1 Grid internt/ Higgy´s insightful and frankly quite fascinating (if you are a nerd) take on car design...which is a heeuuge topic needless to say/ 5. september 2017 Me

Bildesign 1. tuesday

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1 Grid internt/ Higgy´s insightful and frankly quite fascinating (if you are a nerd) take on car design...which is a heeuuge topic needless to say/ 5. september 2017


2 Grid internt/ Higgy´s insightful and frankly quite fascinating (if you are a nerd) take on car design...which is a heeuuge topic needless to say/ 5. september 2017

Det handler om passion

Bilrace er ikke for de med dårlig hjerte: 10 års byggeprosjekt i fare for å gå i veggen

3 Grid internt/ Higgy´s insightful and frankly quite fascinating (if you are a nerd) take on car design...which is a heeuuge topic needless to say/ 5. september 2017

Car design: The ultimate expression of corporate identity

Thomas Higgins

(Foredraget starter med intro til “A Faster Horse” Filmen om Ford Mustang. Netflix)

4 Grid internt/ Higgy´s insightful and frankly quite fascinating (if you are a nerd) take on car design...which is a heeuuge topic needless to say/ 5. september 2017

1. Litt historie

2. Konseptbiler

3. Bildesignere

4. Evolusjon eller revolusjon


5 Grid internt/ Higgy´s insightful and frankly quite fascinating (if you are a nerd) take on car design...which is a heeuuge topic needless to say/ 5. september 2017

Visuell identitet for bedrifter - enkelt sagt.

Hva er corporate identity?

6 Grid internt/ Higgy´s insightful and frankly quite fascinating (if you are a nerd) take on car design...which is a heeuuge topic needless to say/ 5. september 2017

Merkevarens visuelle identitet er på mange måter påkledningen og en visualisering av merkevarens personlighet. Den skal vise retning, skape stolthet internt og skape et tydelig fotavtrykk i markedet.

Know it

Hva er visuell identitet?

7 Grid internt/ Higgy´s insightful and frankly quite fascinating (if you are a nerd) take on car design...which is a heeuuge topic needless to say/ 5. september 2017

Hva har bildesign med Grids virke å gjøre?

8 Grid internt/ Higgy´s insightful and frankly quite fascinating (if you are a nerd) take on car design...which is a heeuuge topic needless to say/ 5. september 2017

Virkemidlene for å promotere en bil, dets egenskaper og uovertruffenhet for segmentet det besitter, er i sin grunnleggende form, det samme som for hvilke som helst kapitalvare… eller dagligvare...eller tjeneste.

Det er bare så mange flere virkemidler og touchpoints!

Menneskets grunnleggende mekanismer for kjøp er emosjonelle, men ikke alene. Rasjonelle tanker inkluderer bla. pris.

9 Grid internt/ Higgy´s insightful and frankly quite fascinating (if you are a nerd) take on car design...which is a heeuuge topic needless to say/ 5. september 2017

1. Litt Historie

10 Grid internt/ Higgy´s insightful and frankly quite fascinating (if you are a nerd) take on car design...which is a heeuuge topic needless to say/ 5. september 2017

For de velstående

• Kundene henvender seg til bilprodusentene• Motor og chassis leveres ofte til “coachbuilders”

• Bilprodusentenes egenidentitet: Lite og ofte ikke konsistent bruk av visuelle kjennetegn

11 Grid internt/ Higgy´s insightful and frankly quite fascinating (if you are a nerd) take on car design...which is a heeuuge topic needless to say/ 5. september 2017

Dominant design

Praktiske krav er premissgivende for proposjoner. Rolls Royce: Fokus på Spirit of Ecstacy. Den tydelige grillen kunne utfordres. Coachbuilders har utover dette frie tøyler.

12 Grid internt/ Higgy´s insightful and frankly quite fascinating (if you are a nerd) take on car design...which is a heeuuge topic needless to say/ 5. september 2017

Bugattis racing biler, sammen med Mercedes, Bentley m.fl. er annerledes.

