Responsive Web Design (RWD) by Mario Hernandez

Responsive Web Design

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A hands-on introduction to Responsive Web Design presented by Mario Hernandez at Socal CodeCamp 2012, San Diego .Net User Group 2013, San Diego SoCal CodeCamp 2013 at UCSD & SoCal CodeCamp 2013 at USC, Online Webinars throughout 2014.

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Responsive Web Design (RWD)by Mario Hernandez

Page 2: Responsive Web Design

Web: http://DesignsDrive.com

Email: [email protected]

Twitter: @DesignsDrive

Slides available at: http://slideshare.net/marequi

MARIO HERNANDEZFront-End Developer

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Session One:

SEOBest practices, How does it relate to RWD

HTMLIntroduction to HTML5 and CSS3Progressive Enhancement and Graceful DegradationCanIUse.com

FontsPixels vs. EMsProblems with EMsConverting Pixels to EMs

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Session One:

Grid SystemsWhat are grids and how they apply to web designFixed vs Fluid vs. Responsive gridsManipulating grids in web design (rows, columns, offsets, source order, etc)

Media QueriesWhat are they?What role do they play in responsive design?Working with Breakpoints

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Session One:

Responsive Web Design or RWD

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Our Project

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Search Engine Optimization

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What search engines are looking for

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What search engines are looking for


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What search engines are looking for


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What search engines are looking for



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What search engines are looking for


AuthorityUser Experience

Source: http://searchenginewatch.com/article/2259693/SEO-Basics-8-Essentials-When-Optimizing-Your-Site

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What search engines are NOT looking for

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What search engines are NOT looking for

Keyword Stuffing

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What search engines are NOT looking for

Keyword StuffingPurchased Links

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What search engines are NOT looking for

Keyword StuffingPurchased Links

Poor User Experience

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Be consistent with Domain Names

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HTML5Document Object Model (DOM)

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How can I start using HTML5 if browsers don’t support it?

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How can I start using HTML5 if browsers don’t support it?

You can’t detect HTML5 support but you can detect support for individual features (video, canvas or geolocation)

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You don’t need to throw anything away

If your web application worked yesterday in HTML 4, it will still work today in HTML5. Period.

HTML5 allows you to improve your website

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Graceful Degradation is a widely used term which ideology is basically using the latest technologies first, and then fix anything that needs fixing for older browsers.

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Progressive Enhancement refers to the habit of building first for the less capable, outdated browser and then enhance for the latest technologies.

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The Document Object Model (DOM) is a cross-platform and language-independent convention for representing and interacting with objects in HTML, XHTML and XML documents.

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A Document Type Declaration, or doctype for short, has traditionally been used to specify which particular flavor of markup a document is written in.

Source: Book: HTML5 For Web Designers by Jeremy Keith

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The doctype for HTML 4.01 looks like this (line wraps marked »): <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC » "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" » "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd">

Source: Book: HTML5 For Web Designers by Jeremy Keith

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Here’s the doctype for XHTML 1.0: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC » "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict //EN" » "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">

Source: Book: HTML5 For Web Designers by Jeremy Keith

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<!DOCTYPE html>

Source: Book: HTML5 For Web Designers by Jeremy Keith

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What is RWD?

Responsive Web Design is the approach to design that allows websites to adapt to ideally fit with screens of different shapes and sizes to provide an optimal viewing experience.

Source: 3seven9.com


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Elements of RWD

● Fluid Grid

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Elements of RWD

● Fluid Grid● Resizable Images (media)

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Elements of RWD

● Fluid Grid● Resizable Images (media)● Media Queries

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Elements of RWD

● Fluid Grid● Resizable Images (media)● Media Queries

+ a lot more stuff you need to deal with

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Fonts - PXs

Fixed size

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Fonts - PXs

Fixed sizeNot resizable

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Fonts - PXs

Fixed sizeNot resizableNot relative

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Fonts - EMs

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Fonts - EMs

Base font size is based on M

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Fonts - EMs

Base font size is based on M1em = Browser default body font size = 16px1em = 100% the default body font size

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Fonts - EMs

Base font size is based on M1em = Browser default body font size = 16px1em = 100% the default body font size

2em = 32px

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Fonts - EMs

Base font size is based on M1em = Browser default body font size = 16px1em = 100% the default body font size

2em = 32px

EMs can be used for anything: width, height, margin, padding, etc.

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Fonts - EMs

Problems with EMs

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Fonts - EMs

Problems with EMs

The cascade/compounding problem, em's are relative to font size of parent

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Fonts - EMs

Problems with EMs

The cascade/compounding problem, em's are relative to font size of parent

li {font-size: 1.5em;} = 24px;A list in a list is not 24px it's a 32px

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Fonts - REMs

REMs like EMs, but based on root HTML element size

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Fonts - REMs

REMs like EMs, but based on root HTML element size

Supported by all modern browsers

CodePen Demo

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Fonts - REMs

REMs like EMs, but based on root HTML element size

Supported by all modern browsers

Need to specify fallback for IE 8 and belowh1{font-size: 16px;font-size: 1rem;}


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Grid Systems

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960 Grid System

Simple Grid



Singularity GS


Profound Grid

Responsive Grid System


CSS Smart Grid

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Why Grids?

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How do Grids work?

● Grid systems are built using rows & columns● A fluid grid uses percentages instead of pixels

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Media Queries

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Media Queries

Media Queries is a CSS3 module allowing to adapt the rendering of web pages based on conditions such as screen resolution. It was first drafted in 2001 by the W3C and became a recommended standard in June 2012. It is a cornerstone technology to RWD.

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Common Breakpoints

Label Layout Width

Smartphones 480px and below

Portrait Tablets 480px to 768px

Landscape Tablets 768px to 940px

Desktops 940px and up

Large Screen 1210px and up

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Resizable Images

img {max-width: 100%;height: auto;}

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Resizable Images

img, embed, object, video, iframe {max-width: 100%;height: auto;}

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Viewport meta tag

<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width" />

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What do you do when you

lose 80% of your canvas?

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Building a Responsive Website

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● Reset or normalize?● Viewport meta tag● Browser and device support● Navigation● Resizable Images/Media● CSS3

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● Sketching and/or Wireframing

● Content decisions● Source Ordering

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● The concept● Options● Issues to consider● Fixes and Hacks

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● Browser test● Simulator test● Device test

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Addressing Issues

● Internet Explorer and HTML5 elements● Internet Explorer and Media Queries● Proactively implementing fallbacks

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What’s next?

● Versioning control● Putting your site up on github● Accessing your website on the web● Additional resources (review relevant

resources and information)

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Front-End Frameworks

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Comparing Frameworks

● Bootstrap● Foundation

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Helpful Resources

● Font Size with REMs: http://snook.ca/archives/html_and_css/font-


● Media Query Bookmarklet: http://goo.gl/RToKTC

● What's my browser size: http://whatsmybrowsersize.com

● Responsive Navigation: http://responsivenavigation.net/

● Media Queries for iOS devices: http://stephen.io/mediaqueries

● 10 Basic Tips for RWD: http://www.splio.com/responsive

The Ultimate RWD Beginners Resource List:


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Web: http://DesignsDrive.com

Email: [email protected]

Twitter: @DesignsDrive

Slides available at: http://slideshare.net/marequi

MARIO HERNANDEZFront-End Developer