Universidade de São Paulo Faculdade de arquitetura e urbanismo 2009 Public school in Perus A cultures coinciousness is shown through all types of expressions - the sensibility, refinement and the precision. Architecture, art, fashion, food culture. The popular culture is the latter of it’s best attempt to self pronounce. This does not mean that popu- lar culture is without dignity. It will always be relative to the top of the ladder. Experiencing precision, sensibility and refinement heighten an individual’s cultural consciousness. Working towards a higher consciousness on the level of the individual is crucial for the higher consciousness of the greater number, and the culture as a whole. In architecture this means including all the senses in the experience of space, a sense of materiality, history, generosity, potentialities and the differentiations between spaces and invitations to different kinds of actions or states of mind. 30

Public School in Perus project

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Universidade de São Paulo Faculdade de arquitetura e urbanismo 2009

Public school in Perus

A cultures coinciousness is shown through all types of expressions - the sensibility, refinement and the precision. Architecture, art, fashion, food culture. The popular culture is the latter of it’s best attempt to self pronounce. This does not mean that popu-lar culture is without dignity. It will always be relative to the top of the ladder. Experiencing precision, sensibility and refinement heighten an individual’s cultural consciousness. Working towards a higher consciousness on the level of the individual is crucial for the higher consciousness of the greater number, and the culture as a whole. In architecture this means including all the senses in the experience of space, a sense of materiality, history, generosity, potentialities and the differentiations between spaces and invitations to different kinds of actions or states of mind.


Project description

Public School in Perus Professor: Helena Aparecida Ayoub Silva Monitor: Roberto Selmer Júnio

Discussing the Brazilian public school through the proposal of a school building in a neighbourhood enclosed within the city of São Paulo.

The intervention will be in the neighbourhood of Perus, where there exists today a primary school with little opportunity of expansion. The proposal is to deploy there a primary school (1st - 9th, day fulltime) and highschool (night) and adolecent/adult education (night) with 18 classrooms, consid-ering the demolition of the existing school.

(Image: the inside wall of the existing school)


Context: The Brazilian schoolBrazil has had to build many schools in little time and there has been developed standards for school buildings that can rapidly provide a municipality with a new school, quite cheap. The standards inply certain meassures, and also number of rooms in relation to the number of students. Normally these schools are built in red brick, which is a cheap and availiable material. Many times these schools take little consideration to the surroundings and a flexibility in use, and change which is always bound to happen.

In the Brazilian public school it is not unusual with classes of 40 students and one teacher. Space is tight, as schools often have to receive more students than they were built for. Being a teacher in the public school is a little sought after profession as it gives a very low salary, positions at the many private schools being much more attractive.

Since the end of the military dictatorship in Brazil in 1985 public school pedagogy is still very much affected by aged politics. Paulo Freire (1921 - 1997), a Brazilian educator and influential theorist of critical pedagogy and author of Education as the Practice of Freedom and Pedagogy of the opressed, strongly criticized a school system that is about filling up the student, as if he is an empty shell. He promoted a school with is already a democracy, the relationship between student and teacher being that of equals, as opposed to educating someone in a non-democratic environment for them to later exist in a democracy outside school ground. In other words - school should be a model for society and an integrated part of it.


Context: Place

1 km

Brazil: 5th most populous country in the world (191 million), and 5th largest country by geographical area, main language portoguese, predominance Roman-Catholic, capital Brasilia, biggest city São Paulo.

São paulo: 7th most populous metropolitan area in the world (19 million), and the most populous city on the Southern heminphere, 1,522.986 km2, the richest city in Brazil, humid subtropical climate. Aprox. 900 meters above sea level.


Morro Doce, Perus, 30.000 people



Commercial and residencialFo

rgotten river



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1 2





1, 2 | Commercial zone 3 | River in the city 4, 5 | Recidential 6 | Neighbourhood seen from forest 7, 8 | Stairs 9| Culture - nature


The Site is located on a slope, with potential access from the lower and upper side. However the site is completely closed to all sides by tall walls. The existing school is built in the middle of the site and the classrooms embrace a small inner school yard. At the back of the site is a overbuilt basket ball court. It is closed with a metal mesh and the children are only allowed to use it when designated. The rest of the school territory is covered by vegetation; grass and some trees. This area of the site is however out of reach of the children which are only allowed in the classrooms and the inner school yard. From the school there is a view to a protected forest.











10 | Main entrance 11 | Main stairs 12, 14 | As seen from the street 13 | The wall 15 | Wall of upper entrance 16 | Break 17 | Students 18 | Asking autorization to enter

Methodology diagram


Identify program

Identify users


Identify caracteristics/relationships


Sketching the project, concepts, thoughts and ideas

Public meets private very often by some sort of wall. But by a little sacrifice a more dynamic, transparent and generous situation can be offered.



We must break down the wal l ! Breaking down the walls for the school that is a voluntary, healthy and holistic educational experience! Architecture is not about building walls, but about defining and molding time & space.

Safety is an important issue in one of the densest and most crime exposed cities in the world. A romantic gathering of trees can create a situation for criminals to lure in.

Unsafe Safe


Some part of the wal l can be kept for pronounced manifestation of its being torn down for what reason. The school building should however pen-etrate it and the main enterance is a “secret” opening in the same wall. This wall should be free for the children to paint on.

The acoust ics is a problem at the existing school. All materials used are hard sound reflecting materials such as brick and concrete.

Consider use of di f ferent materia l s can help the acoustic situation and they will be used to bring identity to spaces by offering different sensory experience.

The power of the e lements is present in the area by hard rains and a burning sun. This is a potential that can be taken advantage of: the rain should be gathered for school crops, the rays of the sun can give free energy, but at the same time windows must be turned away from it. Trees can be used for shading. The wind should be welcomed into the school during the hottest months,


The chickenete is a kitchen/cantina that has a chicken house adja-cent to provide always fresh eggs. The word comes from the Brazilian lanchonete, which is a place where lanches, snacks, are sold.

In the school program I propose that the children in turn are responsible for cooking the lunch for the rest of the school. Also taking care of the chicken and the vegetables and fruits grown on the school grounds. The holistic school should as far as possible be self sufficient on all levels, and services should preferably be observed or performed by the children as part of their education. When the chil-dren in this way are responsible for the school they take ownership in it and become active in developing it.

Plan. Chichenhouse attached to

Plan. Chichenhouse deattached from kitchen

The s lope should be exploi ted for bringing extra groseries to the kitchen by a mecanical elevator from the upper side of the site.


Sketching concepts in model

How much is 18 classrooms?




Going vertical. Building a landscape.


Vertical structure. Closed rooms. Inter relating external space. Work spacial qualities.



1 142 3 15



Other school

Commercial and residencial


appeared river





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ResidencialIntegrationculture and nature,with sport arenas,


New situation Reappearance of the river, green space integrated with sports areana for the whole neighbourhood, not just one school.


Pink is common is red bricks like the neighbourhood. Newspaper is offices is wood or bricks. Gray is classrooms is wood from selected trees. Material investigation and details not completed.



From North From West

From South From East

Plan groundfloor related to the outdoorsCommon indoors


Common outdoor with roof


1: 5 0 0

Plan 1st floor

Common indoors

Common outdoor with roof


Plan 2nd floor

Common indoors



Common outdoor with roof


1: 5 0 0

Plan 3rd floorCommon indoors


Common outdoor with roof


1: 5 0 0

Roof PlanGlassed light openingsz

1: 5 0 0


Roofgarden Organic raincollector

Roof PlanGlassed light openings

1: 5 0 0