Evaluation Question 1 The title of the song is called Discolights. Straight away just from looking at the title of the song you can tell that it is dance music related because you would associate disco lights with clubbing and raves and the whole dance music scene. In the music video we had a number of different locations that we filmed in, we filmed in a house, a car and in a club. All 3 of these locations can be related to the dance music genre and our video. The house because that is where a lot of people start their nights out by meeting at someone’s house first before setting off to the club. The car because the majority of people get a taxi to the club because they have been or will be drinking. Then the club itself because, of course, that’s where people go to on a night out. Also I would say the club that we filmed in was especially synonymous with dance music because it was very stereotypical of the dance music genre with lots of people packed into a space and lots of strobe lighting and other bright lights.

Media evaluation

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Question 1

The title of the song is called Discolights. Straight away just from looking at the title of the song you can tell that it is dance music related because you would associate disco lights with clubbing and raves and the whole dance music scene. In the music video we had a number of different locations that we filmed in, we filmed in a house, a car and in a club. All 3 of these locations can be related to the dance music genre and our video. The house because that is where a lot of people start their nights out by meeting at someone’s house first before setting off to the club. The car because the majority of people get a taxi to the club because they have been or will be drinking. Then the club itself because, of course, that’s where people go to on a night out. Also I would say the club that we filmed in was especially synonymous with dance music because it was very stereotypical of the dance music genre with lots of people packed into a space and lots of strobe lighting and other bright lights.

On these two images taken from the video you can see both the amounts of people in a confined space and also the bright strobe lighting.

We didn’t use too many props when making our video as we didn’t need very many. We did, however, use a camera on an iPhone to film part of the video. This turned out to be a great prop to use because it is a lot easier than carting about a proper video camera and the tripod and other bits that come with it, especially when in the club. Also the footage that the phone gives is good quality so you aren’t at a disadvantage and as well, lots of people take videos on their phones when they’re on a night out so it works well and having hand held camera footage in the video looks good.

With the camera editing we had to take our time and get it just right, because the song is a dance music song it is very fast paced so we timed our edits and when to cut to a new scene so that it was in time with the beat of the song. This made the video look a lot more professional.

Question 2

Question 3

We, as a group, carried out a focus group which was put on facebook on a closed event and a number of people were invited to comment and give feedback on the music video in the form of giving answers to 6 questions that were set by me and the other group members.Overall, the positive points that we received about the video were that, the performance of the actors and the quality of their acting was very good and the creativity of the video was good. Another positive point that was given was that the video did remind people of a real dance music video that is already out there which is a good thing as it shows that the video is up to a high standard.The main negative point that we received about the video was that the miming could have been timed better to the song itself so that both matched perfectly. Another negative point was that the footage that was taken inside the club could have been a little bit clearer.If we were to make the video again the improvements that we would make would be that we would get more footage from inside the actual club and more footage of the actors while they’re inside the club. Also next time we would have more girls in the video because there we no girls involved in the making of the video or in the actual video itself.

Below I will show a few print screens of some of the feedback we received:

Question 4

In making the video and other areas of my coursework I used quite a number of different types of media technologies. When filming some of the footage for the music video we used a Nikon D-SLR video camera. This was a very good camera to use as the quality of the footage it produced was extremely good and it was lightweight and easy and comfortable to use. The only downside to using this was that it wasn’t always practical, for example, when filming inside the club it wouldn’t of been practical to use this camera which is why we chose to use the iphone.The iphone, again was another good bit of kit to use when filming the music video. The camera quality is very high so the quality of the footage was not an issue in the most part. Also, it was more practical to use as it is only small and can be put in your pocket, this is why we chose to use this to film the scenes inside the club.

For all my coursework I had to put it all onto my blog, Eblogger itself is a form of media technology and to to be able to put things onto my blog I had to use slideshare which is another form of media technology. I had to put things onto slidehshare and then copy the code and paste it into my blog and then I could upload the piece of work. Slideshare was nice and easy to use and I never had any problems with it, the only downside being it was another username and password I had to remember.