WHO AM I??? http://media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/0d/8a/84/0d8a84ec224689240b4c78a0228d82f4.jpg I AM HARDSTYLE! Sunday, November 16, 14 I AM HARDSTYLE!

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I AM HARDSTYLE!Sunday, November 16, 14


Music is a universal language.


Sunday, November 16, 14

Music is a universal language.


The core idea of hardstyle is to go hard or go home, in all that you do.

Some kinds of music speaks more to a personality and lifestyle. This is what hardstyle is for me. The core idea of hardstyle is to go hard or go home, in all that you do.


Sunday, November 16, 14

Some kinds of music speaks more to a personality and lifestyle. This is what hardstyle is for me. The core idea of hardstyle is to go hard or go home, in all that you do.


I was born in Eugene, Oregon. I have moved 16 times, living all across the country.


Sunday, November 16, 14

I was born in Eugene, Oregon. I have moved 16 times, living all across the country.

I picked up guitar when I was 14. I was told if I stuck to it, I would get a nice electric guitar to play on. Within a year, I had earned my electric guitar.

My first electric guitar..


Sunday, November 16, 14

I picked up guitar when I was 14. I was told if I stuck to it, I would get a nice electric guitar to play on. Within a year, I had earned my electric guitar.


At one point, I had formed my own band. It failed quickly for many reasons. At this point, I started writing music on my own.


Sunday, November 16, 14

At one point, I had formed my own band. It failed quickly for many reasons. At this point, I started writing music on my own.

One night I seen a commercial for Full Sail on Adult Swim. I immediately signed up, as I craved more than anything to grow as a musician.


Sunday, November 16, 14

One night I seen a commercial for Full Sail on Adult Swim. I immediately signed up, as I craved more than anything to grow as a musician.


Eventually I met John Chavez.

He introduced me to hardstyle, and my good friends Chancy Stromme and Tyler Lewis of Pyrotense.

Tyler LewisChancy


Sunday, November 16, 14

Eventually I met John Chavez. He introduced me to hardstyle, and my good friends Chancy Stromme and Tyler Lewis of Pyrotense.


They taught me the ropes on everything hardstyle: the lifestyle, the music, how to do everything. They took me under their wing.

Sunday, November 16, 14

They taught me the ropes on everything hardstyle: the lifestyle, the music, how to do everything. They took me under their wing.


They led me to where I am today: A producer/DJ looking to start a scene in a town craving something different.

Sunday, November 16, 14

They led me to where I am today: A producer/DJ looking to start a scene in a town craving something different.


I wouldn’t commit myself to such an undertaking blindly.

I believe everything in life happens for a reason, and as long as we make every choice a conscious decision towards a goal, that goal will become reality.

Sunday, November 16, 14

I wouldn’t commit myself to such an undertaking blindly. I believe everything in life happens for a reason, and as long as we make every choice a conscious decision towards a goal, that goal will become reality.


The events in my life and the people I have met weren’t coincidence. I opened my mind to the messages of life and my community and in doing so have found my tribe.

Sunday, November 16, 14

The events in my life and the people I have met weren’t coincidence. I opened my mind to the messages of life and my community and in doing so have found my tribe. They give me the confidence to do what I do.


Hardstyle speaks to me on a personal level. It reminds me to keep my head up, work hard for what I want, and give everything I have to what I do.

Sunday, November 16, 14

Hardstyle speaks to me on a personal level. It reminds me to keep my head up, work hard for what I want, and give everything I have to what I do. It cheers me up when I am down and provides a positive release for the challenging times in life. This is the essence of why hardstyle, why I do what it is I do.


That’s why my mantra is “Go hard or go home”.Sunday, November 16, 14

That’s why my mantra has always been go hard or go home. In all of life, I am a very passionate person. I give myself to everything life brings me. I respect authority, when respect is due. I can take and give orders, and am best at making things happen.

I have many skills and strengths. There has been more time in my life to reflect on self than many others care to take.


Sunday, November 16, 14

I have many skills and strengths. There has been more time in my life to reflect on self than many others care to take. Professionally, I am hard working, courteous, respectful and quite focused. I can take the heat, and do well under pressure.

Professionally, I am hard working, courteous, respectful and quite focused. I can take the heat, and do well under pressure.

Sunday, November 16, 14

I have many skills and strengths. There has been more time in my life to reflect on self than many others care to take. Professionally, I am hard working, courteous, respectful and quite focused. I can take the heat, and do well under pressure.

Personally, I am quite reserved. I keep to myself, and don’t talk much.

Sunday, November 16, 14

Personally, I am quite reserved. I keep to myself, and don’t talk much. I am very observant, soaking my atmosphere in and reading situations and people.

I am very observant, soaking my atmosphere in and reading situations and people.


Sunday, November 16, 14

Personally, I am quite reserved. I keep to myself, and don’t talk much. I am very observant, soaking my atmosphere in and reading situations and people.

I have a few competitive advantages on my side. In this industry, it takes a lot more than drive to get what you want. Sunday, November 16, 14

I have a few competitive advantages on my side. In this industry, it takes a lot more than drive to get what you want. It takes time, skill, practice, and a few friendly faces to help you along the way. I have been lucky enough to receive those blessings.

All my music is completely original, minus remixes. I can honestly say I have designed every element of my original songs.

Sunday, November 16, 14

All my music is completely original, minus remixes. Even then, it’s still bringing new ideas to an old friend. However, as far as my own music goes, I can honestly say I have designed every element and did every bit of work in it. I have also had the pleasure of working with others, and learned about the different kind of artists and how to communicate with them.

