Elasticsearch and Spark

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Page 1: Elasticsearch and Spark

Elasticsearch and



Page 2: Elasticsearch and Spark

Agenda Who am I?

Text searching

Full text based

Term based

Databases vs. Search engines

Why not simple SQL?

Why need Lucene?




Split-brain Issue


Data Structure

Inverted Index

SOLR – Dataverse’s Search

Why not SOLR for Consilience?

Elasticsearch – Consilience’s Search

Language integration





Why Spark?

Where Spark?

When Spark?

Language support

Conclusion and Questions

Page 3: Elasticsearch and Spark

Who am I?

Animesh Pandey

Computer Science grad student @

Northeastern University, Boston

Intern for Project Consilience for

Summer 2015

Job: integration of Elasticsearch and

Spark into the existing project

Page 4: Elasticsearch and Spark

Text Searching

Text – a from of data

Text – available from various resources

Internet, books, articles etc.

We are concerned with digital text or converting the traditional text to digital

Digital text – internet, news articles, blogs, research papers

Traditional text – any text from a physical book, manuscript, typed papers,

newspapers etc.

Traditional text conversion to digital text

Automatic - Optical Character Recognizers (OCR) e.g. Tesseract by Google Inc.

Manual - type to a system

Page 5: Elasticsearch and Spark

Full text based vs. Term based

Full text based search

Most general kind of search

Used everyday when using

Google, Bing or Yahoo

In the background it is much more

than a simple character by

character match

Lot of pre-processing involved for

a Full text search

Term based search

Generally comprises of exact term


You can think of it as a SQL query

where try to find documents that

contain the exact match of a

specified word

Page 6: Elasticsearch and Spark

Databases vs. Search Engines

The both have unique strengths but also have overlapping capabilities


Both can be stored as data stores

Basic updates and modifications can be done using both


Search Engines

Used for both structured as well

as unstructured data

The results are ordered as per

the relevance of the result to

the query


Used for structured data

There is relevance

matching between the

query and results

Page 7: Elasticsearch and Spark

Why not simple SQL?

MySQL provides us some ways to perform a full text search along with term

based searches BUT …..

Needs MyISAM storage engine. It was the default storage engine of MySQL.

MyISAM is optimized for read operations with few write operations or may be


But you cannot avoid write (update/modify) operations.

MyISAM creates one index for one table.

No. of tables = No. of index => more tables more complexity.

Relational DBs have locks. They won’t read/write operations if already one

operation is being executed.

Page 8: Elasticsearch and Spark

How does a search engine help?

Efficient indexing of data

You don’t need multiple indices like you needed in Databases

Index is on all fields/combinations of fields

Analyzing data

Text search

Tokenzing => splitting of text

Stemming => converting words to their root forms

Filtering => removal of certain words

Relevance Scoring

Page 9: Elasticsearch and Spark

In order to solve the problems mentioned before there are several

Open Source search engines….

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Information Retrieval Software Library

Free/Open Source

Supported by Apache Foundation

Created by Doug Cutting

Since 1999

In order to use it there are two Java libraries available…..


Page 11: Elasticsearch and Spark

Built on Lucene

Perfect for single server search

Part of the Lucene project (Lucene comes with Solr)

Large user and developer base

This is Dataverse’s Search engine. Later will talk why using

Elasticsearch here won’t make a big difference


Page 12: Elasticsearch and Spark


"status" : 200,

"name" : "Fafnir",

"cluster_name" : "elasticsearch",

"version" : {

"number" : "1.4.2",

"build_hash" : "927caff6f05403e936c20bf4529f144f0c89fd8c",

"build_timestamp" : "2014-12-16T14:11:12Z",

"build_snapshot" : false,

"lucene_version" : "4.10.2"


"tagline" : "You Know, for Search"



Free/Open source

Built on top of Lucene

Created by Shay Banon @kimchy

Current stable version is 1.6.0

Has wrappers in many languages

Page 13: Elasticsearch and Spark

RESTful Service


Chrome Plugins – Marvel Sense and POSTman

Can be used from Java, Python and many other languages

High availability and clustering is very easy to set up

Long term persistence

What does Elasticsearch add to Lucene?

