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I want to start by saying THANK YOU for subscribing to UpgradeReality and for your awesome support.

This ebook contains 117 tips that you can use to improve your life. The topics covered herein are rather broad and this ebook serves more as an inspiration and motivation to enjoy life than anything else. If you're looking for practical advice how to overcome obstacles, achieve happiness and gain success, you should get my premium Upgrade Reality guide.

For those of you who do not know me so well, my name is Diggy. I started my personal development journey 6 years ago after wanting to improve my social skills (specifically I wanted to get better with girls).

The last few years have been a tremendous learning experience for me and I want to share with you what I've learned.

I've realized that every single person can do so much more than what they think they can. We are all so far from reaching our full potential and yet we settle for the way things are right now.

I still have a lot to learn and I am not some guru that can turn your life around for you in an instant. However, I do believe that I have quite a bit of wisdom and experience that I can share with you, and together we can grow, inspire and motivate each other to live our lives to the fullest and achieve whatever we set our minds to.

For many years I was incredibly shy, experienced anxiety in social situations and I could never get dates (let alone a girlfriend). I worked hard to improve this area of my life, and the hard work paid off because now I easily make friends wherever I go and have no problem getting dates.

Currently I'm facing the dilemma of earning money because I want to do it in a way that allows me to work on my own terms (my own time, my own location and about my own topics of choice). I've been working at this for the last two years and just like I overcame my shyness through consistent effort, I'll achieve my goal of earning a steady income that will easily cover my expenses. I'm currently earning $1000 per month from my websites as of 2011.

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It may not be easy to get to where you want to be and it will take dedication, hard work and persistence. Fortunately, nobody said you need to reach your goals by tomorrow or by next week. Let's take it one day at a time and one step at a time.

You are free to share this ebook with anybody you want. In fact, I encourage you to share it with your friends, family and colleagues. If you really think it is super awesome then you can even put it up on your website or blog.

My only conditions are that the content and links herein remain unaltered and in their original state and that you do not sell this ebook (It is a free resource).That being said, let me not distract you any longer with my thoughts and rants.

Enjoy my tips and have a wonderful day!Diggy - Author of Upgradereality.com(If you want to learn even more about me you can do so here)

*Disclaimer: I am not a heath expert or qualified nutritionist. The tips and advice contained in this ebook are for educational purposes only. They're purely my opinion and my experience and may not be beneficial for you. Please check with a qualified health expert or life coach if you want to make any severe changes to your health or exercise regime.*

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Table of Contents

• Foreword

• Three Ways To Take Control Of Your Life Right Now

• Fifteen Ways To Boost Your Creativity

• Six Simple Steps To A More Efficient Day

• Eight Tips For Living Healthy With Ease

• Fifteen Ways To Cheer You Up When You Feel Down

• Twenty Three Creative Ways To Make Extra Money

• Fourteen Sweet Tips For Making A Good First Impression

• Thirty Three Beautiful Reasons Why Life Is Awesome

• Parting Words

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3 Ways To Take Control Of Your Life Right Now

You and I both have dreams and goals that we'd like to achieve. Unfortunately we don't take enough action on a daily basis to make progress towards achieving those goals (if we even take action at all).

Let me give you a personal example. One of my goals is to have 10,000 subscribed readers to my blog Upgradereality.com and have it make $5,000 per month in profit.

Sometimes I find myself thinking “I’d love to have 10,000 readers for my blog”, but then I ask myself if I am doing everything I can to achieve that goal. Am I writing enough? Am I collaborating enough? Am I creating enough? The answer is usually ‘No’.

It is very possible to stop waiting for life to throw the things you are looking for in your lap and to take control. You “make your own luck” so to speak.

Here are 3 simple ways that you can use to take control of your life to shape it to the way that you want it to be:

1-) Determine The Things You Aren't Happy With

Usually there are lots of little things (and possibly a few big things) in your life that you are not happy with right now. It could be anything ranging from your weight to your job to your relationship.

I've been in the same situation of being unhappy, yet half the time I didn’t even know what exactly I was unhappy with. I knew that there were things that bothered me but I never took the time to pinpoint the exact trouble spots and come up with a plan of action to improve those areas of my life.

I suggest that you take some time RIGHT NOW to sit down with a notepad and write down all the areas of your life that you are not happy with.

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For example:

• Are you happy with your job?

• Are you happy with your finances?

• Are you happy with your health?

• Are you happy with you friends?

• Are you happy with your partner?

Then decide what kind of results you want in those areas and determine what steps of action you need to take to get your results. This will give you a nice list of things that you can actively go out and start working on to improve.

2-) What Is Standing Between You And Your Goal?

Now that you have identified areas in your life that you are not happy with and determined goals or levels that you want to achieve, you need to figure out what is standing in the way between where you are right now and where you want to be.

Ask yourself the question “If only…” and fill in the missing details.

• “If only I would sit down and write this article”

• “If only I went to the gym 30 minutes a day”

• “If only I spent an hour a day learning French”

By completing the ‘If only’ question, you get the answer to what is standing between you and your goal. Once you have that answer, just do it.

The only way that you are going to get closer to your goals and eventually reach them is by taking action. You have to make things happen!

3-) The Art Of One Hour A Day

A few months ago I wrote an article titled, ‘The Art Of One Hour A Day’. Its purpose was to get you to realize to power of dedicating one hour every day to something you want to learn or become good at.

