Portfolio educational alicia_a_nardo

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Educational Portfolio from Bachelor of Architecture program at Philadelphia University

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AliciA A NArdoPhilAdelPhiA UNiversity

BAchelor of ArchitectUre

Portfolioselected educational work

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ALICIA A NARDO 7366 Valley Ave · Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19128 · (610) 657-1066 · [email protected]

EDUCATION Philadelphia University Graduation Year: 2011 Major: Bachelor of Architecture Minor: Sustainable Design American University of Rome Spring Semester: 2010 Study Abroad Program: Rome, Italy SKILLS Programs: AutoCAD: Revit, 3DMax, CAD Architecture

Adobe: Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator 3D Modeling: Rhinoceros, Sketch Up Microsoft: Word, Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint

Abilities: 3D Modeling, drafting, basic sustainable design & technology, concept & design development, design analysis, historical site reports, model building, project presentation, technical drawing, & site planning.

Language Knowledge: Italian, Spanish ARCHITECTURE EXPERIENCE Stokes Architecture, Philadelphia, PA

Architect Intern: April 2011 to Present Office assistant, created construction schedules, drafted construction documents, mark-ups to CAD drafts

Spillman Farmer Architects, Bethlehem, PA Student Intern: April 2006 to August 2006 Office assistant, updated materials library, rendered project sheets, corrected mark-ups to CAD drawings

Architerra Landscape Architect Firm, Coopersburg, PA Summer Intern: June 2004 to August 2004 Rendered project sheets, created plant schedules and library, drafted project plans

WORK EXPERIENCE Blackfish Restaurant BYOB, Conshohocken, PA

Hostess: September 2010 to July 2011 Managed reservation system of restaurant, seated incoming guests, receptionist, operated coat check

University Ambassador, Philadelphia University Ambassador: August 2008 to May 2011 Hosted open houses, gave tours to perspective students & worked in Admissions office

Bourbon Blue Restaurant, Philadelphia, PA Hostess: October 2007 to March 2009 Greeted and seated incoming guests, receptionist, operated coat check, over-saw servers

EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES Delta Phi Epsilon: Philadelphia University Chapter, Fall 2007 to Spring 2011 Intramural Chair 2008, Relay for Life Community Chair 2009 Student Organization of Sustainable Action: Fall 2008 to Spring 2010 American Institute of Architecture Students: Fall 2006 to Spring 2009 Philadelphia University Crew Team: Fall 2006 to Spring 2007 Portfolio Samples and References Available Upon Request

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Studio Work 2:

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ProfeSSional Work 1:


a Quilted Community

oPening the CloSed Community

reClaiming the Piazza

fairmount headQuarterS

diving energy

fall 2010: deSign iX

SPring 2011: deSign X

SPring 2010: deSign vi

fall 2009: deSign vii

fall 2009: viz ii

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SPring 2011: deSign X

eduCational Work

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BioStudioTerm: Fall 2010Course: Design IXPhiladelphia University

A biomass alternative station and adaptable studio.

As the world begins to turn “greener” in their outlook, the notion of sustainability be-comes more important in the way we as designers develop projects. This semester working in teams of three, we were prompted to develop a service station for alternative fuels in the community of Northern Liberties, Philadelphia. Furthermore, each team was to determine ad-ditional program to create a hybrid, multi-use program unique to each group’s specific studies of the site and neighborhood. The final goal was to produce a comprehensive building plan that re-invented the service station for alternative fuels and provided program that reflected the site’s demographic needs, desires, and potential.

The site for this project falls in the neighborhood of Northern Liberties in Philadelphia. Bound by Girard Avenue, Second Street and Germantown Avenue, the plot is amidst a rap-idly evolving, diverse community. Previously known as an industrial community that fell into dereliction, Northern Liberties has underwent a total renovation of character in recent years in response to the numerous construction projects that have engulfed the district and the immedi-ate surrounding area. Now the community is home to some of the most expensive real estate in Philadelphia and has become a leader in sustainability as it has seen immense change in a short period of time and continues to be on the rise as development continues.

The SiTe

View into courtyard and biomass plant from 2nd Street.

deSign iX BioStudio

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Interior view of Double height space in studios out to Germantown Ave.

