Design Policy in Action Politecnico di Milano The model of the Lux DAG

Design Policy in Action Workshop - Polimi introductory presentation

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Design Policy in Action—

Politecnico di Milano

The model of the Lux DAG

10.00 Welcome

10.10 Introduction to DfE and the Design Policy Beacon

10.30 Design Policy in Luxembourg

10.50 Invited ambassadors to present their context

12.00 Lunch

13.15 Activity 1 | Mapping design policy contexts

14.00 Activity 2 | Defining a Design Policy Action Plan

— Agenda of the day

— DfE in this room

Marzia Mortati, Politecnico di Milano, Milan

Beatrice Villari, Politecnico di Milano, Milan

Fabiola Bardelli, Luxinnovation, Luxembourg

Iben Højer Hansen, Danish Design Centre, Copenhagen

Sonja Dahl, Nesta, London

Jorge Cerveira Pinto, Design Council, London

Alexa Torlo, Birmingham City University, Birmingham

— Who are we

Consortium lead

Our vision—

To accelerate design-driven

innovation by raising awareness of

how design increases efficiency in

public services and drives business

growth across Europe.

— Design for Europe

— Design for Europe


—Develop great

products, services

and brands

Public Sector

—Improve the

experience and

effectiveness of

public services


—Shape policy to

create the conditions

for design-driven


The Design Policy Pillar

To carry out a set of activities

targeted to European, national

and local policymakers to raise

awareness, exchange

knowledge and build capacity all

over Europe for accelerating the

take-up of design in innovation


—DfE: the Design Policy Pillar

only few governments

have developed clear

national or regional

strategies to include

design in innovation


design has a

fragmented role in

innovation policies

across EU.

Design Policy in Europe—

—DfE: the Design Policy Pillar


common topics

proposed through

cases and


LEARN how to

support design

through policy in

effective ways


discussion, advance

the field, and produce

better policy

What is it? —

An evidence-based resource for


that creates knowledge on the field of

‘design+policy’ through data



•Policy makers and implementers

•Governmental institutions

•Design policy beneficiaries



Who is it for? —

What does it offer? —

Knowledge about the design policy

context in different EU regions,

interpreted through data visualisation

in order to make information easily

accessible and comparable.

Framework —Design policy categorisation and ecosystem of

subjects built from real data.

Country profiles and patterns—

Design Policy Lab—www.designpolicy.eu

Why are we here today?—

How can you make design support

relevant and impactful in your region?

How to make your design innovation

context more robust?

How to invest strategically on design

for future growth?

How to learn from past investments

and experiments and from what other

have done?

There is no recipe —

HOW? —

A1|Mapping design policy contexts

A2|Defining a Design Policy Action Plan

10.00 Welcome

10.10 Introduction to DfE and the Design Policy Beacon

10.30 Design Policy in Luxembourg

10.50 Invited ambassadors to present their context

12.00 Lunch

13.15 Activity 1 | Mapping design policy contexts

14.00 Activity 2 | Defining a Design Policy Action Plan

— Agenda of the day