Most people have jobs, families or other responsibilities that they use as an excuse to put off learning something new (whether it be a career, language, instrument, sport or anything else). However, I think it would be rather rare if you could not find one hour every day (before you go to bed or when you wake up) to dedicate to learning whatever it is you want to do. It may mean you have to give up watching TV or sitting on Facebook, but often it can be done.

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It may take a few months or even years to see significant results, but just imagine how close you can get to your dreams or goals by dedicating this one hour every day. (If you have more than one hour that would be even better).

You could build up a passive income online and within a few years be making enough to quit your job and live the kind of life you always dreamed of. You could gain enough knowledge to finally have a shot at the kind of job you have always dreamed about. You could learn another language that would allow you to go and live in another country and not be lost.

There are so many possibilities and you have the opportunity to really make your dreams come true.

“The journey of 1000 miles starts with a single step”

The journey towards reaching your dreams and goals starts with dedicating that first hour towards them. After that one hour comes the next hour and after that the next and so on and so forth. Don’t delay, start today!

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15 Ways To Boost Your Creativity

Being creative is something that you can learn and contrary to popular belief, not something you need to be born with. Before you judge that statement and disagree with it, take some time to read what I have to say.

I think that every person on this planet is really good at something. Every person is creative in one way or another. The only reason why so many people think that they are not creative and that creativity is somehow reserved for a select few, is that society conditions us not to be creative.

It starts from the day we get put in school (maybe even before that). We get taught to follow rules, to follow a system. If we follow that system we get rewarded. If we go against the system or try to stand out from it, we often get punished. The system is designed for people to fit in and not for them to stand out. Thus, over time, people oppress any urges to be creative and stand out, and as a result come to believe that they are not creative at all and never will be.

I never used to think that I was creative but over the last two years I have trained myself to be more and more creative using the techniques below:

1-) Write Your Ideas Down

Get into the habit of writing your ideas down as soon as you get them. This way you train your brain to keep coming up with ideas, and as soon as you get them you write them down. When they are written down you don’t have to worry about remembering them and this allows more room for new ideas to form in your mind.

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2-) Relax

Good ideas and creativity usually do not appear under stress. When you are relaxed and rejuvenated, creative ideas usually come rather naturally. Take a walk on the beach, take a nap, go and play some sport or do whatever it is that relaxes you so that your brain can be more creative when you get back to work.

3-) No Expectations

Similar to no stress, but specifically no stress from the outcome. When you create with love and passion and no expectation of the outcome, the chances are much greater that you will create something remarkable! Your passion will shine through in your work and this is what makes it remarkable.

4-)Be Easy On Yourself

Stop criticizing yourself and stop being so harsh on yourself. Accept yourself the way you are and do things to the best of your ability. You are enough and you are creative . Don’t let self-limiting beliefs block out your creativity!

5-) Read

Reading stimulates the mind. The more you read, the more you open your mind up to new ways of thinking and thus the more creative you will become. I know that reading can be a bore, especially if you have to force yourself to do it. My advice is to start small. Choose a book on a topic that you like (it can even be about your favourite sport or artist) and spend 30 minutes before you go to bed reading that book. This way you can read 1-2 new books every month without it being a lot of effort, and it will definitely contribute to you being more creative. Here's a list of 12 great books to read.

6-)Listen to Mozart (or Binaural Beats)

Albert Einstein said he owes his creativity to listening to Mozart pieces. Certain songs and compositions allow the brain to be more creative and function better. Albert Einstein did not know why this was the case, but he found Mozart compositions to help his thinking.

In the present age the concept of music enhancing your thinking has been scientifically researched and proven. Certain frequencies have a positive effect on increasing your brain’s performance and creativity.

Today they are known as Binaural Beats and Isochronic Tones. Basically, scientists have engineered sound tracks with researched frequencies that have proven to increase brain performance.

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Every mood or state of mind that you experience (like anger, happiness, sadness etc.) causes your brain to operate at different frequencies. This means that it's also possible to replicate and enhance those moods at will, in other words, it's possible to induce any state of mind whenever you want with binaural beats and isochronic tones. These sound tracks that you listen to with stereo headphones synchronize your brain waves to whatever state you want to achieve.

Thus there are binaural beats for dozens of purposes like:

• Meditation

• Increased Focus

• Stress Relief

• Healing

• Creativity

• Etc.

The good binaural beats and isochronic tones usually cost a few dollars per track, but you can get some excellent high-quality FREE samples here:

The Unexplainable Store – Free Binaural Beat Samples

It's worth your while to give it a try. When I listen to certain binaural beats I immediately noticed an effect on my state of mind and felt more creative.

(If you want you can find out more about Binaural Beats in this article I wrote)

7-) Meditate

In combination with binaural beats, meditation can lead to a much more relaxed state of being. This relaxed state allows creativity to naturally flow through your mind and you will find it easier to come up with good ideas.


After exercising, endorphins (the feel-good hormone) are released into your bloodstream. Your body may be physically tired, but you feel good and relaxed. Regular exercise definitely contributes to creativity.

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9-) Ask For Help

Don’t be scared to ask someone for help or for their opinion. The input from a friend or stranger could be enough to jump-start a whole series of ideas and new creativity.

10-) Expand Your Horizons

Do something you have never ever done before in your life. The experience of it may be enough to boost your creativity tenfold and give you many new ideas.

