Part-Time Entrepreneurship 1.Entrepreneur 2.Wantreprenuer 3.Part-Time Entrepreneur Amazon Link - http://www.amazon.com/Part-Time-Entrepreneurship-Technology-Successful-ebook/dp/ B00CIVJEJW

Part-Time Entrepreneurship

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There are many capable, passionate and hard-working men and women out there carrying with them a secret dream - to become an entrepreneur someday. But they are too dependent on their 9 to 5 jobs for their existing commitments and thus breaking free isn’t an option. I should know it, I was one of them; but not anymore. I have realized that a path exists, a path that lies between the safe 9 to 5 path and the risky full-time entrepreneurial path. This path in the middle is that of part-time entrepreneurship. Through my book (Amazon - Search for "Polanki") and my website www.PartTimeStartups.com , I’ll teach you what I practice. This is all about generating ideas, managing time, leveraging technology, and the toughest of them all - minimizing risk. Yes, It is possible to become Part-Time Entrepreneur while working full time. I am not saying its easy, but it can be done.

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Part-Time Entrepreneurship

1.Entrepreneur2.Wantreprenuer3.Part-Time Entrepreneur

Amazon Link - http://www.amazon.com/Part-Time-Entrepreneurship-Technology-Successful-ebook/dp/B00CIVJEJW

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Part-Time Entrepreneurship

1.Entrepreneur2.Wantreprenuer3.Part-Time Entrepreneur

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Who is an Entrepreneur?

Definition from SBA.gov

Opportunity Acts Profit

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Who is an Entrepreneur? – Updated definition with Risk Factor

Idea Acts Profit


Time Money

Passion & Commitment

Definition from SBA.gov


Full Time

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Entrepreneur needs? – More than an Idea

•Passion and Commitment

•It all comes down to Skill, Time and Money

•Skill – Can you acquire skill?

•Time – Can you work full-time?

•Money – how much you can invest?

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•Yes, You can acquire skill by investing your time in right channels – books, classes

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•You can get money from investors. But investors want to see how much you are committed.

•If you are working fulltime job, then you can’t get investments.

•How much money you can invest?

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Its all comes to Time

•If you are in your twenties, not married. Oh Yes, you can quit your job and purse your dream as a fulltime entrepreneur.

•What about others? Who has families, kids, mortgages? Can they take the same risk?

•Or Do they have live with the dreams only for the rest of their life?

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Part-Time Entrepreneurship

1.Entrepreneur2.Wantreprenuer3.Part-Time Entrepreneur

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Who are Wantrepreneurs?


Sample of people


Want to become Entrepreneurs


Happy with their Jobs





Why only 10 out of 1000 can become


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Wantrepreneur – excuses for not trying

- Urban Dictionary

I don’t have time

If only I had .....

I don’t have money

One fine day ...

Too risky

If only I didn’t have .....

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Part-Time Entrepreneurship

1.Entrepreneur2.Wantreprenuer3.Part-Time Entrepreneur

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Part-Time Entrepreneurship – is the Answer !

•Part-Time Entrepreneurship lets you kill that wantrepreneur.

•No more excuses for wannabe entrepreneurs

•Lets you take the manageable risk




Managing Risk with limited resources

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How to become Part-Time Entrepreneur

•Kill the Wantrepreneur first

•Generate ideas and validate ideas with customers

•Learn Lean Startup Principles

•Take simple actions but big impact

•Leverage Tools and Technologies

•Work with Freelancers and Outsourcing

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Some Wiseman said -

•There are only 2 things

•Success or Learning (No Failure)

For more details visit www.PartTimeStartups.com