Multinational Business Finance - China

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  • 1. CHINA Presentation By, Raja.A,40 Finance 3 FW0709 MULTINATIONAL BUSINESS FINANCE


  • ThePeople's Bank of China( PBCorPBOC ).
  • Established on December 1, 1948 based on the consolidation of the former Huabei Bank, Beihai Bank and Xibei Farmer Bank.
  • The Governor of the People's Bank of China is nominated by the Premier and approved by the National People's Congress, and is also member of the State Council.
  • The current Governor is Zhou Xiaochuan.

- Raja.A, 40, FW0709 Slide 02 of 12 3. MAJOR FUNCTIONS OF PBC

  • Issuing and enforcing relevant orders and regulations.
  • Formulating and implementing monetary policy.
  • Issuing Renminbi (Yuan) and administering its circulation.
  • Regulating inter-bank lending market and inter-bank bond market.
  • Administering foreign exchange and regulating inter-bank foreign exchange market.
  • Regulating gold market.

- Raja.A, 40, FW0709 Slide 03 of 12 4. MAJOR FUNCTIONS OF PBC

  • Holding and managing official foreign exchange and gold reserves .
  • Managing the State treasury & maintaining normal operation of the payment and settlement system.
  • Guiding and organizing the anti-money laundering work of the financial sector and monitoring relevant fund flows.
  • Conducting financial statistics, surveys, analysis and forecasts.
  • Participating in international financial activities in the capacity of the central bank.
  • Performing other functions specified by the State Council.

- Raja.A, 40, FW0709 Slide 04 of 12 5. MONETARY SYSTEM HISTORY OF MONEY

  • First object as money Natural Seashells.
  • Bronze Age Bronze coins.
  • Spring & Autumn & Warring States Periods(770 ~ 221 BC) Cloth coins, Knife coins, inscribed Bronze shells and round coins.
  • The Qin Dynasty(221 ~ 207 BC) Ban liang (half teal) coins.
  • Xing Mang period(9 ~ 25 AD) yi dao ping wu qian (one dao equal to 5000).
  • The Tang Dynasty - coins, called Kaiyuan Tongbao.
  • Northern Song (960 ~ 1127 AD) - Dui pin coins.

- Raja.A, 40, FW0709 Slide 05 of 12 6. MONETARY SYSTEM HISTORY OF MONEY

  • Southern Song (1127 ~ 1276 AD) - The Chunxi Yuanbao coins.
  • After two Song dynasties - Paper money.
  • Ming Dynasty (1368 ~ 1644 AD) - A mixture of paper money, copper coins and silver was used.
  • Jiajing era (1522 ~ 1566 AD) - Zinc started to be added to the bronze to produce brass, another alloy from which coins could be minted.
  • Daoguang Emperor (1821 ~ 1850 AD) - Created first draft bank.
  • October 18 th1860Causing Severe Currency Devaluation.

- Raja.A, 40, FW0709 Slide 06 of 12 7. MONETARY SYSTEM HISTORY OF MONEY

  • In 1897 - China's first bank - the Imperial Bank of China.
  • In 1905 - The Qing government established the first state bank in Chinese history, the Da Qing Bank.
  • Before the end of the Qing dynasty (1910) - The Westernization Movement.
  • The crystallization of folk culture - Yan Sheng money.
  • Oriental monetary culture - The Oriental currency system.
  • In 1911 - The Da Qing Bank was renamed Bank of China.
  • The Republic of China (1912 ~ 1949) - Silver dollars (yuan) started to be used.

- Raja.A, 40, FW0709 Slide 07 of 12 8. MONETARY SYSTEM HISTORY OF MONEY

  • December 1st 1948 - The People's Bank of China was founded and started to issue Renminbi.
  • March 1 st1955 - The People's Bank of China issued new currency (the second version of the Renminbi).
  • April 20 th1962 - The third version of the Renminbi.
  • April 27 th1987 The fourth version of Renminbi.
  • In 1999 The fifth version of Renminbi.
  • In 1999 -Red 50.
  • In2000 - Orange polymer note.
  • 2008 Beijing Olympics - A green 10.

- Raja.A, 40, FW0709 Slide 08 of 12 9. EXCHANGE RATE ARRAGEMENTS

  • Current Exchange rate system Conventional Fixed Peg Arrangement.
  • Dual Exchange rate regime in the early 1990s.
  • Unified in 1994.
  • Since 1995, the Renminbi has been maintained at a fixed parity relative to the US dollar.
  • The RMB initially launched at an exchange rate of RMB 8.7 to the dollar then to around RMB 8.3 to the dollar.
  • In 1996 and 1997, China was still optimistic about full convertibility of the RMB.

- Raja.A, 40, FW0709 Slide 09 of 12 10. EXCHANGE RATE ARRAGEMENTS

  • A pure floating of the currency was not a viable choice for china at that time.
  • The intermediate arrangements between a peg and a pre-floating system was quite useful for China in the mid term.
  • Managed Floating exchange rate system with capital account convertibility is appropriate.
  • On 21 July 2005, the Renminbi was revalued by 2.1% relative to the US dollar.

- Raja.A, 40, FW0709 Slide 10 of 12 11. CRISIS

  • 1985-1987.
  • 1993-1994 (Inflation & Banking crisis).
  • 1997-1998 (ASIAN Financial crisis).
  • SCAMS:
      • China Milk Scandal.

- Raja.A, 40, FW0709 Slide 11 of 12 12. THANK YOU...