Type 51

13 Grid internt/ Higgy´s insightful and frankly quite fascinating (if you are a nerd) take on car design...which is a heeuuge topic needless to say/ 5. september 2017

..de har klare fellestrekk og identitet. Og de er ett lag på banen!

Type 35

14 Grid internt/ Higgy´s insightful and frankly quite fascinating (if you are a nerd) take on car design...which is a heeuuge topic needless to say/ 5. september 2017

Bugatti Atlantic og Bugatti type 41

Mens deres øvrige biler er fortsatt overlatt til karrosseriselskapets designere… og kundenes egne input.

Type 41 Royale


15 Grid internt/ Higgy´s insightful and frankly quite fascinating (if you are a nerd) take on car design...which is a heeuuge topic needless to say/ 5. september 2017

Så skjer det endringer. Bilprodusentenes in-house designere tar større ansvarfor bilens styling. Med fordeler og ulemper.

16 Grid internt/ Higgy´s insightful and frankly quite fascinating (if you are a nerd) take on car design...which is a heeuuge topic needless to say/ 5. september 2017

Bilens identitet er preget av datidens mote, til ulempe for egen identitet.

17 Grid internt/ Higgy´s insightful and frankly quite fascinating (if you are a nerd) take on car design...which is a heeuuge topic needless to say/ 5. september 2017

Bilens identitet styrt av mote, kontra eget opphav og verdier

Følge mote eller skape ikoner?

18 Grid internt/ Higgy´s insightful and frankly quite fascinating (if you are a nerd) take on car design...which is a heeuuge topic needless to say/ 5. september 2017

Plass for bildetekst

1936 Auburn Speedster

A ´Halo car`...

19 Grid internt/ Higgy´s insightful and frankly quite fascinating (if you are a nerd) take on car design...which is a heeuuge topic needless to say/ 5. september 2017

Grill, støtfanger og frontlykter har fellestrekk

… glansen forhåpentligvis spres over andre modeller fra bilfabrikken

20 Grid internt/ Higgy´s insightful and frankly quite fascinating (if you are a nerd) take on car design...which is a heeuuge topic needless to say/ 5. september 2017

Ford model T 1908 - 1927: Bilen som forandret det meste

• Den første bilen som “masseproduseres”• Mye lavere prispunkt… under 30% av konkurrentene

• Allmennheten er nå mobile

21 Grid internt/ Higgy´s insightful and frankly quite fascinating (if you are a nerd) take on car design...which is a heeuuge topic needless to say/ 5. september 2017

Så kommer konkurrentene

Fra å kommunisere til få, må bilprodusentene nå kommunisere til mange

22 Grid internt/ Higgy´s insightful and frankly quite fascinating (if you are a nerd) take on car design...which is a heeuuge topic needless to say/ 5. september 2017

2. Konseptbilene

23 Grid internt/ Higgy´s insightful and frankly quite fascinating (if you are a nerd) take on car design...which is a heeuuge topic needless to say/ 5. september 2017

Harley Earl og konseptbilene

24 Grid internt/ Higgy´s insightful and frankly quite fascinating (if you are a nerd) take on car design...which is a heeuuge topic needless to say/ 5. september 2017

50-60´s concept cars

25 Grid internt/ Higgy´s insightful and frankly quite fascinating (if you are a nerd) take on car design...which is a heeuuge topic needless to say/ 5. september 2017

GM internt: Oldsmobile

26 Grid internt/ Higgy´s insightful and frankly quite fascinating (if you are a nerd) take on car design...which is a heeuuge topic needless to say/ 5. september 2017


27 Grid internt/ Higgy´s insightful and frankly quite fascinating (if you are a nerd) take on car design...which is a heeuuge topic needless to say/ 5. september 2017


28 Grid internt/ Higgy´s insightful and frankly quite fascinating (if you are a nerd) take on car design...which is a heeuuge topic needless to say/ 5. september 2017

Bilprodusentene har brukt eksterne designstudioer på lik linje som våre kunder bruker oss

29 Grid internt/ Higgy´s insightful and frankly quite fascinating (if you are a nerd) take on car design...which is a heeuuge topic needless to say/ 5. september 2017

Designstudioene må likevel være foroverlent og selv investere i designkonsepter for så å selge disse til bilprodusentene.

