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Moving on After a Breakup

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Moving on After a Breakup

Moving on after a breakup isn’t easy to do for many people. This is

especially true when you have love for the other person or didn’t really

want the relationship to end. However, continuing to hold on after

termination of the relationship only causes you to feel emotionally

overwhelmed, and it forbids you to live the life that you were meant to live.

Many people do not know how to move on when this situation occurs, and

oftentimes they do not want to move on, hoping and wishing things would

change and they would once again be able to rekindle that flame. But it is

always best to accept things for what they are rather than allow the end

of the romance to cause more hurt and pain. ArabSpark is completely free

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Take a look at a few tips for moving on after a breakup. Using these tips

will help you accept that things are over, and allow you to move forward

and get on with things.

Tip One: Accept the Breakup

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It is over; accept it. For whatever reason, the other person no longer

wanted the relationship to continue. A relationship that is one-sided will

never work, it will only postpone the inevitable. You must be willing to

accept the true facts: it is what it is and now it is time to find someone else.

Tip Two: Get out

If you are sitting in the house only thinking about the relationship, moving

on is something that will never be accomplished. Although it might be the

last thing that you want to do, moving on requires that you are out there

doing things that you like rather than sitting around sulking in what could

have been. Put on your favorite outfit, call your friends, and let the fun

times begin.

Tip Three: Distance yourself

Do not keep calling the ex. Do not send emails or call their telephone. Do

not look at photographs or old letters or emails they sent to you. If you

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have items in the house that remind you of the other person, those must

also be removed. Remember, the relationship is over, and you mustn’t

continue on as if it is still alive and healthy. You must keep yourself

distant from the other party in all ways if you plan to move on.

Tip Four: Stop Blaming Yourself

Blaming yourself for the end of the relationship isn’t going to do anything

but cause you to emotionally drain yourself. It is over, and there’s not a

lot that you can do about that except accept it for what it is and start a

new day.

Tip Five: Learn from the Breakup

After you stop blaming yourself and accept things for what they are, use

the experience to grow for the next relationship that you are involved with.

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What did you do wrong? What did the other person did wrong? Every

experience in life is one in which you can learn from, so allow that to


Tip Six: Love yourself

Loving yourself is something that anyone must do because it is hard to

love another person, to give yourself to them completely, if you do not first

love yourself. A relationship does not define who you are as a person;

only you can do that.

It isn’t always easy to move on after a breakup, but it is a fact of life

that we all must be willing to accept. Any day, any time, other people can

decide the relationship is no longer what they want. You cannot let that

harbor the life that you are trying to live.