Dreami ng Presented By : http://creatinghopes.blogs pot.in/


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Page 1: Dreams


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Page 2: Dreams

What is Dreaming ? Dreaming is an art to make your thoughts come true .

As we all have heard this quote many a times "Dream big to achieve big".

Every successful person is a good dreamer . Also guys , what I have personally observed is "What we dream , we achieve that ".

As Mahatma Gandhi said ,"A man is the product of his own thoughts."



Page 3: Dreams

Once a successful business entrepreneur was asked a question that what's the reason behind his huge success.

He replied ,"my dreams". He added ,"Once there was a time when I was a petrol pump attendant ,

now I am a leading business-man. The reason behind my success are my dreams . I let my mind free to dream .



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When other people were saying , You can't do that , its impossible .I was leading on my way to achieve my dreams .Now what I am today is the result of dreams I saw before ".

That man was Dhirubhai Ambani , the owner of Reliance Industries.

Now as we all know that his elder son , Mukesh Ambani is now the richest person of India .

If from a position of petrol pump attendent(Dhirubhai Ambani) , he can rose to the richest person of

a country , why can not we?



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All of us have the same time , which he was having . So what's the matter? What are we waiting for?

Come on Guys , buckle up your shoes and run fast to achieve your dreams . Because if you don't run

,somebody else will hire you to fulfill his dreams . Get set Go . Start dreaming today and become

what you want to be .



Page 6: Dreams

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