30 Grid internt/ Higgy´s insightful and frankly quite fascinating (if you are a nerd) take on car design...which is a heeuuge topic needless to say/ 5. september 2017

31 Grid internt/ Higgy´s insightful and frankly quite fascinating (if you are a nerd) take on car design...which is a heeuuge topic needless to say/ 5. september 2017

From the sublime..

I bilindustrien er det tradisjon å bruke modeller til å selge biler :)

1969 Ferrari 512

32 Grid internt/ Higgy´s insightful and frankly quite fascinating (if you are a nerd) take on car design...which is a heeuuge topic needless to say/ 5. september 2017

1970 Ferrari 521 modulo

Pininfarina sitt forslag ett år senere

33 Grid internt/ Higgy´s insightful and frankly quite fascinating (if you are a nerd) take on car design...which is a heeuuge topic needless to say/ 5. september 2017

1967 Lamborghini Marzal

34 Grid internt/ Higgy´s insightful and frankly quite fascinating (if you are a nerd) take on car design...which is a heeuuge topic needless to say/ 5. september 2017

35 Grid internt/ Higgy´s insightful and frankly quite fascinating (if you are a nerd) take on car design...which is a heeuuge topic needless to say/ 5. september 2017

1972 Alfa Romeo

36 Grid internt/ Higgy´s insightful and frankly quite fascinating (if you are a nerd) take on car design...which is a heeuuge topic needless to say/ 5. september 2017

1968 Dodge Charger III

37 Grid internt/ Higgy´s insightful and frankly quite fascinating (if you are a nerd) take on car design...which is a heeuuge topic needless to say/ 5. september 2017

Rosa Panter bilen ble bygget og kjørt..

38 Grid internt/ Higgy´s insightful and frankly quite fascinating (if you are a nerd) take on car design...which is a heeuuge topic needless to say/ 5. september 2017

1986 Volkswagen Orbit

39 Grid internt/ Higgy´s insightful and frankly quite fascinating (if you are a nerd) take on car design...which is a heeuuge topic needless to say/ 5. september 2017

1986 Volkswagen Orbit

40 Grid internt/ Higgy´s insightful and frankly quite fascinating (if you are a nerd) take on car design...which is a heeuuge topic needless to say/ 5. september 2017

1992 Ford Focus

41 Grid internt/ Higgy´s insightful and frankly quite fascinating (if you are a nerd) take on car design...which is a heeuuge topic needless to say/ 5. september 2017

1992 Ford Focus

42 Grid internt/ Higgy´s insightful and frankly quite fascinating (if you are a nerd) take on car design...which is a heeuuge topic needless to say/ 5. september 2017

90´s Ferrari Rossa

43 Grid internt/ Higgy´s insightful and frankly quite fascinating (if you are a nerd) take on car design...which is a heeuuge topic needless to say/ 5. september 2017

Chrysler?... Har vi ikke sett dette før?

44 Grid internt/ Higgy´s insightful and frankly quite fascinating (if you are a nerd) take on car design...which is a heeuuge topic needless to say/ 5. september 2017

Nuccio Bertone konsept

Den dag i dag er håndskisser fortsatt benyttet

45 Grid internt/ Higgy´s insightful and frankly quite fascinating (if you are a nerd) take on car design...which is a heeuuge topic needless to say/ 5. september 2017

46 Grid internt/ Higgy´s insightful and frankly quite fascinating (if you are a nerd) take on car design...which is a heeuuge topic needless to say/ 5. september 2017

47 Grid internt/ Higgy´s insightful and frankly quite fascinating (if you are a nerd) take on car design...which is a heeuuge topic needless to say/ 5. september 2017

Nuccio Bertone konsept

48 Grid internt/ Higgy´s insightful and frankly quite fascinating (if you are a nerd) take on car design...which is a heeuuge topic needless to say/ 5. september 2017

Blir noe av dette laget?

