Benefits of web programming

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IntroductionWebsite design is as variable as the shade of jeans your wearing, there are infinite options and infinite more combinations. Here at design [moves] we continually work with a variety of clients from whom crave innovation to those who want something simple and functional. It doesn't really matter what your friend, family member or business affiliate says about how you should run your business so why listen to them about website advice? Websites resemble business models where as how, when and why you run your business the way that you do. Where design [moves] differs from other web designers or web design companies is that we start from the very foundation of how the website will be structured. Throughout the years we have successfully adapted to the hundred languages of code that allows you to chose exactly what you want. From popular CMS based websites that allows you to maintain your website without any programming to lighter html/ javascript / php code, we can handle it all.

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PHPPHP popularity has made it synonymous with website development. Complex projects are often addressed with PHP’s mastery and ability. Moreover, it offers satisfactory designing experience for everything from simple websites, social networking sites and web portals to extremely functional web applications. The reason this server scripting language is given premium importance in the web world today, is because of the scope for research and experimentation that this language offers.This language has the ability to serve multiple web platforms, as well as incorporate many development frameworks. Companies offering web designing and development services with PHP, concentrate on making the sites easy to use, understand and access. The compatible and stable programming environment provided by PHP, encourages the formation of scalable and reliable custom websites. The fact that it is supported greatly by popular platforms like MAC OS X, Linux and Microsoft, makes PHP one of the strongest and feasible application development language. Developing responsive website with the use of advanced design technology, is the main aim of web development companies.

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HTMLHTML is the acronym for Hyper Text Markup Language. It is a form of programming language that is used to make web pages on the internet viewable. So it can be said that it is because of HTML that web pages are interesting to look at, but the importance of HTML is often taken for granted.Prior to the introduction of HTML, the designing of a web page was limited to a notepad and the use of your imagination. As there were no HTML editors, web developers had to learn a coding language by going to school, which was a rather tedious and lengthy procedure. The first HTML editor was Nexus, which was written by Tim Berners Lee in Object C. However, when compared to todays standards of HTML, Nexus is considered rather primitive. With the introduction of HTML code, there was no need to type in HTML from scratch. Since then, many HTML editors have emerged, and the most popular ones today are Front Page and Dreamweaver. Though these editors have their pros and cons, they are both very efficient when it comes to HTML coding

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CSSCSS is a newer animal and is not as familiar to beginning web designers as HTML. CSS was created to allow designers to have even more creativity and control over their designs. Today there is more than just one type of Internet browser to design for and this can be tricky and time consuming for HTML designers. These saves users time, effort and most likely money when they are creating sites. Also, CSS encourages less effort by allowing designers to create style sheets. This means when an edit is made to one page, all other affected changes are automatically made. This keeps designers from having to make multiple edits for large, detailed websites.

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JavascriptJavaScript is a client side scripting language which could be used along HTML for writing web pages. JavaScript is very popular and adopted universally by the every web browser for its support which allows dynamic content to get execute in a webpage. JavaScript is not a part of HTML but then it is a standalone programming language developed in NETSCAPE. JavaScript was originally developed for supporting the browser with feature of asynchronous communication, controlling the browser and for user interaction with the web page components. The first and official name of JavaScript was Live Script that was changed after the release of Netscape Navigator 2.0 Beta 3. The change in the name was because of the addition of Java technology into it. As JavaScript got its success worldwide with its integration into the web browsers, the Microsoft has added the JavaScript technology to its own Browser Internet Explorer.

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If you’re looking for an effective website designer for your website, Design Moves LLC has the expertise you need.


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Website : http://dmoves.com/