node.js koとhtml5とwebsocketsと

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  • 1.

2. outline

3. node.js knockout 4. pictshare

  • node.js

5. html5 6. websockets 7.

  • california state university, northridge
  • / in computer science

8. multitouchj: multitouch framework in java jet propulsion laboratory

  • software engineer

@atsuya 9. 10. 11. 12. node.js knockout

  • node.js 48

13. 1 - 4 14. 15. github heroku joyent 16. 17. 200 18. node.js knockout 19. node.js knockout

  • Ge Wang
  • ChucK

20. stanford university assistant professor John Resig

  • Firefox

21. jQuery Ryan Dahl

  • Node.js

22. node.js knockout

  • Angus Logan / Windows Live, Andy Brett / TechCrunch, Brendan Eich / Mozilla, Andrew Hill / LinkedIn, Joe Hewitt / Firebug | Facebook, Atul Varma / Mozilla,Mary Glide / Sequoia Capital, Mohammed Abdoolcarim / Siri|Apple, Elad Gil / Twitter, Tom Nguyen / Adobe Systems, Matt Soldo / Heroku, Elizabeth Cha / Google, Mikeal Rogers / CouchDB | Couchio, Ryan Grove / Yahoo!, Eliot Horowitz / 10gen | MongoDB...

23. 24. node.js knockout

  • asuka


  • pictshare

26. 27. pictshare

  • node.js
  • ajax

28. couchdb 29. websockets web browser

  • ajax

30. 31. Demo 32. pictshare 33. 34. node.js

  • Evented I/O for V8 JavaScript.

35. node.js

    • Node tells the operating system (through epoll, kqueue, /dev/poll, or select) that it should be notified when a new connection is made, and then it goes to sleep.


  • users of Node are free from worries of dead-locking the processthere are no locks. Almost no function in Node directly performs I/O, so the process never blocks.

36. node.js 37. node.js 38. node.js 39. node.js 40. html5

41. websockets

  • is a technology providing for bi-directional, full-duplex communications channels, over a single Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) socket

42. firefox 4, google chrome 4, opera 10.70, safari 5 43. ajax poll push 44. 45. websockets

46. websockets

47. node.js knockout

  • 57/98

48. Ge Wang

    • really like the simple collaborative aspect of this. it was fairly unclear what to do at first or what the five squares below meant, until someone else participated.

John Resig

  • ...There were a few other users connected when I tried it and we share a couple pictures with each other, which was mildly entertaining...

49. node.js knockout

  • Ryan Dahl
    • Neat concept! Snappy response time. I could see how this could be fun. I would have liked to be able to enter images by URL and/or from webcam. Images should be "sticky" to new users coming to the site - so they don't get blanks.


51. 52. 53. 54.

