Creative Strategy Compilation

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In this presentation, the cultural movement “Dressing Kids Like Mini-Adults” is explored to draw a connection with Science Diet, a dog food brand.

Insights are drawn from the observed HABITS AND BEHAVIORS on how some mothers dress their kids. Mothers are then narrowed down through a SEGMENTATION to

determine those who engage in the cultural movement. A persona who represents the targeted segmentation is then used in a DATA STORYTELLING to support the

motives and insights of these mothers who participate in the movement. From all the information gathered the connection between the cultural movement is drawn out. A

CUSTOMER DECISION JOURNEY of the brand is then presented.

Can a dog food brand get moms to level the importance of their kid’s fashion to the importance of appropriate and quality food choice for dogs?

Is there a common ground between the two that a dog food brand can use to convince fashion concious moms to care more about dog food choice?

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With 6.4% growth in 2013, children’s wear has emerged

as a lucrative category.

Spending per child has been on the rise, fuelled by rising

female disposable incomes in emerging markets, as well as

later parenthood and smaller family sizes across the board.

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For parents with kids under 10 years old,

3 in 4 parents let their kids wear nail polish.

1 in 3 dress them in bikinis.

Some let them wear high heels.

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The “mini me” trend sets the tone for children’s clothing

and footwear design, taking its cue from adult fashion.

A media-fuelled global fixation with celebrity offspring,

notably the births of the British royal baby and America’s

North West, also put children’s wear in the spotlight in 2013.

- Ashma Kunde Apparel Analyst

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Celebrities dress their kids in shrunken-down versions of trendy designer fashion. People look forward to what they would wear next.

Paparazzi shots of these kids in their designer outfits are featured in fashion blogs and magazines making them fashion celebrities themselves.

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Blogs and social networking sites like Instagram and Tumblr that feature kids dressed to the nines are becoming famous for posting images of kids

wearing the latest adult fashion trends.

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These “mini me” outfits are gaining popularity,prompting mothers to dress their kids similarly.

“It’s really supposed to be an inspirational forum for moms who enjoy cute fashion for their kids,”

- L.A. fashion designer Jenni Kayne

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A kid’s style of clothing is similar to the mother’s clothing.

When buying clothes, mothers pre-select items from which their kids choose options.

Mothers get the final say on what clothes to buy for kids even if the father is present and pays for it.

MOTIVATION:The kids are extensions of a mother’s image.What kids wear is very important for them.

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Replacing traditional kiddy outfits with adult style clothing shortens the childhood years.

Kids tend to get older faster, acting like grown-ups younger than ever.

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“The clothes make the man.”- Mark Twain

This effect can be justified by the the growing field called “EMBODIED COGNITION.”

It is said that what we wear affects how others perceive us how we perceive ourselves as well. Clothes can influence the way we

think, feel and behave.

This may relate to adults directly, but the application of this concept to justify the way adults dress up their kids is not far off.

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But not all moms support this movement.

Let’s get to know other types of moms according to how

they dress their kids.

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THE MOTHER-KID-CLOTHES RELATIONSHIPA Segmentation on How Mothers Dress Their Kids

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No-Big-Deal Moms

“I never give a hard thought about it.”

The No-big-deal Moms dress their kids with whatever is on top of the clothes pile in the dresser. For them, all clothing is the same and can be worn and is good for any situation. They don’t give importance on clothing style and color coordination, allowing their kids to wear mismatched clothes. They spend the least on clothes, since they mostly get them as gifts and hand-me-downs.

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Mix-It-Up Moms

“Sometimes it’s what I want, sometimes it’s what they want.”

Mixer moms dress their kids depending on the situation, event or place they are going, usually dressing them better for social events. For them, image can shift when necessary. Though they have preferences on clothing choices, they are lenient in that they do not force the kids if they don’t want to. Instead, they allow their kids to choose outfits in store and express themselves. They like to shop in stores that offer a variety of clothing styles.

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Pro-Kid Moms

“I just want my kids to be kids.”