49 Grid internt/ Higgy´s insightful and frankly quite fascinating (if you are a nerd) take on car design...which is a heeuuge topic needless to say/ 5. september 2017


50 Grid internt/ Higgy´s insightful and frankly quite fascinating (if you are a nerd) take on car design...which is a heeuuge topic needless to say/ 5. september 2017

51 Grid internt/ Higgy´s insightful and frankly quite fascinating (if you are a nerd) take on car design...which is a heeuuge topic needless to say/ 5. september 2017

Design, konstruksjon, og fungerende prototyper for å schmooze bilprodusentene

52 Grid internt/ Higgy´s insightful and frankly quite fascinating (if you are a nerd) take on car design...which is a heeuuge topic needless to say/ 5. september 2017

Alfa Romeo Brera

53 Grid internt/ Higgy´s insightful and frankly quite fascinating (if you are a nerd) take on car design...which is a heeuuge topic needless to say/ 5. september 2017

54 Grid internt/ Higgy´s insightful and frankly quite fascinating (if you are a nerd) take on car design...which is a heeuuge topic needless to say/ 5. september 2017


55 Grid internt/ Higgy´s insightful and frankly quite fascinating (if you are a nerd) take on car design...which is a heeuuge topic needless to say/ 5. september 2017

Nye Mercedes SUV

56 Grid internt/ Higgy´s insightful and frankly quite fascinating (if you are a nerd) take on car design...which is a heeuuge topic needless to say/ 5. september 2017

Designfirmaene lager konseptbiler ut i fra eksisterende visuelle kjennetegn til spesifikke bilmerker

Pininfarina concept 2017 Mazerati Levante 2016

57 Grid internt/ Higgy´s insightful and frankly quite fascinating (if you are a nerd) take on car design...which is a heeuuge topic needless to say/ 5. september 2017

Pininfarina concept 2017 Mazerati Ghibli 2016

Hyllest til Mazerati´s ikonisk detalj… ikke logoen.

58 Grid internt/ Higgy´s insightful and frankly quite fascinating (if you are a nerd) take on car design...which is a heeuuge topic needless to say/ 5. september 2017

3. Bildesignere

59 Grid internt/ Higgy´s insightful and frankly quite fascinating (if you are a nerd) take on car design...which is a heeuuge topic needless to say/ 5. september 2017

Studebaker hadde et langt samarbeid med Raymond Loewy

60 Grid internt/ Higgy´s insightful and frankly quite fascinating (if you are a nerd) take on car design...which is a heeuuge topic needless to say/ 5. september 2017

Studebaker coupéer

1964 Studebaker Hawk1963 Studebaker Avanti

61 Grid internt/ Higgy´s insightful and frankly quite fascinating (if you are a nerd) take on car design...which is a heeuuge topic needless to say/ 5. september 2017

Syd Mead

62 Grid internt/ Higgy´s insightful and frankly quite fascinating (if you are a nerd) take on car design...which is a heeuuge topic needless to say/ 5. september 2017

Syd Mead

63 Grid internt/ Higgy´s insightful and frankly quite fascinating (if you are a nerd) take on car design...which is a heeuuge topic needless to say/ 5. september 2017

Syd Mead

64 Grid internt/ Higgy´s insightful and frankly quite fascinating (if you are a nerd) take on car design...which is a heeuuge topic needless to say/ 5. september 2017

Marc Newson

1999 Ford 021

65 Grid internt/ Higgy´s insightful and frankly quite fascinating (if you are a nerd) take on car design...which is a heeuuge topic needless to say/ 5. september 2017

Marc Newson

Hans ikonisk klokke finner veien inn.

