Production InDesign I first started by manipulating my image on Photoshop and then after this I needed to make the poster within InDesign. The first thing that was done in order to create the poster on InDesign was to create the layout of the page this was done by selecting the layout of A4 because the majority of posters that are seen consist of something that someone can easily take around with them. The next thing that was to insert the image made on Photoshop onto InDesign, this was done by using the tool scale enlarge feature which stayed in line with the border making sure that it didn’t go out the lines.

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Production InDesign

I first started by manipulating my image on Photoshop and then after this I needed to make the poster within InDesign.

The first thing that was done in order to create the poster on InDesign was to create the layout of the page this was done by selecting the layout of A4 because the majority of posters that are seen consist of something that someone can easily take around with them.

The next thing that was to insert the image made on Photoshop onto InDesign, this was done by using the tool scale enlarge feature which stayed in line with the border making sure that it didn’t go out the lines.

When this part had been completed the writing had to be added I made sure that I used bold big writing because there wasn’t much information that need to be on a poster the writing just needs to be eye catching, after this I made sure that the fonts were placed in the correct position.

The writing was created by using the tool called swatches which allowed me to add the first base of colour for each of my texts then after this had been done for my texts I decided in order for the main lettering to stand out I need to create a second border of colour. In order to create a second border I used the tool called colour picker this allowed me to add the border of purple around the word dilemma making it stand out more.

The final thing that was done to my product was to make sure that all the information and pictures were in line with the page because if they are out of the border then It means that they won’t show up in the final product.

In order to make sure that all the lettering and images were in line I used the ruler at the top of the page in order to make sure that it was all straight, I also made sure that it was all in line by using the zoom in tool around the edges of the magazine so that I could see whether or things had come out of place.