I also have the advantage of a diverse background. I can easily and quickly figure out how much reception a song will have by asking the many people in my community how they feel about it.

Sunday, November 16, 14

I also have the advantage of a diverse background. I can easily and quickly figure out how much reception a song will have by asking the many people in my community how they feel about it. I understand the many mentalities of humanity, and know what speaks to them and why.

The best, and sometimes worst advantage, is also my location. Eugene has many personalities to it, and many of them are into similar types of music.


Sunday, November 16, 14

The best, and worst advantage, is also my location. Eugene has many personalities to it, and many of them are into similar types of music. It’s also a college town, located closely to two larger cities. This is advantageous because its a short drive to a pretty town that is begging for something new.

From 2008-2009, I was in my band Herd of Turtles. From 2009-2012 I played with many, many people. Some were just casual jams, others were attempts at bands.

Yes, that is me.

Sunday, November 16, 14

From 2008-2009, I was in my band Herd of Turtles. From 2009-2012 I played with many, many people. Some were just casual jams, others were attempts at bands. In 2012, I got into hardstyle, and just got into school. By 2013, I had started producing, and stopped writing organic songs. By 2014, I started in hardstyle.

I got into Full Sail in 2011, and a year later I was introduced to hardstyle. I finally started producing about a year ago, after taking a long time to digest the scene.


Sunday, November 16, 14

In the past I have worked with many people. From 2008-2009, I was in my band Herd of Turtles. From 2009-2012 I played with many, many people. Some were just casual jams, others were attempts at bands. In 2012, I got into hardstyle, and just got into school. By 2013, I had started producing, and stopped writing organic songs. By 2014, I started in hardstyle.

I have learned a lot about music. I started with thrash metal, then moved to the blues.

Sunday, November 16, 14

I have learned a lot about music. I started with thrash metal, then moved to the blues.

For many years I listened to black, death, and progressive metal. After progressive is when I really discovered hardstyle and decided to go with it.

Sunday, November 16, 14

For many years I listened to black, death, and progressive metal. After progressive is when I really discovered hardstyle and decided to go with it.

I have had mixed experiences working with others and music. I have found I work best with people who have a lot of drive and passion for their music.

Sunday, November 16, 14

I have had mixed experiences working with others and music. I have found I work best with people who have a lot of drive and passion for their music. The biggest reason I stopped playing in bands with others was because of their reliability. I have always been the type that, if given an opportunity, I will jump. But a lot of other musicians don’t possess that drive.

Lately, I work best in my own studio. It’s cut off from the world, often darkly lit, and it’s just me and my equipment and my thoughts. However, many nights were spent working with Pyrotense. I learned it’s best not to have too many distractions.

Sunday, November 16, 14

Lately, I work best in my own studio. It’s cut off from the world, often darkly lit, and it’s just me and my equipment and my thoughts. However, many nights were spent working with Pyrotense. I learned it’s best not to have too many distractions.

I am by nature an entrepreneurial spirit. I know and understand that that’s what being a producer and DJ is. You have to work for yourself, get your own gigs, make a name for yourself.Sunday, November 16, 14

I am by nature an entrepreneurial spirit. I know and understand that that’s what being a producer and DJ is. You have to work for yourself, get your own gigs, make a name for yourself. Even before I was producing, I understood that. I want a contract, but I also love the freedom of working for myself.

Even before I was producing, I understood that. I want a contract, but I also love the freedom of working for myself.Sunday, November 16, 14

I am by nature an entrepreneurial spirit. I know and understand that that’s what being a producer and DJ is. You have to work for yourself, get your own gigs, make a name for yourself. Even before I was producing, I understood that. I want a contract, but I also love the freedom of working for myself.

My first taste of Hardstyle. The first track I wrote with Pyrotense. “Into the Darkness”

Sorry I don’t have a screenshot I can share with you. The track wasn’t done on my computer so isnt immediately on


Disclaimer: I did not do the sound design on this song. This song was my first legitimate hardstyle collaboration. Pyrotense did the sound design, and I contributed significantly in the composition and arranging of the song. I do receive producer credit,

however. This song was the first of many and the beginning of an awesome friendship.


Sunday, November 16, 14

My first taste of Hardstyle. The first track I wrote with Pyrotense.


One of my most favorite tracks... “NeverLasting”


Sunday, November 16, 14

One of my latest tracks...


Here is another original...“The Time Has Come”


Sunday, November 16, 14

Another original


Last one that I’ll share. “Nebula”


Sunday, November 16, 14

Last one that I’ll share.Nebula

My sites:https://www.facebook.com/MeekuhlMusichttp://dj.beatport.com/meekuhlhttps://soundcloud.com/meekuhl

Sunday, November 16, 14

My sites:


http://dj.beatport.com/meekuhl https://soundcloud.com/meekuhl

“There are two kinds of success. There is commercial success, and there is personal success. You don’t have to be commercially successful, as long as you are accomplishing the goals you set out for yourself”.- My mother, Janai Moore.

My mother and niece...

Sunday, November 16, 14

“There are two kinds of success. There is commercial success, and there is personal success. You don’t have to be commercially successful, as long as you are accomplishing the goals you set out for yourself”.

- My mother, Janai Moore.

Sunday, November 16, 14

Sunday, November 16, 14

Sunday, November 16, 14

Sunday, November 16, 14

Sunday, November 16, 14

Sunday, November 16, 14

Sunday, November 16, 14

Sunday, November 16, 14

Sunday, November 16, 14