66 Grid internt/ Higgy´s insightful and frankly quite fascinating (if you are a nerd) take on car design...which is a heeuuge topic needless to say/ 5. september 2017

Daniel Simon

67 Grid internt/ Higgy´s insightful and frankly quite fascinating (if you are a nerd) take on car design...which is a heeuuge topic needless to say/ 5. september 2017

Daniel Simon

68 Grid internt/ Higgy´s insightful and frankly quite fascinating (if you are a nerd) take on car design...which is a heeuuge topic needless to say/ 5. september 2017

Daniel Simon

69 Grid internt/ Higgy´s insightful and frankly quite fascinating (if you are a nerd) take on car design...which is a heeuuge topic needless to say/ 5. september 2017

70 Grid internt/ Higgy´s insightful and frankly quite fascinating (if you are a nerd) take on car design...which is a heeuuge topic needless to say/ 5. september 2017

Bilprodusentene har brukt eksterne designstudioer på lik linje som våre kunde bruker oss, men i motsetning til Grid, gjør designfirmaene proaktive grep for å påvirke designspråket for de kommende generasjoner.

2013 Jaguar concept fra Pininfarina

71 Grid internt/ Higgy´s insightful and frankly quite fascinating (if you are a nerd) take on car design...which is a heeuuge topic needless to say/ 5. september 2017

Kan in-house designere gjør konseptbiler like bra?

72 Grid internt/ Higgy´s insightful and frankly quite fascinating (if you are a nerd) take on car design...which is a heeuuge topic needless to say/ 5. september 2017

2014 Volvo concept estate

73 Grid internt/ Higgy´s insightful and frankly quite fascinating (if you are a nerd) take on car design...which is a heeuuge topic needless to say/ 5. september 2017

2014 Volvo concept estate

74 Grid internt/ Higgy´s insightful and frankly quite fascinating (if you are a nerd) take on car design...which is a heeuuge topic needless to say/ 5. september 2017

2014 Volvo concept estate

75 Grid internt/ Higgy´s insightful and frankly quite fascinating (if you are a nerd) take on car design...which is a heeuuge topic needless to say/ 5. september 2017

2017 Volvo XC60

76 Grid internt/ Higgy´s insightful and frankly quite fascinating (if you are a nerd) take on car design...which is a heeuuge topic needless to say/ 5. september 2017

1995 Audi TT concept

77 Grid internt/ Higgy´s insightful and frankly quite fascinating (if you are a nerd) take on car design...which is a heeuuge topic needless to say/ 5. september 2017

78 Grid internt/ Higgy´s insightful and frankly quite fascinating (if you are a nerd) take on car design...which is a heeuuge topic needless to say/ 5. september 2017

Bilprodusentene er like risikoaverse som kundene våre. En suksess skaper evolusjoner

79 Grid internt/ Higgy´s insightful and frankly quite fascinating (if you are a nerd) take on car design...which is a heeuuge topic needless to say/ 5. september 2017

Er det OK å la seg inspirere (les kopiere) av andre?

80 Grid internt/ Higgy´s insightful and frankly quite fascinating (if you are a nerd) take on car design...which is a heeuuge topic needless to say/ 5. september 2017

1963 1967

1967 NSU Ro80

81 Grid internt/ Higgy´s insightful and frankly quite fascinating (if you are a nerd) take on car design...which is a heeuuge topic needless to say/ 5. september 2017

1963 1974

Jensen Interceptor III

82 Grid internt/ Higgy´s insightful and frankly quite fascinating (if you are a nerd) take on car design...which is a heeuuge topic needless to say/ 5. september 2017

1970: Bertone bygger dette for å friste Citroën...

...mens General Motors bygger denne.

