Who’s Helping Themselves To Your Data? Demystifying MongoDB’s Security Features @TheDonester

MongoDB Europe 2016 - Who’s Helping Themselves To Your Data? Demystifying MongoDB’s Security Capabilities

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Who’s Helping Themselves To Your Data? Demystifying MongoDB’s Security Features



Complexity is the Enemy of Security

Security holes resulting from misconfiguration? Under ‘time-to-market’ pressures, neglecting to apply a security layer due to complexity?



Need Clearer Path To [Secure] Success

•  Technologies need to keep things simple

•  Especially around Security

• MongoDB’s security features are orthogonal yet complimentary

•  Using one feature doesn’t require learning and configuring all other features



MongoDB DB-level Security

Standards-based Minimal inter-dependencies

•  Authorization mandates Authentication, to identify roles

•  Certificate-based Authentication mandates In-Flight Encryption (TLS)

•  Client Authentication mandates Internal Authentication


At-Rest Encryption

In-Flight Encryption

Authorization Auditing



Quick reminder....

http://docs.mongodb.org/manual/administration/security-checklist/Ensure you consult MongoDB’s Security Checklist

Remember: •  Apply security in layers, for defence in depth

•  Many of these layers are not MongoDB specific



MongoSecurityPlaypen Github Project

NOT PRODUCTION SECURE For learning/demoing purposes only






Client Authentication Options

1. Challenge/Response (SCRAM-SHA-1)

2. LDAP (inc. Active Directory)

3. x.509 Certificate 4. Kerberos

Remote Directory


Username / Password

Username / Password

Authentication Service Request (1)



Pre-Established Trust with KDC

Local CA Certificates


Key Distribution Center (KDC)



Client Authentication Examples SCRAM-SHA-1


x.509 Certificate

Kerberos FQDNs



LDAP Authentication Options


LDAP Integration MongoDB Versions Operating Systems External Dependencies

Proxy 2. 6 + Linux Simple Authentication & Security Layer (SASL)

Direct 3. 4 + Linux & Windows n/a

DB Host Directory Host

Directory Server mongod





Internal Authentication Options

MongoD Replica

Host OS Keyfile

MongoD Replica


MongoD Replica


Key Challenge / Response

Key Challenge / Response

Key Challenge / Response

MongoD Replica


MongoD Replica

MongoD Replica

Host OS Host OS

x.509 Certificates

Host OS

Host OS Host OS

CA Certs

CA Certs

CA Certs




Key Files (SCRAM-SHA-1)

Authorization (Role Based Access Control)



Role Based Access Control

Built-in roles •  read, readWrite, dbAdmin,

clusterAdmin, root, etc..

User-defined roles •  Based on actions that can be

defined for a resource



Defining & Using a Custom Role Example: “Append-only” role

Define The Role & User Try Inserting & Querying Data



LDAP Authorization* MongoDB Roles Mapped to LDAP Groups


* New in 3.4

Role membership is fluid & managed dynamically in the LDAP Directory (rather than granting roles to users in MongoDB)

LDAP Authorization is an optional feature, if LDAP Direct Authentication is enabled


Read-Only Views* + Roles For Record-level Access Control


Define a View (uses Agg Fwk) Lock Down User to Only the View

* New in 3.4

In-Flight Encryption



TLS (supersedes SSL)

CRUD API calls over TLS

Internal Traffic over TLS

CA Certificates File

Server Key & Certificate PEM File

Server Machine 1



Client Machine

CA Certificates File

CA Certificates File

Server Key & Certificate PEM File

Server Machine 3

CA Certificates File

Server Key & Certificate PEM File

Server Machine 2




• Can apply to client traffic or internal traffic or both

• Supported on all Drivers and MongoDB Tools

• Client Certificate authentication not mandated •  Any client and internal authentication methods can be used •  Can even have authentication / authorization completely disabled


