the logical next step was to open a state-of-the-art R&D center in Baroda, India, where a

select team of the new –age global software.

Company Background

Headquartered in Baroda, Spaculus Software Services has been delivering high-value offshore services -

providing clients with Low-cost, high-quality, and exceptionally flexible solutions. With this unique quality

focused and cost conscious approach, clients gain maximum advantage at minimal risk.

Our development/management center in India allows us the ability to offer a 24-hour development

environment and speed to market, develop and implement that was once only imaginable.

Spaculus Software Services's services span the entire application lifecycle. We have vast expertise across

emerging and legacy technologies. Our Web Applications Development team includes Microsoft Certified

Professionals with many years of experience in ASP.NET 4.0/3.5/2.0, C#.NET, SQL Server 2008/2005, AJAX

and PHP, Joomla, MySQL, VB.NET, COM/DCOM, and all Web, Mobile and major of Telecom technologies.

Comprehensive delivery options enable Spaculus Software Services to distribute work across global

locations to align with clients' cost, speed, and risk requirements.

With experience in the latest technologies and standards, Spaculus Software Services offers many of the

core services that organizations require such as software development, web development, quality

assurance, testing, implementation and maintenance of existing software.

Spaculus Software Services has catered to a host of Industry Verticals, spanning a wide gamut of

technologies and diverse platforms. Each project was so unique in nature and therefore that much

more different from the previous one that it necessitated involvement of domain experts from varied

fields. Distinct expert individuals working as a team, delivered several high-quality solutions to all our

clients delight.




Rich InternetApplications


Spaculus Software Outsourcing


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In building software solutions, Spaculus Software Services employs its vast knowledge and experience in the

following software development technologies, tools, and platforms to create software that solves complex

business challenges. The depth of the talent pool in which Spaculus Software Services can dip into ensures

that each new technology is closely studied intensively and extensively. Based on this study, clients are

offered technological advice, which enables them to decide whether to adopt a new technology or not. The

range of expertise includes the following.

Programming Technologies

Microsoft .NET4.0/3.5/3.0 using Microsoft Visual Studio 2010/2008, ASP.NET 4.0/3.5, ASP.NET MVC,

Silverlight, Microsoft SharePoint Server, Microsoft BizTalk Server, Microsoft Expression Blend, Dot Net Nuke,

Microsoft Enterprise Library, MS Application Test Center, MS web application stress tool, Microsoft ADO/

ADO.NET, COM (DCOM, COM+), ActiveX, Web Services. Open Source Web Technologies : LAMP (LINUX –

APACHE – MYSQL – PHP), Joomla Web Development, Drupal.

Programming LanguagesC#.NET, VB.NET, VC++, Visual Basic, Perl, PHP.

RDBMS (Relation Database Management Systems)MS SQL Server 2010/2008, Oracle, DB2, My SQL, Microsoft Access.

RAD (Rapid Application Development Systems)Microsoft Visual Studio 2010/2008

Internet TechnologiesASP.NET 4.0/3.5, ASP.NET MVC, Silverlight, AJAX, jQuery/ JavaScript, ASP, LAMP - PHP, Joomla Web

Development, Drupal, HTML/DHTML, XML/XSL/XSLT, Wireless Application Protocol (WAP), Internet

Server API (ISAPI), Dot Net Nuke.

Application Servers and MiddlewareIBM WebSphere Application Server, BEA WebLogic Server, Macromedia JRun, Microsoft BizTalk Server,

Microsoft Commerce Server 2007, Sybase Enterprise Application Server, MS Message Queue Server, IBM

MQ Series, MS Transaction Server, Oracle Application Server, Jboss

Reporting SystemsSAP Crystal Reports, SQL Serve Reporting Services, Actuate e.Reporting Suite, Business Objects, Brio

Performance Suite.




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Modeling Tools

Microsoft Visio, IBM Rational Rose, Sybase Power Designer

Modeling Methodologies


Messaging Systems

MAPI, Lotus Notes

Automated Testing

Segue, Mercury Interactive - TestDirector, Mercury Interactive - Quick Test Professional, Mercury

Interactive WinRunner, Mercury Interactive - LoadRunner, Rational

Project Management Tools

Microsoft Project Professional, Microsoft Team Foundation Server, Telerik TeamPulse

Technology Directions

Microsoft Technologies, Open Source, C/C++/ EVC, Database and Reporting expertise, Java / J2EE

Application Development, Wireless & Mobile Applications, Outlook-Exchange Server, Multimedia Tools

Operating Systems

MS Windows 7/Vista, MS Windows Server 2003, MS Windows 2000, MS Windows XP, Mac OS.





Rich InternetApplications



When Spaculus Software Services team approaches prospective client, the initial thrust is towards gaining a

clear understanding of the various imperatives that drives their business. Further study enables the team to

understand the business model and needs. Then, based on the volatility of the business in which the client

is, and the complexity level of the project, the most appropriate engagement model is suggested. However,

the flexible nature of the engagement models, and their exceptional workability even when a client chooses

a mix-and-match option, ensures risk mitigation and appropriate deployment of Spaculus Software Services

s resources.

Broadly there are three engagement models that move from a low involvement, low control mode to a very

high involvement, very high control mode. These are:

Engagement Models

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Fixed Price Models

Fixed Price Model is best suited to clients who want fixed price for fixed scoped project. The typical Features

of this model are:

Fixed Price

Fixed Scope

Familiar requirement (we’ve done projects like this before) or clear requirement (typically detailed

analysis & application design already completed)

Will involve Project Management, User Interface Design, Development, Quality Testing, Will NOT

involve Project Analysis

Spaculus Software Services keeps the IP (Intellectual property) of the product, but share full rights to use the

software. However, if the application is fully designed when it reaches us, then we give the IP rights to the


Full Time Equivalent ModelIn this model we can provide you with a team of full time equivalent employees for your specific

requirements on setting up an offshore development center. You can choose to hire a single professional and

then scale up to a full-fledged development center.