View from 2nd street.

deSign iXBioStudio

Analyzing the differing zones of Northern Liberties and looking at the intentional and unintentional spaces of a changing community led us to further observations that looked at the aspects of an evolving neighborhood. The biggest change was in the layout of development. All areas in the the zones with new construction fell onto the traditional city grid which contrasted severely with the random grid created by the existing neighborhood fabric of Zone Five.

Overlapping the grid and spatial information helped to inform us of the spatial layering and over-lapping grids occuring at our site.

Traditional grid vs. Existing Fabric Hybrid fabric of spatial layering and over-lapping grids

Existing zones surrounding the site

The AnAlySiS

deSign iX BioStudio

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Northern Liberties is home to two opposing urban fabrics in result of the expansive, rapid construction that has engulfed and utterly revamped the community. Looking at the effect that already took place and at the number of new projects planned for the area and already in progress, there is more change ahead making it clear that any project planned for Northern Liberties must be able to provide space flexible enough for an ever-evolving com-munity.

The DeSign

Corner of Germantown Ave and and Street.

View from corner of Girard and and 2nd Street, looking into fueling station and green terracing above.

deSign iX BioStudiodeSign iXBioStudio

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Night View from 2nd Street.

deSign iXBioStudio

Bird’s eye view of exterior courtyard.

In the analysis we noticed with all the new development a lot of waste was being left behind. A bimass plant was to be the solutuon for all the leftover materials.. The trash and leftover contruction waste would be taken from the neighborhood, incinerated and converted into electrical energy which would be used to fuel the energy fueling station on the site. However, not all the waste would be used to fuel the staion, some of it would be re-cycled and used as materials by studio artist. In return, the studio artists would creat works to be displayed for the community within the gallery space or in the exterior community space which would serve as extended outdoor display.

The SySTem

biomass heat diagram

trash to energy

deSign iX BioStudio

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deSign iXBioStudio deSign iX BioStudio

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“More Than A Soup Kitchen” To build a soup kitchen, it is for the community, so the building that holds it should en-compass more meaning than just that. The intertwining and overlapping of a patchwork quilt shows the love and effort of the volunteers of the community, just as a church or community center that reaches out to the home-less and less fortunate.

Term: Spring 2011Course: Design XPhiladelphia UniversityThe 110th John Stewardson Memorial Fellowship in Architecture

a Quilted Community

View from Street Intersection

The site selected was on an empty lot on the University of Pennsylvania Campus in the University City neighborhood of Philadelphia. Surrounded by Walnut Street to the North, and South 40th Street to the West, the plot has a constantly active pedestrian community, includ-ing a exclusively pedestrian path to the south. The assignment was to design a soup kitchen that also held temporary housing for homeless people and homeless families. The facility was to act as short term rehabilitation for the homeless in the nearby neighborhoods, and act as a community bonding agent for the University City population by having spaces for a community garden and meeting rooms. An additional component of the competition was to include multiple sustainable aspects, including uses for recycled wood.

The SySTem

a Quilted CommunitydeSign X

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View from Liberty Walk

East Wall along Foot Path

deSign Xa Quilted Community

The overlays in a quilt was brought to building form through the use of recycled wood pallets. By using vertical wood siding on the exterior of the building and adding wood pallets for shading of the doors and windows, the overlapping of the two directions showing the efforts of the community in a visual aspect.

The AnAlySiS

Aerial View

Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 4

a Quilted CommunitydeSign X

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The form of the building emerged from the seperation of the public and residential areas of the building. With-in the two boxes of space, smaller program boxes evolved. The Public portion of the building started to embrance the street, while the residential portion took to the foot path by Liberty Walk. Finally, the individual program boxes of the building warped towards the south, allowing the inner courtyard to gather as much sunlight as possible.

