Magazine Production

Magazine production powerpoint

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Magazine Production

I photoshopped my main image with the use of the exposure, contrast, gradient and hue and saturation tools.

Before editing: After editing:

To get the masthead, I drew it out and scanned it into the computer. I then used the lasso tool so that I was then able to edit the text. For the Molly Booker font I used a template from the internet and manipulated it on Photoshop

However, I decided to experiment with the masthead because I wasn’t completely sure on what font to have, so I again, used a template and manipulated on Photoshop to produce this masthead, with varying gradients, colours and patterns:

I then came up with this coverline and edited it in Photoshop

I then added some more temporary coverlines while rearranging the placement of the main story line. I decided I wasn’t happy with the type face of ‘Molly Booker’ and so used the same font as the ‘Music’s hottest’ text.

From here, I decided to experiment with the colours, and added more coverlines, as well as adding a barcode. I decided to use a dark red for ‘Molly Booker’ as it ties in with the lipstick, this way, the audience will be able to associate that coverline with the artist.

 In my final draft, I added another coverline which links to the main story of the artist on the cover, this way, I think there is more of a balance of colour on the front page.