If the future is for INTERDISCIPLINARY TEAM we need to change something! @giesus #iad2014

If the future is for interdisciplinary team, we need to change something!

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Page 1: If the future is for interdisciplinary team, we need to change something!

If the future is for

INTERDISCIPLINARY TEAM we need to change something!

@giesus #iad2014

Page 2: If the future is for interdisciplinary team, we need to change something!

ux designer - @giesus

Page 3: If the future is for interdisciplinary team, we need to change something!

di cosa voglio parlare?

Page 4: If the future is for interdisciplinary team, we need to change something!

Hacking delle organizzazioni

Page 5: If the future is for interdisciplinary team, we need to change something!

Hacking delle organizzazioni

Team interdisciplinari - Cross functional

Page 6: If the future is for interdisciplinary team, we need to change something!

Hacking delle organizzazioni

Team interdisciplinari - Cross functional

come superare i silos di competenze

Page 7: If the future is for interdisciplinary team, we need to change something!

Hacking delle organizzazioni

Team interdisciplinari - Cross functional

cultura e cambiamento

come superare i silos di competenze

Page 8: If the future is for interdisciplinary team, we need to change something!

Tim BrownCEO of IDEO

“In an interdisciplinary team there is collective ownership of ideas and everybody takes responsibility for them”

Page 9: If the future is for interdisciplinary team, we need to change something!
Page 10: If the future is for interdisciplinary team, we need to change something!

pronto...servizio clienti?

Page 11: If the future is for interdisciplinary team, we need to change something!

Si figuri nostro dovere..


Page 12: If the future is for interdisciplinary team, we need to change something!

il numero del supporto tecnico

Page 13: If the future is for interdisciplinary team, we need to change something!

ma certo ecco il numero...


Page 14: If the future is for interdisciplinary team, we need to change something!

Supporto tecnico?

Page 15: If the future is for interdisciplinary team, we need to change something!

ufficio “SICUREZZA”


Page 16: If the future is for interdisciplinary team, we need to change something!


supportotecnico sicurezza ...

Page 17: If the future is for interdisciplinary team, we need to change something!



Page 18: If the future is for interdisciplinary team, we need to change something!

Cos’è la cultura di una organizzazione?

Page 19: If the future is for interdisciplinary team, we need to change something!

“the specific collection of values and norms that are shared by people that control the way they interact with each other”

Page 20: If the future is for interdisciplinary team, we need to change something!

La cultura sta all’uomo come l’acqua ai pesci

Page 21: If the future is for interdisciplinary team, we need to change something!

ci permette di convivere evitando i conflitti...

Page 22: If the future is for interdisciplinary team, we need to change something!

Edgar Scheinprofessor MIT

“Culture is the primary source of resistance to change”

Page 23: If the future is for interdisciplinary team, we need to change something!


Page 24: If the future is for interdisciplinary team, we need to change something!

Perchè il cambiamento modifica la distribuzione del potere.

Page 25: If the future is for interdisciplinary team, we need to change something!


Page 26: If the future is for interdisciplinary team, we need to change something!


matt mullenweg

Page 27: If the future is for interdisciplinary team, we need to change something!


matt mullenweg

circa 50 persone

Page 28: If the future is for interdisciplinary team, we need to change something!



matt mullenweg

2010 - con l’arrivo di scott berkun i giochi cambiano

Page 29: If the future is for interdisciplinary team, we need to change something!

Automattic 2010 - con l’arrivo di scott berkun i giochi cambiano

scottLead Lead Lead Lead Lead Lead

matt mullenweg

Page 30: If the future is for interdisciplinary team, we need to change something!


scottLead Lead Lead Lead Lead Lead

il software come linguaggio condiviso

matt mullenweg

2010 - con l’arrivo di scott berkun i giochi cambiano

Page 31: If the future is for interdisciplinary team, we need to change something!


scottLead Lead Lead Lead Lead Lead

il software come linguaggio condiviso

matt mullenweg

2010 - con l’arrivo di scott berkun i giochi cambiano

Page 32: If the future is for interdisciplinary team, we need to change something!


scottLead Lead Lead Lead Lead Lead

il software come linguaggio condiviso

matt mullenweg

Design engineer business happiness

2010 - con l’arrivo di scott berkun i giochi cambiano

Page 33: If the future is for interdisciplinary team, we need to change something!


scottLead Lead Lead Lead Lead Lead

il software come linguaggio condiviso

matt mullenweg

Design engineer business happiness“Lavare le etichette” - non chiudersi nel proprio orticello

2010 - con l’arrivo di scott berkun i giochi cambiano

Page 34: If the future is for interdisciplinary team, we need to change something!


scottLead Lead Lead Lead Lead Lead

il software come linguaggio condiviso

matt mullenweg

Design engineer business happiness

Parlare linguaggi comuni - No barriere tra componenti

“Lavare le etichette” - non chiudersi nel proprio orticello

2010 - con l’arrivo di scott berkun i giochi cambiano

Page 35: If the future is for interdisciplinary team, we need to change something!


scottLead Lead Lead Lead Lead Lead

il software come linguaggio condiviso

matt mullenweg

Design engineer business happiness

Parlare linguaggi comuni - No barriere tra componenti

“Communication is oxygen” - essere sociali

“Lavare le etichette” - non chiudersi nel proprio orticello

2010 - con l’arrivo di scott berkun i giochi cambiano

Page 36: If the future is for interdisciplinary team, we need to change something!


scottLead Lead Lead Lead Lead Lead

il software come linguaggio condiviso

matt mullenweg

Design engineer business happiness

Parlare linguaggi comuni - No barriere tra componenti

“Communication is oxygen” - essere sociali

No manager per dividere l’organizzazione

cambi di ruolo - da supporto a sviluppo

“Lavare le etichette” - non chiudersi nel proprio orticello

2010 - con l’arrivo di scott berkun i giochi cambiano

Page 37: If the future is for interdisciplinary team, we need to change something!

