Poster genre research analysis

Poster genre research ananlysis

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Page 1: Poster genre research ananlysis

Poster genre research analysis

Page 2: Poster genre research ananlysis

The Dark Knight Target audience-I believe that the target audience for this film would be aged between 15-40 of a male age as every where on this poster there is things that would appeal to a male.The title of the film is bold and eye catching that has the logo of the main character that can be recognised by anyone that has seen anything to do with the Batman franchise, which is usually typically looked into by males.The dark colours used also show that it is most likely aimed at a male genre as stereotypically darker colours are associated with male figures.

Characters-The character used on the poster would also appeal to the target audience as the character looks like a dominant figure in society that the audience will be able to look up too the character.The character has been portrayed in a way that looks like he's been called into action this is shown from the character rushing out the building in a fast manner on a motorbike.The characters body language suggests that he's determined and ready.

Genre- The genre for this film would be action and drama. We know from the picture of the main character Batman jumping out a building on a motorcycle, this shows action and drama as there's probably an easier way that the character can get where he's going but chooses to jump through the building creating a more interesting dramatic effect.

Conclusion-In conclusion I believe that this film poster is very successful as straight away it would draw the audience in as it has someone jumping out a building that isn't usually seen in everyday life.However I believe that this poster could have been improved by maybe putting a small amount information on the side

Page 3: Poster genre research ananlysis

Noah Target audience-The target audience for this poster would most likely be aged between 16-40 both male and female.The colours used on the poster would most likely appeal to both genders as blue is a widely considered unisex colour.

Characters-The character in this trailer would appeal to both genders as they have added male characters that may appeal to the female audience and female characters that may appeal to the male target audience, which supports the male gaze theory.

Genre-I believe that the genre for this film would be action, drama and fantasy, the poster shows people from an army looking to go into war giving a action impression another genre that is easily presented is fantasy for example there is a giant boat that is thrashing through giant waves in the ocean which isn't usually seen in everyday life. The last genre that is seen on the poster would be drama as it shows each of the characters in dramatic poses that are taken out context from different circumstances in the film.

Conclusion In conclusion I believe that this was poster was very successful as it has a good use of captivating storylines that connect between each other that makes it exciting instead of one storyline.

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Dracula Untold

Conclusion-Overall I believe that this poster is very successful as it uses a well know character making the audience more likely to see the film because they know what to expect, which would be full of thrilling sequences. I also believe that has overall successes as by having the tile Dracula Untold this creates a sense of mystery for the audience giving them more of a reason to want to see the movie as they are curious into what this could movie consist of want they don’t already know about the famous character.

Target audience-The target audience for this poster would be 15- 30, as the main image that is displayed consists of a dark theme that a younger audience might find disturbing as when watching the film it may make them feel uneasy because its graphic. The target audience will also be those that enjoy a dramatic, horror thriller this is easily shown as the genres as the name of the film Dracula tells the audience from anything that they previously know from Dracula storylines this would be the case as he is always seen as a dark character to people.

Context-At the bottom of the page the sub heading is displayed in an interesting way that is written in a different font compared to other lettering on the page which says every bloodline has a beginning which portrays a interesting way that would captivate the audience straight away as it looks different from other fonts.

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Sherlock Homes

Target audience-The target audience for this poster would most likely be a 20-40 age range as the characters displayed on the poster look like they are around that age so would most likely be most relatable to that audience.

Conclusion-In conclusion I believe that this is a successful as it has a large amount of images that are relevant to the movie and that give away a large amount of info that it will consist of.

Genre-I believe that the genre for this looks like fantasy, crime and drama, this can be seen from the way in which the characters are dressed which presents a

Characters-The characters in this genre would appeal to the male gender as the characters displayed look like dominant characters that would most likely appeal to men as the majority of men see a powerful character as dominant.

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Conclusion In conclusion I believe that posters for teenages to adults needs to consist of dark colours, bold titles and action scenes these are used widely to catch this particular audiences attention.Another convention that would be used for this particular audience would be characters that are a similar age as it gives them someone to relate to.The most important conventions that must be included in a poster would be the title and the release date, without these the audience aren't able to know the name of the movie and then do further research into it whether or not they are interested in watching it