Schema.org Dati Strutturati per il tuo sito Web Dal web di Documenti e Dati al web delle Informazioni e delle Entità

Uso di Schema.org per il tuo sito web

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Schema.orgDati Strutturati per il tuo sito Web

Dal web di Documenti e Datial web delle Informazioni e delle


DatiDescrizione Elementare spesso codificata, di una cosa, di una transazione, di un avvenimento o di altro





Scopo dell’Elaborazione delle Informazioni:

“Ridurre Incertezza” e “Ridurre Ambiguità”



Le Informazioni devono essere:







Alle Informazioni si possono attribuire:

Proprietà (persona, animale, o cosa)

Caratteristiche (dimensioni, peso, nome, razza … )

Connotazioni (aspetto, particolarità, attributi … )

Localizzazione (Continente, Paese, Città … )




Linked Data

Why Use Microdata?

Your web pages have an underlying meaning that people understand when they read the web pages.But search engines have a limited understanding of what is being discussed on those pages.

Why Use Microdata?

By adding additional tags to the HTML of your web pages … you can help search engines and other applications better understand your content and display it in a useful, relevant way.

Itemscope & Itemtype<div> <h1>Avatar</h1> <span>Director: James Cameron (born August 16, 1954)</span> <span>Science fiction</span> <a href="../movies/avatar-theatrical-trailer.html">Trailer</a></div>“To begin, identify the section of the page that is "about" the movie Avatar. To do this, add the itemscope element to the HTML tag that encloses information about the item, like this:”

Itemscope & Itemtype<div itemscope> <h1>Avatar</h1> <span>Director: James Cameron (born August 16, 1954)</span> <span>Science fiction</span> <a href="../movies/avatar-theatrical-trailer.html">Trailer</a></div>By adding itemscope, you are specifying that the HTML contained in the <div>...</div> block is about a particular item.

But it's not all that helpful to specify that there is an item being discussed without specifying what kind of an item it is. You can specify the type of item using the itemtype attribute immediately after the itemscope.

Itemscope & Itemtype<div itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/Movie"> <h1>Avatar</h1> <span>Director: James Cameron (born August 16, 1954)</span> <span>Science fiction</span> <a href="../movies/avatar-theatrical-trailer.html">Trailer</a></div>

ItempropWhat additional information can we give search engines about the movie Avatar?

Movies have interesting properties such as actors, director, ratings.

To label properties of an item, use the itemprop attribute.

For example, to identify the director of a movie, add itemprop="director" to the element enclosing the director's name.

Itemprop<div itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/Movie"> <h1 itemprop=“name”>Avatar</h1> <span>Director: <span itemprop=“director”> James Cameron</span> (born August 16, 1954)</span> <span>Science fiction</span> <a href="../movies/avatar-theatrical-trailer.html” itemprop=“trailer”>Trailer</a></div>

This specifies that the item contained in the div is in fact a Movie, as defined in the schema.org type hierarchy. Item types are provided as URLs, in this case http://schema.org/Movie

Nesting Properties<div itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/Movie"> <h1 itemprop=“name”>Avatar</h1> <span>Director: <span itemprop=“director”> James Cameron</span> (born August 16, 1954)</span> <span>Science fiction</span> <a href="../movies/avatar-theatrical-trailer.html” itemprop=“trailer”>Trailer</a></div>

<div itemscope itemtype=http://schema.org/Movie><h1 itemprop="name">Avatar</h1><div itemprop="director" itemscope itemtype=http://schema.org/

Person><span>Director: <span itemprop="givenName">

James</span> <span itemprop="familyName">Cameron</span> (born August 16, 1954)</span>

<meta itemprop="birthDate" content ="1954-08-16" /></div>

<span>Science fiction</span> <a href="../movies/avatar-theatrical-trailer.html" itemprop="trailer">Trailer</a></div>




Meta Tags with Content

“Sometimes, a web page has information that would be valuable to mark up, but the information can't be marked up because of the way it appears on the page.”


This technique should be used sparingly. Only use meta with content for information that cannot otherwise be marked up.

Come ProcedereAlcuni consigli pratici

Sviluppare un modelloPuoi utilizzare Schema per qualsiasi tipologia di sito

(Travel, Ecommerce, Legale, Produzione, Adult Entertainment…)




Provare e provare di nuovo!

Ci vogliono diverse iterazioni per arrivare ad un modello accettabile e che funzioni con il tuo CMS.

Devi essere meticoloso! Più contenuto riesci a fare markup e meglio è!

Sante J. Achille

• Ingegnere, che si occupa di web dal 1994 (quando lo scoprì).

• Ha analizzato/ottimizzato/posizionato molti siti (grandi, piccoli di PMI e multinazionali) in 20 anni di attività professionale

• Offre servizi SEO & ADWORDS Multilingua avvalendosi di un network di Professionisti internazionali

• Ama proverbi e le usanze popolari

• Il suo motto preferito: Why Be Normal?


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