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How tze secrets to wealth

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10 things you need to know to achieve financial freedom, time freedom and geographical freedom.

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Page 1: How tze secrets to wealth

Secrets to Wealth

10 Things you will ever want to know

To Be Financially Free, Forever!

1.No Limit for Income

2.Passive Income




6.Right Questions




10.Enjoy The Journey

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1. No Limit for Income

How long would it take for you to make a million dollar?

If you are in a job with $5,000 a month pay check, you will make

$5,000 x 12 months = $60,000 a year.

You’ll need 16.66 years to make $1,000,000.00, provided you don’t spend a

single cent from you job’s income over these years.

On top of that, if your salary is $5,000 a month, your take home pay will not be

$5,000, indeed is less than $5,000, after deducting your contribution to your retire

fund (required by law), and paying income taxes.

To further illustrate the situation with limited income:

$1,000 x 12 months x 20 years = $240,000

$2,000 x 12 months x 20 years = $480,000

$3,000 x 12 months x 20 years = $720,000

$4,000 x 12 months x 20 years = $960,000

$5,000 x 12 months x 20 years = $1,200,000

It takes approximately 20 years to reach the $1,000,000 mark, provided you don’t

spend a single cent within these 20 years.

Good news is, there are many options for unlimited income potential.

One of the best ways to have no limit in income is by having a business.

Look around carefully and you’ll notice any business that successfully runs a

marketing campaign can easily make a million dollar in a month, or even in 1 day.

If you are not interested in business, other areas you can consider are royalty

incomes, investment incomes or portfolio incomes. These may be income from

writing an international bestselling book, recording international bestselling

album/downloadable digital products (songs, e-books, software etc), owning

paper assets or properties that produce positive monthly cash flow etc.

If you still want to keep your day job while trying out some new opportunities,

MLM (multi-level-marketing) business or internet/home based businesses may be

a good start.

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2. Passive Income

If you are away for a month, will your business or income streams be still around

when you come back? How about a year? 2 years? 5 years?

The question above demonstrates the important of having passive income,

income that you can make without your presence when the inflow is being


If you are running a business that cannot survive without your presence, you are

indeed working “in” business rather than working “on” business. It is not much

different from having a job and you are working for the worst employer in the

world – yourself!

To know further about the concept of passive income, go to

http://www.corporatejourney2u.com/htinvestment/htga_p2.htm for some basic

idea and google for “Parable of The Pipelines” for more info.

3. Pipelines

Pipelines, in other words, is having multiple source of income.

On top of that, it is preferably that these income streams are acting passively

(without your presence).

There are four areas you can choose to have your pipelines, which I call, the

“The Rich’s Playground”:

Business Real EstatesPaper Assets Web Properties

Each of the area will able to provide some tools for you to have passive income

streams on it.

Let’s use business as an example. If you are a business owner, you may need to

work very hard for the first few years to setup the system (so the business can

run well even without your presence) and establish a profitable business model.

Of course, if you have better ways of managing your business via the help of ICT

(information communication technology) tools, you too can enjoy the fun of

running a business, anywhere.

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I have put a video on youtube to simply demonstrate the fun on how you can

operate your business anywhere. http://www.youtube.com/watch?


4. Believe

Now, it comes to a very important question:”Do you believe you can achieve what

you want?”

I once receive a marketing email, with part of the content looks like this:

Changing A Single Thought, Make You a Millionaire

Imagine just by changing a single thought and earning $12 Million Dollars.

Sounds almost unbelievable don’t it?

That is the problem!

If you don’t believe it how can you possibly achieve it?

Years ago there was a hit movie called “The Matrix”. At the end of the final

episode, someone asked the Oracle:”How’d you know everything ends in such

way?”, and the Oracle answered:”I don’t always know. But I believe.”

Watch the words you speak and be careful of what you dream for it may come


To use a quote from Bible: “And the words become flesh.”

5. Learn

“You paid USD 39.90 to buy a book?”

“No, I am buying a man’s 20 years experience.”

Above statements speak for itself why reading/learning is important.

Besides books, there are many free preview seminars that you can attend.

Just browse through the newspaper and you can find there are many free

previews around for you to attend, from stock trading, options trading, internet

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business, healthcare opportunities etc.

It is no harm to go to these previews, even most of the time they will be

promoting their paid seminars or other products at the end of the day.

Other than books and seminars, another most powerful medium you can get

whatever information you want is the internet. However, the internet is too packed

with information that you got to be very careful and do your due diligence before

accepting everything you found on the internet.

You won’t learn swimming from another person who doesn’t know how to swim,


Another way of learning is to find someone who already achieve what you want,

already been there to share with you how they made it. It doesn’t cost much to

buy people lunch, hi-tea or dinner (unless you are saying to have a dinner with

Warren Buffet, publicly).

Slow and steady, step by step.

Just because you are no longer confined to classrooms doesn’t mean you have

to stop learning.

6. Right Questions

Who am I? What do I want?

First thing first. You are going nowhere if you don’t know where you are heading.

It may take some time for you to realize what you want in live. To share with you

and as a matter of fact, I only found that what I have been looking for the past few

years can be summarize in four words : “retire young retire rich”.

Why young? So I can have more time to do more fun and exciting things that may

be limited biologically and psychologically if I were to do it in older days.

Example? Do bungees jump or similar heart attacking tricks by age of 80s, you

don’t really see much people at that age doing that kind of stuff.

Why rich? So that I don’t need to work again, unless I choose to.

There are many other reasons to be rich, but the reasons may vary and is very

subjective to every individual.

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In summary, the 3 main reasons to stay rich is lifestyle, the ability to help / to give,

and self actualization.

So, if retire young retire rich is such a good idea, why should I not doing it?