12-) Eat Blueberries

Blueberries are said to be the richest in anti-oxidants and good for your brain an thinking abilities. Eat a handful a day, and even if you don’t get extra creativity, enjoy the taste and the health benefits. It's not only about eating blueberries, but more about eating a natural, healthy diet in general. The food you eat is the fuel for everything you do, and when you give your body “junk fuel” you'll get “junk results”.

13-) Stop Doing Drugs

I’m talking about sugars, processed foods, alcohol, caffeine and cigarettes. (I shouldn’t have to tell you not to do hard drugs!) These substances have a limiting effect on your creativity and your ways of thinking.

14-) Do Puzzles

Puzzels stimulate your brain to look at a problem from different angles. The easier you are able to open up your mind to new ideas and new approaches, the more likely it will be that you become more creative.

15-) Play An Instrument

I personally like playing piano. It is relaxing and it allows me to experiment with new tones, melodies and ideas. I find it immensely satisfying and relaxing to be able to make my own music or play a few of my favorite songs. Often while I am playing I will get an idea for something that I want to do or write about.

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6 Simple Steps To A More Efficient Day

“If you fail to plan, you plan to fail”

Many hours in a day are wasted simply because we have no plan of action for that day. Life hardly ever goes exactly according to plan, but if you do not have a plan at all then you are relying for things to come to you instead of you making things happen. That is why I am a big fan of having a plan and having goals to work towards. If they change along the way, then you make the necessary adjustments.

So, instead of starting the day with no real plan to get things done, these few simple steps should boost your efficiency in a big way.

1-) Get Energized

The first step in getting your day off to a super start is to make sure your body is well-rested and has the proper fuel for long-lasting energy.

It is recommended to get at least 8 hours of sleep every night. As soon as you wake up in the morning, drink a full glass of water (or two). Scientific studies have shown that this method gives the body more energy for the entire day.

Eat a good and healthy breakfast (I enjoy a variety of fruits). Don’t skip it because breakfast is the most important meal of the day and provides your body with fuel.

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2-) Plan Your Day The Night Before

If you want to get the most out of your day, then I suggest you plan your actions for that day on the night before. Once you get used to this habit, it will only take you a few minutes every night and usually results in getting way more done the next day.

I actually have a whiteboard that I divided into columns for my tasks from Monday to Friday. On the weekend I already plan some of the tasks and things I want to get done during the week and write them down.

Every night I will plan my following day as much as possible, and even though I don’t always get everything done, I feel it makes a big difference to my efficiency.

There are people who say that daily to-do lists are pointless because you never end up doing all the things you write down. I do not agree, because by planning your day and week ahead of the time, you can prioritize your most important tasks that will bring you great return in the future.

3-) Optimize Your Actions

By planning your day in advance, you can very likely combine certain actions to create a more efficient day.

For example if you need to run errands, you can plan it all out and make one trip in a logical order instead of going back and forth like a headless chicken. This can save you a lot of time and money.

4-) Prioritize

I think it is rather senseless to do 10 unimportant things on a day and not do the one thing that really needs to be done. Whether this is due to procrastinating or whether it is due to lack of planning, failing to do the important things is not an efficient use of your day.

When you plan your day in advance you can determine the one or two things that are essential and need to be done no matter what. After that you can dedicate any spare time to completing less urgent tasks.

5-) Stop Procrastinating

Whatever the reason is for us to waste time and postpone getting our tasks done, one of the best ways to make your day more efficient is to cut out all those time-wasting activities. Some examples would include Facebook, Twitter, Checking Email and aimlessly surfing the net for amusement.

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It might seem like a difficult idea to stop doing all these things. However, once you cut yourself off from these activities for a few days and see how much time they are taking, you realize that it is rather senseless to keep doing them every day.

All that extra time you save by not procrastinating and doing senseless activities is time that you can devote to completing tasks, working on your business or use to do the things you really enjoy.

6-) Automate Where Possible

Automation is the key to efficiency. Automation does not necessarily mean that you need to start using machines or computers to do your work for you; it simply means to reduce your involvement in a process as much as possible (sometimes machines are necessary for this).

Maybe you spend 5 minutes every day manually opening and closing your garage door. Invest in automatic garage openers and save hours a year.

You might spend hours a day answering emails for support on a product you sell. Why not set up an auto responder or an FAQ on your site or even hire a Virtual Assistant to take care of it for you in order to minimize answering repetitive questions?

Most processes and routines that we use in our lives have some possibility of being made simpler or most efficient. Often by just asking yourself how you can make it more efficient, you can come up with a few steps to apply to get the desired efficiency.

To Sum Up

1. Energize

2. Plan

3. Optimize

4. Stop Procrastinating

5. Prioritize

6. Automate

These 6 simple steps should make a big difference to your daily efficiency.

You may ask yourself, “What if I don’t want to be efficient?”. Well, the sooner you get the things done that need to be done, the more time you have to do the things you really enjoy (or work on your own projects that you are more passionate about).

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8 Ways To Live Healthy & Get In Shape

“Those who think they have no time for healthy eating will sooner or later have to find time for illness.” – Edward Stanley

Being healthy and getting in shape is not always the first thing on our minds. However, when we get seriously ill and our bodies protest, everything else in this world becomes rather insignificant and all we care about is our health.

“Prevention is better than cure”

You can spare yourself many illnesses, conditions and suffering by taking care of your body. While it may seem like a chore, simply eating healthy and keeping your body fit and in shape will make your quality of life much better. You'll be thankful for it later, trust me.