Page 14: Elasticsearch and Spark

Elasticsearch is a “download and use” distro


Log files

Node Configs

Data Storage

├── bin

│ ├── elasticsearch

│ ├── elasticsearch.in.sh

│ └── plugin

├── config

│ ├── elasticsearch.yml

│ └── logging.yml

├── data

│ └── cluster1

├── lib

│ ├── elasticsearch-x.y.z.jar

│ ├── ...

│ └──

└── logs

├── elasticsearch.log

└── elasticsearch_index_search_slowlog.log

└── elasticsearch_index_indexing_slowlog.log



Page 15: Elasticsearch and Spark

Here we can initialize the basic configuration

required to start an ES node. Following are the

config types that are generally changed.

cluster.name – the cluster to which it’ll join

node.name – specify name of the node

node.master – whether the node is a master

node.data – whether this node will hold data

path.data – path of the index

path.conf – path of the config folder (scripts or

any file put in this folder)

path.logs – path of the logs

elasticsearch.yml – Config file of Elasticsearch

curl -XPUT "http://localhost:9200/social_media/" -d'


"settings": {

"node": {

"master": true


"path": {

"conf": "D:/social_media/config/"


"index": {

"number_of_shards": 3,

"number_of_replicas": 1




Page 16: Elasticsearch and Spark

Underlying Lucene Inverted Index

This is term to document mapping

Inverted index contains terms mapped to

all documents in which it occurred

Every document is paired with the term

frequency of the term being considered

Sum all term frequencies to get corpus

frequency of the term

Page 17: Elasticsearch and Spark

Shards and Replicas

Primary Shard

Created when indexing

Index has 1..N primary shards


This is the actual data

Replica Shard

Index has 0..N primary replicas

Not persistent

The is copy of the data

Promoted to Primary shard if the node fails

Page 18: Elasticsearch and Spark

Nodes discovery

Nodes discovery in ES is using multicast

Unicast is also possible

Can be modified by changing elasticsearch.yml

In multicast the master node will send requests to all nodes to check

which are waiting for connection

discovery.zen.ping.multicast.enabled: false

discovery.zen.ping.unicast.hosts: [“host1", "host2:port", "host3"]

Page 19: Elasticsearch and Spark

Split-brain Issue

Suppose we have three node cluster which has 1 master and 2 slaves

Suppose due to some reason connection to NODE 2 fails

NODE 2 will promote its replica shards to primary shards and will convert itself to a Master

Cluster will be in an inconsistent state

Indexing request to NODE 2 won’t be reflected to NODE 1 – NODE 3

This will result in two different indices => different results

Page 20: Elasticsearch and Spark

Solving the Split-brain issue

Specify the number of masters in a cluster

discovery.zen.minimum_master_nodes = (N/2 + 1), where N is the number of nodes in a


In the three node cluster, the cluster with one node will fail and the production will come to

know about such issue

discovery.zen.ping.timeout should be increased in a slow network so that nodes get

extra time to ping to each other

Default value is 3 seconds

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Elasticsearch APIs

There are certain number of APIs provided by elasticsearch. We will

be covering the ones useful to us:







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Processing of Text using Analyzers (Settings API)

Analyzers help in manipulating the

text that is to be indexed.

Tokenizers, stemmers, token-filters are

the most used Analyzers.

Analyzers are usually given a name/id

so that they can be used in future with

any type of text.

There are other analyzers as well that

are based on term-replacement,

regular-expression pattern,

punctuation characters.

Custom analyzers can also be

created in ES.

curl -XPUT

"http://localhost:9200/social_media/tweet/_settings" -d'


"settings": {

"index": {

"number_of_shards": 3,

"number_of_replicas": 1


"analysis": {

"analyzer": {

"my_english": {

"type": "custom",

"tokenizer": "whitespace",

"filter": [







"filter": {

"cust_stop": {

"type": "stop",

"stopwords_path": "stoplist.txt",






Page 23: Elasticsearch and Spark

Mapping of Documents to be indexed (Mappings API)curl -XPUT

"http://localhost:9200/social_media/tweet/_mapping" -d


"tweet": {

"properties": {

"_id": {

"type": "string",

"store": True,

"index": "not_analyzed"


"text": {

"type": "multi_field",

"fields": {

"text": {

"include_in_all": False,

"type": "string",

"store": False,

"index": "not_analyzed"


"_analyzed": {

"type": "string",

"store": True,

"index": "analyzed",



"analyzer": “my_english”





Elasticsearch auto-maps fields but we

can also specify the types.

