Invitation kit

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Page 2: Invitation kit

Preventive healthcare has become the most popular concept in the new millennium. People are becoming more

concerned about the health aspects. But to be healthy or to start acting proactively to preserve, maintain or improve one's health an individual needs to first know his/her current health status. Thyrocare thrives to fulfil this particular need of all the health conscious individuals.

Screening for abnormalities is an important aspect of preventive measures. This involves frequent routine check-ups, comprising of physical examination and some serological (done using blood) tests. The need of such check-ups and their frequency depends mainly on personal and family medical history. The laboratory quite often is useful to underline and identify some of the treatable problems much early.

Regular health screening is important because it can identify potential problems at early stages. These tests, if taken even when one has no obvious symptom, it enables to detect problems early and can help in a cost effective prevention or treatment. By getting appropriate preventive healthcare services, one can lead a quality and a long life. Obviously “a stitch in time, saves nine” is very true in this aspect. It also should be kept in mind that when you need this service under illness, it could cost 5 times more than what it costs when you are apparently healthy.

Aarogyam 30 profile contains tests, which are necessary and serve as indicators of important body functions. It is ideal for anyone and everyone who is health conscious. Any individual having suspected or confirmed illnesses or having a family history of diseases can also opt to undergo this profile in order to ascertain their current health status.

Greetings! We introduce ourselves as Thyrocare, the world's largest thyroid testing laboratory. We are a nationwide networked, barcoded and bidirectionally interfaced, diagnostic laboratory with more than 600 collection centers across the country. We are an ISO 9001-2000 certified and CRISIL graded organisation. The Laboratory has been certified by NABL, the premium technical body for accreditation in the country under the aegis of Department of Science and Technology, Government of India. The company, with its Centralised Processing Laboratory at Andheri in Mumbai, strives to make a business and prosperity for all those who have a distinct will to succeed in their life.

Diabetes, a serious metabolic disorder as you must be knowing, takes a toll of 30 lakh people every year, and has become a serious problem the modern world is up against. Every doctor acknowledges it. Every diabetic feels it. And everyone else fears it. It's not a disease, it's neither an infectious nor contagious; still this disorder is threatening the wellbeing of millions of people around the globe. And those who are unaware of the presence of diabetes in them are already progressing towards acute and irreversible complications of this disorder. Can one prevent?- it is a question all who do not have it will ask and, Can one get rid of it?- is all those who are suffering will ask. The innocent and ignorant have hundreds of questions to ask if some one has time to listen and explain.

In India around 6 crore people are living with this disorder and many of them do not have any idea that they are diabetic. Frequently referred to as the lifestyle disaster, diabetes demands a nationwide awareness which unfortunately is not adequately seen in India, the country having the highest numbers of diabetics in the World. Thyrocare, having made a revolution in thyroid testing within a few years of its inception, now wishes to shift its focus to diabetes for the next 10 years to curb its growing incidence, to help diabetics know that they are diabetic and counsel known diabetics on effective screening and management through a unique project. By appointing Diabetes Diagnostic Counselors (DDCs), Thyrocare is all set to achieve this Himalayan task. Unique combination of essential tests branded as SugarScan (for diabetics) and aarogyam (for pre-patients), from a laboratory that is known for its quality speed and cost, ensures that those involved in its promotion is amply rewarded.

We are keen to analyse your wish and your interest in this programme of procuring DDCs which, as the following pages elaborate, has good prospective in terms of income and a long term career. It could be you or your unemployed or underemployed friend or sibling who could find a way towards a professional marketing of an ideal product for the diabetics and health conscious members of the society.

We hope this book communicates and motivates you to become a DDC of Thyrocare. For further queries, you may be in touch with [email protected] or call us at 0422-2656998.

With Wishes

M. SanthoshManager, aarogyamThyrocare Technologies Limited


Page 3: Invitation kit

Preventive healthcare has become the most popular concept in the new millennium. People are becoming more

concerned about the health aspects. But to be healthy or to start acting proactively to preserve, maintain or improve one's health an individual needs to first know his/her current health status. Thyrocare thrives to fulfil this particular need of all the health conscious individuals.

Screening for abnormalities is an important aspect of preventive measures. This involves frequent routine check-ups, comprising of physical examination and some serological (done using blood) tests. The need of such check-ups and their frequency depends mainly on personal and family medical history. The laboratory quite often is useful to underline and identify some of the treatable problems much early.

Regular health screening is important because it can identify potential problems at early stages. These tests, if taken even when one has no obvious symptom, it enables to detect problems early and can help in a cost effective prevention or treatment. By getting appropriate preventive healthcare services, one can lead a quality and a long life. Obviously “a stitch in time, saves nine” is very true in this aspect. It also should be kept in mind that when you need this service under illness, it could cost 5 times more than what it costs when you are apparently healthy.

Aarogyam 30 profile contains tests, which are necessary and serve as indicators of important body functions. It is ideal for anyone and everyone who is health conscious. Any individual having suspected or confirmed illnesses or having a family history of diseases can also opt to undergo this profile in order to ascertain their current health status.

Greetings! We introduce ourselves as Thyrocare, the world's largest thyroid testing laboratory. We are a nationwide networked, barcoded and bidirectionally interfaced, diagnostic laboratory with more than 600 collection centers across the country. We are an ISO 9001-2000 certified and CRISIL graded organisation. The Laboratory has been certified by NABL, the premium technical body for accreditation in the country under the aegis of Department of Science and Technology, Government of India. The company, with its Centralised Processing Laboratory at Andheri in Mumbai, strives to make a business and prosperity for all those who have a distinct will to succeed in their life.

Diabetes, a serious metabolic disorder as you must be knowing, takes a toll of 30 lakh people every year, and has become a serious problem the modern world is up against. Every doctor acknowledges it. Every diabetic feels it. And everyone else fears it. It's not a disease, it's neither an infectious nor contagious; still this disorder is threatening the wellbeing of millions of people around the globe. And those who are unaware of the presence of diabetes in them are already progressing towards acute and irreversible complications of this disorder. Can one prevent?- it is a question all who do not have it will ask and, Can one get rid of it?- is all those who are suffering will ask. The innocent and ignorant have hundreds of questions to ask if some one has time to listen and explain.

In India around 6 crore people are living with this disorder and many of them do not have any idea that they are diabetic. Frequently referred to as the lifestyle disaster, diabetes demands a nationwide awareness which unfortunately is not adequately seen in India, the country having the highest numbers of diabetics in the World. Thyrocare, having made a revolution in thyroid testing within a few years of its inception, now wishes to shift its focus to diabetes for the next 10 years to curb its growing incidence, to help diabetics know that they are diabetic and counsel known diabetics on effective screening and management through a unique project. By appointing Diabetes Diagnostic Counselors (DDCs), Thyrocare is all set to achieve this Himalayan task. Unique combination of essential tests branded as SugarScan (for diabetics) and aarogyam (for pre-patients), from a laboratory that is known for its quality speed and cost, ensures that those involved in its promotion is amply rewarded.

We are keen to analyse your wish and your interest in this programme of procuring DDCs which, as the following pages elaborate, has good prospective in terms of income and a long term career. It could be you or your unemployed or underemployed friend or sibling who could find a way towards a professional marketing of an ideal product for the diabetics and health conscious members of the society.

We hope this book communicates and motivates you to become a DDC of Thyrocare. For further queries, you may be in touch with [email protected] or call us at 0422-2656998.

With Wishes

M. SanthoshManager, aarogyamThyrocare Technologies Limited


Page 4: Invitation kit

Though lipids are important for survival, their high values are alarming to the individual indicating the impending doom. High lipid levels damage the blood vessels, leading to blockage of the various blood vessels, which ultimately results in various body dysfunctions including heart failure. People suffering from diabetes and hypertension tend to have higher risk of such failures. So it becomes important not only for the obese persons to undergo these tests but also for everyone, as it is a well known fact that even a lean and thin individual can have abnormal values indicating body dysfunction including cardiac damage. The tests done not only give the values but also indicates the level of risk at which a person is (Low risk/ average risk / high risk).

diagnostic profile

Thyroid is a small gland situated in the neck. It is one of the most important glands in the body. The principal function of the thyroid gland is the synthesis and secretion of thyroid hormones, which circulate in the body through the blood stream and exert their effects on every living tissue and cell. There are two principal thyroid hormones secreted by the thyroid, thyroxine(T4) and tri-iodothyronine (T3). If the hormone production is not enough, then it is called as hypothyroidism and if the synthesis is more, then as hyperthyroidism. These two conditions are due to variations in the functional activity of the gland.The synthesis and secretion of these two hormones is controlled by another hormone called TSH (Thyroid stimulating Hormone) from pituitary gland. The values of TSH shall help in evaluating thyroidal disorders, if any, and in confirming the status of the thyroid gland, whether it is hypo or hyper or eu-thyroid.