You may think that it is cheaper to eat fast food or processed food but I think you will be surprised. Next time you are in a supermarket take a look what broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, lettuce, a can of tuna or chicken breasts cost. It’s pretty affordable and cheaper than fast food (especially when youfactor in the medical costs of doctors, medication and surgery that come with many years of eating a lot of fast and processed food).

I don’t want to scare you or preach to you, I just want to help you be healthy and get in shape. Here are a few simple ways to help you achieve that:

1-) Cut Down On Processed Food

Start slowly and wean yourself off processed and fast foods like burgers, pizza, sweets, chocolate, cakes, potato crisps, soda’s etc. This is the kind of food that tastes nice but is killing you slowly. It contains very little nutrients and a lot of fat, sugar and artificial ingredients. The end goal is to eliminate processed and fast food completely, but reducing it from your diet is a step in the right direction.

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2-) Cut Down On Drugs

For good health it is best to wean yourself off drugs like alcohol, caffeine and cigarettes. Needless to say that these things are very bad for you body. The goal is to eliminate these drugs completely or as much as possible.

3-) Eat Fruits And Vegetables

Fruits and vegetables contain many essential vitamins and minerals that our body uses to function correctly. You should strive to include some fruits or vegetables with every meal that you eat. Personally I enjoy eating fruit for breakfast because it is easily digestible and gives me good energy for the day. I enjoy vegetables with lunch and dinner.

It is said that a raw food diet is the ultimate way to live as healthy as possible.

4-) Drink Lots Of Water

Water is so important to good health. We can go for over 2 weeks without food, but hardly 3 days without water. The fact is that most people do not drink enough water every day. Some people never drink water and only drink coffee, juice and soda. I pretty much only drink water, 1.5 to 3 litres a day. It keeps the body hydrated and helps filter out waste.

The quality of water is important too. Bottled water is not always good and neither is tap water (because of TDS or the amount of additives or chemicals). From my research I have found the best kind of water to be water filtered by a reverse osmosis system. You can probably find a filter system like this for a few hundred dollars and it will make your water drinkable and healthy for many years to come.

5-) Do Some Form Of Exercise Daily

You do not need to go to the gym every day or spend hours working out. However, some form of exercise on a daily basis is beneficial to your health, body and mind. Exercise releases endorphins which are those ‘feel good’ hormones. So, not only is exercise healthy for your body, it usually puts you in a better mood which in turn makes you more productive and energetic.

You can dance, go to the gym, go for a run, do some basic exercises at home, do yoga, go swimming, do martial arts and so many more things. I find the best way to get some form of daily exercise is make a nice combination of activities like the ones I mentioned above.

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6-) Get a Dog

If you have the time and attention to take care of a dog then why not?

A dog will warn against intruders, keep you company and keep you healthy. If you are a good owner then you will take your dog for a walk or run every day, which is beneficial both for your dog and for you!

7-) Join a Club

Whether it be a gym, dance class, rowing club or rock-climbing group, joining a club is a great way to stay motivated to exercise.

Everyone sometimes feels lazy or not in the mood to go out and exercise. However, when you are part of a team or you are paying a monthly fee to be able to exercise, it is much easier to stay motivated and keep attending that club. Find a club of an activity that you enjoy and sign up for it.

8-) Meditate

Stress has a negative effect on our health and our bodies. The more stress we have, the more easily we get sick. Although stress is psychological, it can manifest physical illnesses and disruptions in our bodies. Maybe you are in a stressful environment or job that you cannot remove yourself from. If that is the case then I would suggest that you find a method of removing that stress from your life on a daily basis.

I find exercise to be a good stress-reliever. However, there are many other ways to get rid of stress. You can listen to music, you can take a walk in a park, take a hot bubble bath or do yoga. You can even learn more about meditation.

I’ve mentioned binaural beats earlier on. They are sound tracks of scientifically engineered frequencies that are designed to enhance brain performance and create a state of total relaxation.

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15 Ways To Cheer You Up When You Feel Down

We all go through times when we feel sad or even a little depressed. It may be because things keep going against you or because you lost something or someone you care about or even because you regret something that you did or did not do.

Going through some moments of sadness is nothing to be ashamed of or even to fear. I think that every now and then a bit of sadness is good to balance out the other emotions. However, it is not good to stay sad for very long because that is emotionally damaging.

A good way to deal with sadness is to embrace it fully, let it hurt for a few days and then let it pass through you and be done with it.

Whatever the reason for you being sad, it is always nice to have some ways to cheer you up and that is exactly what I am about to give you; 15 ways to cheer you up when you feel sad.

1-) Breathe

Take 5 minutes and consciously breathe. Count your breaths, inhale and exhale. When you focus on breathing, you will notice that you become more relaxed and your worries and troubles melt away.

2-) Friends

I’m talking about the sitcom. I have probably watched every episode ten times and it always gets a smile on my face. Feeling down? Just watch an episode or two and your mood will lift.

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3-) Arnold Schwarzenegger

Just Google ‘Arnold Schwarzenegger switchboard’ and you’ll understand what I mean. It is an online switchboard with recorded clips from Arnold and his awesome accent. Guaranteed to make you feel better!

4-) Saying Images

Since I found this site I’ve been in love with it. No essays or articles, just unique and original pictures with a message. Very cool.

