Maureen Willson Red Balloon Marketing People with Small Feet

People With Small Feet

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As part of our eco-island series, Maureen Wilson of red Ballon Marketing, discusses how environmental issues are affecting businesses behaviour and attitude

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Maureen Willson

Red Balloon Marketing

People with Small Feet

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Survival - keep marketing £££££££££

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Evidence of change in attitude and behaviour

Environment, transport, waste and recycling

• 75% population believe that recycling,

reduction in use of car/aeroplane travel will

impact on climate change

• Recycling of paper,glass and plastic has

almost doubled since 2001

• Environment is a top Government priority

• 72% are now using Energy efficient light bulbs

against 16% in 1993

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Defra Statistics Continued

Attitudes to eco-friendly purchasing

• 52% recognised companies with environmental ethics

• An effort to buy from local producers

• Fair Trade products were the best known ’brand’

• Biodiversity and farm animal welfare awareness has increased substantially

• 2008 DEFRA behavioural research

• http://www.defra.gov.uk/evidence/social/behaviour/p


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Personal Values - Business ethos

• Personal Transport

• Homes Energy

• Homes Waste

• Homes water

• Conscious Eco-product purchase

Our ‘green’ behaviours!

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Anita Roddick – Body Shop

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What did she stand for?

Our Values and Campaigns

• The way we do business, the way we make products, the way we source ingredients; we're different because of our Values.

• Our Values

• We believe business can be both profitable and responsible. This is the place to find out how we're different.Our Campaigns

• We believe we all have a responsibility to look after each other. This is the place to find out how we stand up for others, and how you can do it too.

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Marketing issues or business ethos?

• What aspects of your business ethos

contribute to your green credentials?

• Consider your 2 most important

business/marketing issues – on your

marketing plan!

• Identify a company or individual that

you believe promotes the values that

you would like to

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Shades of Green

How green is your business ?

Your values Impact (examples)

Business Ethos or statement Company Image

Management/staff Recruitment and retention improves

Environmental Policies Recycle, Waste Management, resources

Business processes Use fuel efficient delivery vehicles

Production processes No animal testing

Buying Policy Fair trade only (if applicable)

Marketing To like minded people

Legislation/procurement You are ready for the inevitable future

Home versus business principles The 2 are intrinsically linked

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Eco Island Vision

"We want the Isle of Wight to become a world

renowned Eco-Island, with a thriving economy, a

real sense of pride and where residents and

visitors enjoy healthy lives, feel safe and are

treated with respect."

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Know your audience

• Lives

• Works

• Visits

• Invests

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Sustainability grows from Green Credentials

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Business and community benefit

Beware the cynic !

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Words of wisdom!

• What’s in it for me?

• Brutal simplicity

• So what factor!

• People only buy benefits

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Will these Green credentials help?

• Carbon footprint

• Food miles

• Sustainability

• Life work balance

• CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility)

• Green credentials

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Guide to Sustainable Tourism for Dummies ®

• Content includes a wide range of practical solutions in areas such as:

• top ten energy saving tips

• recycling and composting

• improving water efficiency

• reducing packaging

• finding local suppliers

• encouraging customers to act sustainably

• promoting your green credentials

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Look at our household


- they are making sure

customers understand

the benefits of buying

their products


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Just Innocent!

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What does marketing mean to your business?

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Starting an ethical business……http://www.nus.org.uk/en/Student-Life/Ethical-Living/Starting-an-ethical-business/

What households spend on green products

The tide is definitely changing and there are opportunities for those who are

interested in being part of the new movement.

However, it’s no longer a niche market

•M&S’s ‘No Plan B’

•Toyota’s ‘Follow the bandwagon’ advertising for the Prius and

•Café Direct’s Fairtrade Coffee brand being encroached by Nestle’s

own ‘Fairly traded coffee’...

...are just a few examples of how big brands have seen the light (and the

consumer £s) and started to change the positioning of their products.

The question is how much good?

How can you start a business which, until recently, was the bastion of social

entrepreneurs and is now part of the marketing plans of multinationals that

can outspend the smaller guy?

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As part of their 'lightbulb amnesty' B&Q

are giving away 2 free energy saving light

bulbs to each customer who brings in a

'traditional' light bulb for recycling this weekend.

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What do people buy?

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Ethical Money - www.moneyfacts.com

Ethical Money GuidesOur range of guides will help you find out more about global warming, carbon offsetting, Fairtrade, saving energy, zero carbon homes and much much more.

� The Co-operative Bank

� Ecology Building Society

� Triodos Bank

� Norwich and Peterborough Building Society

� The Co-operative Bank – 15 years of making a difference

� The Co-operative Bank were the first bank in the world to introduce a customer-led Ethical Policy in 1992; and are still the only UK high street bank with a customer-led Ethical Policy. When it comes to making a positive difference, they’re leading.

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Collaborative Marketing

Promote your environmental credentials and your approach

to a truly sustainable island with the tiniest carbon footprint

A small feet endorsement by all businesses

So can your credentials win you business?

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People have small feet on the Isle of Wight

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