The signs and symptoms of Throid disorders are: swelling in the neck • difficulty in swallowing • intolerance to cold • fatigue • hoarse voice • dry skin • mood swings • depression • forgetfulness • heavy menstrual periods.

Liver is the largest, most active and complex organ in the body and plays a major role in the metabolism of our body. It is known as body's chemical factory, sometimes converting complex molecules to simpler units and vice versa. It also makes energy by converting the food we eat into proteins, fats and sugars. Our immune system depends on the presence of some proteins called immunoglobulins and various other biomolecules, which are synthesized by liver. The abnormalities of liver function can be divided into two groups: [a] Those caused by a malfunction of the cells in the liver itself (cirrhosis and hepatitis) and [b] Those caused by the obstruction of the biliary tract (stones, mass). Liver Profile measures various molecules in the blood reflecting whether the liver has been functioning normally or not and thereby helping us to measure the liver injury which may be either an inflammation or infection. These can help doctors to understand and assess the disorders of liver, gall bladder or biliary tract.




The kidney is one of the most important organs in the body. It plays an important role in maintaining the fluid and electrolyte balance by retaining the required substances and excreting undesired substances in the form of urine and thus maintaining the pH, for the optimum functioning of the body.It also plays a vital role in regulating blood pressure by reabsorption and excretion of electrolytes and regulates the workload on heart. The kidney also stimulates the production of red blood cells by secretion of the hormone, Erythropoietin.

In a highly populous and crowded nation like India, infectious diseases can play havoc. The problem becomes more serious as many of the persons having these diseases are not aware of them, due to lack of symptoms at an early stage. Till that time patients continue to spread the infection to other family members or people they come in contact with. This profile includes tests Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C, which are now rampant in India. With this profile, the individuals suffering from these infections can be detected early and thus, the spread of infection to the others can be prevented and helping in controlling the infection.

he life expectancy of humans is presently around eighty years as compared to fifty, a few decades Tago. Yet, do we all get the feeling that all is well

and fine with the world and its teeming population when it comes to health? Do we feel as fit as a fiddle as the saying goes or in the pink of health at all times? It appears that a majority of us are 'sick' more often than we would like it or if not actually sick, at least there is a fear of 'sickness' lurking in the corners of our mind.

Compare this state with our previous generations! Our grandmothers still have lustrous black hair, can bite into a 'supari' and can complete the household chores with a dexterity we cannot even imagine. All this, because they were born at a time when 'fast food' was the kind that mothers cooked fast before children returned from school, 'exercise' was aplenty in the fields and farms, 'luxury' was being able to enjoy the fresh produce of those very farms and 'stress' was just another 6 letter English word.

In contrast in the present scenario, hair turns gray in the early twenties, cavities in young kids is the norm, lethargy is fashionable, fast food is universal, exercise is what we get when we walk from our cubicles to our boss's cabin, and stress is what our whole lives is made of. All this despite advances in every field!

One small silver lining in this bleak health cloud is health awareness! Yes, thanks to the television and print media, all modern day Indians know a lot more about health than before. Health awareness has reached phenomenal heights in the new millennium. Enrolment in local fitness centres is on the rise and so is the subscription to health related magazines. In fact, patients before going to the doctor learn all about their health related problems through the internet and insist on specific prescriptions of treatment from their health care provider! Of course, you must realize that a little knowledge can be dangerous and avoid going to such extremes. But equipping yourself with appropriate and correct information about your health will aid your doctor in helping you out in a more organized and appropriate manner.

Health problems often arise when least expected. The silent mode of disease development within one's body and its sudden expression often leaves one with no option but to ask the question… Why me?

Don't wait for this to happen by following the simple old adage prevention is better than cure and say with confidence… definitely not me!

Deficiency of iron is important to detect, as it can lead to anaemia. Anaemia is nothing, but inadequate supply of oxygen to the cells, which is indicated by haemoglobin level. Iron deficiency is the most common cause of anemia in India. Approximately 20% of women, 50% of pregnant women and 3% of men are having iron deficiency. It is important to detect anaemia, as it is easily preventable by adequate diet and treated by medication.

High risk groups include: Women of child bearing age who have blood loss through menstruation, pregnant or lactating women who have an increased requirement for iron, infants, children, and adolescents in rapid growth phases and people with poor dietary intake.Risk factors related to blood loss are peptic ulcer disease, long-term aspirin use, colon and uterine cancer.



Don't wait for illness to strike!

Page 5: Invitation kit

Though lipids are important for survival, their high values are alarming to the individual indicating the impending doom. High lipid levels damage the blood vessels, leading to blockage of the various blood vessels, which ultimately results in various body dysfunctions including heart failure. People suffering from diabetes and hypertension tend to have higher risk of such failures. So it becomes important not only for the obese persons to undergo these tests but also for everyone, as it is a well known fact that even a lean and thin individual can have abnormal values indicating body dysfunction including cardiac damage. The tests done not only give the values but also indicates the level of risk at which a person is (Low risk/ average risk / high risk).

diagnostic profile

Thyroid is a small gland situated in the neck. It is one of the most important glands in the body. The principal function of the thyroid gland is the synthesis and secretion of thyroid hormones, which circulate in the body through the blood stream and exert their effects on every living tissue and cell. There are two principal thyroid hormones secreted by the thyroid, thyroxine(T4) and tri-iodothyronine (T3). If the hormone production is not enough, then it is called as hypothyroidism and if the synthesis is more, then as hyperthyroidism. These two conditions are due to variations in the functional activity of the gland.The synthesis and secretion of these two hormones is controlled by another hormone called TSH (Thyroid stimulating Hormone) from pituitary gland. The values of TSH shall help in evaluating thyroidal disorders, if any, and in confirming the status of the thyroid gland, whether it is hypo or hyper or eu-thyroid.

The signs and symptoms of Throid disorders are: swelling in the neck • difficulty in swallowing • intolerance to cold • fatigue • hoarse voice • dry skin • mood swings • depression • forgetfulness • heavy menstrual periods.

Liver is the largest, most active and complex organ in the body and plays a major role in the metabolism of our body. It is known as body's chemical factory, sometimes converting complex molecules to simpler units and vice versa. It also makes energy by converting the food we eat into proteins, fats and sugars. Our immune system depends on the presence of some proteins called immunoglobulins and various other biomolecules, which are synthesized by liver. The abnormalities of liver function can be divided into two groups: [a] Those caused by a malfunction of the cells in the liver itself (cirrhosis and hepatitis) and [b] Those caused by the obstruction of the biliary tract (stones, mass). Liver Profile measures various molecules in the blood reflecting whether the liver has been functioning normally or not and thereby helping us to measure the liver injury which may be either an inflammation or infection. These can help doctors to understand and assess the disorders of liver, gall bladder or biliary tract.




The kidney is one of the most important organs in the body. It plays an important role in maintaining the fluid and electrolyte balance by retaining the required substances and excreting undesired substances in the form of urine and thus maintaining the pH, for the optimum functioning of the body.It also plays a vital role in regulating blood pressure by reabsorption and excretion of electrolytes and regulates the workload on heart. The kidney also stimulates the production of red blood cells by secretion of the hormone, Erythropoietin.

In a highly populous and crowded nation like India, infectious diseases can play havoc. The problem becomes more serious as many of the persons having these diseases are not aware of them, due to lack of symptoms at an early stage. Till that time patients continue to spread the infection to other family members or people they come in contact with. This profile includes tests Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C, which are now rampant in India. With this profile, the individuals suffering from these infections can be detected early and thus, the spread of infection to the others can be prevented and helping in controlling the infection.

he life expectancy of humans is presently around eighty years as compared to fifty, a few decades Tago. Yet, do we all get the feeling that all is well

and fine with the world and its teeming population when it comes to health? Do we feel as fit as a fiddle as the saying goes or in the pink of health at all times? It appears that a majority of us are 'sick' more often than we would like it or if not actually sick, at least there is a fear of 'sickness' lurking in the corners of our mind.

Compare this state with our previous generations! Our grandmothers still have lustrous black hair, can bite into a 'supari' and can complete the household chores with a dexterity we cannot even imagine. All this, because they were born at a time when 'fast food' was the kind that mothers cooked fast before children returned from school, 'exercise' was aplenty in the fields and farms, 'luxury' was being able to enjoy the fresh produce of those very farms and 'stress' was just another 6 letter English word.

In contrast in the present scenario, hair turns gray in the early twenties, cavities in young kids is the norm, lethargy is fashionable, fast food is universal, exercise is what we get when we walk from our cubicles to our boss's cabin, and stress is what our whole lives is made of. All this despite advances in every field!

One small silver lining in this bleak health cloud is health awareness! Yes, thanks to the television and print media, all modern day Indians know a lot more about health than before. Health awareness has reached phenomenal heights in the new millennium. Enrolment in local fitness centres is on the rise and so is the subscription to health related magazines. In fact, patients before going to the doctor learn all about their health related problems through the internet and insist on specific prescriptions of treatment from their health care provider! Of course, you must realize that a little knowledge can be dangerous and avoid going to such extremes. But equipping yourself with appropriate and correct information about your health will aid your doctor in helping you out in a more organized and appropriate manner.