5-) Ice-Cream

Stuffing yourself with your favourite flavour ice-cream always does wonders. It might not be healthy and it might not be a solution, but damn, it tastes good and makes you feel better!

6-) Paint

Get a canvas or a wall or something that you can paint on and let your emotions flow. Let the paintbrush and colors flow freely and your mood will lift.

7-) (Real) Friends, Food and Movies

Ask your best friends to come over for the night, get some good movies and great food and just hang out. You don’t even have to say anything to each other, just enjoy the movies, food and each other’s company.

8-) Play With A Dog

Dogs never seem to have big troubles. They are always energetic and up for fun. Ask someone who has a dog if you can borrow it for the day.

9-) Bubble Bath

Draw a nice warm bath full of bubbles and bath salts. Relax and soak your troubles in the water and leave them behind when you get out of the bath.

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10-) Sing

You may not be in the mood to sing, because generally people only sing when they are happy. Put on your favourite song and sing along. You will begin to feel better and it might even change your mood completely!

11-) Create Something

I mentioned painting earlier, but you can do anything you want. Pottery, drawings, carpentry, paper-mache, a song and Lego are some ideas. Be artistic and just make something with your own two hands, it will make you feel better!

12-) Bake a Cake

Yep, even if you are a guy, baking a cake once in a blue moon can be fun. It can be fun to whip up all the ingredients and create something delicious, especially when you are feeling a little down. If your cake comes out perfectly, you can devour it to make you feel even better!

13-) Buy Yourself Flowers.

A fresh bouquet of beautiful flowers always cheers me up. They smell amazing and look so pretty. I can often notice a big lift in my mood when I have flower in front of me for a few hours.

14-) Blow Bubbles

So simple and yet so fascinating. Dip the little stick in the soapy water and blow on it to make a bubble that floats through the air.

15-) Happiness Comes From Within

Even though many of these suggestions will cheer you up and put you in a better mood, true happiness comes from within you. The only person who can ultimately make you happy is you. I found that the less you rely on other things making you happy, the easier it is to be happy.

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23 Creative Ways To Make Extra Money

Money makes the world go 'round (or so they day). While money may not be able to buy you happiness or love, we all need it to survive.

If you are already balling in the cash then this section most likely will not apply to you (and I am happy for you). However, most people are not in that fortunate situation so this section is dedicated to anybody who could happily use some extra money.

Just like with so many things in life, your mindset and beliefs play a big role when it comes to money. If you believe that money is very hard to come by and that you will likely never make a lot of it, then that might be exactly what life gives you.

I am not saying that by merely believing that you should make millions that you will, but that mindset definitely opens new possibilities. When you believe that it is possible to make a lot of money, your brain can now start to come up with ideas and ways that can materialize that belief (which was previously not possible because you did not believe that you could make a lot of money).

I highly recommend Rishan B's Manifest It All Today course.

It only costs $17 and Rishan will teach you how to reprogram your mind to attract and “manifest” almost anything you desire with a few very simple steps.

Even if you're skeptical about the law of attraction, check out his free video presentation here: Manifest It All Today

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To continue with the theme of this chapter...here are some creative ways you can go about making extra money.

Remember, even if these ways seem small, many small amounts add up to big amounts. Try not to consider yourself too good to do any type of work. You may have to start at the bottom, but if you don't give up you will work yourself up to the top.

Here are 23 creative ways to make some extra money:

Offline – The Real World

1-) Mow Lawns

Something very simple that everyone can do. Lawns continue to grow and people with lawns usually have someone mow it for them. Go around in your neighbourhood and ask your neighbours if you can mow their lawn on a weekly basis for a small fee.

2-) Paint Curb numbers

Get a can of paint and go around your neighbourhood offering to paint the house-number clearly on the curb so that people will easily be able to find their house. Charge $5 or $10.

3-) Au Pair

Are you good with kids? If you are trustworthy and responsible you should be able to find people with kids who need a babysitter every now and then. Possibly even on a regular or daily basis.

4-) Dog Walking

Start your own little business and go around offering people to walk their dogs for them for a small fee. It will give you good exercise too!

5-) Part-Time Job

Work can be scarce in today’s economy, but if you look around you should be able to find a part-time job somewhere. Clean windows, pack shelves, bag groceries. Just something simple for a few hours a week and it could make you some extra money.

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6-) Work In a Bar

This classifies as a part-time job but I thought I’d give it an extra mention. Bar-tending is rather easy to learn and anybody can do it. It does require late nights but you can try to choose nights when you are free (like weekends).

7-) Write a Book

Do you have extensive knowledge on a subject or do you have wild theories about life? Maybe you have a vivid imagination and can come up with entertaining and awesome fictional stories. Take a look at the ‘Harry Potter’ series that started as bedtime stories for a mother’s children.

8-) Make Music

The effect of music is enormous. There are hundreds of different styles and many instruments that you can choose from. Music is universal and you do not need a degree to be able to make it. Who knows, maybe you have natural talent to write songs or come up with amazing melodies and lyrics. What if you’re good enough to create an album?

9-) Make Jewellery

Everybody likes jewellery. Maybe you can come up with a creative or unique design that is cheap and easy to make and hundreds or thousands of people will want to buy.

10-) Paint or Draw

Besides the fact that painting and drawing is fun, it can also bring in some extra money. People love art and sometimes the more abstract and unique the art, the more people will pay for it. Discover if you have a hidden Van Gogh or Picasso inside of you.

