Brandon Foster is a member of the United States Air Force

Markeisha dearman

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  1. 1. Brandon Foster is a member of the United States Air Force.
  2. 2. More pictures from Brandons job
  3. 3. Children in Iraq dont have quality education from over crowded classrooms. It is very easy for Americans to complain about things that happen in the United States like politics and the economy, but in countries like Iraq the people live under a dictatorship. Child trafficking is also popular in Iraq and many young girls are sold to become prostitutes or servants. Click me
  4. 4. .
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  6. 6. Being in the air force gave me the opportunity to meet some amazing people. Brandon told me how some friendships he made four years ago, are still very valuable friendships today.
  7. 7. Injuries In 2012, Brandon tore his ACL while training and had to have two major surgeries, making him a disabled veteran. http://www.webmd.com/a-to-z- guides/anterior-cruciate-ligament- acl-injuries-topic-overview
  8. 8. Not only has the military helped Brandon to graduate from Jacksonville State debt- free, it has made him financially stable. At the age of 27, Brandon married Audrey and bought a house. The couple are now expecting their first child.