TEDxTainan Recruitment Spring 2014

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1. TED是什麼?!!2. 關於TEDx !3. 關於TEDxTainan!!4. 組織架構介紹!5.招募職位說明

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TED是什麼?!What’s TED?

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TED是⼀一⼀一個⾮非營利組織,透過傳播各領域的知識及經驗,帶給世界更多正⾯面的⼒力量。因此TED提供⼀一個讓不同領域的講者對話、分享i d e a的平台。 T E D分別代表的是科技(technology)、娛樂(entertainment)、設計(design),這是⼀一開始TED設定的分享主題,現在已超過這三個領域。TED篤信 “ Ideas Worth Spreading”此核⼼心價值,其獨特性在於它⽤用『說故事』的⽅方式為這個⼤大會定調。每位講者⽤用18分鐘的時間把其想討論的主題⽤用親近、對談式的⽅方式呈現出來。!

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TED從2006年開始將過去的演講內容放到 www.TED.com,讓全世界可以免費收看,並且結合社群媒體的⼒力量,形成持續的⻑⾧長尾效應。同時透過開放翻譯計劃各地的志⼯工⾃自主地將TED影⽚片字幕翻譯為各種語⾔言。TED還成⽴立了TED⼤大獎,提供渴望改變世界的⼈人機會赴諸⾏行動。過去25年來,TED所探討的議題甚廣,參與者包括有Google的創辦⼈人、搖滾樂團U2主唱Bono等等。!

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TED is a non-profit devoted to Ideas.Worth Spreading. It started out (in 1984) ,as a conference bringing together people from three worlds: Technology,Entertainment, Design.Since then its scope has become ever broader. Along with two annual conferences-- The TED Conference in Long Beach and Palm Springs each spring, and the TEDGlobal conference in Edinburgh UK each summer – TED includes the award-wining TED Talks video site, the Open Translation Project and TED Conversations, the inspiring TED Fellows and TEDx programs, and the annual TED Prize.!

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Created with the spirit “Ideas Worth Spreading”, TEDx is a program of local, independent, self-organized events that aims to bring people together to share a TED- like experience, to spark deeper discussion and connection for the community where the TEDx team is focusing. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx,where: x=independently organized TED event.!!

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期許能提供⼀一個平台,把校園與台南在地的⼈人⽂文故事帶給這個世界,同時也讓參與者互相激盪、加速great ideas的傳播應⽤用。!!●成員特質!成員來⾃自各個領域,包含商管、社會科學、⼯工學、理學…等,是⼀一群勇於嘗試、樂於分


TEDxTainan每年固定籌辦⼀一⼤大型年會活動,和數場⼩小型的沙⻯⿓龍聚會。每年會有不同的探討主軸,如2011年”Back to the Mind”、2012年的”Nobodies Dream Big”以及2013”Celebrating Challenges”。!!在過去幾年,總活動參與⼈人數已經超過3000⼈人。⽽而在2013年4⽉月也第⼀一次⾛走出校園,於


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Be inspired. Be delighted. Be successful. Make a difference.


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組織架構 Organization !

策展⼈人 Curatorial 財務組 Finance Session 講者訓練組 Speaker & Talks Team 場地規劃組 Space Design Team ⾏行銷組 Marketing Session 翻譯組 Translation Session 多媒體設計組 Multi-media Team -平⾯面設計組 Graphic Designers -網絡設計組 Web Designers -影⾳音資訊組 Digital Media 社區沙⻯⿓龍⼩小組 Salon Organizing Team

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– Greg Savage

“Hire on Attitude. Not just experience and qualifications.”

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招募⽅方式說明!Recruitment!報名!(1)報名時間:2014年2⽉月24⽇日⾄至2014年3⽉月24⽇日!(2)報名⽅方式:填妥招募報名表(附件word檔案)及個⼈人CV並將其電郵寄⾄至[email protected],於收到確認回函後即完成報名⼿手續。!※信件主旨及報名表檔名請⼀一律以「TEDxTainan_2014團隊招募_姓名」格式。!※欲報名多媒體設計組者,需附上作品,並請詳細閱讀特別招募條件。!(3)將有專⼈人通知⾯面試詳情。!(4)錄取結果將E-mail⾄至各⾯面試者信箱,並在「TEDxTainan」粉絲專⾴頁公告。!


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TEDxTainan is always looking for undiscovered, forward-looking talent to join the TEDx community in Tainan. As we are now preparing for our upcoming event in Q4 2014, you are cordially invited to be of our big family and it’s always the perfect time! All applicants will received a confirmed email, notifying your application to join TEDxTainan team. Points to note before you fill in the form:!!1.All position are on voluntary basis. You are not paid to do what you

love.!2.Organizing a TEDx event is basically a thank-less work hence we

are simply reaching out for people who are committed to undertake the tasks of any TEDxTainan event with professional and able to be responsible for an event to be proud of.!

3.Be flexible to embrace challenges with radical openness. Be ready to meet unforeseen matters and unexpected issues. Attitude is always key to make the impossible possible.!

4.You have adequate knowledge and understanding about the TED spirit.!

