COMPANY PROFILE www.kpiconsultancy.com

Kpi company profile 2015

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About Us KPI   Helps   companies   and   individuals   to  achieve   be6er   results   from   their   business  communica9ons.   A<er   a6ending   our  inhouse   or   public   training   workshops   and  seminars,   delegates   are   equipped  with   the  skills   they  need  to  help  them  achieve  their  goals.   Professionals   of   all   levels   learn  simple,   func9onal   ways   to   communicate  be6er  and  make  a  posi9ve  difference  at work.    

KPI   understands   the  importance   of   an  organiza6on’s   core  values,   objec6ves  a n d   a i m s ,   a n d  t h r o u g h   t h e  development   of   so=  skills   KPI   adds   value  to  companies  looking  t o   i m p r o v e  performance   and  opera6ons   within  their  business.

KPI empowers you give your clients the high quality service they deserve

What people hear, they forget What people see, they remember What people do, they learn

” “

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Our Mission

KPI’s   mission   is   to   help  professionals   become  beBer   leaders,   become  more   influen6al   and  beBer  at  communica6on. By   enabling   them   to   be  more   effec6ve   at   their  jobs  they  become  assets  to  their  businesses.   K P I   a l s o   p r o v i d e s  consul6ng   services   to  address   specific   training  and   development   needs  for   ind iv idua l s   and  companies.   Thorough,  detailed   best   training  a n d   d e v e l o p m e n t  programmes   achieve  impacIul,  las6ng  results.

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Innovation Adaptability Collaboration Integrity Improvement

Constanly  looking  for  new  ideas

Adjus6ng  to new


Bekerja  sama  dalam  jangka  


Ac6ng  with  respect  and  honesty  in  achieving  our  goals

Constantly  challenging  ourselves,  striving  to  achieve  


Our Values

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Training Fully  tailored  programmes  in:


Nego6a6on Selling  Skills

Presenta6on   Skills

Public   Speaking

Business  English  Communica6on Leadership

Customer  Service  Excellence

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Our Instructors

KPI trainers help you and your team to achieve better results every time you communicate. They have the experience, passion and energy to help make every training session an effective, memorable experience for each participant. Trainers   help   our   clients   to   achieve  great   results   because   they   use   a  w i d e   r a n g e   o f   p r o v e n  methodologies   in   training   room,  incorpora6ng   them    with   concepts  from   today’s   business   world.  Choose   from   courses   conducted   in  English   or   Bahasa   Indonesia.   Our  trainers   have   a   wide   range   of  backgrounds   and   can   help   you   to  achieve   the   business   results   you  want.  

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Why choose KPI?

You will get a return on your investment with our training. Your investment in the programme will be rewarded many times over. KPI has a strong track record of delivering new business, cost saving and additional profit to our customers. Delegates will leave our in-house and publ ic t ra in ing fee l ing they can immediately apply new skills in their job to affect a positive change.

Training   is   kept   both   func6onal   and  interes6ng.  Courses  are  customised  and  kept   relevant   using   case   studies   and  e x amp l e s   f rom   you r   i n du s t r y . Management   are   consulted   throughout  the  training  process  to  clearly  determine  what  success  is.

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What our clients say about us

KPI  has  developed  a  really  good  training  concept,  I’m  very  pleased  with  the  rela6onship  we  share.  Their  instructors  have  lots  of  

knowledge  and  were  highly  skilled.  KPI  also  provided  a  Post  training  

report  and  some  recommenda6ons  –  Very  helpful  for  con6nuous  


KPI’s  programs  are  customized  based  on  our  company’s  need  and  reviewed  regularly  to  con6nuously  improve.  I  can  recommend  KPI  as  a    company  that  can  help  capability  

development  within  an  organiza6on.

I  will  share  these  new  concepts  and  skills  with  my  sales  team  and  apply  them  in  all  of  my  future  


Sebas6an  A Director  of  Sales  &  Marke6ng

Harris  Hotel

KPI  sent  in  their  expert  to  review  our  requirements  and  they  presented  us  with  the  most  suitable  solu6on  for  our  business  with  a  guarantee  that  we  

would  see  a  return  on  our  investment.  As  sales-­‐focused  opera6on,  we  have  been  delighted  with  our  choice  of  

training  provider.

Troy  M Chairman

Cobra  Group  Indonesia Wahyu  Y   Training  Development

Fransisika  H Head  of  organiza6on  development  South  

East  East  Asia PZ  Cussons

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Our Clients

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Contact UsEpicentrum Walk Office Suites Unit A538 Komplek Rasuna Epicentrum Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said Kuningan Jakarta Selatan 12940021 2994 1075