Search Engine Optimisation Marketing Your Website Online Supported By By Zulf Choudhary of

Search engine optimisation longsight dec 2010

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This workshop focuses on getting the best from search engines (search engine optimisation or SEO) & Pay Per Click advertising. You will find out what they are and how they can compliment each other. With companies increasing using both methods to target and reach customers getting the right mix has never been more important.

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Search Engine OptimisationMarketing Your Website Online

Supported By

By Zulf Choudhary of

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Contents1. Why Is SEO Important?2. What You see3. What Computer Sees4. Some Terms5. What Is SEO?6. Steps In SEO7. Components of SEO

• A thorough business analysis• keyword research,• logical site architecture • Content development • Link building• Analysis and reporting• Paid for clicks• What is best for you

7. How To8. Don't9. Conclusion

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Why Is SEO Important?

• When people surf the internet, they are looking for specific information.

• Whatever niche or market you are in there is going to be competition.

• If your website isn't on page 1, you stand less chance of getting sales.

• 233,848,493 websites in 2009 according to Net Craft* .

• 7 million active websites over the last 12 months.

• 212,000 increase per month in websites*Source: http://hottopicsonline.info/internet/how-many-websites-are-there

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What You Seehttp://www.fineanddandie.co.uk/about.htm

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What Computer Sees

Meta Tags

Key Words



Source Code

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Where to find the source code?

In the menu bar using Explorer

click ‘View’

In the menu drop down list click


You then see what the computer sees: key words, meta tags and content structure.

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Some Terms

• Met tag- Meta tags are a great way for to provide search engines with information about webpage's.

• A tag is a non-hierarchical term assigned to a piece of information such as an Internet bookmark, digital image, or computer file

• Keyword-they describe what your page is about to a search engine

• Content- the ‘Stuffing in your website’-words, images, video audio files etc.

Search engines are reliant on meta data to correctly classify a web page, so here are some terms to know.

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What is Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)?

• Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of improving the volume and quality of traffic to a domain or website accessible on the web from search engines via "natural" ("organic" or "algorithmic") search results.

• The objective is to get a a good ranking in searches to the site for specific search terms.

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• SEO to maximise chances of a search engine giving you a good ranking on a search page.

• Web Marketing- Includes both web advertising and web optimization (SEO) efforts to achieve high visibility of a web site.

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Components of SEO

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Before you start, do your market research & understand your clients

• Establish the target market for your site before you begin working on the design or content.

• Decide what your site is going to offer your target audience e.g. is it primarily an online brochure, are you planning to use your online presence to boost offline/online sales, increase brand awareness or confidence in your company?

• Combining what you consider to be your target market with what you hope to accomplish with your web site should give you a good idea of the type of copywriting, design style and navigation structure to use.

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Keyword Research

• Research keyword phrases extensively.• The phrases that people are typing in the

search engines may be different from those that you think they are searching for.

• To find the optimal for, use research tools such as Keyword Discovery, Wordtracker, Google AdWords, and Yahoo Search Marketing data.

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Title tag’s

• Integrate your keyword phrases into each page’s unique Title tag as every search engine gives them a lot of importance.

• Remember that the information you place in this tag is what will show up as the clickable link to your site on the search engines.

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Meta tag’s

• Meta tags provide search engines with information about website. Meta tags are added to the head section of your HTML page.

• Not as important as they once were.

• But still use them

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Incoming links

• Get relevant incoming links from pages and directories as soon as possible.

• You are after relevant links to your audience. If it offers no material benefit to your audience, you should think carefully about the value of it on your site.

• Submit your site to local, regional, national and niche directories in a gradual and continuous manner.

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• Write good & unique content.• If your content is useful & valuable think of

sharing it with others, just ensure that you get credit for it and a link back.

• Update the content on your site regularly. This will encourage more search engine spider activity and faster updates of your site.

• Integrate keywords into each page and don’t “stuff”.

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• Use Google Sitemap and Yahoo Site Explorer to monitor your site to see how often the spiders are coming to your site, how many pages are indexed, and to analyze the links to your site.

• Knowing how many pages are indexed is another important stat you can retrieve from Google Sitemap and Yahoo Site Explorer.

• This data indicates how good your site’s internal structure is and whether your site is crawled extensively.

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Site Map

• Make sure your site has a site map, which is linked to from every page on the site.

• These are liked by search engine robots and helps them to find every page with just two clicks.

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Ensure your site is “crawler-friendly”

• Program your site to be “crawler-friendly.” This is important because search engines cannot search your site, read JavaScript links and menus, fill out forms, and interpret graphics and Flash.

• You can use all of these things on your site; however, you need to provide alternate means of navigation on your site, such as via HTML links in the main navigation on every page which link to the top-level pages of your site.

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Domain names

• Avoid buying multiple domains for one site. Multiple domains do not help you at all.

• Keep it simple

• Longer the name more errors can happen

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Social Networking

• Contribute to social networks particular to your sector or audience.

• This will enable you promote traffic to your site.

• E.g. Bebo, Facebook, LinkedIn etc.

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Paid for advertising

• Pay Per Click – Adwords, Yahoo, Miva etc

• e-Mail marketing campaigns

• Banner Advertising

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Pay Per Click

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Pay Per Click

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Pay Per Click

• Key phrase targeted

• Pay per click, not per impression

• Prominence of ad is based on bidding

• Quicker than organic

• Click costs can be high – conversion is important

• SEO for high volume low intent – PPC for long tail?

• Bid to be near the top?

• Flexibility

• Click fraud

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Pay Per Click

• Research keyphrases• Long Tail• Maximise AND minimise click throughs• Landing pages• Time related variations• Quality Score• Content Network

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Google Adwords

• It’s the market leader

• Fairly simple to use

• Offers tracking facilities

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Pay Per Click Providers

• Google Adwords (http://adwords.google.com)

• Yahoo! Search Marketing (http://searchmarketing.yahoo.com)

• Microsoft adCenter (http://adcenter.microsoft.com)

• MIVA Pay Per Click, Pay Per Call and Pay Per Text (www.miva.com)

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How To

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Don’t• Don’t use other people’s copy to fill your own website. It needs to be unique and

original to get you to the top! • Don’t hide text on your website. Google could and will eventually remove you from

the serps (search engine results pages). • Don’t buy 1,000 links and think “that will get me to the top!”. Google likes natural

link growth and often frowns on mass link buying. • Don’t get every body to link to you using the same “anchor text” or link phrase. • Think quality of links….not quantity. • Don’t buy many keyword rich domains, fill them with similar content and link them

to your site, no matter what your SEO company says. This is lazy SEO and could see you ignored or worse banned from Google.

• Do not constantly change your site pages names or site navigation. Search Engines don’t like it.

• Do not build a site with JavaScript navigation that Google, Yahoo and MSN cannot crawl.

• Do not link to everybody who asks you for reciprocal links. Only link out to quality sites you feel can be trusted.

• Do not submit your website to Google via submission tools. Get a link on a trusted site and you will get into Google in a week or less.

• Do not ignore what it will look like on mobiles phones.

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• Its simple

• You can do it

• Plan it properly

• Stand Out from 233 million+ web sites!

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Telephone: 0161 306 5848

Email: [email protected]

Address: SpartaSoftUniversity of ManchesterArch 29, PO Box 88Sackville Street www.spartasoft.co.uk

Thank you for listening

If you have any questions please contact meZulf Choudhary