There are many ways to be rich. And I found that the best way is to serve as

many people as you can.

This brings us to the million dollar question: How can I do what I do for more

people with less effort and a better price?

Better price doesn’t have to be high price.

“Apple Inc. Made USD 4,000,000,000.00 (USD 4 Billion!) Selling Downloadable

Songs On Its Web Site From 2003-2007”

The price of the songs starts from as low as USD 0.99 PER SONG.

To elaborate a little bit on this, remember the olden days where you spend quite

some money to buy a CD, when sometimes what you really want to hear is only a

song inside that CD (which may have up to 10 or 12 songs)?

Apple Inc. make it such way that you only pay for what you want, anywhere,

anytime via a special device, globally, at your convenience.

So, consumers enjoy a better rate for the product they want, at their convenience.

Apple Inc make their profit via a larger market share and higher sales volume,

even if they only charging very little per song (compared to the price of the CD

you were paying last time).

My suggestion is, if you are running a consultation service or educational training,

or have some special knowledge that you can share with the world (like how to

make a good bird nest meal or how to plant a blue rose), you may consider to

digitize your courses or training materials, and sell it via printed books, CDs,

DVDs, or via digital content over the internet.

The simple math behind is, if you are charging people $100 per hour in service,

the maximum income you get is $100 x 24 = $2400 per day, no eat no sleep.

But if you are able to digitize your specialties or knowledge, in one way or

another, you are indirectly bringing down the price for the good of the mass and

be able to serve more people at the same time.

To better illustrate this, I use one of the products we are doing as example, which

is digital magazine (A Chinese entrepreneurship magazine providing information

on entrepreneurship, called Corporate Journey, with website address


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The logic behind this is simple. A printed copy is selling at MYR13. For overseas

readers to purchase the magazine, sometimes the cost of delivering is more than

the price of the magazine itself. So, if we want to serve the global market, while

bringing down the delivering cost, one of the best ways is via the internet (digital

magazine, or e-zine).

By eliminating the delivery cost and printing cost, we not only able to contribute

towards the environment (no additional printing, no tree down), we can also put in

a 2-tier affiliate program to reward our subscribers, where they can have another

passive income pipeline for themselves.

So, look around and see what needs to be done. And you would know what the

right questions to ask. People pay you to solve their problems, so are you?

7. Leverage

If you don’t know how to leverage, you are working your way too hard.

The question behind leverage is “how I can achieve more with lesser effort?”

So far, I found that internet is the best leverage for most of the people who is

having a day job.

Why? Imagine a business that:

Runs 24/7 with customer from around the world

Doesn’t need to hire employee

Doesn’t need to build a warehouse

Doesn’t cost you thousands or even hundreds of dollar

Can be done from home, part time

Can be done ANYWHERE, ANYTIME you like

Can be automated, make money while you are sleeping!

Do you think this will give you

Financial Freedom, Time Freedom & Geographical Freedom?

The internet based business is a business or an opportunity that works in such way!

You may check out more info about Automated Internet Business at


If you prefer online selling, you may get more information from

http://www.neowave.com.my too.

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You don’t need millions to get by every day.

Once you have all the luxuries and expensive toys, you would want something

bigger in live.

Being rich is more than just having a lot of money.

If the content of this eBook gave you an idea that generates an additional USD

50,000, how much are you willing to pay me? ;)

I don’t want you to pay me any single cent, even if you make millions.

To me, I already collected some money when you purchased this eBook, and that

works find for me.

In fact, I hope you can wisely use the money you earn (after applying some of the

ideas that I share in this eBook) and do your contribution for a better world we

live in.

Look around you and you’ll find what needs to be done.

9. Action!

Your future is determined by what you do today, regardless of your dreams.

Many people dream of having better lifestyle, but they never take action.

Mix around with people who achieve a little bit more every day. Mix with people

who is working their ways to their dreams. Mix with like-minded people.

Do today what you want to do tomorrow.

Success is a day to day progressive realization towards your own goal.

Don’t expect to see a durian tree producing durians if you never sow a seed in

the land.

Quoted from the book Retire Young Retire Rich:

"It's tough to meet your fairy prince or fairy princess if all you do every day is sit

on the couch, watch TV, and eat bonbons."

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10. Enjoy The Journey

Health comes before wealth.

Health -> Wealth

If you think healthiness is expensive, try sickness. You want to enjoy life and do

good things with the money you make, then why fall sick and give those money

back to doctors / specialists (as a consequence of after years of hard work and

ignoring health)?

Time Freedom -> Financial Freedom

If you are working on a 9-5 kind of job (jobs with fixed hours), you can start to

build your passive income streams by investing at least 1-2 hours a day, and at

least 3 hours a day in the weekend.

If you do the math,

2 hours x 5 days x 52 weeks = 520 hours.

3 hours x 2 days x 52 weeks = 312 hours.

520 hours + 312 hours = 832 hours

832 hours / 8 hours = 104 working days

Just by sparing 2 hours a day in your weekdays and 3 hours a day in your

weekend every week, you get a 104 working days equivalent of time in a year!

Once you successfully build your passive income pipelines, and those pipelines

are steadily providing you income equivalent or more than your day job, you may

want to consider quit your job, enjoy your time freedom and work more on

financial freedom.

When you got enough time, you got enough exposure and more chances by

mixing up with people who had been there.

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Thank you for reading up to this point.

If you find this eBook useful, you can always refer your friend to this URL:


For more updates and information, you can always check back my personal

website at http://www.howtze.com, or read the notes I jolt down for my readings

or seminars I attended at http://howtze.blogspot.com.

Being rich is not by chance, it's an option, and it’s a choice.

There is more to being rich than just having a lot of money.

Wish you all the best in your journey.

With love & respect, and abundant blessings always,

How Tze

July 2008, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia