To Grid or not to Grid? Andrew Zolnai zolnai.ca Geocomm 2017 Wikimedia and andretchaikowsky.com

To grid or not to grid

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To Grid or not to Grid?

Andrew Zolnai


Geocomm 2017

Wikimedia and andretchaikowsky.com

Scalable grids

Proto-GIS (1988) DB2 Spatial (2006)


Tesselation grids

Geodyssey (1992) Pyxis (current) what3words

bit.ly/2xWXXX5 bit.ly/2xk29iR map.what3words.com

NADM (2002) Cordilleran geology

Spatial object models


Non spatial addressing

Postal address clean-up

bit.ly/2waZ0y1 bit.ly/2pyNGri

Open standards


One of the core contributions of a DGGS is geospatial data fusion on demand. In a multiple provider environment, fusion is only possible with an information system architecture based upon open standards. The OGC DGGS Abstract Specification provides a platform to enable interoperability within and between different DGGS implementations while promoting reusability, knowledge exchange, and choices in the design of individual DGGS implementations.


When is a map not a map?

“Real-time mapping without the drift”


Or when is a map not possible?

Former Soviet Union, West Siberia 2002

Bearing Distance

deg min sec m

2 30 0 2000

358 20 0 5500

5 10 0 22500

7 30 0 2000

355 40 0 1500

272 30 0 4000

281 10 0 6000

268 30 0 6500

180 0 0 7500

Modern geolocationAre coordinates, projection, datum etc. always à-propos?

Are there better frameworks for real-time crowd-mapping?

Do robotics ‘think’ or work in Cartesian space?

Are base 2 or 10 the best there is?

How about ‘good enough’ or ‘close enough’ computation?

BonusTales from the geodetic cryptbit.ly/2xlBh1Y

Thank you!


Andrew Zolnai
