Mee#ng Project Schedule Compliance Standards Dr. Dan Pa:erson & Brad Arterbury, Acumen Mike Nosbisch, PT&C

Meeting Project Schedule Compliance Standards

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Acumen teamed up with PT&C for this seminar presentation which covered the standards and best practices for project scheduling and using the proper framework to analyze schedules.

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Page 1: Meeting Project Schedule Compliance Standards

Mee#ng  Project  Schedule  Compliance  Standards    

Dr.  Dan  Pa:erson  &  Brad  Arterbury,  Acumen  Mike  Nosbisch,  PT&C  


Page 2: Meeting Project Schedule Compliance Standards

Introduc#ons  •  Acumen  

–  Dr.  Dan  Pa:erson  •  President  &  CEO  •  Formerly  Pertmaster  principle  

–  Brad  Arterbury  •  Federal  Government  Business  Development  

•  Project  Time  &  Cost,  Inc.  (PT&C)  –  Mike  Nosbisch,  CCC,  PSP  

•  EVM  Prac#ce  Lead  •  President  of  AACE  Interna#onal  •  Formerly  with  SM&A  

Page 3: Meeting Project Schedule Compliance Standards

Outline  I.  Introduc#ons  II.  Project  scheduling  standards  and  best  prac#ces  

–  Government  agency  –  Non-­‐government  specific    

III.  Recommenda#ons  for  reviewing/analyzing  project  schedules  –  Using  a  Schedule  Maturity  Framework  –  Using  Acumen  Fuse  to  review  &  analyze  projects  

IV.  Conclusion        

Page 4: Meeting Project Schedule Compliance Standards

PT&C  Overview  •  Our  mission  is  to  help  clients  reduce  program  risk  through  applica#on  of  

sustainable  business  prac#ces,  project  management  techniques,  and  effec#ve  cost  analysis  &  engineering  principles  

•  We  have  over  28  years  experience  providing  government  and  private  sector  clients  with  high-­‐quality  professional  consul#ng  services  in  support  of  capital  construc#on,  environmental  projects  &  programs,  and  large-­‐scale  civil  works  projects  

•  We  deliver  independent  program  cost,  schedule,  and  risk  consul9ng  services  to  ensure  comple#on  of  milestone  requirements,  successful  funding,  and  execu#on  of  high-­‐visibility  programs  &  projects  

•  We  have  extensive  government  agency  experience,  most  notably  with  the  Department  of  Defense  (DoD)/U.S.  Army  Corps  of  Engineers  (USACE),  and  Department  of  Energy  (DOE)  

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Project  Scheduling  Standards  /  Best  Prac#ces  

• Government  agency  – Government-­‐wide  – Department  of  Defense  (DoD)  

• Non-­‐government  specific  – AACE  Interna#onal  

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Project  Scheduling  Standards  /  Best  Prac#ces  (cont’d)  

•  Government  agency  – Government-­‐wide  

• Government  Accountability  Office  (GAO)  

– DoD  • Defense  Contract  Management  Agency  (DCMA)  • Na#onal  Defense  Industrial  Associa#on  (NDIA)  

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Project  Scheduling  Standards  /  Best  Prac#ces  (cont’d)  

•  Government  agency  – Government-­‐wide  

•  GAO  –  Independent,  nonpar#san  agency  repor#ng  directly  to  

Congress    »  Conducts  audits  to  evaluate  economy,  efficiency,  and  

effec#veness  of  government  programs  »  Assesses  program  schedules  in  rela#on  to  “scheduling  

best  prac#ces”  contained  in  GAO  Cost  Guide      

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Project  Scheduling  Standards  /  Best  Prac#ces  (cont’d)  

•  GAO’s  10  Scheduling  Best  Prac#ces  1.  Capturing  all  ac9vi9es:    Schedule  should  reflect  all  ac#vi#es  in  program’s  

WBS  (government  and  contractor)  2.  Sequencing  all  ac9vi9es:    Ac#vi#es  sequenced  in  the  logical  order  they  

are  to  be  carried  out  in  using  dependencies    3.  Assigning  resources  to  all  ac9vi9es:    Schedule  should  reflect  what  

resources  (i.e.  labor,  material,  and  overhead)  are  needed  to  do  the  work  4.  Establishing  dura9on  of  all  ac9vi9es:    Schedule  should  realis#cally  reflect  

how  long  each  ac#vity  will  take  to  execute  using  same  ra#onale,  data,  and  assump#ons  used  for  cost  es#ma#ng  

5.  Integra9ng  schedule  ac9vi9es  horizontally  and  ver9cally:    Schedule  links  products  and  outcomes  associated  with  already  sequenced  ac#vi#es,  and  traceability  exists  among  varying  levels  of  the  schedule    

