Managerial Communication: Module: 5 Interviews Babasabpatilfreepptmba.com Page 1 Managerial Communication: Module: 5 Interviews Interview: An interview is a conversation between two or more people where questions are asked by the interviewer to elicit facts or statements from the interviewee Interviews are a standard part of journalism and media reporting, but are also employed in many other situations, including qualitative research a meeting of people face to face, especially for consultation A formal meeting in person, especially one arranged for the assessment of the qualifications of an applicant A conversation, such as one conducted by a reporter, in which facts or statements are elicited from another. Types of interviews Appraisal interview Grievance interview Promotion interview Panel interview Reprimand interview Problem interview Exit interview Stress interview Promotion Interview: Persons due for promotion are interviewed It is informal & serves as induction into a new team with new responsibilities. Clarifications about nature of duties & responsibilities & expectations are discussed. Grievance Interview: A grievance is a complaint against some injustice HR personnel conducts interview with individual having complaints Employee is given opportunity to speak & state his point of view

Notes managerial communication mod 5 interviews mba 1st sem by babasab patil (karrisatte)

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Managerial Communication: Module: 5 Interviews

Babasabpatilfreepptmba.com Page 1

Managerial Communication: Module: 5 Interviews


An interview is a conversation between two or more people where questions are asked by the interviewer to

elicit facts or statements from the interviewee

Interviews are a standard part of journalism and media reporting, but are also employed in many other

situations, including qualitative research

a meeting of people face to face, especially for consultation

A formal meeting in person, especially one arranged for the assessment of the qualifications of an applicant

A conversation, such as one conducted by a reporter, in which facts or statements are elicited from another.

Types of interviews

Appraisal interview

Grievance interview

Promotion interview

Panel interview

Reprimand interview

Problem interview

Exit interview

Stress interview

Promotion Interview:

Persons due for promotion are interviewed

It is informal & serves as induction into a new team with new responsibilities.

Clarifications about nature of duties & responsibilities & expectations are discussed.

Grievance Interview:

A grievance is a complaint against some injustice

HR personnel conducts interview with individual having complaints

Employee is given opportunity to speak & state his point of view

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Efforts are made to correct any injustice

Interviewer needs lot of patience & empathy to listen to problems.

Appraisal Interview:

A Method of Periodical assessment of employees

Annual appraisal Interview is best method of judging the employees attitudes

It is face to face & confidential talk

It is more of discussion

An opportunity to employee(Subordinate) & interviewer(Superior) to discuss several issues like Career

development, training needs, job enrichment & opportunities for promotion.

Problem Interview:

A problem interview is a meeting with a problem employee

An employee whose performance is unsatisfactory in spite of warning represents a problem

Interview results in giving out solution

Reasons for employee poor performance like ill health, lack of training or job dissatisfaction can be sorted


This is done through proper counseling

Interviewer needs persuasion & negotiating skills

Reprimand Interview:

A reprimand is a warning

It is given after efforts have been made to correct the employees work & behavior

Employees are made understood that his performance is not satisfactory

This interview is conducted only after employees explanation are unacceptable

Exit Interview:

An exit interview is given to the employee who has resigned

By this interview organisation finds out reason for employees resignation

Any misunderstanding or any reason can be traced & opportunity to arrange for

Every organisation has to maintain good relations with past employees which affects the public image

Employees feedback & his opinion is collected

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All the details related to his personal records like salary balance, leavebenefits, PF, Group insurance is


Stress Interview:

This interview puts the candidate into difficult situations in order to test his/herstress.

This will help to know whether candidate is ready to face difficult situations &how is he handling those


This interview checks qualities like courage, tact, cool temper & self command

Rapid fire questions on several topics, cross questioning, Arguing, creatingstressful situations etc are the

methods used

At the candidate is supposed to be informed that it was a stress interview

Panel Interview:

They includes three or four persons who interview the candidate

They belong to different fields of expertise.

Assessment is made together using rating scales

Candidate has to communicate & respond for whole panel

How to Prepare for interview:

Stage 1 - Preparation

Re-read your resume.