Health problems often arise when least expected. The silent mode of disease development within one's body and its sudden expression often leaves one with no option but to ask the question… Why me?

Don't wait for this to happen by following the simple old adage prevention is better than cure and say with confidence… definitely not me!

Deficiency of iron is important to detect, as it can lead to anaemia. Anaemia is nothing, but inadequate supply of oxygen to the cells, which is indicated by haemoglobin level. Iron deficiency is the most common cause of anemia in India. Approximately 20% of women, 50% of pregnant women and 3% of men are having iron deficiency. It is important to detect anaemia, as it is easily preventable by adequate diet and treated by medication.

High risk groups include: Women of child bearing age who have blood loss through menstruation, pregnant or lactating women who have an increased requirement for iron, infants, children, and adolescents in rapid growth phases and people with poor dietary intake.Risk factors related to blood loss are peptic ulcer disease, long-term aspirin use, colon and uterine cancer.



Don't wait for illness to strike!

Page 6: Invitation kit

It is around. It is uncontrolled. It has started causing havocs. And it is going to trouble even more. Every doctor acknowledges it.

Every diabetic feels it. And everyone else fears it. It's not a disease, it's not an infection, it's neither contagious nor communicable; still this metabolic disorder is threatening the well being of millions of people around the World. And those who are unaware of the presence of diabetes in them are already progressing towards acute and irreversible complications of this disorder.

Diabetes that was once considered to be an old age disease is now affecting the 40 plus age group and the incidence is increasing alarmingly. One among every 10 Indian is a diabetic patient. The disorder exists in every home or office because either a parent or a grand parent or an uncle or an aunt or a colleague is around who says, “No sugar for my tea please”.

Diabetes is a state of chronic metabolic disorder, which results in having too much glucose in your

blood, caused by a deficiency or ineffectiveness of insulin. Insulin, the hormone supposed to control the sugar levels in our body is produced by the pancreas, an organ close to the stomach. This insulin acts just like a key, opening the way for the glucose coming from the food you eat to enter the cells where it will be transformed into energy.

Without insulin or with ineffective insulin, the glucose will not be able to enter the cells and will remain in the blood stream. Due to this inability to use sugar, the blood sugar levels remain continuously high. Left untreated or uncontrolled, diabetes can be quite disastrous. Lifestyle related factors such as obesity or being overweight, absence of physical activities, uncontrolled eating or having a family history of diabetes can lead to this disorder.

Unknown or uncontrolled diabetes is a threat to life. Known, understood, well managed and fully controlled diabetes is safe to life. The incidence of it, the difficulties in controlling it and the implications of uncontrolled diabetes is probably not given adequate importance because, diabetes does not give rise to fever or pain. Sugar, Salt and Spices are commodities we Indians enjoy a lot but they are not doing any good to our health and more so for a diabetic man or a man with hypertension. GDP goes up, per capita income goes up and lifestyle changes and there arrives the lifestyle induced worries. Growing disposable incomes and addiction to sedentary lifestyles makes man today an unfortunate, serious and real victim of this disorder.

Does it kill? No, it does not kill by itself but if left untreated or improperly managed, the high levels of blood sugar associated with diabetes can slowly damage both the small and large blood vessels in the body, resulting in a variety of complications: heart disease is two to four times more common in people with diabetes • diabetes is a leading cause of adult blindness • people with diabetes account for quite a few percent of all cases of serious kidney disease worldwide • half or more of all non-traumatic limb amputations are due to diabetes. Diabetes is a manageable disorder as long as one knows what it is, what can control it, what are the benefits of a controlled diabetes, how to be disciplined in monitoring and minimizing its manifestations.

diabetesthe lifestyle disorder

It is important to find out early if you have diabetes because treatment can prevent damage to the body. Diabetes can affect the

entire body and usually produce a vast array of symptoms like frequent urination, frequent consumption of liquids, and increased consumption of food - as well as weight loss, blurred vision, and fatigue. These symptoms may begin gradually and may go unnoticed for a long time. With careful management, complications can be delayed and even prevented. The first step in preventing the onset of complications is to make a prompt diagnosis.

Blood Sugar test which can be done instantly on a Blood Glucose Monitor, gives values which can provide only a snapshot of your glycemic control at the moment the test is done. Though they may be accurate, these values vary a lot from day-to-day. Due to such limitations, blood sugar testing is not ideal to monitor a patient's control over diabetes, when compared to HbA1c.


TIGHT CONTROL - HbA1cIf Sachin Tendulkar were to score zero on a particular day would you rate him as a poor cricketer? Obviously not! You know him better by his average scores, isn't it? Same is the case with your blood glucose levels too. The sugar test done routinely for diabetes is like the run scored by a batsman on one particular day while HbA1c is like the average batting score. HbA1c or glycosylated haemoglobin test provides a broader picture of your overall glucose control for the last 60 days. The American Diabetes Association, advises that this test is mandatory every year - four times for a diabetic patient.

DIABETES AND HEART : LIPROHeart and vascular disease is often associated with diabetes. Persons with diabetes are at a much-increased risk for heart disease. The most common cause of heart disease in a person with diabetes is hardening of blood vessels, which is a build-up of cholesterol in the blood vessels that supply oxygen and nutrition to the heart. This buildup usually begins before the increase in blood sugar that occurs in diabetics, and the plaques can rupture, blocking the blood vessel. This can lead to a heart attack. Hence they have to get their Lipro (Lipid Profile) done frequently which is an indicator of the risk.

DIABETES AND KIDNEY : KIDLEAKNormally , the kidneys work to filter waste products, water and other chemicals from the blood and send them to the bladder where they are excreted in the form of urine. Albumin is a protein that is present in high amounts in the blood. When kidneys are functioning properly, no albumin is allowed to leak into the urine. Small damage in the filtering parts of the kidney allow very small amount of albumin to leak through usually as a result of having diabetes. In diabetic and hypertensive patients there are more chances that your kidney is damaged and leaking proteins which can be detected early by a very effective test called Kidleak.

®SugarScan , is a unique combination of essential tests that can give a complete picture of diabetes in an individual. This profile has been specially designed for effective screening and monitoring of diabetes. The profile includes the following tests: HbA1c, Lipid Profile and Kidleak.

scanfor diabetics


Page 7: Invitation kit

It is around. It is uncontrolled. It has started causing havocs. And it is going to trouble even more. Every doctor acknowledges it.

Every diabetic feels it. And everyone else fears it. It's not a disease, it's not an infection, it's neither contagious nor communicable; still this metabolic disorder is threatening the well being of millions of people around the World. And those who are unaware of the presence of diabetes in them are already progressing towards acute and irreversible complications of this disorder.

Diabetes that was once considered to be an old age disease is now affecting the 40 plus age group and the incidence is increasing alarmingly. One among every 10 Indian is a diabetic patient. The disorder exists in every home or office because either a parent or a grand parent or an uncle or an aunt or a colleague is around who says, “No sugar for my tea please”.

Diabetes is a state of chronic metabolic disorder, which results in having too much glucose in your

blood, caused by a deficiency or ineffectiveness of insulin. Insulin, the hormone supposed to control the sugar levels in our body is produced by the pancreas, an organ close to the stomach. This insulin acts just like a key, opening the way for the glucose coming from the food you eat to enter the cells where it will be transformed into energy.

Without insulin or with ineffective insulin, the glucose will not be able to enter the cells and will remain in the blood stream. Due to this inability to use sugar, the blood sugar levels remain continuously high. Left untreated or uncontrolled, diabetes can be quite disastrous. Lifestyle related factors such as obesity or being overweight, absence of physical activities, uncontrolled eating or having a family history of diabetes can lead to this disorder.

Unknown or uncontrolled diabetes is a threat to life. Known, understood, well managed and fully controlled diabetes is safe to life. The incidence of it, the difficulties in controlling it and the implications of uncontrolled diabetes is probably not given adequate importance because, diabetes does not give rise to fever or pain. Sugar, Salt and Spices are commodities we Indians enjoy a lot but they are not doing any good to our health and more so for a diabetic man or a man with hypertension. GDP goes up, per capita income goes up and lifestyle changes and there arrives the lifestyle induced worries. Growing disposable incomes and addiction to sedentary lifestyles makes man today an unfortunate, serious and real victim of this disorder.