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Project  Scheduling  Standards  /  Best  Prac#ces  (cont’d)  

•  GAO’s  10  Scheduling  Best  Prac#ces  (cont’d)  6.  Establishing  cri9cal  path  for  all  ac9vi9es:    Cri#cal  path  should  be  

iden#fied  so  that  any  delay  on  it  can  be  examined  for  effects  on  schedule  end  date  

7.  Iden9fying  float  between  ac9vi9es:    Schedule  should  iden#fy  float  #me  so  that  schedule  flexibility  can  be  determined    

8.  Conduc9ng  schedule  risk  analysis:    An  SRA  should  be  used  to  predict  level  of  confidence  in  mee#ng  a  program’s  comple#on  date    

9.  Upda9ng  schedule  using  logic  and  dura9ons  to  determine  the  dates:    Schedule  should  use  logic  and  dura#ons  in  order  to  reflect  realis#c  start  and  comple#on  dates  for  program  ac#vi#es  

10.  Crea9ng  a  baseline  schedule  (new)  

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Project  Scheduling  Standards  /  Best  Prac#ces  (cont’d)  

•  Government  agency  – DoD  

• DCMA  –  As  DoD’s  “execu#ve  agent”  for  EVMS,  responsible  for  performing  EVMS  valida#on  reviews  for  contracts  mee#ng  policy  thresholds  »  An  integrated  master  schedule  (IMS)  is  required  by  policy  when  EVMS  is  required  

»  Uses  14  Point  Assessment  to  perform  “an  objec#ve  and  thorough  analysis  of  the  IMS”  

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•  DCMA’s  14  Point  Assessment  Criteria  1.  Logic:    Helps  iden#fy  how  well  or  poorly  schedule  is  linked  together  2.  Leads:    Use  of  leads  distorts  total  float  in  schedule  and  may  cause  

resource  conflicts    3.  Lags:    Cri#cal  path  and  any  subsequent  analysis  can  be  adversely  affected  

by  using  lags    4.  Rela9onship  Types:    Finish-­‐to-­‐Start  (FS)  rela#onship  type  provides  logical  

path  through  program  and  should  account  for  at  least  90%  of  rela#onship  types  being  used    

5.  Hard  Constraints:    Using  hard  constraints  will  prevent  tasks  from  being  moved  by  their  dependencies  and,  therefore,  prevent  schedule  from  being  logic-­‐driven  

Project  Scheduling  Standards  /  Best  Prac#ces  (cont’d)  

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•  DCMA’s  14  Point  Assessment  Criteria  (cont’d)  6.  High  Float:    If  percentage  of  tasks  with  excessive  total  float  exceeds  5%,  

network  may  be  unstable  and  may  not  be  logic-­‐driven  7.  Nega9ve  Float:    Tasks  with  nega#ve  float  should  have  an  explana#on  and  

a  correc#ve  ac#on  plan  to  mi#gate  nega#ve  float    8.  High  Dura9on:    Helps  to  determine  whether  or  not  a  task  can  be  broken  

into  two  or  more  discrete  tasks  rather  than  one  9.  Invalid  Dates:    Tasks  should  have  forecast  start  and  forecast  finish  dates  

that  are  in  the  future  rela#ve  to  status  date  of  IMS    10.  Resources:    Provides  verifica#on  that  all  tasks  with  dura#ons  of  at  least  

one  day  have  dollars  or  hours  assigned    

Project  Scheduling  Standards  /  Best  Prac#ces  (cont’d)  

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•  DCMA’s  14  Point  Assessment  Criteria  (cont’d)  11.  Missed  Tasks:    Helps  iden#fy  how  well  or  poorly  schedule  is  mee#ng  

baseline  plan  12.  Cri9cal  Path  Test:    If  project  comple#on  date  (or  other  milestone)  is  not  

delayed  in  direct  propor#on  to  amount  of  inten#onal  slip  (600  days  ~  3  years)  that  is  introduced  into  the  schedule  as  part  of  this  test,  then  there  is  broken  logic  somewhere  in  network  

13.  Cri9cal  Path  Length  Index  (CPLI):    Measures  cri#cal  path  “realism”  rela#ve  to  forecasted  finish  date    

14.  Baseline  Execu9on  Index  (BEI):    Measures  number  of  tasks  that  were  completed  as  a  ra#o  to  those  tasks  that  should  have  been  completed  to  date  according  to  original  (baseline)  plan  

Project  Scheduling  Standards  /  Best  Prac#ces  (cont’d)  