5.You are spirit-motivated, task-driven and people-oriented. TEDxTainan is not only about organizing conferences/talks, but also making impact to the local community. Think global, start local.

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TEDxTainan is always seeking qualified members who are capable and willing to serve in the following positions. Key responsibilities include, but are not limited to those listed.!

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A.Multi-Media Team (continuos)!*Web Designer!-Conversation level English, Fluent Chinese, Taiwanese preferred!-Experienced WordPress developer!-Design portfolio should be attached and sent along with personal CV!-Adequate communication skills and positive attitude!*Graphic Designer (5 vacancies) !-A well-developed portfolio!-Strong project management skills!-Team player with a positive attitude!-Experienced is an advantage!-Client focused/business minded with a background in Photography/Filmography/PR/Marketing/Business Development !

-Conversation level English, bilingual preferred!-Adequate communication skills and positive attitude!*IT Support Team (4 vacancies)!-Video Editor (Adobe After effect or Final Cut ) !-Familiar with iOS Keynotes!-Familiar with Powerpoint, Keynote, Adobe!-Adequate communication skills and positive attitude!-Responsible to arrange networking services in event venue !-Fluency with Macintosh, Google Mail/Docs, Apple Mail, Calendar, Microsoft Office, Skype and Keynote is preferred.!

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Speaker & Talks Team (5 vacancies )!-Previous social work or team coordination experience is preferred!-Adequate communication skills and positive attitude!-Availability for meetings during weekdays & occasionally on public holidays!

-Good English speaking and writing!-Highly creative, very detail-oriented, organized and self-sufficient. Able to execute tasks with minimal guidance.!

-Maintaining contacts and shared documents.!-Aware of TEDx Events and have sound understanding of TED concepts!-Capable of multitasking in an intense, fast-changing environment within fixed time allowed!

Task Description :!-Suggesting speakers!-Data research of speakers!-Contacting the selected speaker!-Will be responsible for the data related to the speaker’s biography,presentation,time available,Feed back after the event!

-Reporting to the team leader!-Contacting potential speakers and arranging initial meetings,!-Coordinating Speaker Profile creation,!-Providing speakers with all the information they require, ensuring all individual speaker needs are met.

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Space Design Team ( aka Venue & Event Coordination Session) (5 vacancies)!- Booking & Setting up rehearsal space!-Maintaining staged schedule!-Keeping detailed notes about each stage of development in space!

-Creating cue lists!-Overseeing the IT Support Team!-Creating initial design sketches and computer-generated 3D visuals!

-Stage Manager may be calling for extra meetings with IT Team, Production crews and any other related parties!

-Responsible for designing exhibition venue & working lab!-Meeting with and briefing suppliers;!-Transporting displays to exhibition sites and installing and dismantling exhibition displays.

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Marketing Team (3 vacancies)!-Copywriting & advertising!-Approving images!-Developing guidelines!-Making audience-focused decisions!-Develop marketing strategies!!

Translator (Continuos)!-Reading through original material and rewriting it in the target language, ensuring that the meaning of the source text is retained!

-Researching legal, technical and scientific phraseology to find the correct translation;!

-Proofreading and editing final translated versions;!-Prioritizing work to meet deadlines;

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Treasure (2 Vacancies)!-Abilities to Audit, Accounting, Corporate Finance, Tracking Budget Expenses, Financial Skills, Analyzing Information, Developing Budgets, and Performance Management!

-Maintaining contacts and shared documents.!-Native level Chinese and adequate English !-Proficiency in both written and spoken Taiwanese is advantageous.

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– Confucius

“ “Choose a job you love and you will never have to work a day in your life.”

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R E C R U I T M E N T 2 0 1 4 S P R I N G


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– W O O D Y A L L E N

“80% of success is showing up.”

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H R C O O R D I N AT O R SP E R S O N - I N - C H A R G E ( H R / R E C R U I T M E N T )

Tasks include but not limited to the following : 1. Recruitment and Selection 2. Orientation/Training 3. Performance Reviews/Discipline

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2 4 F E B - 2 4 M A R C H 2 0 1 4招募申請開放A P P L I C A T I O N P E R I O D

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R O L L I N G B A S I S ⾯面試安排 I N T E R V I E W S Y S T E M


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E A R LY M A R C H⾯面試⽇日期 I N T E R V I E W S TA R T S

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D O U B L E - R O U N D E D⾯面試⽅方式 I N T E R V I E W P R O C E S S

第⼀一環節 10mins⾯面談(⾯面談前已做基本篩選) 第⼆二環節 30mins漫遊(進⼀一步了解)

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待定⾯面試地點 I N T E R V I E W V E N U E

地點注意 1. 舒服comfortable/cozy 2. 我們能夠掌控的 3. 外界的騷擾減到最低 4. 有privacy 5. 公共場所的話,沒有低銷限制

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待補充⾯面試官注意P O I N T S T O N O T E ( F O R I N T E R V I E W E R S )

注意 1. Be friendly 2. Open for challenge 3. Everybody has a price. They are not cheap. 4. 認知落差 5. (more to add)

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“You are not paid to do what you love.”