Does it kill? No, it does not kill by itself but if left untreated or improperly managed, the high levels of blood sugar associated with diabetes can slowly damage both the small and large blood vessels in the body, resulting in a variety of complications: heart disease is two to four times more common in people with diabetes • diabetes is a leading cause of adult blindness • people with diabetes account for quite a few percent of all cases of serious kidney disease worldwide • half or more of all non-traumatic limb amputations are due to diabetes. Diabetes is a manageable disorder as long as one knows what it is, what can control it, what are the benefits of a controlled diabetes, how to be disciplined in monitoring and minimizing its manifestations.

diabetesthe lifestyle disorder

It is important to find out early if you have diabetes because treatment can prevent damage to the body. Diabetes can affect the

entire body and usually produce a vast array of symptoms like frequent urination, frequent consumption of liquids, and increased consumption of food - as well as weight loss, blurred vision, and fatigue. These symptoms may begin gradually and may go unnoticed for a long time. With careful management, complications can be delayed and even prevented. The first step in preventing the onset of complications is to make a prompt diagnosis.

Blood Sugar test which can be done instantly on a Blood Glucose Monitor, gives values which can provide only a snapshot of your glycemic control at the moment the test is done. Though they may be accurate, these values vary a lot from day-to-day. Due to such limitations, blood sugar testing is not ideal to monitor a patient's control over diabetes, when compared to HbA1c.


TIGHT CONTROL - HbA1cIf Sachin Tendulkar were to score zero on a particular day would you rate him as a poor cricketer? Obviously not! You know him better by his average scores, isn't it? Same is the case with your blood glucose levels too. The sugar test done routinely for diabetes is like the run scored by a batsman on one particular day while HbA1c is like the average batting score. HbA1c or glycosylated haemoglobin test provides a broader picture of your overall glucose control for the last 60 days. The American Diabetes Association, advises that this test is mandatory every year - four times for a diabetic patient.

DIABETES AND HEART : LIPROHeart and vascular disease is often associated with diabetes. Persons with diabetes are at a much-increased risk for heart disease. The most common cause of heart disease in a person with diabetes is hardening of blood vessels, which is a build-up of cholesterol in the blood vessels that supply oxygen and nutrition to the heart. This buildup usually begins before the increase in blood sugar that occurs in diabetics, and the plaques can rupture, blocking the blood vessel. This can lead to a heart attack. Hence they have to get their Lipro (Lipid Profile) done frequently which is an indicator of the risk.

DIABETES AND KIDNEY : KIDLEAKNormally , the kidneys work to filter waste products, water and other chemicals from the blood and send them to the bladder where they are excreted in the form of urine. Albumin is a protein that is present in high amounts in the blood. When kidneys are functioning properly, no albumin is allowed to leak into the urine. Small damage in the filtering parts of the kidney allow very small amount of albumin to leak through usually as a result of having diabetes. In diabetic and hypertensive patients there are more chances that your kidney is damaged and leaking proteins which can be detected early by a very effective test called Kidleak.

®SugarScan , is a unique combination of essential tests that can give a complete picture of diabetes in an individual. This profile has been specially designed for effective screening and monitoring of diabetes. The profile includes the following tests: HbA1c, Lipid Profile and Kidleak.

scanfor diabetics


Page 8: Invitation kit

ISO 9001

ISO 9001



thyrocareabout us

Thyrocare, the World's largest thyroid testing laboratory, provides specialised tests with global quality at affordable costs to the common man across the country.

This pioneering networked laboratory in the Indian diagnostic industry founded in the year 1996 is India's best equipped clinical chemistry laboratory today. Contributing significantly to the Indian Diagnostic Industry, the company has entered its tenth year of operations and its services are now available across all the Indian states via over 600 collection centers, which enable blood samples to reach the centralised processing laboratory at Mumbai.

The unmatched quality of Thyrocare service is attributable to the dedication of the qualified and skilled technical staff, strong and widespread franchisee network and adoption of stringent international quality standards, which have been accredited by various external bodies. The concept of centralised processing ensures a focused approach in attaining and maintaining the same standards of quality control and accuracy in reporting. With a visionary commitment to a unique concept of the correct blend of Healthcare and Information technologies networked with courier & air cargo logistics , Thyrocare, in 2006, has evolved into a nearly 20,000 investigations a day healthcare service industry offering.

Thyrocare has its Centralised Processing Laboratory (CPL) situated at Andheri in Mumbai. The samples from all over the country are flown to the CPL, where they are

processed and reported online within couple of hours. It believes that by having centralised operations the same standards of quality control and accuracy in reporting can be maintained. It is necessary that there has to be a focused approach in attaining these levels, which would not be possible at multiple locations. The laboratory lodges the best equipments, and uses the best reagents and systems available in the diagnostic industry across the world. By rightly blending the biotechnology and information technology, Thyrocare brought the world class diagnostic services to the nooks and corners of the country at costs which almost everyone can afford.

To make the optimum use of the best-equipped machines, Thyrocare has come up with the revolutionary idea of barcoding the entire network. Through this procedure, each and every sample is identified by the barcode on the vial. With this modality of working, the sample vial once placed on the automated instrument is automatically identified, along with the test to be performed, and simultaneously the output data is synchronised with the software and directly uploaded onto website ensuring an error-free reporting.

Rs.650 Rs.400 only

Special Offer!

Rs.300 Rs.150 only

Special Offer!

Discount Coupon

Discount Coupon

Name : _____________________________

Age : ______ years Sex: M / F

Address : _____________________________




Pincode: ___________ Ph: ____________________

Name : _____________________________

Age : ______ years Sex: M / F

Address : _____________________________




Pincode: ___________ Ph: ____________________

NOTE! This barcode and rate meant for HbA1c only. To get a complete SugarScan® report, please use the Lipid Profile and Kidleak barcodes also.

NOTE! This barcode and rate meant for Lipro only. To get a complete SugarScan® report, please use the HbA1c and Kidleak barcodes also.

10-12 hrs fasting required

Page 9: Invitation kit

ISO 9001

ISO 9001



thyrocareabout us

Thyrocare, the World's largest thyroid testing laboratory, provides specialised tests with global quality at affordable costs to the common man across the country.

This pioneering networked laboratory in the Indian diagnostic industry founded in the year 1996 is India's best equipped clinical chemistry laboratory today. Contributing significantly to the Indian Diagnostic Industry, the company has entered its tenth year of operations and its services are now available across all the Indian states via over 600 collection centers, which enable blood samples to reach the centralised processing laboratory at Mumbai.

The unmatched quality of Thyrocare service is attributable to the dedication of the qualified and skilled technical staff, strong and widespread franchisee network and adoption of stringent international quality standards, which have been accredited by various external bodies. The concept of centralised processing ensures a focused approach in attaining and maintaining the same standards of quality control and accuracy in reporting. With a visionary commitment to a unique concept of the correct blend of Healthcare and Information technologies networked with courier & air cargo logistics , Thyrocare, in 2006, has evolved into a nearly 20,000 investigations a day healthcare service industry offering.

Thyrocare has its Centralised Processing Laboratory (CPL) situated at Andheri in Mumbai. The samples from all over the country are flown to the CPL, where they are

processed and reported online within couple of hours. It believes that by having centralised operations the same standards of quality control and accuracy in reporting can be maintained. It is necessary that there has to be a focused approach in attaining these levels, which would not be possible at multiple locations. The laboratory lodges the best equipments, and uses the best reagents and systems available in the diagnostic industry across the world. By rightly blending the biotechnology and information technology, Thyrocare brought the world class diagnostic services to the nooks and corners of the country at costs which almost everyone can afford.

To make the optimum use of the best-equipped machines, Thyrocare has come up with the revolutionary idea of barcoding the entire network. Through this procedure, each and every sample is identified by the barcode on the vial. With this modality of working, the sample vial once placed on the automated instrument is automatically identified, along with the test to be performed, and simultaneously the output data is synchronised with the software and directly uploaded onto website ensuring an error-free reporting.

Rs.650 Rs.400 only

Special Offer!

Rs.300 Rs.150 only

Special Offer!

Discount Coupon

Discount Coupon

Name : _____________________________

Age : ______ years Sex: M / F

Address : _____________________________




Pincode: ___________ Ph: ____________________

Name : _____________________________

Age : ______ years Sex: M / F

Address : _____________________________




Pincode: ___________ Ph: ____________________

NOTE! This barcode and rate meant for HbA1c only. To get a complete SugarScan® report, please use the Lipid Profile and Kidleak barcodes also.

NOTE! This barcode and rate meant for Lipro only. To get a complete SugarScan® report, please use the HbA1c and Kidleak barcodes also.

10-12 hrs fasting required

Page 10: Invitation kit

Rs.250 Rs.150 only

Special Offer!

Rs.1400 Rs.1000 only

Special Offer!

Discount Coupon

Discount Coupon

Name : _____________________________

Age : ______ years Sex: M / F

Address : _____________________________




Pincode: ___________ Ph: ____________________

Name : _____________________________

Age : ______ years Sex: M / F

Address : _____________________________




Pincode: ___________ Ph: ____________________

NOTE! This barcode and rate meant for Kidleak only. To get a complete SugarScan® report, please use the Lipid Profile and HbA1c barcodes also.