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Project  Scheduling  Standards  /  Best  Prac#ces  (cont’d)  

•  Government  agency  – DoD  (cont’d)  

•  NDIA  –  Industrial  Council  for  Program  Management  (ICPM)  

»  Program  Planning  and  Scheduling  Subcommi:ee  (PPSS)  §  Planning  &  Scheduling  Excellence  Guide  (PASEG)  

•  Generally  Accepted  Scheduling  Principles  (GASP)    

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Project  Scheduling  Standards  /  Best  Prac#ces  (cont’d)  

•  Government  agency  –  NDIA’s  Generally  Accepted  Scheduling  Principles  (GASP)  

1.   Complete:    Schedule  captures  en#re,  discrete,  authorized  project  effort  from  start  through  comple#on  

2.   Traceable:    Schedule  logic  is  horizontally  and  ver#cally  integrated  with  cross-­‐references  to  key  documents  and  tools  

3.   Transparent:    Schedule  provides  visibility  to  assure  it  is  complete,  traceable,  has  documented  assump#ons,  and  provides  full  disclosure  of  program  status  and  forecast  

4.   Statused:    Schedule  has  accurate  progress  through  status  date    

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Project  Scheduling  Standards  /  Best  Prac#ces  (cont’d)  

•  Government  agency  –  NDIA’s  GASP  (cont’d)  

5.  Predic9ve:    Schedule  provides  meaningful  cri#cal  paths  and  accurate  forecasts  for  remaining  work  through  program  comple#on  

6.  Useable:    Schedule  is  an  indispensable  tool  for  #mely  and  effec#ve  management  decisions  and  ac#ons  

7.  Resourced:    Schedule  aligns  with  actual  and  projected  resource  availability  

8.  Controlled:    Schedule  is  built,  baselined,  and  maintained  using  stable,  repeatable  and  documented  process  

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Project  Scheduling  Standards  /  Best  Prac#ces  (cont’d)  •  Non-­‐government  specific  

– AACE  Interna#onal  •  Professional  associa#on  dedicated  to  furthering  concepts  of  cost  engineering  and  total  cost  management  (TCM)    –  “TCM  Framework”  developed  that  encompasses  scheduling  within  overall  project  lifecycle  

–  Created  and  currently  administers  “Planning  and  Scheduling  Professional”  (PSP)  cer#fica#on  

–  Has  published  14  “Recommended  Prac#ces”  (RPs)  related  to  project  scheduling  

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Project  Scheduling  Standards  /  Best  Prac#ces  (cont’d)  •  AACE’s  Scheduling  Recommended  Prac#ces  

–  14R-­‐90:  Responsibility  and  Required  Skills  for  a  Project  Planning    and  Scheduling  Professional  

–  23R-­‐02:  Iden#fica#on  of  Ac#vi#es  –  24R-­‐03:  Developing  Ac#vity  Logic  –  27R-­‐03:  Schedule  Classifica#on  System  –  29R-­‐03:  Forensic  Schedule  Analysis  –  37R-­‐06:  Schedule  Levels  of  Detail:  As  Applied  in  Engineering,  

 Procurement  and  Construc#on  –  38R-­‐06:  Documen#ng  the  Schedule  Basis  

Page 19: Meeting Project Schedule Compliance Standards

Project  Scheduling  Standards  /  Best  Prac#ces  (cont’d)  •  AACE’s  Scheduling  Recommended  Prac#ces  (cont’d)  

–  45R-­‐08:  Scheduling  Claims  Protec#on  Methods  –  48R-­‐06:  Schedule  Constructability  Review  –  49R-­‐06:  Iden#fying  the  Cri#cal  Path  –  52R-­‐06:  Time  Impact  Analysis:  As  Applied  in  Construc#on  –  53R-­‐06:  Schedule  Update  Review:  As  Applied  in  Engineering,  

 Procurement,  and  Construc#on  –  54R-­‐07:  Recovery  Scheduling  -­‐  As  Applied  in  Engineering,  

 Procurement,  and  Construc#on  –  57R-­‐09:  Integrated  Cost  and  Schedule  Risk  Analysis  Using  Monte  

 Carlo  Simula#on  of  a  CPM  Model          

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Reviewing  /  Analyzing  Project  Schedules  •  Role  of  Project  Time  &  Cost  

–  Currently  provides  schedule  support  services  to  government  agencies  and  government/commercial  contractors  •  AACE  cer#fied  staff  with  in-­‐depth  knowledge  of  industry  standards/best  prac#ces  presented  earlier  

–  Through  partnership  with  Acumen,  can  provide  staff  experienced  in  the  use  of  Fuse  •  Can  assist  in  development  of  related  procedures  and  training  materials  