Data types provided by ES:





Geo-point (coordinates)

Attachment (requires plugin)

Consilience uses this for indexing PDF


Page 24: Elasticsearch and Spark

Creation of Index

Specifying setting and mapping and sending a PUT request to Elasticsearch initializes the index

Now the task is to send documents to Elasticsearch

We have to keep in mind the mappings of each field in the document

Document Metadata fields

_id : identifier of the document

_index : index name

_type : mapping type

_source : enabled/disabled



_size : size of uncompressed _source


Page 25: Elasticsearch and Spark

Indexing a document (Index API)

curl -XPOST


012165183" -d '{

"_source": {

"text": "random text",

"exact_text": "random text"



For ES 1.6.0+

curl -XPOST


012165183" -d '{

"text": "random text",

"exact_text": "random text"



'_index': 'social_media',

'_type': 'tweet',

'_id': ‘616272192012165120',

'_source': {

'text': '@bshor Thanks for the info; this will

help us. Are these the 2 datasets you were

uploading? https://t.co/W1M4vrQUEI


'exact_text': '@bshor Thanks for the info; this

will help us. Are these the 2 datasets you were

uploading? https://t.co/W1M4vrQUEI




Document structure Indexing new document

Page 26: Elasticsearch and Spark

Retrieving term vectors (Termvector API)

termvector or mtermvector APIs are used for

getting the term-vectors

We can change the above DSL according to

our needs

curl -XGET


ctor" -d'


"fields" : ["text"],

"offsets" : true,

"payloads" : true,

"positions" : true,

"term_statistics" : true,

"field_statistics" : true



"_index": "social_media",

"_type": "tweet",

"_id": "616272192012165183",

"_version": 1,

"found": true,

"term_vectors": {

"text": {

"field_statistics": {

"sum_doc_freq": 65,

"doc_count": 6,

"sum_ttf": 66


"terms": {

"random": {

"doc_freq": 1,

"ttf": 1,

"term_freq": 1,

"tokens": [


"position": 0,

"start_offset": 0,

"end_offset": 6,

"payload": "d29yZA=="




"text": {

"doc_freq": 1,

"ttf": 1,

"term_freq": 1,

"tokens": [


"position": 1,

"start_offset": 7,

"end_offset": 11,

"payload": "d29yZA=="








Page 27: Elasticsearch and Spark

Processing independent documents

This can be done by using Analyze API

The analyzer my_english was defined in Slide 16

The above DSL results in where document was

“Text to analyze”

curl -XGET "http://localhost:9200/social_media/_analyze?analyzer=my_english&text=Text to analyze"


"tokens": [


"token": "text",

"start_offset": 0,

"end_offset": 4,

"type": "word",

"position": 1



"token": "analyze",

"start_offset": 8,

"end_offset": 15,

"type": "word",

"position": 3




Page 28: Elasticsearch and Spark

Working with Shingles Shingles are a way to index group of

tokens like unigrams, bigrams etc.

"shingle_filter" : {

"type" : "shingle",

"min_shingle_size" : 2, // for bigrams

"max_shingle_size" : 2,

"output_unigrams": True


curl -XGET



to analyze"


"tokens": [


"token": "text",

"start_offset": 0,

"end_offset": 4,

"type": "word",

"position": 1



"token": "text _",

"start_offset": 0,

"end_offset": 8,

"type": "shingle",

"position": 1



"token": "_ analyze",

"start_offset": 8,

"end_offset": 15,

"type": "shingle",

"position": 2



"token": "analyze",

"start_offset": 8,

"end_offset": 15,

"type": "word",

"position": 3




This filter can be used in

termvector API to get

vectors containing both

unigram and bigrams

Page 29: Elasticsearch and Spark

Searching in Index (Search API)

Default search

Exact phrase matching

curl -XGET "http://localhost:9200/social_media/tweet/_search" -d'


"query": {

"match": {

"text._analyzed": “some Texts“ // will search for “some text”, “some” and “text”



