Quick Steps To Prepare A Live Volcano! There are times when schools, colleges and organizations assign projects to their students. Precisely, this activity provides various new ideas and concepts which add to the knowledge of people. There are various sources through which the projects could be learned and prepared. On the other hand it also depends upon the ideas of people. Basically projects and working models are mostly associated to the stream of science. People have too many of options when it comes to project designing in science. However it is always expected from them to come up with new ideas through a distinct project. In general a classic working model project could be prepared through the help of implementing the theories of chemical science . The alternatives are vast when one chooses to build this type of project as chemicals have the tendencies to give out various results.

Quick Steps To Prepare A Live Volcano!

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Quick Steps To Prepare A Live Volcano!

There are times when schools, colleges and organizations assign projects to their students. Precisely, this activity provides various new ideas and concepts which add to the knowledge of people. There are various sources through which the projects could be learned and prepared. On the other hand it also depends upon the ideas of people. Basically projects and working models are mostly associated to the stream of science.

People have too many of options when it comes to project designing in science. However it is always expected from them to come up with new ideas through a distinct project. In general a classic working model project could be prepared through the help of implementing the theories of chemical science. The alternatives are vast when one chooses to build this type of project as chemicals have the tendencies to give out various results.

Page 2: Quick Steps To Prepare A Live Volcano!

One of the astounding projects is to prepare a live volcano which even erupts. This could truly work wonders thereby leaving the people surprised. Further, ammonium dichromate is the major role player chemical compound for performing the practical. To be clear, this is the compound which possesses exploding properties.

Not too many materials are required for the preparation of volcano. The few things which would be needed for the project include-

20 grams of ammonium dichromate.

About 5-liter round bottom flask and porcelain filtering funnel.

Gas burner to be used for flammable liquid like ethanol and acetone.

The volcano could be prepared through two methods-with ventilation hood and without ventilation hood. For volcano to be prepared with ventilation hood:

Make a volcanic cone on a tile or tray of sand.

Engage a gas burner to heat the tip of the pile till the reaction gets started.

If in the case the ventilation hood is not used then-

Use a large flask to pour ammonium bichromate

Use filtration funnel to cap up the flask which would prevent the chromium (III) oxide from escaping.

However, the process is quite easy and simple to prepare but one should also keep in mind that this chemical falls into the category of carcinogen, hence extreme precautions would be required while carrying out the experiment through this chemical compound.