What To Do When Google Takes Over The Social Internet

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What To Do When Google Takes Over The Social Internet

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We’ve all noticed the rapid changes that the social internet began to make

last year – just look at the Facebook restructuring, or the Youtube

overhaul. But one giant that always seems to scoot under the radar is Google. We’re not talking about

Google+, though this has been the centerpiece of their social strategy.

What are they planning, and how can your business prepare for it?

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The Google Mega-Network

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Google has been ferociously burrowing into the market as of late. Funnily

enough, very few people are taking notice. With bold steps like social

media integration into Google Analytics, the Google+ rise and

integration into nearly all websites, and Google owned Youtube’s new

social slant – we have to ask ourselves – what ARE they doing? The answer

seems simple.

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They are building a large scale brand-based network of social sites and

integration tools. In other words, they are establishing themselves as one of the most widespread and commonly

used social mega-network on the internet. Combine the power of search

and social, and you’ll begin to get a better idea of what they’re after.

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While Google+ certainly can’t compete with Facebook on a basic social

networking level, there’s no denying that it does overall. When you

combine all Google branded tools, networks and products – you get

something BIGGER than Facebook. Think about it. Facebook is going to reach a billion users this year. But Google already receives 1 billion

unique visitors every month.

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If they figure out a way to get all of these people to have to use other

tools, that are Google branded, (for social connectivity reasons) then they will come out on top. We can already see it. Log in to Google+ or Youtube

with your Gmail account. Log-in to any Google tool with your Gmail account.

So what does this mean for social marketers?

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Preparing For The Google Dominated Internet

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It’s creeping closer with every new announcement or product launch they promote. Google wants to carve out its own private piece of the internet. For you, as a social marketer – it means

getting on the bandwagon now. If you haven’t been using Google tools or

networks, start to use them.

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Join the mega-network that they’re trying to create. Get in early, and

establish yourself where it counts. There was a lot of conjecture about

Google+ and its success. In retrospect, Google+ was ALWAYS going to

succeed. Google have cleverly made sure of that. There are far too many

benefits related to search, that marketers can’t ignore.

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While Google has had a string of failures, it’s led them up to now, 2012.

This year, we’ll see more social companies bought by the search giant, and more social technology fall under the Google brand. Learn to use these

tools and sites to your benefit, and you’ll be an early adopter. They always

make more money. Don’t ignore the signs! Prepare for Google social


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Social Media Marketing University (SMMU) is the creation of John Paul Souza, a serial entrepreneur who's held senior managerial positions at Banc America Capital Management

Group and JP Morgan Chase. Serving marketing professionals,

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entrepreneurs and corporations, SMMU differentiates itself by offering

hands-on training from hands-on experts who are actively applying their

skills on real-world projects.

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SMMU was recently honored as one of the top 5 finalists by the leading blog

site, Mashable, as one of the top provider of social media services for businesses. The firm has earned the title of "most trusted social media

firm" with over 900 unsolicited testimonials.

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For more information about social media webinars and social media

online courses, please visit http://www.socialmediamarketinguniversity.com