Can Packaging, Print Advertisement and Web Banner – Evaluation and work

Continuing of my evaluation

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Page 1: Continuing of my evaluation

Can Packaging, Print Advertisement and

Web Banner – Evaluation and work

Page 2: Continuing of my evaluation

This is my first can design, where, from the pictures that have been displayed, the audience can see that there have been some significant alterations from the start to the final outcome. I wanted to make it simplistic, yet professional, which is why I chose a minimalistic design. I was going to display the ‘32’ sign multiple times around the top banner of the can. However, upon viewing this and gaining an opinion from another source, I decided to change this style, but still featuring the ‘32’ logo. Although, in order to attract the attention of the primary audience, I utilised a singular ‘32’, which was increased in size so that its importance would be emphasised. It looks effective as it is centralised and is in line with the ‘Irn-Bru’ text, which adds a sense of professionalism to it.

Irn-Bru 32 (First Design)

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Irn-Bru 32 (Second Design)

This is my second can design, which shows the initial stages of how I created my packaging, along with an image of how the final outcome of the design evolved into. I wanted to make the top and bottom rim of the can blue, as it fits in with the theme of ‘Irn-Bru’ as I have utilised a colour which is iconic of their company. I decided to continue the colour scheme (orange and blue) into my central banner, which has been cornered off with orange squares, which I think is effective as it frames the banner and makes it stand out. When I first drafted this particular design, I was not going to include the blue top and bottom rim, as I initially thought that it did not appear professional, however, when I inquired for a second opinion, the individual suggested that I could add a blue border as it would bring the packaging together and the sense of sparseness posed by the can would also be eradicated.

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Irn-Bru 32 (Third Design)

This is my third can design, where I have utilised the feature of tartan as it links significantly to the Scottish stereotype and is therefore highly relevant and the primary audience (teenagers)will pick up upon this theme which has been installed in order to gain a reaction from the consumer. However, I think that I should have used the traditional blue and orange colour scheme on the can, as it will enable the viewer to realise that this specific design has been made for ‘Irn-Bru. I think that it if the ‘Irn-Bru 32’ logo was not featured, the audience would not associate this specific design with that of the company, as their iconic colour scheme has not been used. I wanted to use a bold, san-serif font that would draw in the attention of the primary market. The fact that the text has been outlined shows that it is an important part of the design and that it has been issued so that the consumer will identify with the text, that is similar to the original font posed by ‘Irn-Bru’ itself.

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This is my fourth design, which I have altered significantly with the label of the can looking as though it is an actual part of the can, not just a sticker design. The final outcome of my packaging included the central banner and text, although, the opacity of the both of the layers had been decreased which made them both look as though they were a part of the can, as well as adding to the three-dimensional aspect of the packaging. Previously, I was not going to complete this step, however, I asked several individuals about whether I should alter my design and from the advice that they gave me, I decided to change the opacity of the different items on the product, so that it would blend in with the can and therefore appear more realistic. I think that by carrying out this action, I have significantly improved the overall look of the final packaging design and it now looks as though it could be utilised in the future as an actual can design.

Irn-Bru 32 (Fourth Design)

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Irn-Bru 32 (My two final can designs – Compare and


Fourth Design (final re-vamp)

Third Design (final re-vamp)

This design has been altered slightly, as I thought that it looked rather plain without any imagery, therefore, I added two silhouette characters on the bottom corners of the central banner to add definition to the design. I think this makes the packaging appear more interesting and it is also relevant due to the fact that the ‘characters’ are running, therefore, linking in with the energetic theme. The silhouettes have been faded to blend in with the design. On my third design, the text is more apparent as it has been outlined, which is more effective than this piece of text, as it stands out clearly. In contrast, the fourth design lacks pictures, which could disinterest the primary target audience (teenagers), who rely on a visual aspect, as opposed to text, which is a weakness of the third design.

After experimenting with different types of font, I decided to use one that would catch the attention of the audience. Also, I used the tartan background as it is traditional of Scotland, and I also think that it is effective in adding a professional edge to the product. I think this type of background is more useful as it will draw in the viewer, as opposed to the fourth design, which has a rather bland back-setting of blue, which may not interest the target market (teenagers). The ‘Irn-Bru’ logo that is presented upon this can appears as though it is a part of the background and blends in more of that than the logo that is featured on the fourth design. In contrast, the two silhouette figures on the fourth can packaging idea almost look metallic, which makes the images a focal point of the packaging design.

