Question 2 – What have you learned from your audience feedback? By Jumana ismail


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Question 2 – What have you learned from your audience feedback?

By Jumana ismail


It was extremely vital to gather audience feedback from as much people as possible because having someone else judge or critique my work enabled me to see flaws that I wouldn't’t of been able to see myself. When carrying out audience feedback, I arranged a time for people in my school to come into a classroom between 9 am to 10 am and watch my music video. In addition to this, my family and friend viewed my music video as well in order to give me honest criticism. It was important to also focus on my target audience and therefore I made sure that most of audience feedback was from people within the age group of 16 – 25.

What I have learned from audience feedback.

The first problem I came across was the drastic change in the quality of my video when I uploaded it to YouTube. The quality was much worse which meant that small yet vital details were not apparent in our video as well as the overall quality and the way it looks. I therefore had to change some of the settings on Premier pro however, the quality still was not as good as it was on premier pro itself.

Additionally, another obstacle that was in my way during the process of gathering audience feedback was the fact that many people did not have YouTube accounts in order to leave their comments of our video. However, I decided to film or record their feedback instead but, that meant that I had to constantly be with them when I was gathering a lot of audience feedback.

Quantitive and Qualitive questionnaire

Social media I used to view my video to my audience:

• YouTube

• Facebook

• Instagram

• Twitter

Positive comments from social media about my music video

I had a lot of positive comments on about my video due to the fact that many teenagers were able to relate to the narrative of the music video and feel connected to the characters in my music video.

For example, one of my peers from my audience feedback named ‘Paria’ said,

“I can really relate to this music video and feel as I the lyrics as well as the images on the screen tell a story that I experience in everyday life.”

This was great feedback and motivated me when it came to designing my digipak as well as my advert. I felt as if I was able to achieve something and therefore carry on the good work.

In addition, after emailing and texting links to my music video several people that work within the media industry, I received reply’s from them informing what they thought of my music video.

Text messages and emails were extremely vital as they enabled me to gather feedback on a more informal level, without the need to plan meetings or arrange to meet up at specific times. For example, ‘Deniz Rukstainashian’ works in a production company emailed me informing me how really impressed she was with my music video and how she was really pleased with the outcome. However, she recommended me to add more colour filters in order to add a sense of professionalism and make it slightly more appealing.



Whatsapp application for


Comments regarding improvement on my music video

I also received an email from one of my old GCSE media teachers in my old school informing me about some of the changes that need to be made in my music video. Although this email was very critical, it was the most help out of all my audience feedback because she told me to make specific changes rather than just giving me an overall comment on whether she liked my music video or not. After receiving her email, I went back and made those changes to my music video and realised that it made a big difference to the overall quality and flow of my music video.

There is a clear difference between the quality of my music video before and after I received this email. The video looked blurry at first with the

unnecessary lines, however, after I changed the settings, the quality was much more focused and


Positive comments from social media about my Digipak

The Digipak was probably easier to gather audience feedback than the music video because it wouldn’t have required much time to look at and it was all presented on one page. The main way I gathered audience feedback for my digipak was through the use of social media as I was able to easily just post it online and therefore people would comment, informing we that they thought of it.The main social media website I used to do so was Instagram.

Many of my friends that are active on Instagram posted comments saying “love it” or “really appealing.” These positive comments were extremely beneficial to me as it enabled me to feel confident in my own work and therefore put my hard work and confidence into producing my advert, which was the last ancillary task I had to produce. One of my friends on Instagram named ‘Sherae’ posted a comment saying how much she liked the theme of the colours and how well they worked together. Her comment was vital as my intentions during the process of producing my Digipak was to create a distinctive theme throughout, enabling my digipak to stand out to the audience and capture their attention.

Comments of some of my Friends on Instagram.

Comments of some of my friends on Facebook.

Comments regarding improvement for my Digipak

On of the comments I received from the audience feedback was to may consider looking at other fonts. Although I did agree with her and thought that it may be a good idea, I thought that perhaps leaving it the way it is would've been better due to the fact that the positive comments outweigh the negatives. However, her comment was extremely beneficial because she specifically told me to make a specific change rather than a general comment like ‘love it’.

Another comment that I received on Instagram was from ‘Sherae’ saying that she really likes the colours however, she thinks it should be a little less faded. I agreed with her and realised that I should make that change to the digipak after discussing it with my fellow group members. We all therefore made a communal decision to change it and although it was a very small and perhaps unrecognizable change, we felt that improving small mistakes would be vital in order to make our music video as professional as possible.

Benefit of focus group research BEFORE producing my media products

The focus group research questionnaire was beneficial because it allowed me to include certain things in my music video that I already know my target audience would like to see. For example, one of the questions was asking what type of music video the audience would like to see, choosing between narrative, performance, abstract and a combination. The majority of the people we asked said a combination and therefore we have done so in my music video.

To attract my target audience and make my music video more appealing to them, I had a narrative and performance based music video as that is what they said they would prefer in a music video.

Benefit of focus group research BEFORE producing my media products

In addition, after asking people in our focus group whether they prefer watching music videos with characters closer to their age or not, ,the majority of the people said yes. I have therefore used actors in my music video that are all in the age group between 16-25.

Benefit of focus group research AFTER producing my media products

The effect of the comments on me and my group

The various emails, comments and face to face feedback had a massive impact on me as an individual as well as the impact it had on my actual media products. The feedback I received increase my confidence and made me realise that I am capable of producing good quality work that can be viewed as something professional and entertaining to my target audience as well as a wider and more diverse demographic. Although I was already considering a career in the media industry, the feedback I received made me consider a career in media productions specifically as it made me feel that I am capable of producing professional work as well as working professionally in a group with other team members. In order to produce all of my three media products, it meant that me and my two other group members had to all work well together, regardless of our flaws or personality clashes. I was therefor able to do so which was highlighted to me through my audience feedback.

An email sent to me informing me how well I worked with my group.

Audience Feedback

Audience feedback was extremely useful as it enabled me and my group to see certain qualities or flaws that were apparent within our music video, digipak and advert. The positive feedback enabled me to gain confidence as well as motivation to move onto the next task of my coursework, and the negative feedback was even better as it made me realise the flaws within my work and allowed me to make improvements.

Without having audience feedback from the focus group and questioners, I wouldn't’t of been able to know what is wrong with my media products and would therefore not been able to learn from my mistakes.