Seee, li avete tutti voi i migliori?

Page 38: If the future is for interdisciplinary team, we need to change something!

Ti sembrerà strano ma noi li scegliamo in base alla loro capacità di essere indipendenti.

Bè…bisogna stare attenti all’ego, ma questo è un altro problema.


Page 39: If the future is for interdisciplinary team, we need to change something!

Automattic - hiring


cambiare il mondo

Page 40: If the future is for interdisciplinary team, we need to change something!

Bicycle repair managenzia londinese

Page 41: If the future is for interdisciplinary team, we need to change something!

bicycle repair man da 12 a 90 persone in 5 anni

CTO Head of Design

Page 42: If the future is for interdisciplinary team, we need to change something!

bicycle repair man da 12 a 90 persone in 5 anni

CTO Head of Design



DesignerAgile Team

Page 43: If the future is for interdisciplinary team, we need to change something!

bicycle repair man da 12 a 90 persone in 5 anni

CTO Head of Design



DesignerCoach Agile Team

Page 44: If the future is for interdisciplinary team, we need to change something!

bicycle repair man da 12 a 90 persone in 5 anni

CTO Head of Design



DesignerCoach Agile Team Designer

Page 45: If the future is for interdisciplinary team, we need to change something!

bicycle repair man da 12 a 90 persone in 5 anni

CTO Head of Design



DesignerCoach Agile Team Designer

Page 46: If the future is for interdisciplinary team, we need to change something!

bicycle repair man da 12 a 90 persone in 5 anni

CTO Head of Design



DesignerCoach Agile Team DesignerI due capi hanno creato 2 Silos di competenze

Page 47: If the future is for interdisciplinary team, we need to change something!

bicycle repair man da 12 a 90 persone in 5 anni

CTO Head of Design



DesignerCoach Agile Team DesignerI due capi hanno creato 2 Silos di competenze

LA cultura dominante sostiene le nicchie di competenza

Page 48: If the future is for interdisciplinary team, we need to change something!

bicycle repair man da 12 a 90 persone in 5 anni

CTO Head of Design



DesignerCoach Agile Team DesignerI due capi hanno creato 2 Silos di competenze

LA cultura dominante sostiene le nicchie di competenza

Le pratiche agili sono usate come strategia di difesa

Page 49: If the future is for interdisciplinary team, we need to change something!

bicycle repair man da 12 a 90 persone in 5 anni

CTO Head of Design



DesignerCoach Agile Team DesignerI due capi hanno creato 2 Silos di competenze

LA cultura dominante sostiene le nicchie di competenza

Le pratiche agili sono usate come strategia di difesa

La mia amica lascerà a breve l’agenzia

Page 50: If the future is for interdisciplinary team, we need to change something!

softvare italia

Page 51: If the future is for interdisciplinary team, we need to change something!

softvare italia circa 100 persone


Page 52: If the future is for interdisciplinary team, we need to change something!


softvare italia circa 100 persone

Page 53: If the future is for interdisciplinary team, we need to change something!



cross functional Team

1 UX Designer1 Product owner3 Senior engineer2 junior Engineer

softvare italia circa 100 persone

Page 54: If the future is for interdisciplinary team, we need to change something!



a chiamatacross functional Team

1 UX Designer1 Product owner3 Senior engineer2 junior Engineer

softvare italia circa 100 persone

Page 55: If the future is for interdisciplinary team, we need to change something!



a chiamatacross functional Team

1 UX Designer1 Product owner3 Senior engineer2 junior Engineer

softvare italia circa 100 persone

Page 56: If the future is for interdisciplinary team, we need to change something!



a chiamatacross functional Team

1 UX Designer1 Product owner3 Senior engineer2 junior Engineer

tutto il team in contatto con il cliente

softvare italia circa 100 persone

Page 57: If the future is for interdisciplinary team, we need to change something!



a chiamatacross functional Team

1 UX Designer1 Product owner3 Senior engineer2 junior Engineer

rottura dei silos di competenze

tutto il team in contatto con il cliente

softvare italia circa 100 persone

Page 58: If the future is for interdisciplinary team, we need to change something!



a chiamatacross functional Team

1 UX Designer1 Product owner3 Senior engineer2 junior Engineer

rottura dei silos di competenze

Valore del tempo passato ad esplorare soluzioni

tutto il team in contatto con il cliente

softvare italia circa 100 persone

Page 59: If the future is for interdisciplinary team, we need to change something!



a chiamatacross functional Team

1 UX Designer1 Product owner3 Senior engineer2 junior Engineer

rottura dei silos di competenze

Valore del tempo passato ad esplorare soluzioni

no metriche per valutare l’efficienza

tutto il team in contatto con il cliente

softvare italia circa 100 persone

Page 60: If the future is for interdisciplinary team, we need to change something!



a chiamatacross functional Team

1 UX Designer1 Product owner3 Senior engineer2 junior Engineer

rottura dei silos di competenze

Valore del tempo passato ad esplorare soluzioni

no metriche per valutare l’efficienza

inerzia dell’organizzazione <-> cultura

tutto il team in contatto con il cliente

softvare italia circa 100 persone

Page 61: If the future is for interdisciplinary team, we need to change something!

MA nel futuro cosa ci attende?

Page 62: If the future is for interdisciplinary team, we need to change something!

Change by design

Tim Brown

The connected companyDave Gray

Lean UXJeff Gothelf

Team design driven Company design Startup

Page 63: If the future is for interdisciplinary team, we need to change something!

Graziescrivimi @giesus