Prepare questions to ask and to be asked

Work out clothes to wear

Rehearse interview

Anticipate the obvious questions during the interview

Work out a strategy for dealing with stress

Read vacancy details, employer's literature - what they are and what they want

Know where the interview will take place

Stage 2 - First Impressions Count

Arrive in good time

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Make a good entrance

Body language - handshake, posture, eye contact


Stage 3 - The Interview

Be yourself

Be honest

Be prepared to talk - but not too much

Don't be afraid to ask for clarification

Illustrate your answers with examples

Be ready to sell yourself

Be interesting

Stage 4 - The Final Stage

Know when the interview is over - read employer's body language

Thank him/her for his/her time

Learn from the experience - ask for feedback if necessary

Questions You May Wish To Ask

What do I need to do before an interview?

Give yourself plenty of time to:

research the role and the organisation;

think about how well your experience, interests and skills fit the job and the organisation;

research current affairs and trends in your job sector;

find out what the prospective employer is actually looking for;

anticipate questions you might be asked, then prepare answers to these questions;

find out what form the interview will take, e.g. single, panel, group etc.

You should also:

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plan the day of the interview, especially your journey with an aim to arrive ten minutes early. Take

money in case you need to take a taxi or bus unexpectedly; carry an A-Z street map or put the

postcode of the organisation into Google maps on your mobile to prevent getting lost;

decide what you will wear and set it out the night before. Suits and business wear are the best option

with comfortable, polished shoes;

get an early night - we all perform better when fully awake.

How do I make a good impression at a job interview?

Stand out for all the right reasons by ensuring you:

arrive on time or better still early;

are organised. Take your application letter, CV and examples of work (if appropriate) with you;

listen carefully to questions and answer them concisely;

highlight your best attributes in the interview. Before you go, think about what you want the

interviewer to know about you (in relation to the job) during the interviewing process;

pay attention to the way you communicate. There's evidence to suggest that non-verbal

communication overpowers verbal communication so if you describe yourself as confident and

outgoing but speak inaudibly and avoid eye contact, the interviewer will read the latter as indicating

a lack of confidence and disregard what you said about being confident;

practise anything you're concerned about. This could be saying your answers aloud, which builds

confidence in hearing yourself speak, or having a trial run of the journey to the interview.

What techniques can I use to control my nerves?

In interviews, nerves can make you forget to do simple things such as smile and listen, which can result in

being thought of as unfriendly or inattentive. You're more likely to be nervous if you're inadequately

prepared so as well as following our advice above, you should:

give yourself time to think about what unique qualities you will bring to the job/organisation;

think of practical examples to demonstrate what you have achieved and draw upon all aspects of

your working, educational and social life;

write notes and take these along to the interview;

use cues in your notes to highlight examples that you want to draw upon, such as 'cricket team',

'course representative', 'sales job';

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be aware of the structure of the interview. Interviews often begin with topics that are easier to answer

because you need less time to think, such as 'tell us about your studies at university';

pause before answering a difficult question in order to give yourself time to think;

use positive language, as interviewers will be assessing your motivation and enthusiasm;

ask for clarification if, at first, you're unsure of what the question means;


Where can I practise my interview skills?

Your university careers and employability service is likely to provide practice interview sessions.

Alternatively, you could:

practise your answers (to anticipated questions) with someone you trust and seek feedback but don't

be overly self-critical;

use non-job interviews as opportunities to practise and monitor your interview skills, e.g. discussions

with your tutor, doctor etc.;

ask for feedback and advice after unsuccessful interviews and take it as an opportunity to learn and


pay a private company to provide interview practice.

Plan your answers to common interview questions.

What should I take to a job interview?

In general you will not need more than your own letter of application and CV, the job

specification/description and your own notes.

Your invitation to interview should detail everything you need to bring. Often employers request

examination certificates, which can take time to locate, so make sure you check what you need in

plenty of time.

You might wish to impress by reading up on the organisation's literature, e.g. a business plan or

corporate social responsibility strategy, but make sure you have read it in depth and be prepared to

share your views and ideas.

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A pen and notebook are always worth carrying with you and, if giving a presentation, take a copy on

a data stick even if you have emailed it beforehand, along with copies of the slides to use as handouts

for the interview panel.

If you take a mobile phone, make sure it is switched to silent or off before entering the organisation.

What is a competency-based interview?

This type of interview is one where the interviewer seeks evidence that you have the skills and experience

required to do the job.

Interviews that take this form involve questions developed around the job and person specifications, so think

carefully about examples from your own experience that match or complement these specifications.

Remember that you can use examples from contexts other than work, for example, you may never have

worked in a team in the same type of organisation but you have participated in teams elsewhere.

