© 2010 Adecco. All Rights Reserved. 1 Building your personal online brand () How social networking and your “re-reputation” affects your career in a Web 2.0 world 建立個人線上品牌 建立個人線上品牌 建立個人線上品牌 建立個人線上品牌 Web 2.0 的網路世界裡 的網路世界裡 的網路世界裡 的網路世界裡,社交網路 社交網路 社交網路 社交網路 (social networking) 「線上聲譽 線上聲譽 線上聲譽 線上聲譽」(e-reputation) 會對您的職業生涯造成什麼影響 會對您的職業生涯造成什麼影響 會對您的職業生涯造成什麼影響 會對您的職業生涯造成什麼影響? There was a time when job search was something that people did occasionally. Between job searches, they did career management. Today, with the challenges of the recent economy, layoffs are prevalent and tenures shorter. Everyone needs to have a career transition marketing plan all the time. Properly done, this includes a professional objective or statement of what kind of work you want to do next, a target list of organizations you would like to work for, and the core message about yourself that you want your targeted audience to hear. 在過去,找工作只是偶爾進行的事,工作時則是職涯管理的時間,而現 在由於近期經濟環境不佳,資遣時有所聞,在職期限也縮短,因此每個 人都必須隨時準備一套轉換工作的行銷規劃。適當的規劃應包含您在專 業領域想達成的目標,或陳述接下來想從事的工作類型、想進入的目標 公司名單,以及想讓您鎖定的群眾聽到的重要訊息。 Finding jobs and letting them find you. 尋找工作並讓工作找到您 尋找工作並讓工作找到您 尋找工作並讓工作找到您 尋找工作並讓工作找到您。 How useful are job boards in a jobless recovery? (jobless recovery) (jobless recovery) (jobless recovery) (jobless recovery) Although social networking sites are providing serious competition, job boards will not go away any time soon. While no one has an accurate count, there are very likely over 50,000 commercial, public job boards in operation today.

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Building your personal online brand (Ⅳ) How social networking and your “re-reputation”

affects your career in a Web 2.0 world

建立個人線上品牌建立個人線上品牌建立個人線上品牌建立個人線上品牌 在在在在 Web 2.0 的網路世界裡的網路世界裡的網路世界裡的網路世界裡,,,,社交網路社交網路社交網路社交網路 (social networking) 與與與與

「「「「線上聲譽線上聲譽線上聲譽線上聲譽」」」」(e-reputation) 會對您的職業生涯造成什麼影響會對您的職業生涯造成什麼影響會對您的職業生涯造成什麼影響會對您的職業生涯造成什麼影響????

There was a time when job search was something that people did occasionally. Between job searches, they did career management. Today, with the challenges of the recent economy, layoffs are prevalent and tenures shorter. Everyone needs to have a career transition marketing plan all the time. Properly done, this includes a professional objective or statement of what kind of work you want to do next, a target list of organizations you would like to work for, and the core message about yourself that you want your targeted audience to hear.






Finding jobs and letting them find you.

尋找工作並讓工作找到您尋找工作並讓工作找到您尋找工作並讓工作找到您尋找工作並讓工作找到您。。。。 How useful are job boards in a jobless recovery? 在失業在失業在失業在失業型復甦型復甦型復甦型復甦 (jobless recovery) (jobless recovery) (jobless recovery) (jobless recovery) 環境中環境中環境中環境中,,,,人力銀行如何發揮作用人力銀行如何發揮作用人力銀行如何發揮作用人力銀行如何發揮作用????

Although social networking sites are providing serious competition, job boards will not go away any time soon. While no one has an accurate count, there are very likely over 50,000 commercial, public job boards in operation today.

