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Love life

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LL Movement



Love life is an attitude for youth to life. Telling them that you are so young, healthy, and full of life. Do you want to put yourself at risk of unprotected sex, unwanted pregnancies, and HIV/Aids? Espe-cially when it comes with getting sick and losing your inhibitions. Learn how to love your life and say no to unprotected sex.

What is Love Life?




From the neighborhoods where our stores are located to those where our coffee is grown, we are committed to making our communities stronger.Bringing people together, inspiring change and mak-ing a difference in people’s lives – it’s all part of being a good neighbor. And it’s a commitment rooted in the belief that we can balance profitability and a social conscience.


Starbucks say they have the responsibility.

What are Starbucks doing now.

Community Service Youth Leadership

Starbucks Knights

I think I am kind, good-hearted, and warmhearted.I think I am trustworthy, competent, and reliable.I think family is important.I think It is important to be well-informed about things.I like tasty food, art, and high educated.I have higher income.I am loylal to one brand.

How to convey Love Life to Starbucks knights?

It’s a costumer experience map of Starbucks purchas-ing and I put an advertising power layer on it. Advertis-ing power means how much the advertising influence the customer when he/she makes decisions. More hearts means advertising influences the customers more at the step.

Observation of Starbucks knights’ behavior

When the knights are waiting for their order and at the drink station, they spend more time to observe the surroundings. Now, Starbucks usually put their new event poster on the Bulletin Board and put their new taste drink or food poster beside the line around the cashier. Costumers read the posters of new taste drinks a lot. However, they don’t really read the post-ers of events. We should do advertising at the right places that people must can see it.

Idea: Lovly protection

Why we do advertising on the protections? Base on my observation, the customers might do not read the posters in the shop, but they do have to take the straws or cup sleeves no matter what drinks they bought. Though, they do not pay a lot attentions on the protections and keep them for a long time, that’s because there’s nothing in-teresting on the protections. If we make the protections different, the customers will notice that suddenly. Also, we can put the original protections and new protections together to attract their attentions. When people have choices, they would like to know what’s different there, and then, they can see our idea.

Careful for use at every hot moment

Protect yourself at evry hot moment

Protect yourself at every hot moment


Wo-man is the segmentation of female with male personality. Their signature phrase is” I am not a man! I am a woman!”. Though wo-man have male per-sonality, they still want to be women in their mind. Wo-man is not they call themselves, it’s other people think they are wo-man. Actually, they want to be real women than other normal women.

Life winner is a segmentation of the male like a prince. They are rich, handsome, and good at every-thing. It feels like there’s nothing he can’t do. Actually, he has a lot of pressure. People think they are good at everything; to keep the image, they need to spend more time than other people improving themselves. .


It’s a costumer journey of a concert of The Fillmore Center. I put two layers on the journey, and one is friend’s power, another is advertising power. Friend’s power means how much the friends influence the customer when he/she makes decisions, and advertising power means how much the advertising influence the customer whe he/she makes decisions. For the concern journey, we can see friend’s power influences the customer most when reading the concern’s poster and if the friends go with the costumer, because concern is hard to go alone. These two steps are important for checking if the customer’s friends are going with him/her. For advertising’s power, other people’s comment on the internet, if there is discount( ex: buy one get one free), and the experience during the concert are very im-portant. These three steps are better points that the advertising agency can do the advertising.

It’s a costumer journey of buying a bb cream. From the costum-er’s journey, we can find the friend’s power is weak here. The customer might ask friend’s opinion, but she doesn’t depend the opinions a lot. The costumer believes her experience more. After comparing different brands bb creams’ features on the internet, she still goes to the shops to taste the bb creams. Even she has decided which brand she want to buy before into the shops, she will change her mind in the stores because the tasting experi-ence and the package of bb creams. Nice packages sometimes attract the costumer’s attention and changes her decision sud-denly. For online purchasing step, advertising power is strong, too, if there is a discount. However, the experience in the shops is advertising power can influence the costumer most.


Who is the king of animal?

After fighting

After fighting

Winner is Lion.

Tiger is stronger and moving faster than lion, however, the win-ner is the lion. The reason is their different hunting style. Tiger is always alone, and it doesn’t share their food to others. Lion coperates with others whan they are hunting, and they share the food to each other. What I learned from the nature is sharing can get more. We also use that a lot in strategy, like the Starbucks gives the costumers free new taste drink to try, and if the cus-tomers like it, they will buy the new taste. It’s a better way to sell new taste drink. As the research, Starbucks customers are more likely don’t take risks, and it’s hard for them to buy a drink they never try before. Sharing makes Starbucks get more money.