May 28, 2016, arrival of European volunteers. The volunteer team is finally together and ready for the mission. 3 sites on 3 different zone of Britain: Finistère, at the end of the world, to the outskirts of Rennes. Camaret-sur-Mer, Saint-Thégonnec and finally Châteaugiron. The team is composed of 7 volunteers. 2 French volunteers in civic service, Fourahati and Yussuf, who started the mission. After 2 months, Aymeric substituted Yussuf until the end of the mission. 5 European volunteers: Lena, Margherita, Noelia, Konstantina and Helena, respectively from Germany, Italy, Spain, Greece and Portugal. The first site started in Camaret, from 4 to 22 July 2016. This was the first year that the city hosts the European volunteers. 5 wash-houses have been restored. From August 8 to 26, the town of Saint Thégonnec hosted for the fourth consecutive year, European volunteers. The site started with stitching work in the chapel of Saint- Brigitte and ended with the crystallization of the ruins of the village of Keranflec'h. The summer ended in Châteaugiron, with the latest site, from 5 to 23 September. The volunteers proceeded to join the walls of the Castle of Châteaugiron. Three sites, three cities, three different settings. The volunteer team were able to enjoy the various activities and entertainment during the summer.

Servicio Voluntario Europeo YesEuropa

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Page 1: Servicio Voluntario Europeo YesEuropa

MMaayy 2288,, 22001166,, aarrrriivvaall ooff EEuurrooppeeaann vvoolluunntteeeerrss.. TThhee vvoolluunntteeeerr tteeaamm iiss ffiinnaallllyy ttooggeetthheerr aanndd rreeaaddyy ffoorr tthhee mmiissssiioonn.. 33 ssiitteess oonn 33 ddiiffffeerreenntt zzoonnee ooff BBrriittaaiinn:: FFiinniissttèèrree,, aatt tthhee eenndd ooff tthhee wwoorrlldd,, ttoo tthhee oouuttsskkiirrttss ooff RReennnneess.. CCaammaarreett--ssuurr--MMeerr,, SSaaiinntt--TThhééggoonnnneecc aanndd ffiinnaallllyy CChhââtteeaauuggiirroonn..

The team is composed of 7 volunteers. 2 French volunteers in civic service, Fourahati and Yussuf, who started the mission. After 2 months, Aymeric substituted Yussuf until the end of the mission. 5 European volunteers: Lena, Margherita, Noelia, Konstantina and Helena, respectively from Germany, Italy, Spain, Greece and Portugal. The first site started in Camaret, from 4 to 22 July 2016. This was the first year that the city hosts the European volunteers. 5 wash-houses have been restored. From August 8 to 26, the town of Saint Thégonnec hosted for the fourth consecutive year, European volunteers. The site started with stitching work in the chapel of Saint- Brigitte and ended with the crystallization of the ruins of the village of Keranflec'h. The summer ended in Châteaugiron, with the latest site, from 5 to 23 September. The volunteers proceeded to join the walls of the Castle of Châteaugiron.

Three sites, three cities, three different settings. The volunteer team were able to enjoy the various activities and entertainment during the summer.

Page 2: Servicio Voluntario Europeo YesEuropa

Discovering the French cultural and natural heritage: The Tower of Vauban, Megalithic alignments of Lagatjare, magnificent panoramic views on Atlantic ocean from the “Pen-Hir”, Churches and Historic castle, the oldest than pyramid monument, Cairn de Barnenez, Mont Saint-Michel, the pink Granite coast…

Cultural activities: Breton festivals called "Fest-Noz"- which combines singing, dancing and Breton gastronomy-, Museum, Maritime parade of sailboats at the "Brest 2016"; sports: boat ride, kayaking, beaches, horseback riding, bowling, laser game, Rope Park.

Page 3: Servicio Voluntario Europeo YesEuropa

9/10. “I chose this EVS to learn English in a European group. My Best Memory: Camping experience, activities, work, my worst: sometimes difficulties in the group. It’s Cool! Good experience, friendly organization and mayors, good for my English and French. I recommend this EVS to other it was quite a pleasure, a lot of activities, good working experience. ”

Anna Lena ROTERS, 23, student, German.

8/10. “I chose this EVS because of the country, I want to learn French. I learned French and improved in team work. It was a unique experience that I’ll do again without hesitation. The quality time I passed with the volunteers of the team. I recommend this EVS to my Friends. ”

Noelia RUIZ CAMPAÑA, 22, Student in Journalism in the University of Malaga, Spain.

8.5/10. For the group, for travelling, for our free time one, I give

3/10. For the actual mission, the “restauration”

“I chose this EVS because I wanted to gain some experience in my field of studies but abroad, in order to know how this type of work is organized in another country and to make an experience abroad, since I've never did Erasmus during my universities years. All the memories shared with the group, such as the little travels we did in the little villages and in the cities nearby. I really enjoyed staying with the other volunteers. I think it was a really good opportunity to live, even if for only three months, in a country in which I did only vacation in and to know a bit the French “forma mentis”. If I have to recommend it for the restauration work not at all because, as I said, it's not that. If I have to recommend it for knew people from several European countries, for living in France a bit, for improving French and English and for make new experiences, I would say Yes. ”

Margherita ROSSI, 25, Student, Italy.