83 Grid internt/ Higgy´s insightful and frankly quite fascinating (if you are a nerd) take on car design...which is a heeuuge topic needless to say/ 5. september 2017

84 Grid internt/ Higgy´s insightful and frankly quite fascinating (if you are a nerd) take on car design...which is a heeuuge topic needless to say/ 5. september 2017

Evolusjon av et visuelt kjennetegn

1951 Aston Martin DB2

85 Grid internt/ Higgy´s insightful and frankly quite fascinating (if you are a nerd) take on car design...which is a heeuuge topic needless to say/ 5. september 2017

1965 Aston Martin DB5

86 Grid internt/ Higgy´s insightful and frankly quite fascinating (if you are a nerd) take on car design...which is a heeuuge topic needless to say/ 5. september 2017

1975 Aston Martin DBS

87 Grid internt/ Higgy´s insightful and frankly quite fascinating (if you are a nerd) take on car design...which is a heeuuge topic needless to say/ 5. september 2017

1988 Aston Martin V8 Vantage

88 Grid internt/ Higgy´s insightful and frankly quite fascinating (if you are a nerd) take on car design...which is a heeuuge topic needless to say/ 5. september 2017

2006 DB9

89 Grid internt/ Higgy´s insightful and frankly quite fascinating (if you are a nerd) take on car design...which is a heeuuge topic needless to say/ 5. september 2017

2017 Ford Fiesta

Men hva i h….?

90 Grid internt/ Higgy´s insightful and frankly quite fascinating (if you are a nerd) take on car design...which is a heeuuge topic needless to say/ 5. september 2017

2016 Ford Mondeo

91 Grid internt/ Higgy´s insightful and frankly quite fascinating (if you are a nerd) take on car design...which is a heeuuge topic needless to say/ 5. september 2017

2017 Ford Transit

Appliseringen av den nye grillen passer ikke alle formater

92 Grid internt/ Higgy´s insightful and frankly quite fascinating (if you are a nerd) take on car design...which is a heeuuge topic needless to say/ 5. september 2017

2017 Ford F150 Raptor

Designspråket er ikke det samme i USA heller

93 Grid internt/ Higgy´s insightful and frankly quite fascinating (if you are a nerd) take on car design...which is a heeuuge topic needless to say/ 5. september 2017

2017 Ford GT40

94 Grid internt/ Higgy´s insightful and frankly quite fascinating (if you are a nerd) take on car design...which is a heeuuge topic needless to say/ 5. september 2017

2006 Ford GT40

95 Grid internt/ Higgy´s insightful and frankly quite fascinating (if you are a nerd) take on car design...which is a heeuuge topic needless to say/ 5. september 2017

1966 Ford GT40

96 Grid internt/ Higgy´s insightful and frankly quite fascinating (if you are a nerd) take on car design...which is a heeuuge topic needless to say/ 5. september 2017

2017 Ford Mustang

97 Grid internt/ Higgy´s insightful and frankly quite fascinating (if you are a nerd) take on car design...which is a heeuuge topic needless to say/ 5. september 2017

2012 Ford Mustang

98 Grid internt/ Higgy´s insightful and frankly quite fascinating (if you are a nerd) take on car design...which is a heeuuge topic needless to say/ 5. september 2017

1967 Ford Mustang fastback

99 Grid internt/ Higgy´s insightful and frankly quite fascinating (if you are a nerd) take on car design...which is a heeuuge topic needless to say/ 5. september 2017

4. Evolusjon.. og revolusjon

100 Grid internt/ Higgy´s insightful and frankly quite fascinating (if you are a nerd) take on car design...which is a heeuuge topic needless to say/ 5. september 2017

BMW var tidlig ute med å dyrke selskapets identitet på tvers av bilmodellene

1930 BMW 328

101 Grid internt/ Higgy´s insightful and frankly quite fascinating (if you are a nerd) take on car design...which is a heeuuge topic needless to say/ 5. september 20171958 BMW 507

Grillen kunne endre seg, men alltid med de samme grunnleggende kjennetegnene

102 Grid internt/ Higgy´s insightful and frankly quite fascinating (if you are a nerd) take on car design...which is a heeuuge topic needless to say/ 5. september 2017

1970 BMW 3.0 CSI

Flere felles designelementer på tvers av modellene

103 Grid internt/ Higgy´s insightful and frankly quite fascinating (if you are a nerd) take on car design...which is a heeuuge topic needless to say/ 5. september 2017

