Social Media Rules Of Engagement

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In this short presentation we go through how to structure social campaigns, the main benefits of social media and how to measure it.

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1. Exclusive to inclusive

2. Reliance on the media to we are the media

3. Public relations to social relations

4. From being sold to, to choosing

5. Control to facilitation

Social media a change in mind set

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Social media headlines

1. Dell (@DellOutlet) has generated $6.5m in revenue from Twitter (Source: Dell)

2. Marketing directors expect 10% of 2010 revenue to be directly attributable to social media (bazaar voice)

3. There are currently over 1bn social media accounts (Various) and 96% of Generation Y have joined at least one social network (Grunwald Associates)

4. 74% of social media users have made a purchasing decision based on shared customer experience (Nuance)

5. Damage of a passenger’s $1,200 guitar cost United Airlines 9% of its share price due to a backlash launched on social media channels (Wall Street Journal)

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Social media headlines

6. The average cost to influence purchases via social

networks is 3x lower than the average for online spend (Never Ending Friday)

7. Ability to predict customer behaviour is 36% higher for companies who are adept in the use of social media (Digital Influence Group)

8. Usage of social media channels among marketers jumped 84% last year (Mashable)

9. There are over 200m blogs worldwide (Technorati)

10. 25% of search results for the world’s 20 largest brands are links to user-generated content (Marketing Vox / Nielsen BuzzMetrics)

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Social media campaigns

How they work

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TitleOur Process – The Five Stages

Define Objectives• Strategic• KPIs

Assess / brainstorm options in light of • Competitors• Budgets• Timescales

Conduct customer workshops, as appropriate

Investigate options in light of industry• Experience• Best practice

Plan approach in line with parameters• Creative Guidelines• Content availability• Budgets• Timings

Set milestones

Gain buy-in from stakeholders

Create and package content

Apply messaging to relevant platforms

Manage client / stakeholders

Apply community management • Identify ‘superfans” and warm prospects

• Monitor and feedback regularly against KPIs

• Handle moderation issues / troubleshoot

Feed learnings back into campaign execution

Formal review against Strategic Objectives and campaign KPIs

Feed learnings into next campaign

Bloggers / community feedback

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The Five Stages

1. Strategic Consultancy

• Work with your project team / stakeholders to define strategic KPIs

• Develop parameters within agreed budgets / timings

2. Research / Planning • Stage workshops with your project / marketing team

to discuss best practice for social media channels and integration of other marketing communications

• Identify essential targets (platforms / networks) corresponding to each campaign

• Plan multimedia content required• Agree delivery schedule

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3. Execution

• Create channels for interaction • Seed content on third-party networks• Identify and engage with key bloggers• Integrate messaging with wider marketing activities

4. Monitoring

• Ensure consistent moderation of editorial / comments • Use SMR scoring / KPIs to track campaign• Feed results back into campaign and refine execution phase, as appropriate

5. Evaluation

• Collate key learning points and refine strategic plan for future campaigns

The Five Stages

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Measurement and engagement

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1. SMR (Social media reputation)

2. Facebook – friends, rather than fans

3. Facebook- Level of friends interaction

4. Twitter – Reach not followers

5. Twitter- Number of list inclusions

6. Blogs - Number of quality links, rather than the total number

7. Blogs – number of comments

8. Linked in – quality and number of direct contacts

Deciding which of these matters to a brand is part of the strategyprocess

Examples of what should you measure

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The social media influence model

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Social media engagement rules

1) No Social media campaign works in isolation. Traditional media should still be used as the initial pull/awareness route.

2) Social media must offer content that is not available anywhere else.

3) The most time consuming and important part of SMO is planning.

4) Bloggers in particular must be bought into the campaign. To do this you need both a good relationship with these bloggers. Relationships should be maintained with key bloggers even if you don’t need them right now.

5) All content and applications to be used for the campaign and a detailed timetable of when they will be used should be agreed to fit with above the line marketing before you start the campaign.

6) When approaching bloggers or site owners be honest that you are a marketing company working for the brand

7) There are over 1 million videos, 10’s of millions of images and hundreds of millions of text pieces added to the internet everyday. If your content is not in the top 1% this you need something else.

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Social media engagement rules

8) New content must be uploaded regularly in order to keep the campaign alive. The only exception to this is if a video goes truly viral. Viral videos tend to be very expensive and very hit and miss.

9) Any campaign may need to change direction quickly, based on user feedback. This means both the agency and client may need to respond very quickly within hours not days.

10) Don’t assume that because a brand has a very strong name/reputation that means it will successfully transition into social media. SMO campaigns are about content and conversation not brand.

11) People who pass on or advertise content for you should be rewarded.

12) When planning or reviewing a campaign ask people who are in the target audience their opinions. If it doesn’t interest them it probably won’t work.

13) SMO audiences tend to be more sophisticated then mass market audiences remember this when planning a campaign.

14) Don’t be afraid to use paid advertising to point to or highlight an SMO campaign.

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• Social media is not a single platform, like TV or radio

• Engaging in social media requires on going commitment

• Social media is fuelled by Content

• Just because you have a big brand, doesn’t mean your brand is big in social media

• Planning is the most important aspect of social media

• Social media isn’t about acquisition it is about retention

Important points to remember

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