The DeSign

View from Residents Balcony into Interior Courtyard

Water Flow Air Flow Summer Lighting Winter LightingWater Flow Air Flow Summer Lighting Winter Lighting

deSign Xa Quilted Community

Lobby for Residents

Water Flow Air Flow Summer Lighting Winter LightingWater Flow Air Flow Summer Lighting Winter Lighting

a Quilted CommunitydeSign X

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deSign Xa Quilted Community a Quilted CommunitydeSign X

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Urban Design Studio;Buenos Aires, Argentina

Term: Spring 2011Course: Design XPhiladelphia University

oPening the CloSed Community

oPening the CloSed CommunitydeSign X

The ProjecT The site selected was a combination of empty lots and existing park areas in a residential and industrial area of Buenos Aires, Argentina. The assignment was to create multiple types of housing and public spaces that flow continuously from one to the other without the use of enclosed communities.

To design a multi-use urban space and allow foot traffic to be fully interactive with the space, I broke the site up into three different zones. Throughout the entire site, all areas were fully accessible by pedestrians, while vehicular traffic was forced to end on all edges of the site. From each zone, broken up into the North Piazza, Alley and South Piazza; there is a clear distinction of change as the forms and usages of buildings develop into unique distinctions.

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oPening the CloSed Community deSign X oPening the CloSed CommunitydeSign X

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oPening the CloSed Community deSign X oPening the CloSed CommunitydeSign X

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Reformating the transit hub of Piazza Venezia

Term: Spring 2010Course: Design VIIAmerican University of Rome

reClaiming the Piazza

The SiTe The site selected was Piazza Venezia in the center of Historic Rome. The City of Rome is expanding its transit systems by adding two more subway lines, and expanding the tram lines. The Piazza Venezia is one of the main bus stops of the City and one of the larg-est tourist locations because of the Ancient Forums lining the street to the Coloseum and the Victorio Emmanuel Monument building. The Piazza is designed mainly for vechicular traffic, but pedestrian traffic is also forced through the space with no safe routes. The project was to redesign the urban layout of the Piazza Venezia so it incorporated a new transportation hub holding: a new subway line and subway stop, a bus terminal, exten-sion of the tram line, vechicular roads, and pedestrian attractions and paths while holding the historical value of the site.

View from Victorio Monument

reClaiming the PiazzadeSign vii

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Starting three stories underneath Piazza Venezia lay ancient forums that still had remained untouched for hundreds of years as the traffic of modern Rome ran around above. Following the lines of the ancient forums, the form and directions of the new urban space was developed. The vehicular traffic was previously circling the Piazza and the Victorio Em-manuel Monument and encompassing the majority of the area.

Existing Roadways:A. Bus Transit StopB. Vehicular TransitC. Future Metro Location




Layout Of Forums: underground and exposed

The AnAlySiS

Approach to Small Station

The form of the building emerged from the basic geometric form of the ancient forums, both the large and small transit portals being rectangular in shape, and all walls being made of glass to give the illusion of a simple post and lintel system. The majority of all activity of both entrance hubs happened below the surface, therefore the under ground areas and hallways are lined with light wells and get sunlight from above during the day, and light the ground pathways after dusk as the artificial light illuminated upwards.

View to Outdoor Cafe

The DeSign

View from Via Del Corso

deSign vii reClaiming the PiazzareClaiming the Piazza deSign vii

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To build a modern day transit hub encompassing all forms of mass transit, forced the uses to be layered. As a result, pedestrian traffic remained on ground level, the tram line sunk one story under ground to the North of the Piazza, while the vehicular traffic sunk one story to the South. As entrances to the tram and subway stops, two low hubs rose out of the landscaped pedestrian area and served as a visual arcade to allow continuous views to the surrounding buildings.

Planned Pedestrian AreasPlanned Landscaping AreasImplied Axis Lines

The SySTem

View from Station Level View from Large Station into Lightwell

Site Plan:1. Large Station Hub2. Small Station Hub3. Tram Stop4. Bus Stop5. Forum Metro Stop

Metro Plan:1. Information2. Elevator3. Newspaper/Vending

Detail of Lightwell Hallway and column connections

deSign vii reClaiming the PiazzareClaiming the Piazza deSign vii

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Section A

View to both transit hubs

reClaiming the Piazza deSign vii

Section B Section C

Ground Plan:1. Entry2. Elevator3. Newspaper/Vending4. Information Stand5. Store6. Cafe7. Outdoor Seating8. Storage/Mechanical9. Tram Tickets10. Bus Tickets

deSign vii reClaiming the Piazza

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Offices of Outward Bound & the Audubon Society

