Building your own nearshore office in Poland will bring you 400% -500% savings. a presentation by Krzysztof Marszałek

Why Should You Build a Nearshore Office in Poland and How To Do It?

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Building your own nearshore office in Poland will bring you 400%-500% savings.a presentation by Krzysztof Marszałek

Let me tell you HOW

A natural development of a startup

Startups in their initial stages consist of 2-3 people, i.e. a CTO and another one doing marketing and sales.

Then, they seek additional support in the form of a UX/UI expert or a complementary team of 1-2 programmers.

When frequent changes and software stability issues become more important, 2-4 developers may no longer be enough.

Then, the company recruits additional developers to work along the growing outsourcing team.

There’s some risk for the investor and your business

The lack of an in-house IT department may be a deal-breaker for many investors who don’t trust outsourcing companies.

Conclusion:Outsourcing is good and can take the company to

another levelbut

At some point a startup must own an in-house IT department

The best of both worlds:

A nearshore IT department that YOU own

The nearshore software house should offer three levels of service:

1. Developing your startup until the MVP stage2. Maintenance and development3. Support and organization of the Polish office for

the client

Benefits of setting up a Polish office:● Running a Polish office yields 400%-500% cost

reduction● Quality of service● Flying to Poland from Germany or England takes just

1 to 2 hours● The office is technically yours and at your command

What should the nearshore partner provide?● HR Procedures● Technical and management knowledge● Legal, administrative and accounting knowledge● Ongoing support in training and maintenance of the

company● CEO hiring process in case such a person is not

provided by you

Setting up a branch in PolandStep by Step

Step 1Cost data

The software house should detail the costs and provide relevant information on:

● Hourly rates and salaries of individual specialists depending on

their experience

● Salaries of administration staff (secretary, assistant)

● Applicable taxes and methods of their settlement

● The cost of employee benefits (sports cards, private medical

care, training etc.)

● Information on staff turnover and assumptions concerning the

number of new employees recruited in a month

● The total effective number of working hours per person per


● Office space costs

● Cost of HR services

● Cost of legal services

● Cost of accounting department

● The cost of traveling from your location to Poland

● Software house’s organization fees

Step 2Test the partner

What you should review:

● Developers’ competence

● Product owner’s competence

● Communication and response times

What else you should review:

● Knowledge of applicable working methodologies

● Professional tools used by the company

● Speed of building new teams

What else you should review:

● Application and code quality

● HR methods used. Does the company stand out?

Step 3Setting up the company and transferring developers

How it works: 1. The Polish software house employs a team, gives them training and

onboarding to work on your startup exclusively.2. Every 3 to 6 months the team is transferred to your new nearshore

office at a previously agreed fee.3. Depending on the agreement, this process may continue for 24

months or until a the company gets sufficient staff.

Step 4Agreement and the establishment of the company

1. Limited liability company or a joint stock company work best.

2. The agreement must detail the recruitment and staff transfer processes.

3. Agreement should describe the roles and responsibilities of the Polish office before, during and after termination of the cooperation agreement.

4. You can safeguard yourself against any circumstances like loss of staff

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