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Irn-Bru 32Final Design - Evaluation

I have chosen my fourth design as my final can packaging idea, as I believe that out of all of my four designs, this particular one looks as though it could be utilised for an actual can packaging, as the central banner on it, which includes the imagery as well as the text, appears as part of the packaging, as I have changed the opacity of it, which means that the different elements posed by the design appear as though they are metallic, which makes the idea as a whole, appear more realistic, which adds a professional edge upon the product. This specific design differs from the initial idea in which I composed when I was first experimenting with it, as I had previously not altered the opacity of it, which made it look rather chunky and two-dimensional. However, once this had been amended, my design had a sense of sophistication embedded into it, which it had lacked beforehand. Also, in the early stages of this design, I decided not to include imagery on the packaging, as I thought that it may look unprofessional, but then I realised that the primary target auidence of ‘Irn-Bru’ are teenagers who respond to a high image:text ratio, as opposed to a large amount of written content. This is the main reason why I chose to include these two silhouette pictures, as it added a visual aspect to the design so that it would appeal to the target market specifically and so that a sense of dimension would be established, which would make the can packaging stand out and catch the attention of the viewer.

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Different stages of my back design for my final design

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Irn-Bru 32 (Back design for the final can) Evaluation

I decided to create a back design for this specific product, as it was my final design, therefore, I realised that it would need the full elements of the packaging, not just the front design. I was not going to include the ‘Irn-Bru 32’ logo upon the can, as it had been featured on the front, but after I had completed the first draft, I thought that a full logo would be necessary even on the back of the can, as it promotes ‘Irn-Bru’ and will show the primary target audience that this specific piece of packaging is related to the company. From looking at previous designs, I saw that the ingredients, bar code, as well as the nutritional information were featured as standard parts of the back design. In light of this, I added these vital sections onto the back of my product so that it would mimic what an actual can looks like and would therefore appear more professional and look as though it could be included as part of a design that would be put forward into production. I utilised the same colour scheme for my back as I did for the front of my packaging, which states a sense of continuity and makes it relevant and is also effective as it does not include a variety of colours, just the traditional ‘Irn-Bru’ colour scheme of orange and blue, which makes it more appropriate for the audience who will identify with these colours as being iconic of ‘Irn-Bru’, which makes them more relatable to the teenage audience who require content that will immediately grasp their attention, which is why this bold colour scheme will appeal to them specifically.

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My first poster Advertisement

design (comparisons)

This is the first poster design that I had initiated, where I wanted to incorporate a sense of intertextuality into my product, which is the primary reason why I chose to centre it around the iconic Scottish-based film, ‘Braveheart’. Both of these images differ, as number one is the image in its original form, which I sourced from the internet, whilst number two is the same image, but with an orange/yellow toned filter upon it, which is relevant, as the traditional colours of ‘Irn-Bru’ include this colour, which compliments the blue body paint posed by the primary subject. I think that the colour alteration on the stated picture makes it look more vibrant and therefore eye-catching to the intended audience of ‘Irn-Bru’, as opposed to the rather bland tone of the first, un-edited image. It also adds a sense of warmth to the particular photograph.

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My first poster Advertisement

design (development)

After putting the orange/yellow filter upon my focal image, I decided to add the minor details to the poster that would significantly change the final outlook of the design. I first erased the spear out, then replaced my final ‘Irn-Bru’ can design in its place with the second layer of the fingers and thumb being put in front of the can so that it would have a realistic edge to it. However, I initially was not going to present my can upon this product, but after experimenting with different possibilities such as not including the can whatsoever, I decided that it would be important for it to be featured, as it would show the primary target audience (teenagers) that this particular advertisement is centred around ‘Irn-Bru’, just in case it was not clear beforehand. In conjunction with this, I featured a cartoon-like speech bubble with a san-serif typeface that I had taken from Dafont, which I thought would be suitable for the target market, who would respond to this form of text, which is readable and therefore appropriate for use on this particular poster design. It has a humorous element to it, which is relevant to the ‘Irn-Bru’ theme, as by conducting research prior to this, I found that the company use comedy to promote the drinks in which they produce.