11-) Offer To Advertise

Brand your car or walk around with a T-shirt promoting someone’s idea for them. The more people you can advertise to or the smarter your advertising idea, the more you can make with it.

12-) Teach Something

Everyone has something that they are good at. What are your skills? Offer to teach people one-on-one or start group lessons. Maybe you can teach someone a language, or teach guys how to get girls, or teach students how to become better writers.

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13-) Sell Stuff

Chances are that you have stuff lying around your house that you never use or don’t really need. Sell it for some extra cash. You will be amazed what you can sometimes come up with.

14-) Sign Up For Medical Tests

Not something I would personally do (maybe giving blood) but there are people who get thousands of dollars for being guinea pigs for medical procedures and new drugs.

15-) Cut Expenses

The easiest way to make money is by not spending it. Run through your expenses to see if there is anything you can cut down on or even eliminate completely.

Online – The Virtual World

16-) Build An Online Business

The evolution of the internet has made it possible for everyone to start their own online business at a fraction of the cost of a brick and mortar business.

In fact, you can start an online business for as little as $150. Add your own time and effort to the mix and within months you can be making a few hundred to a few thousand dollars per month.

As an example, my own personal development blog Upgradereality.com which I started as a hobby (and now turned into more of a business) is making me between $500 and $1000 every single month. And can you guess how much time I spend working on it? Only about 2 hours every day.

Even if you know nothing about the internet or setting up a website, you can start an online business today about a topic that interests you. I've set up a free tutorial with all the steps (completely fool-proof) about setting up an online business:


I can honestly say that this is the best way I know to make extra money, and the beautiful thing is that the amount of money you make keeps growing. You're investing your time and effort into something that will really pay off in the future and be worth your while.

Remember that if you build an online business making $1000 per month, you're not only making $12,000 per year, but you'll also be able to sell it for $12,000-$24,000!

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17-) Start an affiliate site

An affiliate site is a website set up with the sole purpose of promoting a product and getting commissions for a sale. You can create a site for a product and drive traffic towards it by writing articles, advertising or getting good rankings in search engines by building backlinks. This will also not happen overnight and will take quite a bit of effort and persistence to master, but once you get it right you can literally make thousands of dollars a month with it.

I wrote a detailed article about affiliate marketing here:


18-) Squidoo

Squidoo is a Web 2.0 community created my marketing genius Seth Godin. Web 2.0 means that you can create your own account and set up free squidoo pages (as many as you like). On those pages you can write about things you love and insert affiliate links. It is similar to a website, but because it is free you are governed by the Squidoo rules. These rules often restrict certain products and they place ads all around the page which result in people clicking these ads and not your content or affiliate links. However, it is still possible to make some extra money with Squidoo.

19-) Ebay

Ebay is an online market place where you can buy and sell all sorts of things. If you have stuff lying around at home you can put it up for auction on eBay. If you are creative and make things that you can sell, do it on eBay.

20-) Article Marketing

Have you heard about article marketing? The concept is simple and it is totally free. It involves you writing articles that promote affiliate products and if you make sales you get commissions. However, thousands of people do this on a daily basis, so your articles have to be good and targeted to be able to get traffic. There is definitely potential to make money with article marketing and all it will cost you is time (not money). Check out


21-) Offer Services

If you are good at writing articles or you have some designing skills in Photoshop, you could offer your services on a site like Digitalpoint Forums.

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22-) Youtube

Just like you can market with articles, you can also market with videos. Maybe you are a skilled camera-person. Create funny clips or inspirational ones and you could get thousands of views. Link to a product in your video and you may find yourself making sales.

23-) Forex Trading

I added forex trading but purposely put it last. The reason being that forex trading is risky and requires capital that you can afford to lose. If you don’t have money to spare then I don’t advise trading forex.

However, if you have some money that you could afford to lose then forex trading could be a source of incredible wealth and freedom.

I strongly advise that you spend days and weeks learning and studying the forex markets and the ins and outs of trading before you even consider risking your hard-earned money.

I'll soon release a detailed tutorial series about forex trading and how to make money with it. Be sure to keep an eye open when it arrives in your inbox.

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14 Sweet Ways To Make A Good First Impression

Although first impressions can be totally deceiving, almost everyone judges a person based on that first impression. This means your entire future relationship with anyone (business,friendship or lover) can depend on it.

Often that first impression is created in just a few seconds. This is due to the fact that we build a lot of prejudices into our minds. When you see someone the first time, our mind subconsciously runs through a check-list of all these prejudices and picks up which ones are present and which ones are not. That is why you will instantly be fond of certain people and also instantly not want to be around other people.

Just remember that first impressions are not always the truth and someone that you initially like or dislike may not be someone that you will like or dislike as you get to know more about them.

Here are some great ways to make a good first impression:

1-) Be Well-Groomed

Not everyone will admit it but most people allow someone’s physical appearance to make a contribution to their first impression of that person. Sloppy personal hygiene can indicate lack of interest. The deduction (but not always the truth) from this is that if someone does not pay attention to their own body, why would they pay attention to you or their role towards you.

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2-) Dress Neatly

Some people are millionaires but dress in shorts and an old t-shirt because they don’t care and it’s comfortable. However, if you are dressed neatly or stylishly, you will often make a good impression on someone, A suit and tie are not necessary, as long as your clothes look good and match the occasion.