NOTE! The list of test parameters included under aarogyam 30 is given overleaf

recommended for

effective screening and monitoring of Diabetes

To teach new tests and technologies in diabetes, we are looking for Diabetes Diagnostic Counselor Counselors

in your town. For more details, email us: [email protected] or call us 0422 - 2656998

To teach new tests and technologies in diabetes, we are looking for Diabetes Diagnostic Counselor Counselors

in your town. For more details, email us: [email protected] or call us 0422 - 2656998

recommended for

effective screening and monitoring of Diabetes

10-12 hrs fasting required

Page 11: Invitation kit

Rs.250 Rs.150 only

Special Offer!

Rs.1400 Rs.1000 only

Special Offer!

Discount Coupon

Discount Coupon

Name : _____________________________

Age : ______ years Sex: M / F

Address : _____________________________




Pincode: ___________ Ph: ____________________

Name : _____________________________

Age : ______ years Sex: M / F

Address : _____________________________




Pincode: ___________ Ph: ____________________

NOTE! This barcode and rate meant for Kidleak only. To get a complete SugarScan® report, please use the Lipid Profile and HbA1c barcodes also.

NOTE! The list of test parameters included under aarogyam 30 is given overleaf

recommended for

effective screening and monitoring of Diabetes

To teach new tests and technologies in diabetes, we are looking for Diabetes Diagnostic Counselor Counselors

in your town. For more details, email us: [email protected] or call us 0422 - 2656998

To teach new tests and technologies in diabetes, we are looking for Diabetes Diagnostic Counselor Counselors

in your town. For more details, email us: [email protected] or call us 0422 - 2656998

recommended for

effective screening and monitoring of Diabetes

10-12 hrs fasting required

Page 12: Invitation kit

recommended for

effective screening and monitoring of Diabetes

recommended for

effective preventive healthcare screening

aarogyam 30 4Lipid Profile [7]

4Thyroid Profile [3]

4Liver Profile [10]

4Kidney Profile [4]

4Anemia Profile [4]

4Infectious Disease Detection [2]

Rs.800 Rs.500 only

Special Offer!

Rs.400 Rs.200 only

Special Offer!

Discount Coupon

Discount Coupon

Name : _____________________________

Age : ______ years Sex: M / F

Address : _____________________________




Pincode: ___________ Ph: ____________________

Name : _____________________________

Age : ______ years Sex: M / F

Address : _____________________________




Pincode: ___________ Ph: ____________________

10-12 hrs fasting required

10-12 hrs fasting required



To teach new tests and technologies in diabetes, we are looking for Diabetes Diagnostic Counselor Counselors

in your town. For more details, email us: [email protected] or call us 0422 - 2656998

To teach new tests and technologies in diabetes, we are looking for Diabetes Diagnostic Counselor Counselors

in your town. For more details, email us: [email protected] or call us 0422 - 2656998 NOTE! The list of test parameters included under aarogyam 8 is given overleaf

NOTE! The list of test parameters included under aarogyam 20 is given overleaf

Page 13: Invitation kit

recommended for

effective screening and monitoring of Diabetes

recommended for

effective preventive healthcare screening

aarogyam 30 4Lipid Profile [7]

4Thyroid Profile [3]

4Liver Profile [10]

4Kidney Profile [4]

4Anemia Profile [4]

4Infectious Disease Detection [2]

Rs.800 Rs.500 only

Special Offer!

Rs.400 Rs.200 only

Special Offer!

Discount Coupon

Discount Coupon

Name : _____________________________

Age : ______ years Sex: M / F

Address : _____________________________




Pincode: ___________ Ph: ____________________

Name : _____________________________

Age : ______ years Sex: M / F

Address : _____________________________




Pincode: ___________ Ph: ____________________

10-12 hrs fasting required

10-12 hrs fasting required



To teach new tests and technologies in diabetes, we are looking for Diabetes Diagnostic Counselor Counselors

in your town. For more details, email us: [email protected] or call us 0422 - 2656998

To teach new tests and technologies in diabetes, we are looking for Diabetes Diagnostic Counselor Counselors

in your town. For more details, email us: [email protected] or call us 0422 - 2656998 NOTE! The list of test parameters included under aarogyam 8 is given overleaf

NOTE! The list of test parameters included under aarogyam 20 is given overleaf

Page 14: Invitation kit

recommended for

effective preventive healthcare screening

recommended for

effective preventive healthcare screening

aarogyam 84Total Cholesterol4HDL Cholesterol (Direct)4LDL Cholesterol 4VLDL Cholesterol4Triglycerides4LDL / HDL ratio4TC / HDL Cholesterol ratio4Thyroid Stimulating Hormone

aarogyam 204Lipid Profile [7]

4Thyroid Profile [3]

4Liver Profile [10]

To teach new tests and technologies in diabetes, we are looking for Diabetes Diagnostic Counselor Counselors

in your town. For more details, email us: [email protected] or call us 0422 - 2656998

To teach new tests and technologies in diabetes, we are looking for Diabetes Diagnostic Counselor Counselors

in your town. For more details, email us: [email protected] or call us 0422 - 2656998

Rs.450 Rs.350 only

Special Offer!

Rs.400 Rs.225 only

Special Offer!

Discount Coupon

Discount Coupon

Name : _____________________________

Age : ______ years Sex: M / F

Address : _____________________________




Pincode: ___________ Ph: ____________________

Name : _____________________________

Age : ______ years Sex: M / F

Address : _____________________________




Pincode: ___________ Ph: ____________________

NOTE! The list of test parameters included under IDpro is given overleaf



PRIDI N F E C T I O U S D I S E A S E S P r o f i l e

K I D N E Y P r o f i l e

NOTE! The list of test parameters included under KIDpro is given overleaf

Page 15: Invitation kit

recommended for

effective preventive healthcare screening

recommended for

effective preventive healthcare screening

aarogyam 84Total Cholesterol4HDL Cholesterol (Direct)4LDL Cholesterol 4VLDL Cholesterol4Triglycerides4LDL / HDL ratio4TC / HDL Cholesterol ratio4Thyroid Stimulating Hormone

aarogyam 204Lipid Profile [7]

4Thyroid Profile [3]

4Liver Profile [10]

To teach new tests and technologies in diabetes, we are looking for Diabetes Diagnostic Counselor Counselors

in your town. For more details, email us: [email protected] or call us 0422 - 2656998

To teach new tests and technologies in diabetes, we are looking for Diabetes Diagnostic Counselor Counselors

in your town. For more details, email us: [email protected] or call us 0422 - 2656998

Rs.450 Rs.350 only

Special Offer!

Rs.400 Rs.225 only

Special Offer!

Discount Coupon

Discount Coupon

Name : _____________________________

Age : ______ years Sex: M / F

Address : _____________________________




Pincode: ___________ Ph: ____________________

Name : _____________________________

Age : ______ years Sex: M / F

Address : _____________________________




Pincode: ___________ Ph: ____________________

NOTE! The list of test parameters included under IDpro is given overleaf



PRIDI N F E C T I O U S D I S E A S E S P r o f i l e

K I D N E Y P r o f i l e

NOTE! The list of test parameters included under KIDpro is given overleaf

Page 16: Invitation kit


recommendour products


Thyrocare Technologies LimitedNavakkarai, Behind Nandi Koil,

Palakkad Main Road, Coimbatore - 641105.


Get a copy of the ‘Diabetes’ handbook, published by Thyrocare for FREE of cost! Just fill in the names and addresses of 7 of your friends/ relatives (above 30 years of age) and send it to us to the address given below. Do no enter details of more than one person living in same house. Please fill in CAPITAL letters only. Do not forget to enter your address below. The offer is still stock lasts or till 01-12-20007 and subject to conditions.


recommended for

kidney function diagnosis

recommended for

HbsAg, HCV and HIV diagnosis

Kidney Profile4Serum Creatinine4Uric Acid4Blood Urea Nitrogen4Calcium

Infectious Diseases Profile4 Hepatitis B surface Antigen

4 Hepatitis C virus

4 HIV I & II

To teach new tests and technologies in diabetes, we are looking for Diabetes Diagnostic Counselor Counselors

in your town. For more details, email us: [email protected] or call us 0422 - 2656998

To teach new tests and technologies in diabetes, we are looking for Diabetes Diagnostic Counselor Counselors

in your town. For more details, email us: [email protected] or call us 0422 - 2656998

PRIDI N F E C T I O U S D I S E A S E S P r o f i l e

K I D N E Y P r o f i l e

Page 17: Invitation kit


recommendour products


Thyrocare Technologies LimitedNavakkarai, Behind Nandi Koil,

Palakkad Main Road, Coimbatore - 641105.