It's important to show an ability or interest in being able to learn new skills; if you are asked about

something that is outside your experience, describe a situation where you learned something new and

suggest you can do so again.

How do I prepare for a phone interview?

Phone interviews are most often used as a preliminary screen. When preparing for the interview it's

important to consider:

tone of voice - ensure you're enthusiastic and use positive language;

battery life - if using your mobile charge it fully before the interview;

location - find a quiet place for the interview, where you will be undisturbed by noise or others.

Phone interviews are often recorded so you may want to find out whether yours will be. It's important to pay

particular attention to getting your key messages across quickly - write key attributes down and have this

available during the phone call. Be willing to repeat these with the use of examples.

More recently, there has been an increase in Skype or video interviews. This is particularly likely if applying

for jobs overseas or where key staff are located overseas.

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Remember to dress as you would for a face-to-face interview and check what else will be in the shot with

you before the interview begins.

How do I prepare for a second interview?

A second interview means you have made it through the initial screening and the interviewer is now looking


evidence that you have the skills, abilities and interest to carry out the job;

confirmation that you are able to bring something of value to the organisation.

It's likely that questioning will focus on gathering a deeper understanding of you and your motivations and

how these fit with the role, existing team of staff and organisational ethos. Therefore, in order to prepare:

find out as much as you can about the challenges that face the organisation, its priorities, its markets,

its competitors, any existing or new legislative arrangements, etc.;

think about what you could bring to the organisation and prepare examples of how you have

achieved (or learned) something of relevance;

find ways to demonstrate enthusiasm for the goals of the organisation


The ability to do a task --- hard skills

The ability to manage people – Soft skills or People skills

Hard skills – more along the lines of your resume – education, experience, level of expertise

Soft skills - non-technical, intangible, personality-specific skills that determine your strength as leader,

listener, negotiator, conflict mediator, etc.

Cluster of personal qualities, habits, attitudes, social graces that make someone a good employee and a

competent worker

Just as important an indicator of job performance as hard skills

Role of the interviewer:

Prepare a welcome

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Unless confidential, brief your front of house to expect the candidates arrival. When the candidate

arrives it is incredibly reassuring and professional for them to hear ―Welcome, Nicole is expecting

you for the interview‖.

Role of interviewer:

Book a room

Allocate the time

If you allow an hour for each interview, is it wise to book three of them back to back at 9, 10 & 11

am? Is it correct to show one candidate out while the next is sat in reception? Does this give the right

impression? And what if they know each other?

Research their background

Thoroughly read the candidate’s CV; not just a cursory glance as you are walking to meet them.

Find out more about them – at least look at their Linkedin profile.

Know a bit about the businesses they have worked for.

Prepare bespoke Qs around their background/experience.

Know your goals

Be clear in your objectives for the interview: This could be to uncover specifics regarding their

skills, management style, motivations or aspirations etc. How will you uncover this information?

Prepare to sell the opportunity

This may not be the only role the candidate is looking at.

Sell your opportunity. Promote the company, the role and the future career opportunities.

Practice – what’s your elevator pitch? Why should someone work for you?

Always make it specific to the candidate’s requirements.

Allocate time for their Qs.

Give the candidate an opportunity to ask Qs.

They will have many and you will answer some throughout the interview, but to make an informed

decision they need time to ask you Qs too.

Conduct of interview: (1)

One of the hardest skills for a young reporter to master is interviewing. It takes preparation and persistence

to conduct a good interview. Follow these steps and learn how to interview like a pro!

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STEP 1: Research, research, research. Then research some more. The only way to come up with good

questions is to know everything there is to know about your subject.

STEP 2: Contact the person you wish to interview. Ask when a good time would be to do the interview.

Be polite! Say "please" and "thank you." Try to set up the interview in person. If this isn't possible, then set

up a phone interview.

STEP 3: Read over your research and brainstorm a list of 15 questions. The more specific your

questions are, the better! And never ask questions that can be answered with a simple yes or no. Make your

interviewee talk!

Be sure to write all your questions down in a notebook, then practice asking them with a partner. Become

very familiar with your questions before you go into the interview.

STEP 4: Come prepared with:

A pencil

A notebook

A list of good questions

A recording device (always ask permission before recording an interview)

STEP 5: Be on time! Arrive at your interview with plenty of time to spare. If you’ve never been to the place

where your interview is taking place, go early and scout it out. There is nothing more unprofessional than a

reporter who is late.