1980 BMW M1

`Halo´-modellen må også levere på selskapets visuelle kjennetegn

104 Grid internt/ Higgy´s insightful and frankly quite fascinating (if you are a nerd) take on car design...which is a heeuuge topic needless to say/ 5. september 2017

1999 BMW Z8

105 Grid internt/ Higgy´s insightful and frankly quite fascinating (if you are a nerd) take on car design...which is a heeuuge topic needless to say/ 5. september 2017

1999 BMW Z8

106 Grid internt/ Higgy´s insightful and frankly quite fascinating (if you are a nerd) take on car design...which is a heeuuge topic needless to say/ 5. september 2017

2006 BMW Z4: Bangle

107 Grid internt/ Higgy´s insightful and frankly quite fascinating (if you are a nerd) take on car design...which is a heeuuge topic needless to say/ 5. september 2017

2017 Z4

Design tonet ned igjen

108 Grid internt/ Higgy´s insightful and frankly quite fascinating (if you are a nerd) take on car design...which is a heeuuge topic needless to say/ 5. september 2017

Felles designelementer om det er sportsbiler, eller passasjerbiler

1952 BMW 501

109 Grid internt/ Higgy´s insightful and frankly quite fascinating (if you are a nerd) take on car design...which is a heeuuge topic needless to say/ 5. september 2017

Haifronten godt etablert nå

1975 BMW 3.0 Saloon 1985 BMW 735i

110 Grid internt/ Higgy´s insightful and frankly quite fascinating (if you are a nerd) take on car design...which is a heeuuge topic needless to say/ 5. september 2017

2000 BMW 7 series 1988 BMW 7 series

111 Grid internt/ Higgy´s insightful and frankly quite fascinating (if you are a nerd) take on car design...which is a heeuuge topic needless to say/ 5. september 2017

2008: Chris Bangle løsningen

112 Grid internt/ Higgy´s insightful and frankly quite fascinating (if you are a nerd) take on car design...which is a heeuuge topic needless to say/ 5. september 2017

2017: Tonet ned

113 Grid internt/ Higgy´s insightful and frankly quite fascinating (if you are a nerd) take on car design...which is a heeuuge topic needless to say/ 5. september 2017

Forsiktig redesign: Klaus Luthe´s møysommelige polering av BMW´s visuelle kjennetegn

1976 BMW 3 series 1985 1995

114 Grid internt/ Higgy´s insightful and frankly quite fascinating (if you are a nerd) take on car design...which is a heeuuge topic needless to say/ 5. september 2017

2000 2005: Chris Bangle løsningen 2015

115 Grid internt/ Higgy´s insightful and frankly quite fascinating (if you are a nerd) take on car design...which is a heeuuge topic needless to say/ 5. september 2017

1988 BMW 6 series 2005: Chris Bangle løsningen

116 Grid internt/ Higgy´s insightful and frankly quite fascinating (if you are a nerd) take on car design...which is a heeuuge topic needless to say/ 5. september 2017

Legge merke til den som er blitt ´Bangled`

117 Grid internt/ Higgy´s insightful and frankly quite fascinating (if you are a nerd) take on car design...which is a heeuuge topic needless to say/ 5. september 2017

Alle visuelle og taktile elementer må fungere sammen i en konsistent og fengende måte som skaper begeistring, langvarig glede og lojalitet

BMW kjennetegn

118 Grid internt/ Higgy´s insightful and frankly quite fascinating (if you are a nerd) take on car design...which is a heeuuge topic needless to say/ 5. september 2017

Fremtiden?(Hva tester de hos oss for tiden)

119 Grid internt/ Higgy´s insightful and frankly quite fascinating (if you are a nerd) take on car design...which is a heeuuge topic needless to say/ 5. september 2017

Da må vi se til konseptbilene igjen

120 Grid internt/ Higgy´s insightful and frankly quite fascinating (if you are a nerd) take on car design...which is a heeuuge topic needless to say/ 5. september 2017

Nye tolkninger av gamle designgrep(Damer fortsatt selger biler)

2015 328 Hommage

121 Grid internt/ Higgy´s insightful and frankly quite fascinating (if you are a nerd) take on car design...which is a heeuuge topic needless to say/ 5. september 2017

Se i historiebøkene?