3-) Be On Time

Being on time is very important for a first impression. If you have an appointment, a meeting or a date, it is always better to be 5 minutes early and have to wait than to be too late. Being on time shows that you have integrity and do as you promise and that you respect the other person’s time. Like I said, very important!

4-) Good Manners

Good manners go a long way in contributing to a good first impression. A good introduction, holding the door open for someone, being the last to sit and speaking with two words (yes Sir or yes M'am) are examples of good etiquette.

5-) Be Polite

Being polite kind of falls in the same category as having good manners. Don’t interrupt people while they are talking, ask them how they are doing, be polite to the people around that person who you are making a first impression on etc.

6-) Be Authentic

You can usually tell the difference between someone who is fake and someone who is authentic within minutes of talking to them. People who are fake and who say and do things only to impress others are not liked by many. Strive to let all your actions and words be authentic. Mean what you say and do something because you believe in it and want to do it.

7-) Smile

A smile goes a long way and is sometimes enough to brighten someone’s entire day. Seeing someone smile often makes me want to smile and this is a great effect to have on other people. If you can make someone smile and laugh from the moment you meet them, you can count on it that you made a good first impression on them.

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8-) Give a Genuine Compliment

Try to notice something about someone that really stands out and give them a genuine compliment for it. Flattery always works, especially when it comes from the heart and you mean what you say.

9-) Help Someone

Showing that you care about others and don’t only think about yourself will definitely help you make a good first impression. It doesn’t mean that you have to go out of your way to try to make that good impression. If someone happens to cross paths with you that could use some help and it won’t cost you much, then help them out.

10-) Take Initiative

People like people who take initiative. People who take initiative are often known as leaders, because they do not wait for other people to tell them what to do and when to do it. Leaders are respected, they make decisions and they take initiative.

11-) Take Interest In The Other Person

Don’t try to talk about yourself too much. Rather, take interest in the other person. Who are they, what are they all about? Get them to talk about themselves, most people love this. People want to feel important. The more personal stories you can get them to tell, the more likely it is that they will be impressed.

12-) Be Humble

Even if you are very successful, have a lot of money or are really famous, try not to use it as a way to impress people. Someone will be a lot more impressed if they know these things about you but that you did not try to flaunt it in their face.

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13-) Body Language

90% of communication is non-verbal. This is exactly why it is so important to have correct body language. Here are a few tips:

• Sit up straight (don’t slouch)

• Walk erect (shoulders back)

• Maintain Eye Contact (don’t look away all the time)

• Relaxed (not fidgety or nervous)

• Confident Actions (do everything with intent and purpose)

14-) Have Fun

This is probably one of the more important things to make a good first impression. Have fun with whatever you do and be positive. This conveys that you are not doing anything to make an impression, you are not there to take value from the other person. Instead you give value and your spread your positivity and enthusiasm.

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33 Beautiful Reasons Why Life Is Awesome

Do not take things for granted because your entire life could change forever in just a split second. This chapter serves as a reminder to be grateful for the things you have.

If all goes well we can expect to have a good 70-80 years of life on earth. There is an endless list of reasons why life is totally awesome and why you should look to make the most of it.

From something as small as a butterfly to something as majestic as being part of a huge solar system in an even bigger universe, life is absolutely amazing and our world has so many beautiful things to offer.

When I see people who are depressed or who hate their lives, I just can't help myself but ask “Why?”. If you ever find yourself in a bad mood, turn to this list to remind you of why you should be thankful for every moment of life you can experience.

1-) Being in Love

The feeling of being in love and being absolutely crazy about someone is one of the best feelings in the world. You just want everybody to be as happy as you are and your love shows in everything that you do.

2-) A Kiss

A soft and tender or wild and passionate kiss is another one of life’s most amazing things. Especially if you really like the other person, the touch of their lips against yours is one to experience as much as possible.

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3-) A Hug

A hug can take away worries or fears in an instant. It can cheer you up in seconds and it is such a nice gesture of love, friendship or compassion. Whether you hug a lover, friend or total stranger, give and get as many hugs as you can!

4-) A Smile

Just like a hug, a smile can say and do so many things. A smile can make you feel safe, it can cheer you up, it can invite you over, it can say ‘Hi’, it can say ‘I love you’ and it can inspire you. Smile every day, it is free and can affect so many people in a good way!

5-) Happiness

Happiness comes from within. You can have absolutely nothing and still be the happiest person in this world.

6-) Working Together

There are few things as amazing as working towards the same goal with other people. It unites us and makes us feel like part of something bigger. Here in South Africa they have a saying that people in South Africa only work together if they have to carry a case of beer. Just take a look back in history and see all the great things that were achieved and built by hundreds and thousands of people working together.

7-) Friendship

Being alone is not very fun. Having people to share your experiences with makes life fun. People who you can trust and who encourage you to be your best self, people who you have adventures with, people who are there for you in good times and bad times, those friendships make life totally awesome. Here's how to make friends anywhere in the world.

8-) New Life

Have you ever held a new-born baby? If you did then you were holding life in its purest form. That miniature person can put a smile on anyone’s face.

9-) Time

If you live healthy the chances are great that you have 70 years on this planet to learn, love, grow, teach and do what you are passionate about.

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10-) Animals

Fuzzy furry creatures or fish in an aquarium. There are so many hundreds of types of creatures on our planet and it is absolutely amazing to see what they look like and how they live and act. Read this story about a dog's purpose.


