Magazine covers Magazine covers

Magazine Covers

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Magazine coversMagazine covers

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This magazine’s masthead is hidden behind the main image, but rolling stone is a recognisable name and can do this. The mast head style is serif, it makes the strikes on the letters big, giving it a old fashion feel it .

The magazine is laid on the left, the cover lines are on the left so readers can see straight away what's inside.

the lead image is of the Jonas brothers, it has the all members. The middle member, who is the lead, keeps eye contact with the reader. the image shows them as adults who like rock, instead of a young pop group. They are dressed in black and white colours, they facial expressions are serious.

Page 3: Magazine Covers

NME is shortened from New Musical Express, but this would be too much to print as a masthead, but NME is easier and along with Q is a recognisable logo, and could be seen straight of a news stand.

It’s lead image is of the Them Crooked Vultures, it has all three members standing in front of a brickwork building, so it doesn’t feel studio shot, more natural. The cover is taken up by the lead article, in a reverse style. It says Word exclusive first interview, in red, this is to attract readers,

As NME is aimed at younger readers, it uses brighter colours, and more cover lines. It uses two colours overall on the cover; red and white. Red is a primary colour, making it

stand out more against secondary and tertiary colours.

This looks more pack than the previous magazine. It looks bold and loud, this is to attract younger readers.

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This magazine is lead by its main image, as the cover only uses two, the main lead photo of the lead from muse and a smaller one advertise what’s inside.

As Q is targeted at older readers, it isn’t pack with photos and cover lines. The cover lines it uses are minimal, and it doesn’t use too many colours. The cover lines are not slanted, but on a straight line and are black on white .

“I bought 50 tins of bake beans and a axe” is a pull quote from the interview, underneath is a caption Matt Bellamy is out of control. these link back to the photo used, of Matt Bellamy smashing the Q logo with a guitar; this is thought of as “rock’n roll”, as rock groups are known for smashing equipment, and hotel rooms and being aggressive.

the masthead is on the left , so the ‘Q’ would be seen more on a news stand and seen. It stands out more, as it is white on red making easily recognisable.

This magazine uses 3 colours; red, white and grey. This adds to the house style of this magazine, as overall Q is a minimal, traditional style. It feels more sophisticated than NME, as Q’s target audience are older than NME.

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Kerrang’s masthead uses a exclamation mark and uses a shattered effect, this adds to the aggressive, angry, destructive feel of the magazine. The font is also san serif, giving it a more modern feel to the masthead. To make the reader know it’s a special edition of Kerrang, the masthead is in reflective silver.

The lead image is off Green Day, it has the three members looking at the reader, making eye contact . The lead is leaning further out than the rest, showing that he is the leader and central figure.

It looks like it had someone write on the cover, with arrows and rough lines. It has pass CD names written on it.