Social Retargeting

Social retargeting exclusive Nuke whitepaper

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A new whitepaper from Nuke gives you the essentials of social retargeting. What it is, how it works, and how it can help your brand get results with social. Understand how online behavior has changed in recent years, and how the rise of social networks represents a huge opportunity for brands to learn more about their clients and prospects, and to use that data to reach them better through social retargeting.

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Social Retargeting

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"But it’s clear that there’s a wealth of possibilities in terms of retargeting that have yet to be really tapped by marketers"

Retargeting online comes in various forms. It could be basically defined as the targeting of specific users based on their previous online activities.

Retargeting is not brand new, but recently it has become one of the more powerful tools in marketers’ arsenals. One of its most appealing aspects is the increased click-through rate retargeted ads often generate. Compared to buying ad space on a website or targeting based on criteria like general user demographic information, retargeting goes after pre-qualified prospects, those who have already visited or taken a specific action on your web-bsite, or who, in the case of search retargeting, are interested in your field enough to search for it. Meaning it results in a higher CTR and eventually higher conversion rate.

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Different ways to retarget

Probably the most widely used form of retargeting is site retargeting. Site retargeting occurs when a user visits a commercial website, or a specific part of or page of a commer-cial website. If the site owner “drops” a cookie in the person’s browser, the site owner will still know who that person is after he has left the site. The site owner can use that informa-tion to show targeted advertisements to that person—for example, if the person visited a product page, the site’s marketing team can show that person an ad for that target, through ad exchanges.

There is also search retargeting—which, like site retargeting, involves tracking, in this case, which users have searched for what terms. People who have searched for terms that relate to your field or your brand can be targeted for ads based on those original search terms.


The potential of social

Site and search retargeting has been a big boost for a lot of brands online. But it’s clear that there’s a wealth of possibilities in terms of retargeting that have yet to be really tapped by marketers.

Social media has become absolutely central to the average internet user’s online expe-rience. Brands began build their presence on social media years ago. But in recent years they have become more and more active in their role on social media. Far from simply crea-ting a social media presence and hoping that fans would come to them, they have taken control of their identities, creating communities that create, share and grow around a brand.


Social Retargeting

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"There is a great deal of opportunity to connect with consumers and a great deal of information to be gleaned"

Behaviour has changed online, significantly and measurably, over the last several years.

It’s important to understand the extent to which social networks have now become inte-grated into people’s lives.

Facebook is still the most popular social network in the world. It counts over 1.15 billion users, (of whom, in the U.S. 78% are active on mobile) who upload a total of 2.5 billion pieces of content a day. In the U.S. those mobile users spend an average of 11 hours a month on the social network. Social networks in general attract 27% of the total amount of time spent online. And brands have begun to realize just how central social networks are to the average internet user. There are now 15 millions brands on Facebook, and Facebook works with every one of Ad Age’s Global 100 advertisers.

The rise of social media, and its adoption by the average internet user has increased the amount of information that most people share online significantly.

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Social networks are designed for exchange. People come to share news, stories, viral content, opinions, professional tips—anything that’s important to them—on social networks. Not to mention all the information on their interests and other aspects of their personality that are crucial to many people’s experience social networks through user profiles.

As users spend more time online, and more time sharing and consuming content on social networks, there is a great deal of opportunity to connect with consumers and a great deal of information to be gleaned. Behaviour is traceable. Social graph actions allow you to understand not only individual interactions from specific users but also patterns for mul-tiple users and groups. Brands present across multiple social networks have, if they possess the right data collection tools, unprecedented potential to understand the “fan journey” online—their trajectory across the brand touchpoints for fans across the social web.

Data generated can combine information like interests and other personal information, demographic data, and all behavioural information. First, this data, provided you have the correct tools to collect an understand it, gives you a full picture of your online communi-ties, the people who are implicated in your brand, whether they are already clients or are simply open to your brand content. Once you understand these users, you greatly increase the potential of reaching them with a timely, effective message.

Why social media is such a rich source of data


A powerful newtactic to help brands reachprospects andclients

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Putting data to use—Social retargeting

Socially-generated data can be enormously effective in helping you reach your marketing goals.

This data also opens the possibility of an entirely new type of retargeting: social retarge-ting. Social retargeting, like search or site retargeting, relies on information from those who have interacted with your web presence. However, because of the nature of social networks and the behaviour of typical users on them, social retargeting offers a great deal of potential to marketers.

As users interact with brands across the social web, they leave footprints; with the right tools, brands are better able to understand the online journey of their fans. Knowing where, when and how fans interact with a brand on social opens the door to better targe-ting, on and off social media. For prospects who interact with a brand on social media, a history of interactions can reveal their position in the purchase cycle, allowing you to reach them with the right message at the right location.





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A tool to drive conversions

Effectively leveraging social data can positively impact your marketing activities across paid, earned and owned media channels.

In terms of paid media, Facebook’s ad targeting tools already allow you to target ads based on user interests. Collecting social data on your online communities across multiple social networks will allow you to further refine the targeting of your campaigns and improve the effectiveness of this type of ad purchase. The same goes for Twitter, the better you unders-tand your online communities through social data, the better your ads will be targeted, which will increase your CTR and help you drive conversions.

Social data can also form the basis of custom content or offers for specific segments of fans, prospects and clients. Not only demographic and behavioural data, but data related to the interests of specific users and groups of users can help you craft custom content that’s more engaging, and helps build a relationship between your brand and your online communities.

Across all channels, users are being bombarded with more and more content on a daily basis. When done correctly, social retargeting ensures that your brand content is more relevant to the person who’s going to see it. This means more engagement and a greater overall impact, helping you reach your marketing goals.


Social Retargeting

To learn more about Nuke get in touch with us at: [email protected]

Nuke is the first comprehensive social data management platform. Nuke was created to help brands and agencies increase the impact of their social media marketing activities. Launched in 2013, It is used by over 150 top brands and agencies worldwide to enhance their presence on social.