You can also use the time you are waiting to make notes about the surroundings. You won’t remember

details later, so write them down.

STEP 6: Conduct your interview in an organized, timely manner. During the interview:

Be courteous to your subject.

Always take time to ask for an explanation about things you don't understand.

Don’t be afraid of uncomfortable silences and pauses.

Let the interview take its natural course.

Look the person in the eye when asking questions.

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Always listen carefully to the answers. Each answer could lead to more questions or include an

answer to a question you haven’t asked yet. Don't ask a question that has already been answered.

Your subject will know you weren't listening and be insulted.

Don't read through your questions one right after another like you can't wait to be finished. Conduct

your interview like a conversation. One question should lead naturally into another. If you are

LISTENING to the answers this will come naturally!

Also, take notes on what the person looked like, what the person was wearing, where he or she sat. If

the interview is in an office, make notes of what is on the walls and on the desk. The objects people

surround themselves with hold important clues to their personalities. Ask about any object that

interests you. You’ll find some good stories!

STEP 7: Even if you are recording an interview, take notes. Don't try to write every word said. It will

slow down the interview. Just take down the highlights.

After the interview, while the details are still fresh in your mind, write everything down you can remember

about the person you interviewed. Don’t forget to make note of the sounds in the background. Take note of

what was happening around you. Write it all down as soon as possible.

At home, expand your notes by following up on things you learned in your interview with more research!

STEP 8: Review your research and your interview notes. Circle or highlight quotations that you think

will be good for your article. Now you're ready to begin writing!

Conduct of interview: (2)

Before the Interview

Prepare for the interview. As any good surgeon, lawyer, or politician will tell you, it pays to be prepared.

Preparing for your interview will ensure that your questions are on-point, your demeanor is professional, and

your information is solid. Remember that, in a sense, you're being interviewed as much as you're

interviewing the candidate. Keep this in mind.

Review the job description. If you need to revise the duties, skills and responsibilities, do so now.

Make sure they're an accurate representation of what the candidate, if accepted, is expected to do.

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Gather any reasonable information the candidate might ask for, including, but not limited to,

information about the company and company goals, would-be team members, would-be supervisor,

pay scale, etc.

Decide what kind of interview you want to give. There are lots of different types of interview methods,

many of them quite different from the standard "Tell us where you see yourself in 5 years" interviews.

Decide which interview method you want to employ based on the job description and the qualifications of

the candidates.

Behavioral interview. Instead of asking you how you would behave in a given situation, behavioral

interviews ask you how you did behave in the past. Behavioral interviews use — you guessed it —

your past behavior as an indication of future success.

Audition interview. An audition interview requires the candidate to show evidence of his or her skills

by either solving problems or performing a skill in real time. An audition interview, for example,

will look much different for engineers than it will for middle-managers.

Stress interview. Stress interviews are designed to measure the candidates mental fortitude. They

typically involve hurling a bit of verbal abuse at the candidate, staring at them silently, and even

making them wait long times before being seen.

Tag team interview. Tag team interviews involve several of your colleagues sitting in on and

participating in the interview. This gives you more than one perspective off of which to judge the

performance of the candidate.


Understand what kind of candidate you're looking for. Before you develop questions you want to

ask, take some time to think about who your ideal candidate is. Is she no-nonsense, brutally-efficient,

and a results-first person? Or is she a people person who is method-oriented? Is she something in

between? Knowing what you're looking for and being clear with everyone involved in the job

selection process will make your task much, much easier.

Develop questions relating to job knowledge and experience. Your main objective is to ask question that

will allow you to see the personality, skill-set, motivation, history, and problem-solving ability of the

candidate. The type of interview questions you ask will largely depend on the type of interview you are

conduction (see above step).

Ask open-ended questions, leading with "how," "why," "tell me or what."

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Ask about previous experience. For example, you could ask, "While working as the comptroller at

[previous company], what were the steps you took when planning your annual budget?"

Learn about skills. Ask questions or pose statements such as, "Tell me how you would connect an

access database to a tour website."

Find out more about the person's successes. Ask, "What achievement are you most proud of?"

Schedule the interview. Generally, one hour is plenty of time to complete the interview without feeling

rushed. Do your best to stick to the schedule, especially if you have several candidates to interview

during the day.