•  Can  augment  func#onality  of  Fuse  in  performing  SRA  that  is  called  out  by  GAO  

Page 21: Meeting Project Schedule Compliance Standards

World  Renowned    

Risk  Assessment  Workshops  

Oracle  accredited  Training  Partner    

Acumen  Fuse®  Metric  Analysis  &  Visualiza#on  

Acumen  Introduc#on      •  Project  analy#cs  leader  

•  Author  of  Acumen  Fuse  •  Oracle/Microsoq  Partner  •  Pertmaster  “go-­‐to-­‐resource”  

•  PT&C  partnership  •  HQ  in  Aus#n,  TX  •  Europe,  Asia  &  Australian  local  resellers/partners  

Page 22: Meeting Project Schedule Compliance Standards

Introducing  a  Schedule  Maturity  Framework  

S1  • Non-­‐Cri9qued  • Non-­‐validated,  buffered?,  ques#onable  realism,  target  driven?  

S2  • Cri9qued  Schedule  using  Metric  Analysis  • Structurally  sound,  no  built  in  con#ngency,  sound  logic  

S3  • Risk-­‐Adjusted  Schedule  • Es#mate  uncertainty,  risk  events,  calculated  con#ngency  

S4  • Op9mized  Target  Scenario  • Reduced  hot  spots,  lower  cri#cality,  higher  confidence  

S5  • Team  Validated  Op9mized  Model  • Buy-­‐in  on  S4  op#mized  model  

Acumen S1 > S5TM Maturity Model

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S1  >  S5TM  Schedule  Maturity  

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Who  Should  Conduct  Schedule  Analysis?  

•  Internal  (contractor)    –  External  compliance  –  Internal  valida#on  

•  External  (gov.  agency)  –  Compliance  –  Trending  

• Metrics/thresholds  vary  for  each    


Execu#on  Closeout  

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•  Metric  Analysis  •  Schedule  quality  •  Cost/Performance/EV  •  Compliance  

•  Logic  Analysis  •  Missing  or  redundant  •  Mul#  Project  

•  Forensics  •  Variances  •  Trending  •  Snapshot  comparison  

•  Visualiza9on  •  Ribbons  •  Dashboard  •  Analyst  repor#ng  


Enterprise Project Analysis & Visualization

Introducing  Acumen  Fuse  

Integra#on  with  MSP,  Primavera,  Open  Plan,  Cobra,  Excel,  Ares,  Pertmaster,  UNCEFACT  

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•  Analyze  schedule,  cost,  risk,  performance  –  “What  >  So  What  >  Now  What…”  

•  Objec#ve  of  pinpoin#ng  issues,  shortcomings  and  failed  tripwires  –  Comparison  against  benchmarks/thresholds/baselines  

•  Trending  over  #me  –  Comparisons,  performance  improvements  

•  Advanced  metrics  –  Beyond  standard  ‘schedule  check’  e.g.  logic  densityTM  

•  Fuse  Metric  Library  –  Over  225  metrics:  DCMA  14  Point,  GAO,  EV,  Risk,  Baseline  Compliance  

•  Metric  Editor  –  Only  commercial  product  to  allow  you  to  create  your  own  criteria  

7/5/11 Slide 26

Metric  Analysis  

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Fuse  Metrics  

Slide 27

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Baseline  Compliance  •  Used  to  determine  how  close  a  schedule  is  planned  and  executed  against  it’s  baseline  

• Measure  of  well  the  plan  is  being  executed  • More  than  just  date  comparison  •  Looks  at  period-­‐compliance  •  Library  included  in  Fuse  2.1  

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Compliance  Scenarios  

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Compliance  Metrics  

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0%  20%  40%  60%  80%  


Example  Compliance  Analysis  

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Path  Analysis  •  Network  analysis  between  any  two  ac#vi#es  •  Valida#on  of  true  con9nuous  path(s)  •  Insight  into  dura#on,  cost  &  risk  along  paths  

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Analyzing  Risk  Exposure  

Back-­‐end  risk  exposure  

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Conclusion  •  Benefit  of  mee#ng  project  schedule  compliance  

–  More  than  just  “passing  the  test”  –  Gives  visibility  into  the  project  –  Drives  schedule  maturity  –  Breeds  more  realis#c  #me/cost  forecas#ng  

•  Effort  involved  can  be  extensive  –   Make  the  process  repeatable  –  Automate  but  retain  intelligence  –  Consider  internal  compliance  metrics  

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•  Dr.  Dan  Pa:erson  dpa:[email protected]    

•  Brad  Arterbury  [email protected]  

• Mike  Nosbisch  [email protected]