Pro Kid Moms dress their kids brightly colored, cartoon character printed kiddy style clothes. They want to savor the moments of seeing their kids enjoy being kids. They think about what kids like when they shop. They also give importance to the comfort and practicality of these kid-specific clothes, since they don’t want uncomfortable clothes getting in the way of their kids’ activities. They frequent the same stores which have a reputation for durable, comfortable clothes

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Kid-Chic Moms

“I dress my kids just like their Daddy and I.”

Kid-Chic moms dress their kids as mini-adults with grown-up style clothes. Their kids are extensions of themselves. This is a way of training their kids to have the habit of growing up with good behavior just like an adult. They are fashion-conscious and consider cartoon character prints as a fashion faux pas. They usually choose clothes for their kids similar to clothes that they would wear themselves. They shop a lot in adult clothing stores that also have a kid’s section.

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Let’s take a look at the Pinterest account of Bianca, a Kid-Chic Mom who has a three year old daughter Belle

and a Shi-tzu pup Kino.

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I am a Kid-Chic MomBelle, my lovely 3 year old daughterKino, a Shi-tzu pup

Bianca Muniz

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Of moms who bought a purse/handbag,57.9% bought children’s apparel in the last 12 months.


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Bianca is into fashion. She loves to shop for clothes and handbags. Her daughter Belle is an extension of herself.

It is important for Bianca to reflect her image to her daughter.

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Of moms who strongly agree that it is important to look good to others, 8% are less likely to watch kids’ channels (Disney channel, Nickelodeon and Cartoon Network) in the last 7 days.

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Image is important for Bianca. She is not fond of cartoons at all. She doesn’t like kiddy or cartoon prints on her Belle.

She finds adult style clothes more appropriate for her daughter.

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Of moms who spent $400 or more on children’s clothes,64.7% of them dined out (excluding fast food) as a hobby in the last 12 months.

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Aside from shopping for clothes for Belle, Bianca also loves dining out in fancy restaurants.

She can’t wait to share adult activities like this with her daughter someday.

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Of moms who strongly agree that it is important to look good to others,25% are more likely to buy apparel/fashion accessories for their pets.

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Bianca treats their pet Kino as family, another extension of herself. She only wants what’s best for Kino, just as she does

for Belle and herself.

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So how can Bianca, a Kid-Chic Mom who is part of the Dressing Kids Like Adults cultural movement relate to the brand?

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The kids getting older faster because of the cultural movement may be recent but it’s old

news for dogs:

They get older even faster ever since!

A dog’s first two years = 10.5 human years

Its succeeding years = 4 human years

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Dogs are already considered a mature adult by 8 years old.

Vets suggest that it is very important to give the appropriate dog food to match the dog’s age.

Now let’s take a look at Betty’s decision journey as she went out to determine the best dog food for his 7 year old chihuahua, Spudgy.

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MINDSET Spudgy will be 8 years old. He has shorter life to live.

What should I do for Spudgy to live longer? What makes one dog food better from the another? Is my purchase worth it? How will Spudgy respond to the brand? Will Spudgy like to brand for a long time?

I need to give Spudgy the best (healthy) dog food that he will like.

I'll go for the ones with natural ingredients.

I need to buy a dog food for Spudgy that is affordable.

Spudgy must like the new dog food brand.

Brand picked: The Cheap Natural Brand

Size: Normal size.

Motivation: I'll buy a brand which more natural and cheaper than Science Diet.

Brand picked: Natural Balance Dog Food Roll

Size: Sampler size.

Motivation: Dog food rolls looks really appetizing inside the store refrigerator.

Aside from its savory flavors like turkey and lamb, the absence of the can packaging for a wrap makes it look more natural and organic.

I'll give Spudgy let try an expensive dog food even for once.

Brand picked: The Cheaper Brand

Size: Normal size.

Motivation: I'll go for a cheaper alternative to Natural Balance.

Brand picked: Purina One Mature

Size: Large bag.

Motivation: I'll go back to the brand that Spudgy was used to. I want him to get back to his normal eating appetite.

Brand picked: Science Diet Mature

Size: Sampler size.

Motivation: I'll try the brand that was recommended by the vet.

Dog food brand bought. Dog food brand bought. Science DietPurina One, Science Diet

Communicate awareness of the importance of appropriate dog food for dog age.

Foster good image with veterinarians

Emphasize on healthy ingredients used.