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My first poster Advertisement

design (The final product) Evaluation

This is the final outcome of my first poster design, in which I have utilised intertextuality in conjunction with humour in order to initiate a product that would primarily suit the intended audience (teenagers). I think that the fact that I have used a high image:text ratio shows that this particular design will be effective in pandering to the needs of the audience, as they respond to a visual aspect, as opposed to a high abundance of text, which is why I chose to include a main, central image that consumes the entirety of the page, so that the attention of the audience will be caught immediately and they will feel obliged to view the advertisement as a whole, as opposed to just focusing on the image. In the past, ‘Irn-Bru’ have put forward a comical theme into previous products in which they have created, which is the primary reason why I wanted to include the famous ‘Braveheart’ quote, but edited slightly, so that it ties in with the traditional Scottish theme of the energy drink, as as well as including something that is iconic on a pop culture basis, in which many people would be able to comprehend, including the primary target audience, who will be able to relate to it due to the mainstream nature of the Hollywood blockbuster movie. In the end, I decided to include the orange/yellow filter upon my final design, as I felt that it made the poster appear eye-catching as well as making it fit into the theme of using blue and orange for the colour scheme, as they are traditional of ‘Irn-Bru’ and because of this, the viewer will be able to identify that this product is related to ‘Irn-Bru’ itself.

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My second poster Advertisement design (development stages)

These images show the primary stages of my ‘Irn-Bru’ design, where I began with a simple cork board, which would feature images relating to Loch Ness and the legendary monster, which are both iconic and rather stereotypically linked to Scotland. I thought that this would also add to the satirical theme posed by my advertisement so far. I included three black and white images to make the poster appear more professional looking, along with one of the images displaying a mannequin of ‘Nessie’, with a stamp-like typeface in which I sourced from Dafont, saying “PROOF”, also adding to the comical theme posed by the print advertisement. I wanted to include not only these images, but a scrap piece of paper, along with two stickers, which would be effective, as these particular items are also typically found upon this type of apparatus and will therefore fit in with the style of the poster and will be deemed relevant by the viewer.

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My second poster Advertisement design (development stages)

This image shows my second design just before the finishing touches had been included, where I have now added board pins to the print advertisement, which is effective as it makes the poster look more realistic as well as adding a three-dimensional appearance upon the design. Also, by including a ‘stroke shadow’ upon each of the photographs in conjunction with the stickers and the paper, it makes the items also have this unique three-dimensional effect. At first, I was not going to warp the corners of my bottom photograph or the piece of paper, however, I decided that by warping the corners, it would diminish the two-dimensional element posed by the poster and make it look highly realistic as well as enabling the product to stand out, which will initially draw in the attention of the target audience (teenagers) also due to the fact that a high image:text ratio has been included, which out-rules any chance of them becoming weary of the content that is being presented to them, as on the most part, visual means have been issued to assure that the attention of the audience will be held.

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My second poster advertisement design (The final product) Evaluation

This is the final outlook of my second print advertisement poster. After going through several different stages of my development of my design, I initially decided that I was not going to feature a main body of text, however, upon completing my design, I thought that it would be necessary for a focal piece of text to be included, which would be centred around a satirical theme, which is the reason why I decided to create a pun-based piece of written content, as it would fit into the traditional, light-hearted theme posed by ‘Irn-Bru’ and would appeal specifically to the primary target audience of the energy drink, which are adolescent individuals that will respond to the use of a comical, colloquial phrase, as it is both memorable and adds a satirical tone to the advertisement. The text used is a standard san-serif font that is clear and readable, which is appropriate, as the viewer will be able to comprehend the typeface that is being presented to them. At first, I was debating over what font would be suitable for this poster, but I chose this one, as it almost looks as though it is handwritten, which is appropriate, as it is supposed to scribed as a note.

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My third poster Advertisement

design (development)

This is the outcome of my first draft of my third design, where I extracted an image from the internet that was centred around the legend of ‘Nessie’, which is appropriate due to the fact that ‘Irn-Bru’ is a Scottish-based company. I chose to colour the lake in orange, as the traditional colours of ‘Irn-Bru’ are blue and orange, therefore, the primary audience (teenagers) will be able to identify with this specific scheme, as they are iconic of the energy drink company. This is the first stage where I decided not to colour the mountain in blue, as I thought that it would make the overall design look rather unrealistic and cheap looking, however, in the next draft of my work, I will experiment with whether the blue overlay on the mountain will look effective or not, as I want the design to appear professional, as though it is an actual, published design. I may also alter the look of the sky, as I think that it is secondary to the other aspects of the image, however, I do want the main focus of the poster to be the Loch Ness Monster, along with the ‘orange lake’ that both tie in with the theme posed by ‘Irn-Bru’ as well as the stereotypes that are primarily associated with Scotland, therefore, they will be humorous and relevant.