Get a copy of the ‘Diabetes’ handbook, published by Thyrocare for FREE of cost! Just fill in the names and addresses of 7 of your friends/ relatives (above 30 years of age) and send it to us to the address given below. Do no enter details of more than one person living in same house. Please fill in CAPITAL letters only. Do not forget to enter your address below. The offer is still stock lasts or till 01-12-20007 and subject to conditions.


recommended for

kidney function diagnosis

recommended for

HbsAg, HCV and HIV diagnosis

Kidney Profile4Serum Creatinine4Uric Acid4Blood Urea Nitrogen4Calcium

Infectious Diseases Profile4 Hepatitis B surface Antigen

4 Hepatitis C virus

4 HIV I & II

To teach new tests and technologies in diabetes, we are looking for Diabetes Diagnostic Counselor Counselors

in your town. For more details, email us: [email protected] or call us 0422 - 2656998

To teach new tests and technologies in diabetes, we are looking for Diabetes Diagnostic Counselor Counselors

in your town. For more details, email us: [email protected] or call us 0422 - 2656998

PRIDI N F E C T I O U S D I S E A S E S P r o f i l e

K I D N E Y P r o f i l e

Page 18: Invitation kit

Thyrocare Collection Centres

NORTH INDIA (011) Central Delhi 22826480 • East Delhi 22444172 • North Delhi 32933609 • South Delhi 41000839, 26107009 • West Delhi 25794440, 25268332 •New Delhi 30933609, 24122966, 26949035, 55448670 • Ambala (0171) 2553290 • Fatehbad (01692) 230068 • Hisar (01662) 248243 • Kaithal (01746) 324653 • Panchkula (0172) 2563221 • Panipat (0180) 2265371 • Rewari (01274) 329481 • Rohtak (01262) 213914 • Sirsa (01666) 234908 • Amritsar (0183) 5006327 • Bathinda (0164) 2241389, 5000566 • Chandigarh (0172) 4629570, 2615570 • Ferozpur (01685) 230553 • Hoshiarpur (01882) 250581 • Jalandhar (0181) 2460338 • Kotakpura (01635) 222827 • Ludhiana (0161) 5035553, 2773053 • Moga (01636) 230438 • Patiala (0175) 5535377, 5543720 •Patiala (01762) 227709 • Sirmour (01702) 226446 •Shimla (0177) 2629150 • Srinagar (0194) 2103795 • Agra (0562) 3298019, 2523643 • Aligarh (0571) 2504014 • Allahabad (0532) 2462190, 2637340 • Bareilly (0581) 2567067, 3092640 • Deoria (05568) 229067 • Gorakhpur (0551) 2342165 • Jaunpur (05452) 267170 • Jhansi (0510) 2450973 • Kanpur (0512) 3042445 • Kheri (05872) 253776 • Lucknow (0522) 2239575, 3123809, 2344990 • Maunathbhanjan (05472) 2225103 • Meerut (0121) 2657947, 2766154 • Noida (0120) 2442895 • Rai Bareli (0535) 3293429 • Shahjahanpur (05842) 229981 • Sonbhadra 268361 • Sultanpur (05362) 222199 • Unnao 3297082 • Varanasi (0542) 2500072, 2400407 •Ghaziabad (0120) 2852218, 2724711 • Bikaner 2548325 • Hanumangarh (01552) 265967 • Jodhpur (0291) 2625511 • Kota (0744) 2424255 • Sikar (01572) 250656 •Jaipur (0141) 2366912, 3259515 • Bhopal (0755) 4283407, 4283407 • Chhaterpur (07682) 400122 • Chindwada (07162) 245143 • Durg (0788) 2224112 • Gwalior (0751) 2335325 • Indore (0731) 3290308, 3090308 • Jabalpur (0761) 2400462 • Katni (07622) 409236 • Narsinghpur (07792) 230316 • Neemuch (07423) 221046 • Ratlam (07412) 239283 • Rewa (07662) 406776 • Satna (07672) 406136 • Sidhi (07805) 244784 • Ujjain (0734) 4012532 , 2514815

WEST INDIA Ahmedabad (079) 27545321 • Anand (02692) 268877 • Bharuch (02642) 221663 • Junagadh (0285) 3291703 • Mehsana (02762) 245371 • Navasari (02637) 234833 • Porbandar (0286) 2241816 • Surat (0261) 5575942, 5575941, 6575942 • Vadodara (0265) 2418193, 3090332 • Valsad (02632) 242021 •Rajkot (0281) 2465885 • Ahemed Nagar (02425) 324323, (0241) 2359892 • Alibagh (952141) 32985209 • Akola (0724) 3090397 , 2450406 • Amravati (0721) 2675717, 3290577 • Aurangabad (0240) 2353557 • Chandrapur (07172) 271494, 264318 • Dhule (02562) 229735 • Gondia (07182) 329795 • Jalgaon (0257) 9923290257 • Jalna (02482) 236884 • Kolhapur (0231) 2541332, 9822013050 • Latur (02382) 255190 • Malegaon (02554) 320891 •Mumbai (022) Andheri (E) 26821968 • Andheri (W) 26373700 • Bandra (W) 66994508 • Bhandup 25661769 • Borivili (W) 28980576 • Borivli (E) 28980576 • Byculla (E) 23739518 • Charni Rd 22089690 • Chembur 55989765 • Cot-ton Green 9820646136 • Dadar (W) 24121076 • Dahisar (E) 28996165 • Dharavi 39546109 • Dongri 23753333 • Ghatkopar (W) 25131835 • Girgaum 23893388 • Goregaon (W) 28772368 • Kandivali (E) 28698395 • Kandivli (W) 28625814 •Kurla (W) 26524688 • Malad (W) 28886116 • Mulund (W) 25926300 • Mumbai Central 32931317 • Parel (E) 24121076, 24104401 • Santacruz (W) 28996165 • Sion (W) 32552150 • Vikhroli (W) 25789772 • Vile Parle(E) 26845602 • Vile Parle (W) 26711873 • Worli 9323420273 • Navi Mumbai (022) Ghansoli 27869052 • Nerul 56166893 • Panvel 30985209 • Vashi 27821448 • Thane Thane (W) (022) 25423317 • Ghodbunder Rd 65062519 • Kalwa (022) 25452214, 09423911121 • Vartak Nagar (022) 25856139 • Manpada (022) 56845037 • Mumbra (022) 25464281 • Bhayandar (E) (022) 28171810 • Vasai (W) (95250) 2351203 • Ulhasnagar (95251) 2561439 • Dombivili (E) (95251) 2860701 • Kalyan (W) (95251) 2312350 • Bhiwandi 25136193, (952522) 226674 • Badlapur (E) (95251) 2694036 • Nagpur (0712) 2770868, 2454456, 2454456 • Nashik (0253) 2317277 • Pandharpur (02186) 225286 • Pune Aundh (020) 56322824 • Baramati (952112) 224415 • Dhankawadi (020) 56205923 • Jehangir Hospital (020) 26130956 • Lonavala (952114) 273605 • Mantri Market (9520) 26817038 • Nagar Rd (020) 32931396 • Narayangaon (02132) 242937 • Salunke (022) 26821499 • Somwar Peth (020) 26128209 • Parbhani 230501• Ratnagiri (02355) 261361 • Sangli (0233) 2327528 • Satara (952162) 231208, (02164) 229371 • Solapur (0217) 5619399, 3294132 • Washim (07252) 232095 • GOA (0832) 2426223 • Rajnandgaon (07744) 507383 • Bastar (07782) 225161 • Bilaspur (0775) 2502474, 2411446 • Korba (07759) 221661 • Raigarh (07762) 235314 • Raipur (0771) 2226740

EAST INDIA Anugul (06760) 269228, 233236 • Balangir (06652) 230572 • Bargarh (06646) 233528 • Bhadrak (06784) 279091 • Bhubaneshwar (0674) 3957936, 2531312, 3097279, 2531312 •Cuttak 40068• Ganjam (0680) 2222863 • Jharsuguda (06645) 272340 • Kalahandi (06670) 234510 • Koraput (06854) 232046 • Mayurbhanj (06792) 253888 • Puri (06752) 220754 • Sambalpur (0663) 2402032, 3290448 • Sundargarh (0661) 2500555 • Cachar (03842) 245715 • Guwahati (0361) 985404570 • (0360) 2350285 • West Tripura (0381) 2388949 • Araria (06453) 222444 • Begusarai (06243) 216590 • Bhagalpur (06344) 223721 • Bokaro (06542) 233387 • Darbhanga (06272) 247597 • Gaya (0631) 2225494 • Katihar (06452) 241294 • Munger (06344) 223721 • Muzaffarpur (0621) 2219988 •Patna (0612) Ashok Raj Path 2690077 • Kankarbargh 2690077 • Paschim Darwaza 2690077 • Patliputra Colony 2278699 • Patliputra Rd 2278699 • Rajendra Nagar 2690077 • Nalanda (06112) 235196 • Dhanbad (0326) 2301625, 2300420, 2372686 • Hazaribag (06546) 09334724791 • Jamshedpur (0657) 2230476 • Koderma 223908 • Ranchi (0651) 2280029, 2563233, 9334435728, 2232829, 2545851 • Singhbhum East (0657) 2223333,3091320 WEST BENGAL Bankura (03242) 242068 • Barddhaman (0343) 3290846, (0341) 2209172, 2448403 • Birbhum (03462) 256595 • Dakshin Dinajpur (03522) 255571 • Hooghly (03212) 275367 • Howrah (033) 26663486, 26508553 •Kolkata (033) Baguiati 25704818 • Barrackpore 25930316 • Behala 24071613 • Belgharia 25645966 • Gariahat 24659596 • Jadhavpur 24142661 • Jessore Rd 25295529 • Kidderpore 24495863 • Mukherjee Rd 22232593 • New Alipore 32919379 • Parkstreet 22298972 • Phool Bagan 23206200 • Rabindra Sarni 28641085 • Salt Lake 23344077• Midnapore (03222) 273470 • Murshidabad (03482) 251566 • Nadia (03473) 215123 • Siliguri (0353) 2522184, 2516782