Sushi is one of my favourite foods! It just tastes so good and it’s rather healthy too. Going for sushi is a good reason why life is awesome!

12-) Pasta

The Italians got it right. All sorts of pastas, macaronis and lasagnes. Yum!

13-) Blueberries

These little power-berries taste delicious, are really healthy and rejuvenate your soul! Munch a few handfuls and you’ll see what I’m talking about.

14-) Ice-cream

It’s not often that I eat ice-cream but every now and then I indulge. I always go to a place that has the best ice-cream in the world (that I’ve tasted) and eating their icy cold goodness is heavenly.

15-) Martial Arts

Few things compare to the enjoyment you can get from martial arts. Not only is it good for exercise and physical health, martial arts are very good for spiritual strength and cultivating discipline. Read more about the top 3 martial arts styles.

16-) No Limits

There are no limits to what you can achieve in life. No matter what environment you are in and where you were brought up, there is always possibility for change. You could be the person who single-handedly changes the way that the whole world thinks or does something. You can do anything you set your mind to.

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17-) Unpredictable

Life is a series of adventures, all totally unpredictable. That is what makes it so much fun! You never know what is coming next. There are ups and there are downs, like a rollercoaster ride. It’s up to you to make the most of it.

18-) Scientific Breakthroughs

Constantly discovering things we never knew and never thought possible.100 years ago people said the automobile would never be able to go 100km/h. Hundreds of years ago they thought that the earth was flat. Every year we are making major break-throughs in many different fields. How amazing is that?

19-) Fly, Walk or Dive

We are lucky enough to be able to do what birds, fish and land-mammals do. We can fly through the air (planes, hangliders, skydive), we can travel across water or be submerged in it (scuba-diving or submarines) and we can cross land (by foot, car, train etc). Here are 100 crazy things to do before you die.

20-) Sunsets

One of the world’s most beautiful sights is seeing the sun set in the horizon. The bright orange and pink spectrum of light setting the sky on fire as you sit on the beach or lie in the grass. Guess what, it happens every single night (except for certain places in the world that experience only day or only night for parts of the year)!

21-) The Beach

Hearing the ocean, seeing the waves break on the shore, feeling the sand between your toes and smelling the fresh sea air is what makes the beach so beautiful. A trip to he beach every now and then is one of the big enjoyments of life.

22-) The Sun

That big fiery ball of gas in the sky that is responsible for life as we know it. Feeling its warmth and rays on our faces and allowing it go give us beautiful sunrises and sunsets, the sun makes our lives beautiful!

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23-) Snow

It’s cold but oh so beautiful. Tiny little snowflakes falling from the sky to cover our world in a layer of white fluffy powder. Amazing to see and lots of fun to play with.

24-) Tropical Islands

There is something about tropical islands that make life totally sweet. Golden beaches, palm tress, hot weather, aqua blue waters…

25-) The Wonders of the World

I could list them all separately but I decided to group them together. The Pyramid of Giza, the gardens of Babylon, the Stone Henge and so on. These amzing sights are so breathtaking and inspiring that being alive and having the possibility to see them with your own eyes is incredible.

26-) The Eiffel Tower

There are many beautiful sites and structures around the world, but the Eiffel Tower is one that I have been on personally. I love it and it’s really amazing to see Paris from high up.

27-) Traveling

The world has so much to offer. So many beautiful places, different countries, different cultures. In today's age it's so easy to travel abroad. Seeing the beauty of the world really makes life worth living. Here are 100 reasons to travel the world.

28-) Handstands

They’re awesome, they’re free and they take a little skill to master.

29-) Playing Piano

Making music with any instrument is wonderful. I listed piano because it is one that I play, but guitar or violin or saxophone are options too. The ability to create beautiful tones and combine them into a piece of music makes life worth living!

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30-) Dancing

Move your body to the music and allow the beat to flow through you. Dancing is so much fun and can be done by anyone of any age and any location. You could even dance right now while sitting in your chair reading this article!

31-) Music

I would dare say that music is life. Life is rhythm, whether it be the breaking of the waves on the shore or the beat of your heart. Music is all around us. Songs have the power to transform moods in seconds and inspire us beyond imagination.

32-) Movies

It may be a little strange to say that life is awesome because we can watch movies. Personally I am a big movie fan and love kicking back with some good food and a great movie.

33-) Life is Awesome

If you think that life is awesome, then life will be awesome! Here is a list of my favorite inspirational and awesome quotes.

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Parting Words

Once again I want to thank you for subscribing to Upgradereality.com. I will do my very best to keep writing articles filled with useful tips and information you can apply to improve the quality of your daily life.

I also hope that you enjoyed reading this ebook and that you found at least one “golden nugget” that will make a difference to your life.

If you enjoyed reading this virtual book, I highly recommend getting my premium book Upgrade Reality. It contains much more practical advice to overcome personal obstacles and build the life you dream of living than this ebook you've just read.

Click Here To Check Out Upgrade Reality here

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I honestly believe that you can do anything you set your mind to. Where there is a will, there is a way.

Do not let life pass you by while wishing for things to be different. The only way that things will be different is if you make them different. You need to take action to get to where you want to be. One hour a day and taking small steps will lead to huge results over time.

Dirk de Bruin a.k.a. DiggyUpgradereality.com

Feel free to email me or connect on Facebook. Really, I'd love to hear from you!

(And don't forget to get a copy of my Upgrade Reality guide now)