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My third poster Advertisement design (development)

This is the second draft of my third design where I have made several changes that include the fact that I have cloned stamp the bridge to blend in with the mountain and lake, as I thought that it looked out of place beforehand, which is the primary reason why I initiated this significant alteration. Also, I firstly decided that I was not going to include a blue overlay on the mountain, however, in this stage, I thought that I would experiment with this and include the overlay to see what it would look like. I was pleased with the overall appearance of the product once this had been added, as it made the poster look as though it could be associated with ‘Irn-Bru’ because of the unique, iconic colour scheme of the company being utilised. It is notable that the sky background has also been edited slightly, as I put a light blue overlay over it, which made it stand out more than what it looked like previously. However, this particular background is still secondary to rest of the content that has been presented on the print advertisement, with the ‘Nessie’ character and the orange lake and blue mountain being the primary focal points of the design on a whole. I have also outlined ‘Nessie’ in order to emphasise the character that the audience will identify, due to the iconic nature of the mythical creature itself.

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My third poster advertisement design – Final Design (Evaluation)

This the third and final outlook/draft of my poster design, which displays certain elements that were not featured in my previous drafts, such as the text, which is a typeface that I utilised from Dafont. I chose it as it looks rather similar to that of the original ‘Irn-Bru’ font and also, it will appeal to the primary target audience of the product (teenagers) as it is a font that is easy to comprehend and also it has been printed in capital letters, which makes it stand out and catch the attention of the viewer. The poster features white space borders on the top and bottom of the poster, as it frames the design and makes the central image the focal point of the product. This specific element is not featured in my previous designs and overall, I think that it makes the poster look professional and if I could change anything about my previous products it would be to add page borders, as they initially bring the whole of the poster together. I have again included the ‘Barr’ logo on my third design, as it is a necessity, due to the fact that they are the company who issue ‘Irn-Bru’ and it is therefore relevant. I decided to put the image that includes ‘Nessie’ as the central, focal point, as opposed to it consuming the entirety of the poster, as it would look unprofessional and I think that with the page borders, the design on a whole appears as though it could be issued as an actual advertisement.

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My first web banner advertisement

design (development)

This is my first draft of my web banner design, where I have created a blue rectangular shape to place my text and images on. These pictures display the initial stages of my design, where the main body of text, as well as the orange boxed corners have been included, however, I plan to alter the outlook of these elements due to the fact that they are not eye-catching enough, and the attention of the primary audience (teenagers) will not be grabbed. The text, orange boxes as well as the blue banner look rather two-dimensional, which makes them appear disinteresting. However, adding a ‘stroke’ effect to the overall design in the future, it will make it look more prominent, important, as well as professional. I decided to use the traditional colours of ‘Irn-Bru’, (being orange and blue) so that the audience will be able to identify that this specific web banner is associated with ‘Irn-Bru’, even before they would read the blatant ‘Irn-Bru 32’ logo. This colour scheme is very vibrant, which will draw in the attention of the viewer immediately.

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My first web banner advertisement

design (development)

This is my second draft of my first web banner design, where I have made significant alterations from my previous draft, which include these use of a ‘stroke’ outline and drop shadow upon the featured elements including the orange squares in conjunction with the bold, outlined font. This adds definition to the design as a whole and almost makes it look rather three-dimensional in stature, which also makes it eye-catching to the intended viewer, and as it is a web banner, grabbing the attention of the audience is vital, otherwise, they will become disinterested in the product and will switch to another webpage. Also, the fact that the teenage audience will respond to a high image:text ratio suggests that I should alter the design, as no visual imagery has been featured yet, which is key, as this specific audience prefers a visual aspect. I utilised the font ‘Impact’, due to the fact that it is bold and stands out on the design, making it the focal point of the whole product. This is the main element that will attract the attention of the viewer, as it has been outlined, which emphasises its importance.

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My first web banner advertisement

design (development)

I added a slight ‘drop shadow’ upon this design in order to make it look more three-dimensional. I have also added a slight border upon the design, which outlines the product as a whole.

I have included the ‘Barr’ logo, which makes the design look more official. I have put it on an angle to see what this specific perspective appears like. I am likely to alter and change the outlook of this specific element.

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My first web banner advertisement

design (development)

The colour of my background has been altered slightly, as I wanted it to stand out clearer, which is why I made the blue a lot brighter, so that it would catch the attention of the teenage audience.

