presentation building materials

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Building materials

Building material is any material which is used for a construction purpose.

Stone Materials

There are natural stones, can occur in the form of blocks, slabs, granules.

Compact rocks:There are blocks of limestone, marble,granite, slate, sandstone and they are call ashlar, rubble, cobblestones and slabs.

Desintegrated rocks: It is a set of stones of varying size. They are mainly small. Types:

Sand is a naturally occurring granular material composed of finely divided rock and mineral particles.

Clay is a naturally occurring material composed primarily of fine-grained minerals

Binder materials

binder materials

Is called caking material capable of uniting fragments of one or more material and give cohesion to the set through chemical changes in its mass produce new compounds.

Binder materials

Lime:It is a material obtained by subjecting limestone to heat.

Plaster:It is a mineral in form of dust used to cover walls and ceilings.

Cement:It is the mos important binder.


It is a mixture of aggregates, binders and water.

There are different types:Mass concrete,cyclopean concrete,aerated concrete,reinforced concrete.


Mass concrete:Its obtained by mixing cement, water, gravel and sand

Cyclopean concrete:Made up of cement, water, aggregates.

Aerated concrete:

Reinforced concrete:

Ceramics Materials

There are parts made from clay molded and cooked in ovens.

The process consist of 2 steps

Mixing and molding:Some machines mix clay with water.Then,they take form and there are cut depending on the side.

Continuous Baking:The material go to differents cameras with different temperature.

Ceramics Materials

The most important ceramic materials are:

Bricks:There are pieces of clay cooked,there are two types.

-Thin bricks:there are very resistant.

-Normal bricks:They have less resistant.

Tiles:Pieces of clay used in roofing.

Glazed ceramic:Rectangular pieces made up of two layers.

Stoneware:Mixture of clay, quartz and feldspar.

Porcelain:Ceramic material coated with enamel.

Metal is called the chemical elements characterized by being good conductors of heat and electricity, have high density, and are solid at normal temperatures (except mercury

Metals are materials obtained from minerals that are part of the rocks.

The most iportnt metals materials are:steel, aluminum and copper

Metal materials

Phases of building construction

1.Land preparation 2.Foundation Pile3.Structure 4.Covered5. Enclosures6.Flooring and cloisonne

Land preparation

Is consist of smooth, demolishing, excavating, leveling the ground ... to build on it

Foundation pile

is the placement of the elements that form the base of the building


used columns, slabs that form the floors of the building


involves placing tiles, slabs, etc .... to protect the building from rain, wind ...


is to isolate the building with brick exterior, polyurethane foam insulation work.

Flooring and cloisonne

is wrought with different coating materials, natural or synthetic

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