At-Rest Encryption



Encrypted Storage Engine

• Native encryption inside the database •  Single-digit % overhead •  Based on WiredTiger

•  Two Key Types for easy key rotation •  Master Key per replica •  Internal Key per database

• Options for sourcing Master Key: •  Via 3rd Party Key Management Appliance using KMIP

(Key Management Interoperability Protocol) •  Keyfile on local file-system (not recommended for




Encryption-at-Rest with KMIP

3rd Party Key Management Appliance

Replica1 Host OS


Replica1’s Master Key

Replica2’s Master Key

Replica3’s Master Key CA Certificates File DBd

Internal Key Manager Keystore (encrypted by Master Key)

DBa Key DBb Key

DBc Key DBd Key

Encrypts & Decrypts

Replica1 mongod

Replica1 Key & Certificate PEM File



MongoDB Encryption-at-Rest

Symmetric Keys •  Same key to encrypt & decrypt •  AES256-CBC (256-bit AES Cipher Block Chaining mode)

•  AES256-GCM (256-bit AES Galois/Counter Mode)

•  FIPS 140-2 encryption option

Encryption Alternatives •  Partner solution for file & OS level encryption (eg. Vormetric) •  Application code performs field-level encryption








Audit log of actions taken against the database

Configurable Destination



Auditing Event Types

System Events CRUD Events

Default (when enabled)

Enabling Config Parameter

auditLog - destination

setParameter – auditAuthorizationSuccess

Event Types

DDL Auth failures Users & Roles config Replication &Sharding config Server Lifecycle actions

Inserts Updates Removes Finds Aggregations



Auditing Filters Are Key

•  Filter on attributes of captured audit documents •  In config, set ‘auditFilter’ to a query expression •  Filter on: Action, User, Role, Command, Database, Collection, etc

• Examples: filter:'{atype:{$in:["createCollection","dropCollection"]}}‘filter:‘{roles:{role:"readWrite",db:"test“}}‘filter:'{atype:"authCheck","param.command":{$in:["find","insert"]}}‘


Atlas Security



Atlas & Security

• SCRAM-SHA-1 authentication enforced • TLS/SSL enforced • Pre-defined roles against each database •  IP white-listing enforced • VPC Peering option with application tier • 2FA authentication for admin console • Option for encrypted data volumes






• MongoDB keeps things simple • Clearly separates out different security


• Reduce complexity • Decreases risk of security holes

• Remember to Consult the MongoDB Security Checklist!


[email protected]




Extended Extras



Client Authentication Comparisons

Authentication Method Clear Text Password Identity Location

Challenge/Response (SCRAM-SHA-1) No (Digest) Internal

x.509 Certificate No (Digital Signature) External

LDAP Yes * External

Kerberos No (KDC generated session key encrypted with password) External

* Can be protected via a transport-level security mechanism



Internal Authentication Comparisons

•  x.509 Cert Auth mandates use of TLS/SSL •  Keyfile Auth can be used with TLS/SSL

•  x.509 Cert Auth has smaller attack surface area •  No need for a ‘shared secret’

•  x.509 Cert Auth allows for centralized key management



TLS & FIPS 140-2 US government security standard to accredit cryptographic modules

• OpenSSL “FIPS Object Module” •  Certified component optionally used via

OpenSSL •  Ensures source code not tampered with

(checks signature against original certified version)

• MongoDB configurable option FIPSMode:true

•  Also applies to Encryption-at-Rest

FIPS 140-2 : Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) Publication 140-2


Log Redaction



Log Redaction* Redact Client Data Shown in System Log Files


•  All potentially sensitive user data omitted from logs Vs •  Harder to diagnose system & performance issues

* New in 3.4


Diagram Source Graphics


Python Client Application

client VM

centralit VM

OpenLDAP Server

Py KMIP Server

MIT Kerberos KDC

dbnode1 VM

dbnode2 VM

dbnode3 VM





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