SOUTH INDIA Adilabad 309345, 9866121404 • Anantapur (08554) 277625 • Bhivmavaram 225235 • Chittoor (0877) 2286764 • Cuddapah (08564) 251559 • Guntur (0863) 2228700, 2242995, (08647) 220327 •Hyderabad (040) Charminar 24527711 • Chikkadpally 27673470 • Erragada 23705100 • Market Street 27713354 • Mehadipatinam 55754903 • W.Marredpally 55229970 • Kakinada (0884) 2368386 • Karim Nagar (0878) 2249452, 2264030, (08728) 247370, (08723) 235288, (08724) 231115 • Khammam (08742) 324849 • Kurnool (08518) 255389 • Nalgonda (08682) 230626 • Nellore (0861) 2324405 • Palakol 225590 • Prakasam (08592) 282732 • Rajahmundry (0883) 5568249 • Srikakulam 2564335 • Vijayawada (0866) 2431804, 5560773, 2431804 • Visakhapatnam (0891) 2729909, 2564335, 2750313, 2516211, 2745244 • Warangal (0870) 2553198, 5598319 • West Godavari 654876 • Bangalore (080) 23201823, 32716713, 57764045 • Belgaum (0831) 2402119 • Bellary (08392) 274069 • Bijapur (08352) 223346 • Chitradurga (08192) 250654 • Dakishna Kannada (0824) 2211121 • Davanagere (08192) 237771 • Dharwad (0836) 2354869 • Gulbarga (08472) 225065, 234872 • Hassan (08172) 596257 • Hubli (0836) 2357990 • Mysore (0821) 2520930 • Udupi (0820) 2524566 • Chengalpattu (044) 27430407 • Chennai (044) Ambattur 26571244 • Aminjikarai 55447375 • Broadway 25282589 • Chrompet 55853054 • Mandaveli 55343468 • Nanganallur 098404488552 • Nungambakkam 253989 • Poonamalle 26272447 • Purasawakkam 55339001 • Saligrmam 55343468 • Thiruvanmiyur 42153300 • T-Nagar 32910177 • Velachery 30911696 • Washermanpet 25985174 • Coimbatore (0422) 2541361, 5587554, 2493144, 2216172 • Cuddalore 289868 • Dindigul (0451) 2436619 • Erode (0424) 2267463 • Karaikudi (04565) 234692 • Karur (04324) 239326 • Madurai (0452) 4372128, 4353063, 4353063 • Nagarcoil (04652) 224656, (04651) 272775 • Namakkal (04286) 223391 • Palayamkottai 9442947083• Paramakudi 9345002136 • Pollachi (04259) 238667, 283072 • Ramanathapuram (04567) 227842 • Salem (0427) 244749 • Tenkasi (04634) 254583 • Thanjavur (0435) 2400253, (04362) 274712 • Theni (04546) 260170 • Thiruvanamalai (04175) 253955 • Tirunelveli (0462) 2560647 • Tiruppur (0421) 2233410 • Tiruvarur 240245 • Trichy (0431) 2420104, 2447774 • Tuticorin (0461) 2339847 • Vellore (0416) 2226162 • Villupuram (04146) 251985 • Virudhunagar (04562) 267833 • (0413) 4200889 • Alappuzha (0477) 2238974 • Calicut (0495) 2301903 • Changanacherry (0481) 2401270 • Kannur (0497) 2712144, (0490) 2327979, (04985) 203635, (0498) 201930 • Kochi (0484) 5519991 • Kollam (0474) 2761095• Kottayam (0481) 3293154 • Malappuram (0495) 2367888 • Malapuram (04933) 226674 • Mavelikkara (0479) 3291744 • Palakkad (0491) 2510855 • Trichur (0487) 2321326 • Trivandrum (0471) 2558549















42,23,436 investigations a year...

Who is the runner up?

We bring the best of Technologies to the doorsof the common man at the rates they can afford

Page 19: Invitation kit

Thyrocare Collection Centres

NORTH INDIA (011) Central Delhi 22826480 • East Delhi 22444172 • North Delhi 32933609 • South Delhi 41000839, 26107009 • West Delhi 25794440, 25268332 •New Delhi 30933609, 24122966, 26949035, 55448670 • Ambala (0171) 2553290 • Fatehbad (01692) 230068 • Hisar (01662) 248243 • Kaithal (01746) 324653 • Panchkula (0172) 2563221 • Panipat (0180) 2265371 • Rewari (01274) 329481 • Rohtak (01262) 213914 • Sirsa (01666) 234908 • Amritsar (0183) 5006327 • Bathinda (0164) 2241389, 5000566 • Chandigarh (0172) 4629570, 2615570 • Ferozpur (01685) 230553 • Hoshiarpur (01882) 250581 • Jalandhar (0181) 2460338 • Kotakpura (01635) 222827 • Ludhiana (0161) 5035553, 2773053 • Moga (01636) 230438 • Patiala (0175) 5535377, 5543720 •Patiala (01762) 227709 • Sirmour (01702) 226446 •Shimla (0177) 2629150 • Srinagar (0194) 2103795 • Agra (0562) 3298019, 2523643 • Aligarh (0571) 2504014 • Allahabad (0532) 2462190, 2637340 • Bareilly (0581) 2567067, 3092640 • Deoria (05568) 229067 • Gorakhpur (0551) 2342165 • Jaunpur (05452) 267170 • Jhansi (0510) 2450973 • Kanpur (0512) 3042445 • Kheri (05872) 253776 • Lucknow (0522) 2239575, 3123809, 2344990 • Maunathbhanjan (05472) 2225103 • Meerut (0121) 2657947, 2766154 • Noida (0120) 2442895 • Rai Bareli (0535) 3293429 • Shahjahanpur (05842) 229981 • Sonbhadra 268361 • Sultanpur (05362) 222199 • Unnao 3297082 • Varanasi (0542) 2500072, 2400407 •Ghaziabad (0120) 2852218, 2724711 • Bikaner 2548325 • Hanumangarh (01552) 265967 • Jodhpur (0291) 2625511 • Kota (0744) 2424255 • Sikar (01572) 250656 •Jaipur (0141) 2366912, 3259515 • Bhopal (0755) 4283407, 4283407 • Chhaterpur (07682) 400122 • Chindwada (07162) 245143 • Durg (0788) 2224112 • Gwalior (0751) 2335325 • Indore (0731) 3290308, 3090308 • Jabalpur (0761) 2400462 • Katni (07622) 409236 • Narsinghpur (07792) 230316 • Neemuch (07423) 221046 • Ratlam (07412) 239283 • Rewa (07662) 406776 • Satna (07672) 406136 • Sidhi (07805) 244784 • Ujjain (0734) 4012532 , 2514815