Term: Fall 2009Course: Design VIIIPhiladelphia University

fairmount headQuarterS

The site selected was located along the southern edge of the West Basin of the man-made East Park Reservoir in Fairmount Park. Students were to design a building using sustainable practices that would hold offices for both the Outward Bound program; an after school program for under privilaged innercity children, and the National Audubon Society; non-profit environmental organization dedicated to the conservancy of the environ-ment and animal life. Through investigation the clients for the project, the Audubon society and Outward Bound, were found to have separate plans for constant use, even though both planned to involve high school students into their program. With this, the two departments were separated throughout the building, but bounded by one common point.

The ProjecT

East Wall along Foot Path

East Wall along Foot Path

fairmount headQuarterSdeSign viii

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East Wall along Foot Path

From analysis site, there were two different uses of land space on opposite sides of the planned building area. One side was to be for the ropes course while the other was a continuously forested space. The building was built around the common space of the multi-purpose room. All traffic is then directed from the lobby directly into the multi-purpose room, and continues up a circular ramp to the roof level that hugs the exterior of the multi-purpose room. As the ramp increases, so does each level of the building, changing from the Outward Board Department, to a common floor, to the Audubon Society.

The AnAlySiS

Each floor that emerges off of the ramp, then fans out towards different dimensions of the reservoir site. Each take separate angles and directions to emphasis the activities in the space by framing views of what is studied or watched in each space. With the gradual in-crease in floors, and the separation, the departments work independently, and also combined when needed. But both receive the solitude needed for the societies.

The SySTem

East Wall along Foot Path

East Wall along Foot Path

fairmount headQuarterSdeSign viiifairmount headQuarterS deSign vii

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East Wall along Foot Path

East Wall along Foot Path

fairmount headQuarterS deSign vii

The stepping of the floors always for limited interference with the site’s existing land-scape and the possibility to build with exclusively timber construction. Since the building is visually and physically separated by two portions, the exterior cladding and the direction of glazing changes from the circular, vertical portion to the horizontal, office areas. These new forms of glazing create different breaks in the envelope and frame views both looking into the multi-purpose room and towards the exterior.

The DeSign

Structure of Cylinder

Structure of Horizontal Walls

Structure of Cylinder

Structure of Horizontal Walls

fairmount headQuarterSdeSign viii

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fairmount headQuarterS deSign vii fairmount headQuarterSdeSign viii

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A Competition Diving Pool Manayunk, Philadelphia

Term: Fall 2009Course: Viz IIPhiladelphia University

diving energy

While examining the movement of a diver as they fall from the platform into the water, the Energy of the dive became apparent. The development of the parti for the Competition Diving Pool started to show the build-up of emotion and excitement in the free fall, and how it creates a direct line downwards into the surface of the water. Once the diver hits the water there is little disturbance to the water on the surface, but under the surface there is a mass of activity happening. The water that surrounds the then submerged diver, is pushed and pulled drastically, showing the release of the Energy that had built up in the dive. The Energy is created by the break the diver made when they broke from one material to another, their body expanded, and then released the structured form that they held in the dive.

The ProjecT

Facade along River edge

diving energyviz ii

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The AnAlySiS

Underwater disturbance of a Dive over the site

The plan layout uses the build up of energy on one side of the building, then dras-tically changes as the center walkway is reached, and the building almost appears to be being pinched. The breaks of the exterior pushs and pulls toward the river and road, creating geo-metric forms and new spaces for lights into the competition space of the diving well. The horizontal cuts in the exterior façade follow the lines that run down Main Street, and not destroying the visual lines of the area from street level.

Interior view from second floor to Pool

The DeSign

Interior view to Pool

Interior view from Front facade

The building form evolves from one side to another. Along the property by the empty lot, the building shape is more compact and solid forming a straight line, simi-lar to the constant form the diver holds in freefall. Once the center of the building is reached, there is a break to allow for entrance to the river through the entire structure. After this physical and visual break, the building develops new forms and breaks con-tinuously in constant motions.

Exterior view from West

diving energyviz iiviz iidiving energy

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viz iidiving energy diving energyviz ii