Familiarize yourself with each applicant by scanning their documents just before the interview. Do

this by:

Reading their CV/resume, cover letter, and any tests or performance evaluations they may have filled

out in the initial application process.

Reaching out to any references supplied during the initial application process and asking about past

experience, personal demeanor, professional suitability, etc.

Doing a background check (optional but recommended for certain jobs).

During the Interview

Set the tone. Thank the candidate for coming to talk to you and begin to outline the format of the interview

so that they know what to expect. You can keep it vague — "I'm going to ask you a few questions about

your experience and we'll take it from there" — or you can go more in-depth.

This might also be the time to tell them a little something about yourself and about your role in the

company. Make it brief but informative before turning the focus over to the job candidate.

Start off with a description of what the job entails. Include responsibilities and key duties of the

position. Make sure you go over any additional requirements, like having the ability to sit or stand for

prolonged periods of time, physical strength, dexterity or agility necessary in performing specific tasks.

Some medical conditions may prevent the applicant from meeting these requirements.

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Ask your prepared questions. Remember the types of questions you can ask in an interview. They include:

General or fact-based questions, e.g. "What sort of technical experience do you have after 5 years of

working in IT?"

Situational or hypothetical questions, e.g. "How would you confront a situation in which a boss

consistently took credit for your innovations?"

Behavioral questions, e.g. "How did you handle a recent situation in which you were criticized?"

Take notes while interviewing. You won't remember everything you talked about during the interview,

and the notes will be helpful later when comparing applicants, especially when interviewing many


Periodically ask your gut how it feels about the candidate. Some of the interview will hinge on prior

screening and careful analysis, but a lot of the interview will hinge on whether you feel like the

candidate could perform successfully in the environment for which they are applying. This is mostly

about intuition, so don't be afraid to use it in order to evaluate the candidate.

Bring the interview to a close after your questions are answered or time runs out. Throw a lid on the

interview once you feel you have developed a good sense of the personality of the candidate, gotten good

information, and have adequately discussed the job.

Allow the applicant the opportunity to ask additional questions. While questions are not absolutely

essential to leaving a good impression, many hiring managers believe that candidates who ask

questions are more educated, eager to learn more, and more motivated about the job.

Let applicants know when you expect to complete the interviewing process and when they can

expect to hear from you.

After the Interview

Be honest with yourself about your interview performance when measuring the candidate's own

performance. Interviewing is an art. Asking the right questions in the right way, maintaining the right

demeanor, and being able to weed out fact from fiction are all important skills that you need to hone as

you continue to interview. Did you have them during the interview? If not, could the candidate benefit

from another opportunity to exhibit his or her skills in a different setting?

Develop a rating system with which to judge the candidates. This will help you do several things. For

one, it will help you differentiate candidates who performed well during the interview from candidates

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whom you merely likes. Second, it will keep you from hiring someone who is not qualified for the job but

who's still the best candidate from a particular round of hiring.[1]

The rating system will obviously depend on the job position and whether the previous hiring

manager has developed a similar rating system or not. You might take the following as an example

of which factors to base the system on:

o Proficiency in a certain amount of computer languages

o Years managing other people or total number of people managed

o Number of marketing campaigns launched

Evaluate your applicants based on the criteria first, and against one another second. Why? Certain

candidates may be very strong compared to others but still not meet the criteria established by the needs of

the job. If you are desperate to hire a good candidate, measuring them against one another is acceptable. If,

however, you want to hire the right candidate, it's best to wait until your criteria are met by a candidate.

Upon completion of the interviewing process, two candidates may stand out who meet all the job

requirements. You might consider inviting both candidates back for a second interview and tell the

applicants you are considering them for the position along with one other applicant. Ask each

applicant "Why should I hire you?"

If you do this, you may decide to offer the job to the applicant who best answers the question, has the

best qualifications, and appears to be a good fit with your team.

Negotiate salary, benefits and a start date. You have two goals in negotiating a salary for your would-be

hire: you want to get good value out of the new hire (ensuring that your company remains profitable)

while also making the new hire feel that s/he is happy and being compensated justly for their time and


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Give the applicant you want to hire time to think about your offer. A week is usually the upper limit,

as most hiring managers want a decision within a couple days. If the candidate is especially promising,

you might want to offer him or her any perks, bonuses, or options you or your company can reasonably

afford during this waiting period