Destined Scholars Everyone deserves a chance at success… Created by: Teyonna Ridgeway teyonnaridgeway.com “Goal Setting”

Goal setting

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Destined Scholars Everyone deserves a chance at success…

Created by: Teyonna Ridgeway teyonnaridgeway.com

“Goal Setting”

What is Destined Scholars?

Destined Scholars is a workshop series that encourages young adults to achieve greatness.

With an emphasis on obtaining a higher education and personal and professional development, the

workshops provide high school and college students with skills and resources designed to help

them become successful.


“Everyone deserves a chance at success”

Hi! I’m Teyonna &

I’m a Destined Scholar  

Atlanta native. Howard alum. Gates scholar. World Traveler. #PRgirl. Writer. Dreamer. Creat0r. Change-agent.

What’s your definition of a


“…. something that you are trying to do or achieve.”

-  Websters Dictionary

“…. the purpose toward which an endeavor is directed; an objective.”

- The Free Dictionary

“…the object of a person’s ambition or effort; an aim or desired result.”

- Oxford Dictionary

What is a goal?

Goals should be








Short Term Goals

•  Something you want to do in the near future.

•  An achievement completed within the next 12 months or so.

•  Can help prepare you for your long term goals

Example: I want to purchase a car by

the end of October.

Long Term Goals

•  Something you want to do further in the future.

•  An achievement that will take more than 2 years to accomplish.

Example: I want to travel to Italy and South Africa before turning


Where will YOU  be in 5 years?

•  Level of education •  Type of job •  Relationships/ family •  Type of friends •  Location •  Income •  Hobbies & Interests •  Accomplishments

Things to think about:


Based on where YOU see yourself in 5 years, create at least three long term goals that

will help you get there.

Now, create at least three short term goals

Place a star next to the short term goals that will help you achieve your

long term goals

Teyonna’s Goals

Long Term •  Travel to Italy and South Africa before turning

30 •  Become a freelance PR practitioner* •  Ideally, be married by 28 Short Term •  Purchase a car by the end of October 2014 •  Find a job at a PR agency in Atlanta before the

end of my summer internship* •  Get an apartment before April 2015

  … what are your goals?

Goal Setting and The Law of Attraction

The Law of Attraction is a theory that says you attract things and experiences through your thoughts and actions. In other words, you

become what you think about.

If you think negative thoughts, you will attract negative experiences. If you think positive thoughts, you will attract positive experiences.

For example, if you think you will fail a test, you WILL fail that test. If you have faith that you will pass the test, you WILL pass that test.


BELIEVE that you can ACHIEVE your goals… and you WILL!

WhAtEvEr tHe mInD oF mAn cAn

cOnCeIvE aNd bElIeVe,

It cAn aChIeVe. - NaPoLeOn hIlL

Destined Scholars

Dream Big.


Feel free to contact me! [email protected]