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社交網站已嚴重威脅到人力銀行,但人力銀行並不會很快就消失。雖然沒有確切數字,但目前仍在運作的營利或非營利的人力銀行很可能超過 5 萬個。

For active managerial and professional hunters, the large boards — the ones that advertise on the Super Bowl — are not always the best. Often, it’s a niche board specializing in a profession, industry, salary level, or location important to the job hunter that’s most useful. Or a private specialty board like Lee Hecht Harrison’s (LHH) LeadLink. Job hunters lucky enough to find boards that list appropriate jobs should certainly consider using them. But check them out first, since they’re not all of equal quality. 對於積極尋求經理職缺與專業職缺的求職者而言,會在美式足球超級盃刊登廣告的大型人力銀行,並不一定最有效。對於這類求職者而言,通常專攻一種專業、產業、薪資層級或工作地點的特定人力銀行可能最有幫助,或是私有的專業人力銀行,如

Lee Hecht Harrison (LHH) 人力資源諮詢公司的 LeadLink 也很有助益。如果能幸運找到適當職務,人力銀行者當然是好選擇,不過最好先試試看,因為人力銀行的品質良莠不齊,

For job hunters, the biggest negative of job boards is that they can take an inordinate amount of time — much more time than is justified by the likely results. It takes time to locate them, time to list on them, and time to track anything they come up with. And they sometimes generate a lot of spam, including offers of high-priced job search assistance services, some of which have proven to be of very little use. 對求職者而言,最差勁的人力銀行就是耗費大量時間後,搜尋到的可能結果卻完全不值得浪費這麼多時間。這種人力銀行必須花許多時間確定位置、列出清單並追蹤其提出的任何事項,有時還會產生大量垃圾郵件,包括高收費工作協尋服務的廣告,目前某些服務已證實鮮有效果。

But job hunters also can get caught in the “content” on job boards. Like any commercial website, job boards often seek advertising revenues, so they work hard to keep users on the site, reading job hunting advice and other content. Sometimes that advice is offered by bona fide experts. Sometimes not. It’s usually produced by multiple authors, and therefore can lack coherence. 然而求職者也可能受人力銀行的「內容」所吸引,如同商業網站一樣,人力銀行常注意廣告營收,因此會努力留住網站的使用者,使其讀取求職建議與其他內容。這類建議有時是由真正的專家提供,有時則否,通常只是匯集許多人的建議,因此缺乏一致性。

Should a job hunter use job boards? Yes. Will those job boards produce results? Yes, for some people, but probably a minority. Especially in a recession, jobs tend to change hands by informal means. Networking, which is always important, becomes even more critical. Therefore, job hunters need to

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devote appropriate time to a range of job hunting techniques beyond job boards. 求職者應該使用人力銀行嗎?是的。 人力銀行能達到效果嗎? 是的,對某些人而言有效,但對某些人而言可能沒效。尤其是在景氣衰退期,工作可能以非正式途徑換手,原本就具重要性的網路,此時變得更重要。因此,求職者必須撥出適當時間了解人力銀行以外的多種求職方法。

For career success, feed yourself with RSS. 想擁有成功的職業生涯想擁有成功的職業生涯想擁有成功的職業生涯想擁有成功的職業生涯,,,,就必須善用簡易資訊聚合機制就必須善用簡易資訊聚合機制就必須善用簡易資訊聚合機制就必須善用簡易資訊聚合機制 (RSS) (RSS) (RSS) (RSS)。。。。

We live in a digital information age. Gathering the best and most relevant information is key to the success of most undertakings, and career management is no exception. Whether you are in active job search or happy in your current employment, access to information about potential next employers is essential to your future success. 我們活在數位資訊時代,因此收集最佳且最有關聯性的資訊,是大部分工作的成功關鍵,當然成功的職涯管理也是如此。不管您正積極尋找工作或樂在目前的工作,取得下一個可能任職公司的相關資訊,決定了未來能否成功。

The problem is finding a way to easily locate the appropriate amount of information. Employed managers and professionals have limited time. They need to be selective. And they cannot afford the time to go hunting for career-related information every day. 問題是必須找到一種能輕鬆取得適量資訊的方法。在職的經理人與專業人士時間有限,因此必須選擇性地找到適當資訊,而且也無法每日撥出時間尋找職業相關資訊。

RSS feeds are an excellent solution to this dilemma. RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication. It is not a particularly new technology, but it’s increasingly important in the world of career management and job search.