We can provide you with a team of full time equivalent employees for your specific requirements on setting

up an offshore development center. You can choose to hire a single professional and then scale up to a full-

fledged development center.


With the time and material engagement model, your costs and schedule will vary depending on your specific

requirements and on the complexity of your project. This gives you maximum flexibility and also allows you to

make substantial revisions to your project even as it is being developed.

Time and Material (T & M)

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The typical Features of this model are:

Single Standard rate X$/hr irrespective of resource used

Follows typical SDLC timelines (10 -15% -- Analysis, 10 - 15% -- PM, 10-15% -- UI, 40% – Coding, 10% -15% --


Ideal for Small jobs/Tasks based approach

Client involvement is more

Client keeps IP

1. Project startup

A project is initiated once the contract is signed between Spaculus Software Services and the customer. This is

followed by assignment of the Project Deliverables Responsibility to a Project Manager most suitable for the

particular project. From this point, the responsibility of the project will be taken fully by the assigned project

manager. Usually the Project Manager is the same one who was involved in tailoring the Project Proposal,

since that makes sure that the Project Manager is in the know about the project right since its inception into

Spaculus Software Services.




Rich InternetApplications



The purpose is to set the framework for the project, which involves:

Selecting a methodology which involves continuous interaction with the client, since the methodology

Spaculus Software Services employs needs to be approved by the client. This is necessary, since the

methodology determines the level of client involvement, during the project lifecycle.

Identifying goals and objectives : A virtual team is formed between Spaculus Software Services and the

client during this stage. This team resolves and freezes the goals and objectives achievable at the end of the

project lifecycle. One of the most crucial and still overlooked aspects of project management is taken care of

at this stage. This is done through our in-house set of checklists, customized for each client and therefore

that much more effective in itself.

Defining success measures : Success measures can be defined considering two aspects for a project. The

Holy grail of customer delight is one factor, and the other one is the completion of project, and achievement

of goals and objectives adhering to the time frame agreed upon with the client. These and various other

parameters are determined in this stage.

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Project scope determines the actual amount of work that the assigned project team needs to put in. The

other very important aspect of this stage is to resolve the number of steps each task will need to complete

on time, and the several parallel activities, which typically are a part of routine for our talented and

multitasking team members.

Establishing project scope

The above step logically leads to team selection. It's not uncommon to see project managers having

heated arguments on this one, since everybody wants one or the other part of someone else's team.

Needless to say, this is resolved amicably enough. Interestingly though, this results in a healthy

competition amongst individual team members as well as teams. This single aspect has contributed

tremendously to building our knowledge base.

Selecting a project team

Securing sponsorshipThe payment terms and schedules are decided at this stage, in close consultation between the Spaculus

Software Services Accounts department and the Clients' Accounts Department. Once the initial amount is

sanctioned and the bank and transaction details are worked out, the phase changes over to one of the

most time consuming aspects of any project Requirement Documentation.

2. Business Prototype & Requirement

This seemingly uncomplicated activity has remarkable impact on how the end product turns out to be. Since

everybody does not communicate at the same level of effectiveness, documenting requirements, and

getting them verified by the client, assumes great importance.

One of the most important spokes of the Software Development wheel, this activity makes sure that

everybody is on the same page for the duration of the Development and Implementation cycle. In fact, the

only way to ensure that a system satisfies its requirements is to develop and apply a mechanism to track

requirement compliance from system inception through final delivery and system maintenance.

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Rich InternetApplications


SP CULUSThe key points in the requirement phase are:

3. Analysis & Design

This completely inward facing activity generates a design document, which gives a clear segregation of how

each feature mentioned in the specification sheet will perform its assigned task and accomplish goals set by

the client. For smaller projects, one simple document defines the total requirement. However, for large scale

projects, a preliminary design, followed by a detailed design document verifies that the key elements of the

proposed system are conveyed accurately to both the technical developers and the planners.

A complete design includes classification of:

Communicate with customer

The most effective way to communicate with the client is to design email distribution lists for all documents created, and include the client designated contact for all documents which call for approval. Having implemented several large and small scale projects successfully, we have learnt the importance of effective communication, and stress on it at every stage.

Clarify the requirement further

Requirement clarification, since it is built into the documentation and is followed religiously, offers the clients an opportunity to review the requirements they have given and allows them to include those points, which they thought of including after having frozen the requirement. This flexibility also makes it possible for our customers to rectify those errors which creep in during the initial requirement definition stage. Communication, and stress on it at every stage.

Requirement change management

Checklists have greatly eased our change management function. A defined process for carrying out a change once the client wants it, allows us to include changes to a great extent, and almost right up to the very software roll out.



Data elements



Data structure

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Rich InternetApplications


4. Implementation, Testing and Project Completion

Here, we see the design document translated in to actual code. This forms the workflow for the core process

in the complicated process of Software-engineering. The objective of this stage is to implement the code

and test it thoroughly. The project deliverables are made ready for testing according to the solution testing

parameters chosen by the client. If the client has not defined any testing parameters, our in-house

parameters test the code most rigorously. Delivering cost effective solutions with extensive use of and

adherence to industry leading ISO Standards, CMM Models and Six Sigma Techniques and in-time

implementation, have always been the hallmark of Spaculus Software Services.


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Peter Mugizi Tumsiime

@peter.tumsiime spaculus.com+256 774245169 / +256 702425864

Andy Raval (Founder & CMO)

@andy.raval spaculus.com+91 75678 05192



@max spaculus.com+1 210 209 8360






Rich InternetApplications