"explain": true


curl -XGET "http://localhost:9200/social_media/tweet/_search" -d'


"query": {

"match_phrase": {

"text": “some Texts“ // will search for “some Texts” as a phrase



"explain": true


Page 30: Elasticsearch and Spark

Recommended Design Patterns

Keep the number of nodes odd

Take pre-cautions to avoid Split-brain issue

Regularly refresh indices

Add refresh_interval to settings

Manage heap size

ES_HEAP_SIZE <= ½ of the system’s RAM but not more than 32GB

export ES_HEAP_SIZE=10g

./bin/elasticsearch -Xmx10g -Xms10g

Use Aliases

Searches are made using an index created from the original index

This prevents cluster down time or delays that may occur during the updation/modification of the index

Delete aliases when they become old and create new one

You can create time-based aliases as well

Use Routing

A way to know which shard contains what document

Reduces the lookup time during searches

When bulk indexing

Timeout after every push

Push should be of maximum size 2-3MB

Page 31: Elasticsearch and Spark

Why not SOLR?

SOLR is a better search engine than Elasticsearch

But we require Term_vectors and analysis more than a search

ES provides better APIs for analytics

termvector with field and term statistics


search with explain enabled

function_scoring (Didn’t mention before)

If you need only a search engine, go for SOLR. If you need something more

than that Elasticsearch is the best choice.

Page 32: Elasticsearch and Spark

Language Support

We have

JAVA wrappers : org.elasticsearch.*

Python wrapper: py-elasticsearch

Scala wrapper : elastic4s

Domain Specific Language (DSL) : cURL/JSON as shown in every

example previously

Page 33: Elasticsearch and Spark

Lets add some SPARK to ES…

Apache Spark is an engine for large scale data processing

It runs programs nearly 100 times faster than Hadoop

Has language support for Python, Java, Scala and R

For Project Consilience:

Earlier I had thought of keeping the starting and end point of the whole

application to be Spark

i.e. read files using spark, index them using Elasticsearch and apply clustering

using Spark’s MLlib

Flat file reading is very direct in Spark

spark.textfile() => parallel reading of the file in chunks

spark.wholetextfile() => loads complete file into memory

Page 34: Elasticsearch and Spark

Lets add some SPARK to ES…

Earlier experiments were done in


Scala gave us the advantage

of Functional programming

along with the Parallel


Now Java 8 also provides with

Functional programming so

Scala and Java won’t make

much difference

import org.elasticsearch.spark._ //ES-Spark connector

val conf = new SparkConf()



.set("spark.executor.memory", "1g")

.set("spark.rdd.compress", "true")

.set("spark.storage.memoryFraction", "1")

.set("es.index.auto.create", "true")

.set(“es.node”, 9200)

// other configurations can be added as well

val sc = new SparkContext(conf)

// parallel reading for arrays. Same syntax in Java and Python

val data = sc.parallelize(1 to 10000).collect().filter(_ < 100)


val textFile = sc.textFile("/home/cloudera/Documents/pg2265.txt")

val counts = textFile

.flatMap(line => line.split(" ")) // all tokens in an array

.filter(_ != ' ') // remove all empty tokens

.map(word => (word.replaceAll("\\p{P}", "") // remove


.toLowerCase(), 1)) // convert to lower case

.reduceByKey(_ + _) // add as per key values

val thing = counts.collect()

sc.makeRDD(<put a Mapping here>).saveToEs("spark/docs")

Page 35: Elasticsearch and Spark

Tried the Spark-Hadoop-Elasticsearch connector but noticed some

overhead and unnecessary computations

The project currently won’t accept large volumes of data and that too

frequently. So fast computation isn’t really required

What we want is features to do clustering. Those features can easily be

provided by Elasticsearch

May be in future, Spark will be added in the first phase of the project.

As of now Spark will be used for Clustering of the documents. The

library MLlib provides APIs for this

Lets add some SPARK to ES…

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Learning Elasticsearch – Anurag Patel (Red Hat)

Introduction to Elasticsearch – Roy Russo

Apache Spark and Elasticsearch – Holden Karau UMD 2014

Streamlining Search Indexing using Elastic Search and Spark (Holden


Video Link : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jYicnlunDQ0