WEST INDIA Ahmedabad (079) 27545321 • Anand (02692) 268877 • Bharuch (02642) 221663 • Junagadh (0285) 3291703 • Mehsana (02762) 245371 • Navasari (02637) 234833 • Porbandar (0286) 2241816 • Surat (0261) 5575942, 5575941, 6575942 • Vadodara (0265) 2418193, 3090332 • Valsad (02632) 242021 •Rajkot (0281) 2465885 • Ahemed Nagar (02425) 324323, (0241) 2359892 • Alibagh (952141) 32985209 • Akola (0724) 3090397 , 2450406 • Amravati (0721) 2675717, 3290577 • Aurangabad (0240) 2353557 • Chandrapur (07172) 271494, 264318 • Dhule (02562) 229735 • Gondia (07182) 329795 • Jalgaon (0257) 9923290257 • Jalna (02482) 236884 • Kolhapur (0231) 2541332, 9822013050 • Latur (02382) 255190 • Malegaon (02554) 320891 •Mumbai (022) Andheri (E) 26821968 • Andheri (W) 26373700 • Bandra (W) 66994508 • Bhandup 25661769 • Borivili (W) 28980576 • Borivli (E) 28980576 • Byculla (E) 23739518 • Charni Rd 22089690 • Chembur 55989765 • Cot-ton Green 9820646136 • Dadar (W) 24121076 • Dahisar (E) 28996165 • Dharavi 39546109 • Dongri 23753333 • Ghatkopar (W) 25131835 • Girgaum 23893388 • Goregaon (W) 28772368 • Kandivali (E) 28698395 • Kandivli (W) 28625814 •Kurla (W) 26524688 • Malad (W) 28886116 • Mulund (W) 25926300 • Mumbai Central 32931317 • Parel (E) 24121076, 24104401 • Santacruz (W) 28996165 • Sion (W) 32552150 • Vikhroli (W) 25789772 • Vile Parle(E) 26845602 • Vile Parle (W) 26711873 • Worli 9323420273 • Navi Mumbai (022) Ghansoli 27869052 • Nerul 56166893 • Panvel 30985209 • Vashi 27821448 • Thane Thane (W) (022) 25423317 • Ghodbunder Rd 65062519 • Kalwa (022) 25452214, 09423911121 • Vartak Nagar (022) 25856139 • Manpada (022) 56845037 • Mumbra (022) 25464281 • Bhayandar (E) (022) 28171810 • Vasai (W) (95250) 2351203 • Ulhasnagar (95251) 2561439 • Dombivili (E) (95251) 2860701 • Kalyan (W) (95251) 2312350 • Bhiwandi 25136193, (952522) 226674 • Badlapur (E) (95251) 2694036 • Nagpur (0712) 2770868, 2454456, 2454456 • Nashik (0253) 2317277 • Pandharpur (02186) 225286 • Pune Aundh (020) 56322824 • Baramati (952112) 224415 • Dhankawadi (020) 56205923 • Jehangir Hospital (020) 26130956 • Lonavala (952114) 273605 • Mantri Market (9520) 26817038 • Nagar Rd (020) 32931396 • Narayangaon (02132) 242937 • Salunke (022) 26821499 • Somwar Peth (020) 26128209 • Parbhani 230501• Ratnagiri (02355) 261361 • Sangli (0233) 2327528 • Satara (952162) 231208, (02164) 229371 • Solapur (0217) 5619399, 3294132 • Washim (07252) 232095 • GOA (0832) 2426223 • Rajnandgaon (07744) 507383 • Bastar (07782) 225161 • Bilaspur (0775) 2502474, 2411446 • Korba (07759) 221661 • Raigarh (07762) 235314 • Raipur (0771) 2226740

EAST INDIA Anugul (06760) 269228, 233236 • Balangir (06652) 230572 • Bargarh (06646) 233528 • Bhadrak (06784) 279091 • Bhubaneshwar (0674) 3957936, 2531312, 3097279, 2531312 •Cuttak 40068• Ganjam (0680) 2222863 • Jharsuguda (06645) 272340 • Kalahandi (06670) 234510 • Koraput (06854) 232046 • Mayurbhanj (06792) 253888 • Puri (06752) 220754 • Sambalpur (0663) 2402032, 3290448 • Sundargarh (0661) 2500555 • Cachar (03842) 245715 • Guwahati (0361) 985404570 • (0360) 2350285 • West Tripura (0381) 2388949 • Araria (06453) 222444 • Begusarai (06243) 216590 • Bhagalpur (06344) 223721 • Bokaro (06542) 233387 • Darbhanga (06272) 247597 • Gaya (0631) 2225494 • Katihar (06452) 241294 • Munger (06344) 223721 • Muzaffarpur (0621) 2219988 •Patna (0612) Ashok Raj Path 2690077 • Kankarbargh 2690077 • Paschim Darwaza 2690077 • Patliputra Colony 2278699 • Patliputra Rd 2278699 • Rajendra Nagar 2690077 • Nalanda (06112) 235196 • Dhanbad (0326) 2301625, 2300420, 2372686 • Hazaribag (06546) 09334724791 • Jamshedpur (0657) 2230476 • Koderma 223908 • Ranchi (0651) 2280029, 2563233, 9334435728, 2232829, 2545851 • Singhbhum East (0657) 2223333,3091320 WEST BENGAL Bankura (03242) 242068 • Barddhaman (0343) 3290846, (0341) 2209172, 2448403 • Birbhum (03462) 256595 • Dakshin Dinajpur (03522) 255571 • Hooghly (03212) 275367 • Howrah (033) 26663486, 26508553 •Kolkata (033) Baguiati 25704818 • Barrackpore 25930316 • Behala 24071613 • Belgharia 25645966 • Gariahat 24659596 • Jadhavpur 24142661 • Jessore Rd 25295529 • Kidderpore 24495863 • Mukherjee Rd 22232593 • New Alipore 32919379 • Parkstreet 22298972 • Phool Bagan 23206200 • Rabindra Sarni 28641085 • Salt Lake 23344077• Midnapore (03222) 273470 • Murshidabad (03482) 251566 • Nadia (03473) 215123 • Siliguri (0353) 2522184, 2516782

SOUTH INDIA Adilabad 309345, 9866121404 • Anantapur (08554) 277625 • Bhivmavaram 225235 • Chittoor (0877) 2286764 • Cuddapah (08564) 251559 • Guntur (0863) 2228700, 2242995, (08647) 220327 •Hyderabad (040) Charminar 24527711 • Chikkadpally 27673470 • Erragada 23705100 • Market Street 27713354 • Mehadipatinam 55754903 • W.Marredpally 55229970 • Kakinada (0884) 2368386 • Karim Nagar (0878) 2249452, 2264030, (08728) 247370, (08723) 235288, (08724) 231115 • Khammam (08742) 324849 • Kurnool (08518) 255389 • Nalgonda (08682) 230626 • Nellore (0861) 2324405 • Palakol 225590 • Prakasam (08592) 282732 • Rajahmundry (0883) 5568249 • Srikakulam 2564335 • Vijayawada (0866) 2431804, 5560773, 2431804 • Visakhapatnam (0891) 2729909, 2564335, 2750313, 2516211, 2745244 • Warangal (0870) 2553198, 5598319 • West Godavari 654876 • Bangalore (080) 23201823, 32716713, 57764045 • Belgaum (0831) 2402119 • Bellary (08392) 274069 • Bijapur (08352) 223346 • Chitradurga (08192) 250654 • Dakishna Kannada (0824) 2211121 • Davanagere (08192) 237771 • Dharwad (0836) 2354869 • Gulbarga (08472) 225065, 234872 • Hassan (08172) 596257 • Hubli (0836) 2357990 • Mysore (0821) 2520930 • Udupi (0820) 2524566 • Chengalpattu (044) 27430407 • Chennai (044) Ambattur 26571244 • Aminjikarai 55447375 • Broadway 25282589 • Chrompet 55853054 • Mandaveli 55343468 • Nanganallur 098404488552 • Nungambakkam 253989 • Poonamalle 26272447 • Purasawakkam 55339001 • Saligrmam 55343468 • Thiruvanmiyur 42153300 • T-Nagar 32910177 • Velachery 30911696 • Washermanpet 25985174 • Coimbatore (0422) 2541361, 5587554, 2493144, 2216172 • Cuddalore 289868 • Dindigul (0451) 2436619 • Erode (0424) 2267463 • Karaikudi (04565) 234692 • Karur (04324) 239326 • Madurai (0452) 4372128, 4353063, 4353063 • Nagarcoil (04652) 224656, (04651) 272775 • Namakkal (04286) 223391 • Palayamkottai 9442947083• Paramakudi 9345002136 • Pollachi (04259) 238667, 283072 • Ramanathapuram (04567) 227842 • Salem (0427) 244749 • Tenkasi (04634) 254583 • Thanjavur (0435) 2400253, (04362) 274712 • Theni (04546) 260170 • Thiruvanamalai (04175) 253955 • Tirunelveli (0462) 2560647 • Tiruppur (0421) 2233410 • Tiruvarur 240245 • Trichy (0431) 2420104, 2447774 • Tuticorin (0461) 2339847 • Vellore (0416) 2226162 • Villupuram (04146) 251985 • Virudhunagar (04562) 267833 • (0413) 4200889 • Alappuzha (0477) 2238974 • Calicut (0495) 2301903 • Changanacherry (0481) 2401270 • Kannur (0497) 2712144, (0490) 2327979, (04985) 203635, (0498) 201930 • Kochi (0484) 5519991 • Kollam (0474) 2761095• Kottayam (0481) 3293154 • Malappuram (0495) 2367888 • Malapuram (04933) 226674 • Mavelikkara (0479) 3291744 • Palakkad (0491) 2510855 • Trichur (0487) 2321326 • Trivandrum (0471) 2558549















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Page 20: Invitation kit

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dministrative O

ffice: Navakkarai, B

ehind Nandi Koil, Palakkad M

ain Rd, C

oimbatore - 641 105. P

h: (0422) 2656966/68. Fax: (0422) 2656967. Email: aarogyam


Laboratory: C

orporate Centre- B

, Opp H

otel Lotus Suite, A

ndheri- Kurla Rd, A

ndheri (E), Mum

bai 400 059. Ph: 022-55025566. Fax: 022-55021865. Em

ail: [email protected]

















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