RSS 能解決這個問題。RSS 是「簡易資訊聚合」的縮寫,不是一種特別的新技術,但對職涯管理與求職方面卻愈來愈重要。

Basically, it’s a way for websites to let you know when they’ve been updated, like LinkedIn’s mini-feeds. When a website tells you about their feed or asks you to subscribe, they are typically talking about RSS.

RSS 基本上是一種方法,讓網站在更新時即時通知您,如 LinkedIn 的訊息中心

(mini-feeds)。網站提供訊息或要求您訂閱時,通常就是指 RSS。

It’s likely that your web browser or e-mail client can already do RSS for you. The newest versions of Safari, Firefox, and Internet Explorer all have RSS. Web-based services like Bloglines and Google Reader allow you to subscribe to RSS feeds and access them from any web browser on any computer. 您的網路瀏覽器或電子郵件客戶,很可能已提供 RSS 功能,最新版本的 Safari、Firefox

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和 Internet Explorer 都有 RSS 功能。網路服務如 Bloglines 和 Google Reader 能讓您訂閱 RSS 訊息,並可用任何一部電腦的網路瀏覽器來讀取這些訊息。

Job Search Engines like Indeed and SimplyHired do what Google does, but only for job listings. They scour the Internet for relevant results and then allow you to search those results to find what you’re looking for. You can search by company name, job title, location, or any other keyword. You can then subscribe to an RSS feed for the search, so that when new jobs are found that match your criteria, you’ll be automatically notified. 工作搜尋引擎如 Indeed 和 SimplyHired 也能提供 Google 的功能,但只搜尋人力銀行。這些引擎搜尋網路並尋找相關結果,讓您從中找到想要的資訊。您可依公司名稱、職稱、工作地點或其他關鍵字來搜尋,之後則可訂閱這些搜尋的 RSS 訊息,一發現符合標準的新工作就會自動通知您。

You can also subscribe to an RSS feed of any search that you perform through Google Blog Search. Most blogs offer RSS feeds. Whether you’re looking for career advice, specific jobs, or researching a company, subscribing to blogs’ RSS feeds is a great way to get quality information fed to your desktop as it’s published. 您也可以訂閱 RSS 訊息,提供 Google Blog Search 搜尋的結果。大部分部落格都提供 RSS 訊息。不管您在尋找職業建議、特定工作或研究一家公司,訂閱部落格的 RSS 訊息是取得優質資訊的絕佳方法,這些優質資訊一公佈就會自動傳送到您的電腦。

Online Brand -Ⅰ (http://www.adecco.com.tw/edm/201006/edm_01.htm)

Online Brand –Ⅱ (http://www.adecco.com.tw/edm/201007/edm_01.htm)

Online Brand –Ⅲ (http://www.adecco.com.tw/edm/201008/edm_01.htm)

About Lee Hecht Harrison Lee Hecht Harrison offers talent management solutions throughout the entire employee life cycle to help companies and individuals maximize performance and achieve success. Established in 1974, Lee Hecht Harrison is a global talent management solutions company with over 270 offices worldwide providing expertise in Career Transition, Leadership Consulting and Workforce Solutions. Lee Hecht Harrison is a part of Adecco Group, the world leader in workforce solutions with over 5,500 offices in over 60 countries and territories around the world. For more information, please visit LHH.com.

Lee Hecht Harrison 提供的人才管理解決方案應用於員工的任職生命週期, 幫助企業和個人發揮最高績效,以成功達成目標。Lee Hecht Harrison 成立

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於1974 年,是全球知名的人才管理解決方案組織,在全球有超過 240 家分 公司,提供職涯轉換、 領導力諮詢和菁英人才留任方案的相關專業服務。

Lee Hecht Harrison 是藝珂集團 (Adecco Group) 的旗下旗艦品牌,藝珂集團 是全球最大的人力資源服務公司,目前有 5,500 家分公司遍佈於世界 60 個主要國家和地區市場。欲知更多詳情,請上 LHH.com。
