Uniqueness Here comes the juicy part. Let’s talk more about resume. So go ahead and open my “normal resume” file. Now look at the skills section. You may notice that I posses both technical and marketing skills. However, my technical skills are minimal. I can read codes, but I don’t code. (That is not I wanted to do) My core skill is marketing. Now I may seem like a generalist. In fact, I’m a specialist. I specialize in strategic thinking, tactical creation, technology integration and data driven analysis. These are my core skills or fundamentals. Marketing skills are generally relies heavily on fundamentals. Once you get it mastered, it is not tough to master others. By now you will probably be thinking: What makes you unique dude? I love to answer this question. Simple answer is I am good at using both brains. Some specializes in using right brain, the creativity part. Some specializes in using left brain, the analytical/logical part. I use both of them. How come?


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Here comes the juicy part.

Let’s talk more about resume.

So go ahead and open my “normal resume” file.

Now look at the skills section.

You may notice that I posses both technical and marketing skills.

However, my technical skills are minimal.

I can read codes, but I don’t code. (That is not I wanted to do)

My core skill is marketing.

Now I may seem like a generalist.

In fact, I’m a specialist.

I specialize in strategic thinking, tactical creation, technology integration and data driven analysis.

These are my core skills or fundamentals.

Marketing skills are generally relies heavily on fundamentals.

Once you get it mastered, it is not tough to master others.

By now you will probably be thinking: What makes you unique dude?

I love to answer this question.

Simple answer is I am good at using both brains.

Some specializes in using right brain, the creativity part.

Some specializes in using left brain, the analytical/logical part.

I use both of them.

How come?

I excelled at art since I was young.

Not tooting my own horn, but I was the best artists when it comes to drawing when I was young.

In fact, I was promoted to a higher level of drawing, sitting side to side and learn along with those who are older than me (age wise)

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I do not own any of my drawings anymore unfortunately.

(But the design side of me is still with me after all these years)

Innovation is my core, and it will be your company’s core.

I have great eyes for awesome designs, and I know the difference between ugly, good and great.

In fact, I am a bit more of right brainer than left brainer.

Innovation is my core, the most of me.

But that does not discount the analytical part of me.

Which leads to my left brain.

So how about your left brain?

I did not consciously discover that I’m really good at using my left brain until I started coding.

I discovered that I’m good at organizing stuff, thinking logically and data driven.

When I first stumble upon the book Web Analytics 2.0 by Avinash Kaushik, it justifies my ability when it comes to handling data even more.

I’m good with numbers.

In fact, I think I was trained because being in Chinese high school, we were being taught that Chinese are superb in mathematics. (Seriously, we all were taught that way)

Look at the images below.

Then do your own judgment about me.

Enough said.

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Some Justification

I’m a fresh graduate.

It looks like a risk for every company to hire a fresh graduate and train them.

I don’t deny it, it is a fact.

But I’m not just another fresh graduate.

I’m a fresh graduate, with a twist

I’m a unique fresh graduate that have the kind of talent, skills, values, and self taught knowledge in internet marketing, and young guy that are willing to learn and willing to go over mile in everything I do.

I did not stay in my country Malaysia my life and do not know anything that happen in Europe or America.

I’ve been to 14 countries, east and west.

I’m confident of my ability because of my personality and my history.

I lived in the east side of the world and have been to the west.

I’m a fanatic when it comes to learning histories and culture.

I’m a language lover (I have no idea if do you consider young dude that have mastered 3 languages, 3 dialects and in the process of mastering French a language lover.)

I do not deny that I have no experience working with any MAJOR companies.

But my self taught fundamentals, willingness to learn, strategic mind and effective use of life strategies (http://bit.ly/8uyDoT) made me unique.

I’m not looking to get hired right away.

I’m looking for a chance to be interviewed and to be questioned.

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Analysis - No bullshits.  Well done. Frankly, I think you did a report much better than I would expect any trainee would be capable of. Therefore your competency looks really good.

- Michael Teh, Founder of GMETechnical

Nicholas Ho is a great friend who is always on the forefront with the latest marketing strategies. His persistence and perseverance in trying to find the perfect marketing solution and bringing the promised results created trust in people that he work with.

– Wayne Liew, Founder of WayneLiew.com

So what’s next?

Step 1: Give me a direct call or email me. Talk to me. My contacts are in my resume.

Note: Or facebook me. Nice guy.