M1 Hommage

122 Grid internt/ Higgy´s insightful and frankly quite fascinating (if you are a nerd) take on car design...which is a heeuuge topic needless to say/ 5. september 2017

Nye grep, med nye tolkninger av etablerte designelementer

CSL Hommage

123 Grid internt/ Higgy´s insightful and frankly quite fascinating (if you are a nerd) take on car design...which is a heeuuge topic needless to say/ 5. september 2017

Detaljene kommer frem når originalen er på plass

The Daddy

124 Grid internt/ Higgy´s insightful and frankly quite fascinating (if you are a nerd) take on car design...which is a heeuuge topic needless to say/ 5. september 2017

9-serie konsept interiør

125 Grid internt/ Higgy´s insightful and frankly quite fascinating (if you are a nerd) take on car design...which is a heeuuge topic needless to say/ 5. september 2017

Haifronten er tilbake for fullt

Pininfarina mener dette skal være den nye 9-serie

126 Grid internt/ Higgy´s insightful and frankly quite fascinating (if you are a nerd) take on car design...which is a heeuuge topic needless to say/ 5. september 2017

BMW mener 8-serien skal se slik ut. Nær fremtid eller fantasi?


127 Grid internt/ Higgy´s insightful and frankly quite fascinating (if you are a nerd) take on car design...which is a heeuuge topic needless to say/ 5. september 2017

BMW mener 8-serien skal se slik ut. Nær fremtid eller fantasi?


128 Grid internt/ Higgy´s insightful and frankly quite fascinating (if you are a nerd) take on car design...which is a heeuuge topic needless to say/ 5. september 2017

Ren fantasi

129 Grid internt/ Higgy´s insightful and frankly quite fascinating (if you are a nerd) take on car design...which is a heeuuge topic needless to say/ 5. september 2017https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0DS9PY6iaxE

130 Grid internt/ Higgy´s insightful and frankly quite fascinating (if you are a nerd) take on car design...which is a heeuuge topic needless to say/ 5. september 2017


131 Grid internt/ Higgy´s insightful and frankly quite fascinating (if you are a nerd) take on car design...which is a heeuuge topic needless to say/ 5. september 2017

BMW: The ultimate Corporate Identity

BMW. The ultimate corporate identity

132 Grid internt/ Higgy´s insightful and frankly quite fascinating (if you are a nerd) take on car design...which is a heeuuge topic needless to say/ 5. september 2017

Hvorfor “ultimate”?

133 Grid internt/ Higgy´s insightful and frankly quite fascinating (if you are a nerd) take on car design...which is a heeuuge topic needless to say/ 5. september 2017

Det har alltid handlet om fellestrekk

134 Grid internt/ Higgy´s insightful and frankly quite fascinating (if you are a nerd) take on car design...which is a heeuuge topic needless to say/ 5. september 2017

Det er visuell identitet på tvers av flater, materialer, teknologipakning, forhandlere, gaveartikler, museet, farger, form, logoer...

135 Grid internt/ Higgy´s insightful and frankly quite fascinating (if you are a nerd) take on car design...which is a heeuuge topic needless to say/ 5. september 2017

I tillegg: Country of origin som nå ser ut til å være mer og mer viktig

Stadig ny teknologi gir uante redesign muligheter

136 Grid internt/ Higgy´s insightful and frankly quite fascinating (if you are a nerd) take on car design...which is a heeuuge topic needless to say/ 5. september 2017

A happy Higg


137 Grid internt/ Higgy´s insightful and frankly quite fascinating (if you are a nerd) take on car design...which is a heeuuge topic needless to say/ 5. september 2017