Easy to understand label product label.

Make product look appetizing in packaging.

Relate brand name to quality of the product.

Keep products on stock.

Emphasize on the importance of product quality over price.

Offer sampler size packaging.

Emphasize on product qualities that the other brands do not have.

Develop other flavors.

Brand loyalty perks.

All dog food brands that is for mature adult dogs available in store.

Spudgy didn't care for it. He would just sniff the dog food and would not eat it.

Science Diet ‘s mature adult dog food is now Spudgy’s daily diet.

Spudgy loved it!

But Betty could not afford to buy the brand of Spudgy's everyday consumption.

Spudgy ate it but became sick afterwards (set stomach off).

Spudgy ate it but would not finish it.

I think Spudgy will like the brand that I bought.

The more natural the ingredients the more expensive it is.

Spudgy is now getting older.

I can't wait to let Spudgy try the brand I bought.

It can be frustrating to constantly change the brand to dinI can't afford what Spudgy likes.At least Spudgy is starting to eat again.Spudgy does not like the brand I bought. It's depressing to see

Spudgy getting sick.

Spudgy is back to his normal self. Money spent on dog food is worth it.

Finally! A ‘mature adult’ dog food brand that Spudgy likes.

Vet. heavily suggested to switch to mature dog food for 8 years and up.

Vet. recommended the brand Science Diet.

Visited the veterinarian for acheck-up

"Vet. reminded me of the fact that Spudgy is getting older."

1 day 2 days 3 months until present

Motivation: "I don't always trust doctors on what they say is good for Spudgy. I think they're not saying it's good for the dog personally. They're saying what's good for all dogs."


"Spudgy is like an old man. He has joints and health problems."

Motivation: "Even if Spudgy liked Purina, it may not be the best for him."

Motivation: "I want Spudgy to decide which dog food he would prefer. I'll do the trial and error method."

Vet. asked what kind of dog food Spudgy is eating.

Purina One Adult dog food

Went to grocery store.

Initial instinct was to go for the Purina One Mature dog food.

Or go for Science Diet which the vet recommended.

Try a different brand.

Read the information found on the packaging.











Spudgy liked it. John can afford itSpudgy didn’t get sickSpudgy ate it all.


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Owners talk “baby talk” to their dogs.

Dogs have their own baby carriers.

At times, dogs look even more well-groomed than their owners.

MOTIVATION:Dogs are treated like people; they are members of the family.

Dogs are more than pets for their owners.

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Two in three of pet owners are more likely to post pictures of their pets online than family or friends.

Pet owners post an average of six pictures of animals every week compared to sharing just five photos of

friends or family.

MOTIVATION:Pets are a big part of the owner’s life.

In addition, it’s always less of a hassle to post photos of pets - they don’t complain. Any angle works for them.

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Mothers may be in a hurry to see their kids as grown-ups, dressing them in adult clothes but their pet dogs

biologically get older even faster.

Treating pet dogs like a family member, a mother could only hope and give what’s best for them like they would

to their own kids.

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Brand: Science Diet

Objective:To get dog lover mothers to adopt shelter dogs.

Why does our client need to advertise?There is a low adoption rate of dog shelters because they are considered as abused and unhealthy.

What is advertising going to accomplish?To build a positive image for dog shelters which will lead to the increase of their adoption rate.

Who are we going to connect with?Fashion conscious mothers who like to dress their kids in adult style clothes. One of them is Bianca who has a daughter Belle.

What are the most insightful things we know about them?Bianca considers her daughter as an extension to herself. She loves to dress her daughter Belle in adult style clothes as a way to train her to have a good behavior, giving her the best chance growing up. She has the maternal instinct to care and give what’s best for her family.

What is the message that we can convey to them?Shelter dogs have a lot left in them. Give them a second chance to have a good life.

What else is there to know that supports this message? Hill’s® Food Shelter & Love™ (parent company of Science Diet) helps numerous pet shelters by providing premium food everyday. Giving proper nutrition to shelter pets make them happier, healthier and more adoptable. The aim is to give rescued pets as there’s a still a lot left in them in the limited lifetime they have. The best foundation for a pet’s long, happy life is love and good nutrition.