I wanted to put the ‘Barr’ logo twice on each side of my design to see if it looked effective, however, I am likely to alter this, as it appears rather repetitive and slightly uneven. I will also tilt the orientation of the logo.

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My first web banner advertisement

design (final design) Evaluation

I have now chose to feature only one ‘Barr’ logo, as I think that only one is required, as in my previous draft, the two symmetrical logos made the product appear rather unprofessional looking. I wanted to alter this, which is why I added a central logo. I changed the orientation of the logo as well, as I thought that it looked better horizontal, as opposed to vertical, as it adds a sophisticated edge onto the design, therefore, the audience are likely to respond to it quicker.

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My second design (development and final)

These are the initial stages of my second design, which have been modelled on my first advertisement. I wanted this particular web design to inhabit a similar house style to that of my advertisement poster, as I think that they would link well together and a sense of continuity will be established. I wanted to include an ‘animation’ style design, which is why I added the ‘pop up’ ‘Irn-Bru 32’ can on the final image, which would make it look more interactive in a sense, which links in with the digital theme and also makes the whole product seem rather humorous, which also links in with the light-hearted theme that has been posed by ‘Irn-Bru’ in their previous pieces of marketing material. I have altered the opacity of the speech bubble and the text, as they are secondary to the image, which is the primary focus, which is appropriate due to the fact that the main target market for this specific drink are teenagers, who respond to a visual aspect as opposed to a large amount of text. I have also included the logo in the top left-hand corner, much like my matching advertisement. I think that the proposed ‘moving’ aspect of this banner will make it appear more interesting, especially when the hyperlinks will be included.

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My second web banner design – Final Design (Evaluation)

This is the final design outlook for my second web banner. I chose to include an interactive, ‘moving’ element to my product as it makes it suitable for the e-media platform and it also makes the product seem more interesting and will appeal specifically to the primary target audience, who will respond to this immediately and may find it rather humorous at the fact that an ‘Irn-Bru’ can will be popping up out of the blue in conjunction with the comical use of intertextuality, with the iconic film ‘Braveheart’ being utilised for the product. I wanted this to relate to my first advertisement poster, as it shows a sense of continuity between the different media platforms. Also, it shows that a house style has been initiated.

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My third web banner advertisement

design (development)

These are the initial stages of my third web banner design, where I have made several alterations through the development of the product. I first selected the ‘Nessie’ image from my previous third poster design, so that I could use it for this product, which is the second part of the matching set. The elements from the advertisement are similar apart from the fact that I have included a can on this web banner, which, much like the second web banner design, will be interactive, where the lake will ripple and the can will float back and forward through the lake on the design. However, I may decide to cover the can (which is sourced from my previous design) with a section of the lake, as it looks rather unrealistic at the minute, so I will make sure to edit that when I continue on with my future development stages. I could clone stamp the orange lake and paint this over the bottom of the can to make it appear as part of the picture.

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My third web banner advertisement

design (development)

These images show the later development stages of my third web banner design, where the image of the can has now been covered through the utilisation of the clone stamp tool, so that it would blend in correctly with the colour of the lake, therefore, making the item look as though it is actually floating in the lake, adding a realistic touch to the image. I was just going to include the ‘Irn-Bru 32’ font on my product, however, I thought that the banner lacked in text, so I added the pun-based slogan entitled “It’s Ness-essary” to put a humorous edge onto the product in conjunction with the image of ‘Nessie’. I also decided to alter the colour of the “Irn-Bru 32’ piece of text to orange to add a sense of vibrancy to the design, which I may keep, as I think that the bright orange colour stands out from the blue sky and is therefore more eye-catching to the primary consumer (teenagers), who are likely to respond to a bold, bright colour scheme as opposed to the use of dull, plain colours.

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My third web banner design – Final Design (Evaluation)

This is the final outcome of my third web banner design, where I have included the font ‘Tall, Dark and Handsome’, that was sourced from ‘Dafont’, as it stands out in capital lettering and is very eye-catching to the intended audience (teenagers). Also, the fact that a high image: text ratio has been featured within my banner shows that I have pandered to the needs of the audience, who respond mainly to a visual aspect, as opposed to a large amount of written content. I also think that the blue and orange colour scheme looks effective, as the consumer will be able to identify that this is the iconic colour scheme of ‘Irn-Bru’. However, if I could change anything in the future to this product, I would alter the levels of the main, focal image in order to tone down the brightness, as I think that it may be too blatant as an advertisement campaign.