Building a Data Driven Organization

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by Abe Stanway Senior Software Engineer, Planet Labs

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Page 1: Building a Data Driven Organization



Page 2: Building a Data Driven Organization

1. why 2. how

Page 3: Building a Data Driven Organization

1. why 2. how

Page 4: Building a Data Driven Organization


Page 5: Building a Data Driven Organization

Predict the future!

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Retain Customers!

Page 7: Building a Data Driven Organization

Grow the business!

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Recommend content!

Page 9: Building a Data Driven Organization

Drive Engagement!

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unclear paths to $$$

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IN IT, It’s clear.

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Data are Dollars

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. IT Working = +$$$ IT Not Working = -$$$ . .

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How do you know if your IT is working

right now?

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How do you know if you are earning money

right now?

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KPIs. What are they?

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Etsy: Literally a Money per

second Graph

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Planet Labs: Literally an Images

per day graph

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What are the Kpis for kips?

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$ per second

items bought per

second page requests

per second

database queries per

second memcache hits per second

fread() per second

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If you do not have the data about your infrastructure,

it is already broken.


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Test driven development ->

data driven development

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Without data, you are flying blind

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How do you know you’re hitting your goals?

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How do you know if You’re making the right ones in the

first place?

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How do you know if you’re still in


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How do you even know what planet

you live on?

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Assumptions are death

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You need data, yo.

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1. why 2. how

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1. collect 2. analyze 3. ??? 4. Profit!

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1. collect 2. analyze 3. ACT 4. Profit!

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data that cannot be acted upon should

not be analyzed.

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You are running a business, not an

art museum

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You are Trying to Win the market, not

a fields medal

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This can be disappointing

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Data SCientist?

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Data Scientist? Realist.

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Find a way to Align your employees intellectual curiosity

With your Real business needs.


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Train your organization

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you need a data culture.

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“It’s not shipped until it’s monitored”

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“If you are not looking at Dashboards, you are

not doing your job”

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Building instrumentation and watching dashboards

are hard And Time consuming

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App code -> statsD -> Graphite -> Dashboards -> Insightsby hand by hand by hand by hand by hand

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Developers just want to code

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Let’s automate

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Which is easier to automate?

Insights or data collection?

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Insights are sexy and fun

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Collection is hard And unsexy

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Collection is hard And Boring

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Collection is hard And unsexy

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We’re on track to have excellent

automated insights

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anomaly detection

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App code -> statsD -> Graphite -> Dashboards -> Insightsby hand by hand by hand AUTOMATIC!AUTOMATIC!

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(…if only we had the data)

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How do we automate data collection?

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currently have ganglia, New relic,

collectD, etc

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they provide data about your raw machines, not your

CUSTOM DEVELOPED TECHNOLOGY And Application level logic

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Healthy servers don’t make you money. Healthy services do.

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Full disclosure: this is my new PROJECT


we’re going to talk about it because i’m pretty excited and the

beta is opening up soon.

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LARIMAR uses raw machine metrics to infer App level architecture and inform developers about problems

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A service:cpu resources

disk io PCAP data

ports Used syscalls

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A service:cpu resources

disk io PCAP data

ports Used syscallsservice fingerprint


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A service:cpu resources

disk io PCAP data

ports Used syscallsABNORMAL BEHAVIOR


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a system:service service service service service


graphical system fingerprint

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a system:service service service service service


Abnormal, holistic system behavior

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Larimar automates both analysis And

Relevant data collection

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so your developers can focus on coding

and acting on insights

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No configuration!

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App code -> statsD -> Graphite -> Dashboards -> Insightsby hand AUTOMATIC!AUTOMATIC!AUTOMATIC! AUTOMATIC!

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1. collect 2. analyze 3. ACT 4. Profit!

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organizational shifts are still

needed to inspire ACTION on Data

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but ACTION is easier to inspire when there is lots of data and lots

of insight everywhere

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Create a culture where your developers create

these kinds of tools

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When a data driven mindset is the default,

tools will build themselves.

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Thanks! @abestanway



larimar.io @larimarhq